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Chapter 542: She Comes to Teach Wild Survival Skills

In the bamboo forest, Shangguan Mexuan and Miao Xiaoxuan were thinking about whether to chop bamboo first or look for game first.

"I'll catch the game, and you chop the bamboo here." Miao Xiaoxuan said, arranging the division of labor.

"Can you do it alone?" Shangguan Moxuan didn't believe in her ability.

"Don't you believe me? I caught the pheasant last time too," Miao Xiaoxuan said.

"It was me who designed the trap so that you could catch him. Have you forgotten?" Shangguan Moxuan added completely.

"That's because I caught it with my own hands, so it's my biggest contribution. Anyway, I'll catch the game, and you chop the bamboo." Miao Xiaoxuan said stubbornly.

"Okay, be careful." Shangguan Moxuan had no choice but to agree.

"Be careful, don't cut your hand. See you later." Miao Xiaoxuan finished swinging the dagger and walked further away to look for ingredients.

After circling around, no animals were seen. To be precise, the animals had already run away when they heard her swaggering footsteps.

On Shangguan Moxuan's side, after cutting down the bamboo, he saw bamboo shoots under the bamboo. He quickly took a dagger and dug them all out, intending to use them to cook bamboo shoot soup.

After Yan Ruocheng massaged his thighs, he planned to take off his boots and massage his insteps and soles.

"No need to massage the instep, that's all." Huang Chenling quickly stopped her hand and said.

"Why? Your feet are tired. The insteps and soles of the feet are the key points to massage. If you don't massage them, doesn't it mean that you haven't massaged them at all." Yan Ruocheng asked puzzledly.

Regardless of his obstruction, I insisted on taking off his boots.

As soon as the boots were removed, a strong and nauseating stench came from his dirty socks.

"Wow! It stinks! Haven't you washed your feet?" Yan Ruocheng had to pinch her nose, hold her breath, and asked.

"I told you not to take off my boots. You deserve to be stinked to death." Huang Chenling said displeasedly. The reason why his feet stink so much is because he really doesn't wash them frequently. He deals with generals every day.

When I have free time, I care about washing my feet. There is almost no time for work and rest. New

Yan Ruocheng took off his dirty socks and exposed his feet, and the smell suddenly spread out. She took the pair of smelly socks and rushed to the river to clean them. Then she shouted to him: "You

If you don’t hurry up and wash your feet! It’s going to stink to heaven!”

"Is it that exaggerated?" Huang Chenling walked over slowly and barefoot.

"It's such an exaggeration. Hurry up and wash it off in the water." Yan Ruocheng said seriously.

Huang Chenling obediently went down to wash his feet, paddling his feet in the clear water. A small fish swam nearby, and he suddenly turned upside down. Then, several more turned over, all caused by swimming by his feet.


"Look, even the little fish is stun by the smell of your feet. Why don't the servants wash your feet?" Yan Ruozhen asked while washing his socks.

"I don't want them to wash it." Huang Chenling said boringly.

"If you don't want them to wash it, do you have to wait for me to wash it?" Yan Ruocheng said.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for you to wash it." Huang Chenling suddenly remembered something, and sat down on the edge of the rock, raised her smelly feet to her, and said, "Wash my feet for me."

Yan Ruocheng couldn't do anything to him, so he pulled his instep and washed it slowly with water. He found that there were some fine calluses on the sole of his foot, and there were also some calluses below the big toe. There were some ringworms on the instep and toes.

"Look at the consequences of not washing your feet, you've got ringworm." She shouldn't have been angry at him. But seeing his originally intact and healthy feet turning into such a diseased condition, she couldn't help but get angry. Angry.

"You think my feet are dirty, so I don't need you to wash them." Huang Chenling retracted her feet angrily.

"You already have ringworm. Why don't you let me wash it? Why are you so childish? Xiaoling is not as childish as you! Nor is she as ignorant as you. If you don't wash your feet and stay in wet boots, you will get ringworm. There is no problem at all. You know common sense." Yan Ruochun said.

Huang Chenling was so angry that she screamed and poured a puddle of water on her body, saying, "You have no common sense. Ringworm can be transmitted to others. Do you want athlete's foot to be transmitted to you?"

Yan Ruozhen got half of his clothes soaked by his nonsense and really beat him up.

However, his current unreasonable and troublesome state reminded her that when she first met him, he was also making troubles that were unreasonable and reasonable. Thinking about it carefully, it was really a long time since she had pampered him properly.

"What's the infection? I'll collect herbs and apply it on your hands. You'll also need to apply medicine on your feet. Stretch your feet over and wash them again." Yan Ruocheng calmed down and said.

"No, I don't." Huang Chenling didn't calm down, she was still in a mood.

Yan Ruocheng vomited silently in her heart: Is it really suitable for a mentally ill person like him to be the king of a country? He is always in a mood, which is more difficult to coax than Xiao Ling, no! Xiao Ling should be the successor. Because of his bad habit of losing his temper, he would occasionally be noisy and disobedient. As expected, like father, like son.

"Then wash it yourself." She didn't force him anymore and quickly washed his socks a few times and dried them on the rocks. Then she went to look for herbs used to fight ringworm.

After a long time, she came back from collecting medicine, and the only herb nearby was Cnidium monnieri. However, she could also use it temporarily. Grind it into pieces with a stone. Then pour it into a small bottle, add a little water, and shake it. Muddy water.

Huang Chenling had already walked back to rest in the shade of the tree. He saw her finishing the herbs and walking over. She obviously wanted to help him apply the medicine, so she consciously stretched out her legs. She said nothing and kept a straight face.

Yan Ruocheng gently applied medicine on the instep and said, "This herb can cool the blood and relieve itching. It is very good against ringworm."

When she applied it to the seams of her toes, she made her feel a little itchy. Huang Chenling shrank her toes slightly. She knew he was afraid of being itchy, so she deliberately slowed down her fingers, making him even more sore.

"You're seeking death! It's so bitter!" Huang Chenling couldn't help but scolded her.

"How can you calm down if you don't seek death?" Yan Ruocheng said with a wicked smile.

When she was completely smeared, Huang Chenling took her little hand and poured some liquid to apply it on her.

Yan Ruozhen lowered her head while he was close, raised her head and kissed his lips.

One kiss and tender eyes made Huang Chenling lose all her anger.

"Not enough." He felt that it was not enthusiastic enough.

"I knew it." She kissed him hard again and again.

Huang Chenling hugged her waist and fell to the ground. The closer they kissed, the sweeter they became.

"It's not good! Imperial Concubine! Help—!" Miao Xiaoxuan shouted and ran back.

Huang Chenling and Yan Ruocheng were so frightened that they jumped up immediately.

"What the hell are you yelling at? Are you afraid that you won't be able to attract the enemy soldiers?" Huang Chenling said angrily.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, Mo Xuan, he was bitten by a poisonous snake! Imperial Concubine, hurry up and follow me to save people!" Miao Xiaoxuan was anxious to drag Yan Ruocheng away.

"Take me quickly!" Yan Ruozhen ran after her without saying a word.

When they arrived, they saw Shangguan Moxuan holding his bleeding arm, sitting next to the bamboo and leaning against it.

Yan Ruocheng hurried over and checked the snake venom on his arm. He took a needle and sealed the acupuncture point where the blood was flowing to help him extract the venom.

"Hurry up and turn this bamboo into a jar. I'll make a fire and use the jar to force out the poison." Yan Ruozhen ordered Miao Xiaoxuan.

Miao Xiaoxuan obediently used a dagger to cut the bamboos one by one into the shape of bamboo tubes. After Yan Ruocheng made the fire, he used the branches to heat the inside of the bamboo tubes and covered the bite mark on Guan Moxuan's arm.


"Relax, the snake's venom is not deep and can be sucked out." Yan Ruocheng said confidently.

Soon the poisonous blood was sucked out along the bamboo tube, and drops of black and red flowed on the ground. After replacing the bamboo tube several times, the remaining poison was almost completely eliminated.

Yan Ruozhen sprinkled the detoxification powder on his wound and bandaged it. Then he gave him Qingdu Powder and Antidote Pill. Fortunately, Miao Xiaoxuan brought these two medicines.

"Take a rest, the snake venom has been completely eliminated."

"Thank you, Imperial Concubine, I'm lucky to have you." Miao Xiaoxuan thanked Shangguan Moxuan while wiping her sweat.

"I was almost scared to death by you guys. I was bitten by a venomous snake for no reason. There are many green bamboo snakes in the bamboo. How could I be so careless?" Yan Ruocheng said.

"I was careful." Shangguan Moxuan was helpless and looked sideways at Miao Xiaoxuan.


Wuwu..." Miao Xiaoxuan cried loudly, blaming herself.

"Fool, why are you crying? I'm fine. Be good, stop crying." Shangguan Moxuan held her in his arms and coaxed her gently.

"I was almost frightened to death just now..." Miao Xiaoxuan still kept crying.

Yan Ruozhen coughed and said, "I won't stop you anymore. Mo Xuan, you can slowly coax her until she stops crying, and then come back. I'll take away the bamboo and bamboo shoots that I've prepared over there."

"Imperial Concubine, let us do it." Shangguan Moxuan said.

"You have to rest for a while and don't move around. Otherwise, you will faint when you walk." Yan Ruocheng did not need his help. He raised the bamboo pole with his left hand and walked away holding the bamboo shoots in his right hand.

Huang Chenling saw her coming back alone with a bamboo stick and asked, "Where are they? Is the poisoned one okay?"

"It's okay. I just got a little bit of snake venom. Let's make bamboo shoot soup. They will be back in a while," Yan Ruocheng said.

In the evening, Yan Ruocheng cooked bamboo shoot soup and grilled some small fish that had just been stinked to death by Huang Chenling's stinky feet. She gave Shangguan Moxuan and Miao Xiaoxuan a portion each, but Huang Chenling did not have a share.

"Why don't you give me some soup?" Huang Chenling asked.

"You have ringworm on your feet, so you can't drink bamboo shoot soup. When the herbal tea over there is ready, you can drink it." Yan Ruocheng was afraid of his embarrassment, so she whispered in his ear.

"You should make me some wild vegetable soup." Huang Chenling said boringly.

"I can't find wild vegetables. Besides, the wild vegetables in the woods are bitter, so why don't you eat them? Be good and eat fish." Yan Ruocheng said.

Huang Chenling stared at the grilled fish in her hand, she really didn't want to eat it because she had picked it up because of her ringworm and smelly feet.

"Your Majesty, your roast is very delicious. What seasonings did you add? It tastes a bit like stinky tofu. It tastes very special!" Miao Xiaoxuan interrupted.

After hearing this, Huang Chenling handed her the grilled fish and said, "If you like to eat it, I'll give you my fish."

"Your Majesty, don't you want to eat?" Miao Xiaoxuan asked innocently.

Yan Ruocheng narrowed his eyes and knew exactly why he refused to eat.

"Your Majesty, he doesn't like to eat small fish. He thinks there are too many fish bones. Just eat it." He said for him.

Huang Chenling nodded beside her in agreement.

"This..." Miao Xiaoxuan still didn't dare to take it.

"Since the Imperial Concubine has said so, just take it and eat it." Shangguan Moxuan took it and handed it to her.

Huang Chenling and Yan Ruocheng looked at each other and smiled softly.

After several people finished eating, they gathered around to light a fire and rest.

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Chapter 542: She Came to Teach Wild Survival Skills Free Reading.

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