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Chapter 571: The Plan

"Leave it to me, I will find a way to make that stupid princess agree." Huan said confidently.

Yan Ruocheng looked at his knowing look, touched his chin, and asked curiously: "What can we do? The day before yesterday, the guard said that you went out with Princess Hua Fei. Your relationship seems to be very familiar."

Huan waved his palms and said: "Who is familiar with her? The day before yesterday, she dragged me to the art studio and asked someone to paint me, which made me stand there for an hour."

Yan Ruocheng complained when he heard what he said, but her expression was happy. She squinted her eyes and snatched the gourd hanging from his belt. He used it to store wine and carried it with him. Open the gourd and smell the wine inside.

, said with a smile: "Hey, no wonder Princess Hua Fei dragged her to the painting studio so easily. This wine is either first-grade or the most expensive famous wine in the city. Why did Princess Hua Fei want someone to paint you? You look so good.

Who does it have to be like?”

Huan snatched the gourd from her hand and said: "I deserve this wine. If she doesn't reward me, I won't accompany her to be stupid. She thinks I look like a character in a certain story book in the city. What's the name of Yue?"

Guang Da Xia, so you asked me to draw a majestic picture of a hero."

"Pfft! Hahaha... It turns out that you look like the hero from the storybook, and Princess Hua Fei is really cute too!" Yan Ruocheng laughed.

"Do you deserve a beating? I'm smiling like this. I look handsome and look like a hero. Is that funny?" Huan said displeased.

"No, okay, I'm not laughing. So you plan to use this to get Princess Hua Fei to help, right?" Yan Ruocheng said.

"Yeah, right." Huan nodded.

"Okay, then it's up to you. Fake Moonlight Hero, hahaha!" Yan Ruocheng couldn't help but smile.


"Ouch! How can the fake Moonlight Hero beat up people randomly!"

"You can say it's fake, but I haven't done enough!"

"Go and knock Princess Hua Fei on the head."

After the meal, Hua Fei walked alone in the back garden and took the puppy for a walk.

"Shiigu, don't run so fast, I can't catch you." The puppy was running very fast, and she chased after it.

Huan flashed out in front, grabbed the puppy, and asked curiously: "How do you change its name to a mushroom? Does it look like a mushroom?"

The puppy has short hair and black and white spots, unlike the native dogs of the Central Plains.

"It was born in a botanical garden where mushrooms are picked, so it is called a mushroom." Hua Fei explained.

"It's really easy for you to change your name." Huan took out a thin hemp rope from his body, tied one end to Shiitake's armpits and waist, handed the other end of the thin hemp rope to Hua Fei's hand, and then said: "You

If you want to walk your dog, you must hold a leash, otherwise the dog will lose self-discipline and run around."

"It gives you no freedom if you hold it. I don't like holding it." Hua Fei knelt down and untied the fine linen rope.

Huan looked at what she was doing and sighed, "Is it possible that as a princess, your freedom is restricted, so you want to place your freedom on Shiitake?"

Hua Fei raised his head slightly, looked at him with shining eyes, and said, "You can see so quickly that I long for freedom."

Huan shook his head and said: "It's not that I can tell, but the general princesses have the same experience as always. The princess of Huangcheng also grew up in a deep palace every day. When she gets married, she will be pushed away directly.

We got married. You must be the same way."

"Well, I went for a walk after dinner. After listening to what you said, I started to suffer from post-dinner indigestion. You hit the nail on the head and I lost my energy." Hua Fei pretended to be glum, hugging the mushrooms and squatting for a while.

Pile, paired with the light purple dress she is wearing. It looks a bit like a moldy mushroom.

I originally wanted to tease her and then talk to her about serious things. But now it's backfired and it's a bit tricky.

He picked off a leaf and blew the whistle. The tune was the one he used to coax Anyou. Now that Anyou has his own career, the two of them spend less time together. He misses Anyou a bit while playing it.

After a little bit of emotion, people can hear a feeling of homesickness.

Hua Fei listened to his playing quietly and found it very pleasant. It was also the first time that she heard that a man could play music with leaves.

The breeze blew past his face, and with the phantom image, in Hua Fei's eyes, he was a living Moonlight Hero.

She stared at him, especially when the sand was blown into her eyes, making her eyes still a little moist. Her heart beat faster and she felt aroused.

"Hey, why is there such a strong wind for no reason? My eyes are filled with sand!" Huan stopped and tried to wipe his eyes with his hands in embarrassment.

"I'll help you blow the sand out of your eyes, don't wipe it with your hands." Hua Fei pulled his head down and blew his eyes gently.

It's okay if she doesn't blow, but when she blows, the sand gets into the eyes and sticks even denser.

"I can't stand it anymore. I can't open my eyes. Please find some water to wash me with." Huan couldn't even open his eyes because of her.

"I'll take you to the pool to wash up. Follow me." Hua Fei's eyes flashed, and he had some bad idea in his mind. He took the opportunity to hold Huan's big hand and slowly led him to walk.

The water in the round pool was green, sparkling, clear, elegant and soft. Hua Fei sat by the pool with Huan, took out his handkerchief, wetted some water, and gently wiped his eyes.

My eyes felt the coolness of the water, and then my lips felt as if they had been kissed.

When he opened his eyes, Hua Fei was already washing a handkerchief and shaking it dry.

Huan didn't dare to imagine that he would be kissed by Hua Fei. This would be too sorry for Yun Xi.

He shook his head to clear away all the improper thoughts, and asked directly: "Can you help take me and the imperial concubine secretly into your father's Sun Palace?"

Hua Fei was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "I can't help you. Daughters are not allowed to enter my father's Palace of the Sun. Only my brother and the others can enter. This is a rule set by our ancestors."

"Secret passage, I don't believe you don't know the secret passage. There must be a secret passage that can lead into it." Huan thought for a moment and said.

"There are secret passages, but there are many traps. I have never been there." Hua Fei frowned slightly and said.

"That's enough. You tell me the location of the secret passage and I'll go explore it." Huan said.

"Don't go. It's very dangerous. The trap set by Emperor Father is very powerful and no one can escape alive. Why do you want to rush into Emperor Father's Palace of the Sun? Can't you just wait until he summons you?

?" Hua Fei asked puzzledly.

"I want to find out what kind of person he is. When negotiating, you should know the other party well so that you can win every battle. You are his daughter, can you tell me what kind of person he is?" Huan raised his left leg.

, put it on the knee of his right leg, and said while holding his cheek.

Hua Fei shook his head unhappily and said, "I don't know him. I haven't met him many times."

"Why do you say that? Doesn't your father want you?" Huan asked.

"Father will never look for me. It is a big mistake to give birth to a daughter in the imperial palace. Father only thinks that the emperor and the others are the right ones, because they are men. My name is Hua Fei, and I am the one who follows

According to my mother's surname, only the emperor's brother and the others can have the surname Jin. So in fact, I am just a useless princess." The more Hua Fei said, the lower his head dropped.

I thought she was a little pitiful, so I couldn't help but stretched out my hand, lifted her chin, and asked her to raise her head.

"Then leave him alone. It's the same thing if he doesn't care about you, and it's the same thing for you to treat him as well. Sorry, don't take it to heart because of the nonsense you shouldn't ask."

Hua Fei nodded her chin vigorously, because Huan's hand was still holding it. She asked with a sweet smile: "What about your parents? Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

Huan looked at her with round eyes, as if she was very curious, but didn't say anything.

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes, I want to know."

"I won't tell you. I'll tell you slowly when I come back from the secret passage."

"Do you really want to go? Didn't I say it's dangerous? I won't tell you where the secret passage is."

Hua Fei didn't want anything to happen to him, so he immediately kept a straight face.

"I'm good at martial arts and have strong martial arts skills. I can't stand any traps. I've seen a lot of traps and gone through life and death countless times. Don't worry about what will happen to me. Be good and tell me." Illusion touched it like a child.

Touch the top of her head.

Hua Fei pushed his hand away and said, "Anyway, I won't tell you."

After saying that, he took the mushrooms with him and left.

"It seems that fools are not easy to coax." Huan looked at her back and said to himself.

In the evening, Yan Ruocheng helped Huang Chenling apply a new anti-inflammatory ointment.

Cut the white cloth strips, and the skin that has been tied for too long will have a rash due to poor ventilation. There are already some red spots.

"Oh, this kind of fixation really doesn't work." She frowned and said.

Huang Chenling looked at her quietly and moved her fingers slightly.

"I'll apply the ointment soon, please wait a little longer." She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw his fingers moving, and answered lucidly.

Huang Chenling was quite satisfied. She was able to communicate with him so quickly. She could tell what he wanted with just one glance and one finger.

After a long time, after applying the medicine.

Yan Ruocheng sat by the bed and massaged his lower back. If he lay down for too long without massage, he would easily get bedsores.

Huang Chenling gradually fell asleep.

Huan came in quietly and waved to her.

Yan Ruocheng nodded and followed him out cautiously. When they came to a corner of the corridor, the two began to talk.

"How is it? Princess Hua Fei, has she agreed?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"Well, well, she can't enter the Palace of the Sun. It turns out that the monarch here only cares about his son and doesn't value his daughter at all. He won't even let his daughter have the same surname as him. She's not even allowed to enter the palace.

"Huan said.

"No wonder the monarch, who is short-sighted and pedantic, would come up with such a despicable method of finding Chen Ling to threaten him. I will curse him to death." Yan Ruozhen waved his fist and said.

"Shouldn't you use poison to kill him?" Huan Xiao said with a smile.

"If you can't enter the Palace of the Sun, it will be difficult to deal with him. Let alone inquire about him." Yan Ruocheng said helplessly.

"That's not necessarily true. I learned from Princess Hua Fei that there is a secret passage leading to the Palace of the Sun. It's just that she refused to tell me," Huan said.

"Didn't you say you were using your beauty trap to lure her out?" Yan Ruocheng asked.

"It's just that the beauty trap is so good that she doesn't want to let me get hurt, so she just won't tell me. I want to look around for this secret passage tonight, and I'll see if I can find it by luck." Huan said.

"Then I'm here to help. Chen Ling's injury can't last another day like this. I don't have the patience to wait like this," Yan Ruocheng said.

"Are you sure you won't help me?" Huan said with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Whenever I help you, and if you stare at me with such suspicious eyes again, I will blind you." Yan Ruocheng said.

"Okay, I know you're not in a good mood because of Huang Chenling's matter. Let's go and change into night clothes." Huan pushed her.

"Wait for me." Yan Ruocheng immediately went back to the room and changed into his night clothes, but he was still wearing all the equipment.

In the middle of the night, the two of them walked quietly like two big mice, going left and right, entering one of the side rooms, looking for the secret passage in Yueshen Palace.

Among them, a tunnel was discovered under the bed in one of the rooms.

Huan and Yan Ruocheng walked along the tunnel and found a large secret room.

"What is this secret room closed in? Why does it smell so bad?" Yan Ruocheng covered her nose and said.

"Open it and you'll know what's inside." Huan easily opened the door with tools.

Inside is actually a warehouse where secret salted fish is placed.

"Wow, there are so many salted fish, it's a salted fish warehouse!" Yan Ruocheng said.

"Oh, let's go, we haven't found anything here either," Huan said.

"Wait a minute, just because we haven't found anything, doesn't mean we won't do something." Yan Ruocheng grabbed him and said with a sly smile.

"What do you want?" Huan asked in confusion.

"I want to add some ingredients to the salted fish. You see, these salted fish are printed with the icon of the Sun Palace. They are used in the imperial kitchen over there. It is conceivable that the smelly monarch is a fan of steamed salted fish. So I will order some.

Seasoning, let him try my secret little poisonous seasoning, the smell of salted fish is enough to cover the smell of the medicine. Hahaha, God is really helping me." Yan Ruocheng explained.

"What if they don't come here to get the salted fish, wouldn't it be useless?" Huan pointed out the key point.

"Then we have to let them come here to get the salted fish. Tomorrow, you will know what method I will use to lure the people from the imperial kitchen to get the salted fish! Hahaha!" Yan Ruocheng said with a confident smile.

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