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Chapter 563: I just informed her now

As soon as the leader of the female thieves Ni Nui came to Phoenix, the first thing she had to do was buy a house.

She doesn't like to live under someone else's roof, so she lives temporarily in a house arranged by Yan Ruocheng, and she doesn't like to live in a hotel, so buying a house is imperative.

At noon today, Yan Ruocheng came to see her with a medicine box. Before she even entered the door, she uttered one word: "Uh!"

"She is so rich that she bought one of the best mansions in the city in one fell swoop."

"Miss Yan, please come inside!" A little attendant came out from the door and took her in.

"Okay." She nodded.

He took her to the large garden in the center, surrounded by pink roses and the scenery was elegant.

Ni Ni dresses up like a lady, and is even richer than the rich lady.

"Here you come, help him look at it quickly. He has been complaining about pain since last night." Ni Ni pointed at the Western man on the luxurious round bed. Even this man was dressed up as a rich man by her.

Looks, shiny.

"Chief, you are really good at dressing up. I don't think anyone in the city will know what you are doing on the mountain," Yan Ruocheng said.

"Here, you can call me Ni Nui. You say a man relies on his clothes and his saddle, but you have to be as beautiful as me. Only when you dress up can you be beautiful." Ni Ni said plainly.

She really is a very plain proud boast.

Yan Ruozhen nodded with a slight smile. He went over to take the Western man's pulse and then checked the injury. He said: "It should be a result of acclimatization, coupled with some inflammation, which caused the deficiency and fire in the body, making the fracture site painful.

"I'll help him change the medicine. You ask the servants to take these medicinal materials and boil them first. Make three bowls into one bowl." He handed the medicine bag to Ni Ni.

Ni Ni took a look at the medicine bag in her hand and asked with some confusion: "What does it mean to boil three bowls into one bowl?"

"Just pour three bowls of water down and fry it together with the medicine to make a bowlful. You need to watch the fire to make sure it doesn't get scorched." Yan Ruozhen explained.

"Oh, that's it. I'll fry it." Ni Ni said casually.

"Scared? Are you going to fry it?" Yan Ruocheng was surprised. In the den of thieves, she was the leader who was aloof and never did any work.

"What's your reaction? Is there anything wrong with me frying it myself?" Ni Ni thought she was looking down upon and said disdainfully.

"No, there is no problem. Pay attention to the heat. It will take about half an hour to fry." Yan Ruocheng shook his head and said.

"Got it." Nuni snorted softly and went out.

Yan Ruozhen breathed a sigh of relief and changed the dressing with peace of mind.

The black ointment was applied to the wound, and the bruise on the fractured area was still there, and it was a little swollen than before. She pressed it slightly, and the Western man woke up from the pain.

"Ah!" He pressed his calf and gritted his teeth in pain.

"Don't move, I'm going to check first." Yan Ruocheng said.

He opened his eyes and looked at the familiar female doctor in front of him. Although he couldn't understand what she said, she was the only one who was good to him. In the den of thieves, he was played by a scary woman almost every day.

Now that he was awake, as soon as he saw Yan Ruocheng, he immediately grabbed her little hand and asked for help in Western dialect: "Save me, I don't want to stay here, take me away quickly!"

Yan Ruocheng stared at him, but unfortunately, she couldn't understand what he meant.

"Don't worry, I will cure you. Don't be so nervous. Don't be afraid. It's just a pain. After a while, the medicine will be applied and the bandage will be bandaged and it won't hurt anymore." Touch his head.

"Do you understand what I mean? Damn it!" He got out of bed angrily and told her with his actions that he wanted to leave.

"Hey, don't move around. I'm going to help you apply medicine." The more Yan Ruozhen pressed him, the more he moved.

As a result, she fell out of bed with her.


"Oh, look at you, you fell out of bed now. What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving! You idiot!"

His communication with her was like playing the piano to others.

"He wants you to take him away from here. He is afraid of the mistress here." A tall, thin and elegant scholar came in and helped translate.

"Scared? So that's what you mean? Who are you?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"I am the translator invited by the hostess here. My name is Gao Jianhan." The scholar introduced himself.

"Mr. Gao, aren't you afraid that your job will not be guaranteed? If I take him away, your job will not be guaranteed." Yan Ruocheng said.

"It doesn't matter, I can't stand the mistress here forcing herself on an injured person like this," Gao Jianhan said.

"But, I can't take him away. He can't move around because of his leg injury. Come over and help me move him back to bed." Yan Ruocheng said.

Gao Jianhan had no choice but to come over to help, but the Western man resisted and refused to go up. Yan Ruozhen had no choice but to stun him with an anesthetic needle so that the two of them could move to the bed.

Gao Jianhan asked: "Girl, what is your relationship with him? He never speaks in front of the mistress here. I never heard him speak to you until today."

Yan Ruocheng said: "It's just a relationship between the patient and the doctor. When his injury gets better, I will find a way to take him away. So please help me and take care of him, okay?"

Gao Jianhan said in embarrassment: "I'm afraid not. I just invited him to do translation work. The hostess here usually takes care of him. Although he is forced to do so, he is taken care of in every possible way."


"Maybe I can help him. Thank you for being so talkative." Yan Ruocheng said with a smile.

"Don't ask me to come out," Gao Jianhan said.

"Didn't you just say that you don't care about the work here." Yan Ruocheng said with a chuckle.

"Since he is still here, why don't I make more money before leaving," Gao Jianhan said.

Half an hour later, Nunu came in with the boiled medicinal soup.

"Three bowls fried into one bowl, I've finished it. My hands are tired from fanning." Ni Ni put it down on the table and said.

"I checked his pulse just now and discovered that he has a heart problem." Yan Ruozhen began to use cunning tactics.

"Heart disease? He also has heart problems?" Ni Ni didn't understand what he heard.

Yan Ruocheng blinked and continued: "Yes, his heart is not very good. He can't stand the stimulation. If he is in a bad mood, he may die at any time. So you'd better be extra careful when taking care of him.


Ni Ni thought about it, if she messed with him on weekdays, he would faint from pain, leaving her alone. Now hearing what Yan Ruocheng said, she felt that maybe he had a heart problem and couldn't be stimulated.


"Then it's no wonder he fainted when he got excited. Then why don't you prescribe him medicine or acupuncture or something." Ni Ni believed her words.

To believe it so easily, Yan Ruocheng thought she would have doubts.

"I have given him acupuncture and it has stabilized him temporarily. In short, don't irritate him and let him recover quietly, and nothing will happen to him," Yan Ruocheng said.

"Okay. It's none of your business. You can go back. Come back tomorrow to help him with his follow-up examination." Ni Ni waved his hand, asking her to go out like a fly shooing away.

"I may not be free tomorrow, or I may come back in a few days. I put down these medicine packets, which are enough for five or six days. As long as he is in a cheerful mood and takes medicine, he will be fine. Take good care of him.

"Yan Ruozhen put down a sufficient medicine bag and left.

Nanni slowly cooled the medicinal soup, held the man in her arms, took a sip, and poured it into him mouth to mouth.

After pouring the medicinal soup, I wiped his mouth and said to myself: "Why are you so fragile? Even if your legs are broken, you still have heart problems. Before you tell me, your name is

Before you give me a name, don't die in my hands. This is not fun."

Yan Ruozhen came out with the medicine box, got into the carriage, and prepared to return home.

Halfway through the carriage, she was stopped by someone sent by Huan, who took her to the base to meet him.

When Na Xiao saw Yan Ruocheng arriving, he ran over and gave her a big hug.

"Ruozhi! It's great to have you back!"

"Eh? Na Xiao? Why are you here?" Yan Ruozhen asked when he saw Xu Xunguang standing aside.

Huan came over, took Na Xiao aside, and told her straight to the point: "These two guys came to inform me and asked me to find you immediately to come back and rescue Huang Chenling."

"Yes, Chen Ling was captured by the people from Bailing City. I don't know how he is doing now? Feng Mo said that he has sent people to rescue him. I don't know how the rescue will be." Yan Ruocheng said with a sigh.


Huan shook her shoulders and said, "He may be seriously injured. You need to go to Qianqiu Pavilion in Shili Mountain immediately."

Yan Ruozhen was confused by him and asked worriedly: "Why was he seriously injured? Is he at Qianqiu Pavilion in Shili Mountain now?"

Na Xiao explained: "I don't know. It's just that someone sent a hidden arrow that day. The note on the arrow said this. Huang Chenling was seriously injured and I want you to rush to Qianqiu Pavilion in Shili Mountain within ten days."

"Scared? You're just telling me now about such a big thing!" Yan Ruocheng said angrily after hearing this.

"Don't be angry. It's useless to be angry. It's been nine days. It's been more than three days since Nahuang and the others came to find me. I wanted to send someone to find you. Fortunately, you and the eldest prince suddenly returned to the city. It's still...

I can't make it in one day," Huan said.

When Yan Ruozhen thought that Huang Chenling was seriously injured and that she might have died before she could rush to save him, her legs became unstable and she fell to the ground, wanting to cry.

"Chen Ling may be dead..."

At this time, Huang Chenling, even though her whole body could not move, still sneezed loudly. After sneezing, the bones in her body seemed to be broken, and the pain was indescribable.


"Uncle Emperor, what are you talking about? What do you mean?" Hua Fei used a towel to wipe his sweat. She was punished by Jin Ye to take care of Huang Chenling here. She has taken care of him for a few days and is basically familiar with the methods of taking care of him.


First wipe the sweat, then rub the toes to help him clear the congestion.

As for his "um" now, she had no idea what he meant.

"Are you thirsty, or do you need to take a pee? Or take a big pee?" She touched his chin and asked doubtfully.

Huang Chenling stared at her angrily, and now he just wanted her to go thousands of miles away and not stay by his side.

In the vast universe, the birth and death of a galaxy is just a moment of mottled light. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a sense of sadness that the ending is predetermined. Where will you and me be after thousands of years? Our country, our country, the fire of civilization, and the earth are all nothing.

It is a speck of dust in the deep sky. A blink of an eye in the starry sky and a thousand years in the human world. The buzzing of insects lasts only a short time, and you and I are still struggling to survive. What is at the end of the deep space? Aiyue App

The train goes away, bringing with it large pieces of withered yellow leaves and the desolation of autumn in the vibration of the rails.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked away and sent several classmates away.

Since then, we have been separated, and we don’t know how many years it will take before we can see each other again, and some people may even never see each other again.

Around him, some people were still waving slowly, without letting go for a long time, while others were silent and quite sad.

After four years of college together, the accumulated friendship is always hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants on the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of waves sounding like Sanskrit chants sounded around him, intense light began to rise rapidly, and a huge golden light and shadow was reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes were like lightning for an instant, and he stared into the sky.

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Suddenly, a loud "boom" sound erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden light pillar rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Demon Emperor Tianhu felt a shocking will burst out. The entire hell garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither quickly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards the golden beam of light.


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His face changed drastically but he did not dare to neglect. He turned around and revealed his original shape, transforming into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long.

Its tail stretches across the sky, covering the sky and the sun. It emits a large amount of luck and injects it into the Hell Garden, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise it will be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had already subsided suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring into the interior.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, and instantly rushed high into the sky.

The emperors who had just withstood another lightning tribulation dispersed almost subconsciously. And the next moment, the golden light pillar had already rushed into the tribulation cloud.

The dark clouds were instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunder. It seemed to fill the entire plane.


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The train moved away, bringing with it a large number of withered yellow leaves and the desolation of autumn in the vibration of the rails.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked away and sent several classmates away. Love Reading App

Since then, we have been separated, and we don’t know how many years will pass before we can see each other again, and some people may even never see each other again.

Around him, some people were still waving slowly, without letting go for a long time, while others were silent and quite sad.

After four years of college together, the accumulated friendship is always hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants on the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

To provide you with the fastest update of the poisonous doctor princess who is always seeking death

Chapter 563: Only now do I inform her to read it for free.

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