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Chapter 540: They are starving

After nightfall, the temperature in the forest drops.

They hid in the cave and did not dare to light a fire for fear that the smoke would be discovered by the enemy.

The Western soldier beside her gradually and unconsciously fainted on her shoulder.

Yan Ruozhen touched the Western soldier's wrist and felt a little cold. She planned to take off her coat and cover him.

"Don't move! What are you doing?" Huang Chenling quickly stopped her.

"What are you doing? His hands and feet are cold, and the ground is cold. If you don't take off a coat to cover him, what should he do if he gets cold?" Yan Ruocheng explained.

"Then you don't need to take it off, I'll take it off for him." Huang Chenling said.

"No, you are injured. It is very important to keep warm. You can use my coat. If I get cold, I can hold you." Yan Ruocheng quickly held his hand and said.

When Huang Chenling heard that her proposal was good, she didn't stop her.

Yan Ruozhen gave his coat to the Western soldier and touched his forehead. Not only did he feel cold, but he also had a fever. The pain in his injured leg must have been aggravated by the twists and turns, causing inflammation in his body.

She searched her medicine bag for any pills that could be used to reduce fever. She gave them all to Huang Fengmo in the morning. Now she doesn't have any of them.

Now there is no medicine and no water, so he can only rely on his own will to reduce the fever. It will have to wait until tomorrow at least, so that she can collect medicine for him.

She slowly moved him into her arms.

"What are you doing! You want to hug him in front of me! Do you want to make me mad?" Huang Chenling stared at her actions and shouted at her.

"Don't pay so much attention to this. I think he is breaking out in a cold sweat and has a high fever. Come over and stick to him and help him." Yan Ruocheng said helplessly.

Huang Chenling's boring past was not close to the Western soldier, but close to her. He held her in his arms.

"How come I'm stuck in the middle? You go to his side and stick to him." Yan Ruocheng said.

"I don't want it. My shoulder hurts too. You let me sleep on it. He is injured, and so am I. You can't just look after him and ignore me." Huang Chenling said stingily.

"At this time, can't you use more?" Yan Ruocheng said with a wry smile.

"Letting you hold him like this is the most I can do. Besides, I will throw him out of the cave and let him shine in the moonlight." Huang Chenling said.

"Okay, go to sleep. Let's see how we go tomorrow." Yan Ruocheng kissed his handsome face and coaxed.

"Yeah." Huang Chenling leaned against her and slowly fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Yan Ruozhen did not sleep. Even if she moved her body, her back and bones ached. She was holding someone with both hands, and Huang Chenling was using her shoulders as a pillow.

"Huh? It'll be dawn so soon." Huang Chenling felt that the sun was dazzling, she opened her eyes slightly and said.

"Yes, you slept very peacefully last night." Yan Ruocheng yawned and said.

"Didn't you sleep last night? The dark circles under your eyes are so big." Huang Chenling looked at her haggard look and asked.

"Why are you sleeping? You help me take care of him first. I have to go out to find some herbs and fruits and come back." Yan Ruozhen put the Western soldier on his lap and pillowed him.

"Hey, I won't look after him! It's dangerous for you to go out alone. Let me go with you." Huang Chenling refused.

"It's only dangerous if two people go together. You stay here while I leave and come back quickly." After Yan Ruocheng finished speaking, he slipped out without waiting for Huang Chenling to agree.

She first looked for seasonal herbs and used banana leaves to hold some dew. Fortunately, there was a lot of dew in the forest. If she filled it drop by drop, she could still hold a lot.

As she slowly collected the dew, the smell of barbecue came.

She inhaled the smell, and it was so fragrant. She was not full, and was quickly attracted by the smell. She followed the smell quietly and came to a fire.

On the fire, a pheasant was being roasted on a branch. No wonder it smelled so good. It turned out that the pheasant was being roasted.

She swallowed and looked around, but there was no one there. She was afraid that there might be a trap or something, so she hit the place where the roasted chicken was with a stone, but there was no reaction.

"Since no one is guarding this roast chicken, don't blame me." She said to herself, approached, stole the roast chicken, and fled quickly.

Huang Chenling took advantage of Yan Ruocheng's absence and put the Western soldier on the ground, then slapped him twice.

"Huh, these two slaps should be considered as compensation for letting my woman hug you last night. I'm giving you an advantage." Yes, he is stingy to this extent. Yan Ruocheng usually hugs Huang Fengmo to dote on him, but there is nothing he can do about it.

, so he could not bear to beat him. If it were an outsider, he would definitely beat him.

"Chen Ling, there is something to eat." Yan Ruocheng happily ran back with the roast chicken.

Huang Chenling looked at the fat roast chicken in her hand and asked in surprise: "Where did you catch a pheasant, roast it, and bring it back?"

"I don't know who roasted it and didn't keep it, so I borrowed it to eat." Yan Ruocheng put the roasted chicken on the ground with banana leaves, tore off a chicken leg and gave it to him, saying.

"You're not borrowing it, you're stealing it." Huang Chenling took the chicken leg, smelled the aroma, and said.

"No matter, we definitely need this roast chicken more than that person. Well, it tastes very fresh and sweet." Yan Ruocheng tore into another chicken leg, tasted a few bites, and said.

She was so busy eating that she almost forgot to feed the Western soldier some dew. She wiped her hands, took out the small bottle on her body, and poured the dew into his mouth drop by drop. Then she chewed the herbs and spit them out.

Shape it into a small ball and stuff it into his mouth.

While Huang Chenling was eating, she felt a little nauseous when she saw this operation. She couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

"Give him some minced chicken. If you just stuff it with medicine, he won't survive." Huang Chenling tore some chicken and handed it to her.

Yan Ruocheng still put the chicken into his mouth, bit it into pieces, and then stuffed it into the mouth of the Western soldier.

"When I'm in a coma from now on, don't feed me like this. It's disgusting to look at." Huang Chenling couldn't help but say.

"Although it's disgusting, it can ensure that it won't get stuck in the throat. When I fed the medicinal soup with my mouth, I didn't see you saying it was disgusting. Now you're saying I'm disgusting." Yan Ruozhen said vomiting.

"How can these be the same? There is no way they can be compared. When I feed you the medicinal soup, can I kiss you by the way?" Huang Chenling said with a wicked smile.

Yan Ruocheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Bad guy."

"Hey, what's wrong with me? You're thinking wrong, so you're calling me bad. Come on, eat some chicken, and I'll tear it up for you." Huang Chenling smiled even more happily.

They had a great time eating.

However, the owner of the roast chicken that was stolen by Yan Ruozhen wanted to hit him immediately.

Shangguan Moxuan finally caught a fat pheasant roasting, and planned to use it to coax Miao Xiaoxuan. He just went to relieve himself, turned around and came back, and the roasted chicken disappeared.

"You also said you caught a pheasant and roasted it for me to eat. Then where is it? I have caught fish but you are empty-handed." Miao Xiaoxuan said angrily.

"I was roasting a pheasant, but I don't know who took it away? Could it be that the Western soldiers have already come here? They just took it away when they passed by." Shangguan Moxuan explained.

"That's all you have for excuses. Originally, we didn't want to come here to starve like this. We could have found the eldest prince and the others by following the shadow guards, but we were smart enough to lead the way. What was supposed to be a one- or two-day trip turned into five or six days.

We didn't find their barracks." Miao Xiaoxuan crossed her arms and said complainingly.

"If you want to scold me, just scold me. I just think that following the Shadow Guards will always be in danger. It would be safer for the two of us to disguise ourselves as villagers." Shangguan Moxuan indeed made an oversight.

"I'm afraid it's too much now. There's not even a soul in sight. Hey, stop talking and let's grill the fish. I only caught these two small fish." Miao Xiaoxuan's stomach growled with hunger and she didn't have the energy to continue arguing.

Shangguan Moxuan took the fish and wanted to use a tree fork to support it to bake, but he found a small packet of medicinal powder on the ground.

"Huh? Is there a packet of medicine here?" He opened it and found that it was a packet of itching powder.

"This packet of medicine may belong to the eldest princess. She has been here before."

"How are you sure it's her?" Miao Xiaoxuan asked in confusion.

"The itching powder she made had a scent of osmanthus. I was cleaning her pharmacy and accidentally knocked over her itching powder. I once asked her where this powder came from. So I knew very well that it was her itching powder.

Pink." Shangguan Moxuan said happily.

Miao Xiaoxuan said enthusiastically: "So, the person who stole the roast chicken is the imperial concubine. She was so immoral. She took people's food without saying anything, and she didn't even leave a penny.


Shangguan Moxuan held his forehead and said: "This is not the point. The point is that she may be nearby. We will find them soon. We ate the fish quickly and went to find people."

"What else are you eating? I went to look for them now. I found them. Are you afraid that there will be no food?" Miao Xiaoxuan pulled Shangguan Moxuan up and said.

"That's right. Let's go now." Shangguan Moxuan nodded.

In the cave, the roast chicken only left a pile of white bones. People have left the cave.

Yan Ruozhen was carrying a Western soldier on his back, sneezing as he walked.

"I told you not to take off your coat last night, but you didn't listen to me. Look, you all caught the wind and cold." Huang Chen Lingxun said.

"It's just that my nose is a little itchy. Please wipe my nose for me, it's about to drip." Yan Ruocheng said.

Huang Chenling reluctantly took out her handkerchief and helped her wipe it clean.

"Do we really want to go this way?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"Yes, it is safer to go this way. If we go back, the enemy soldiers will definitely find us. Although it is a long way here, we only need to go around the hill on the opposite side and reach the back of Fengyang Mountain." Huang Chenling

Pointing to the mountains in the distance, he said.

"We still want to find a water source. We are very thirsty. If we don't drink some water, I'm afraid I won't be able to carry him." Yan Ruozhen stuck out his tongue, sweating profusely, and said with sweat on his face.

"I asked me to carry him, but you refused to die. You had to carry him yourself. There should be a mountain stream downstream downstream. I seem to hear some sounds." Huang Chenling listened carefully with her ears.

Listen and speak.

"Then go quickly. As long as I still have the strength, I won't let you carry him. Your shoulder injury is also very important. If your wound is unfortunately inflamed or something, I don't have any medicine for you now. Also.

Doesn’t it mean that I might have to carry two people down the mountain? At that time, it will cost my life even more." Yan Ruozhen thought about the consequences and said anxiously.

"You're thinking too much." Huang Chenling rolled her eyes at her and couldn't help but vomit.

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