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Chapter 609: Strategies

Hua Fei was worried that Jin Ye would lure the guards away alone, and ran back to the street to look for him.

Jin Ye successfully lured the guards away long ago, and escaped and blended into the people on the roadside.

"Hua Fei! I'm over here!" Jin Ye saw her from a distance, waved and called her.

"Brother Huang, are you not injured?" Hua Fei ran over and asked worriedly.

"Yes, if I got out of the carriage in a hurry and pricked my finger on a wooden thorn, does that count as an injury?" Jin Ye said jokingly.

"Which finger should I see?" Hua Fei picked up his hand and inspected it.

Jin Ye flicked her nose and said with a smile: "It's just a joke, where are you hiding people?"

"In the old wooden house on the back mountain, the guards probably didn't find it there so quickly. Let's buy some buns before looking for them again. I'm already hungry," Hua Fei said.

"Yeah." Jin Ye agreed.

The study room in the Palace of the Sun.

Jin Xingchen felt relieved when he heard the report from the returning guard that no one could be caught for the time being.

"You seem to be relieved." Jin Shaoyang glanced at him and said.

Jin Xingchen held him hostage, and after the others left, he automatically put down the dagger. Jin Shaoyang did not order the guards to lock up Jin Xingchen, but only asked him to stand aside and not move, which was equivalent to standing still.

"Father, if you want to punish me, just punish me. All the ideas were mine and have nothing to do with Jin Ye and Hua Fei." Jin Xingchen wanted to bear all the charges alone.

"I will punish you now. When the two of them come back, I will naturally punish you separately." Jin Shaoyang said.

"Is it just a penalty for standing?" Jin Xingchen asked.

"You hated being punished when you were young. Every time, your mother begged me for mercy before I would cancel the punishment." Jin Shaoyang said.

"Father, you mentioned your mother intentionally or unintentionally. Do you want to say that I went against my mother's wishes and went against you?" Jin Xingchen said boringly.

"Since you know, why do you do this?" Jin Shaoyang asked.

"Because the Queen Mother never wants you to use despicable means to plunder profits. She also helps the Westerners to attack their Phoenix City." Jin Xingchen said.

"That piece of land is your mother's hometown. What's wrong with me plundering it back? You said my methods are despicable. I didn't do this to reduce the casualties of the soldiers. If I don't use a single soldier, I can threaten them.

Wouldn't it be better to send that land over? As for sending 100,000 troops to the Westerners, if we don't do this, they will choose to attack us first. Our troops will be even more difficult to withstand their artillery shells," Jin Shaoyang said.

"Father, is it an expedient measure for you to borrow troops?" Jin Xingchen analyzed it and asked.

"I can see it now. If the soldiers in Phoenix City can defeat a large number of Western soldiers, I will turn my guns around and help them fight the Western soldiers together and drive them out of the Central Plains." Jin Shaoyang said.

Jin Xingchen asked: "Why don't you talk secretly with the people in Huangcheng? Since you want to help them."

Jin Shaoyang said: "Silly boy, this is a matter of stance. We can't let them know that I want to help. If the Westerners find out, it will be of no benefit to us at all. So don't cause any more trouble for me. Go and take care of me."

Lure them back. Whether you can easily get the hometown your mother longs for peace with depends on how you do it."

Jin Xingchen now understood that his father still remembered the wish his mother had made before her death, and just wanted to promise it. He felt that he was really nosy this time.

"I'll go find them and come back." Jin Xingchen believed Jin Shaoyang.

"Well, go and come back quickly." Jin Shaoyang said.

After Jin Xingchen left the study, Bianya quietly came in carrying medicinal soup.

"Your Majesty, it's time to drink medicine."

"Bianya, that's a good idea of ​​yours, Xingchen believed me right away," Jin Shaoyang said.

"Your Majesty, the eldest prince is kind-hearted by nature. As long as the reasons are put above interests, you can easily convince him." Bian Ya said.

Jin Shaoyang picked up the medicinal soup and slowly poured it into his mouth. After drinking it, he coughed a few times and then said, "Can my condition last three months?"

"Your Majesty, as long as you drink the medicine on time and work less, it will definitely work." Bianyao said with some concealment. Jin Shaoyang has been suffering from terminal illness for many years. These relapses have made his condition more and more serious. He has been taking medicine to temporarily control it.

The condition is getting worse. If I want to survive, I'm afraid there is really nothing I can do.

"You go out." Jin Shaoyang waved his hand to let Bian Ya go out.

Jin Shaoyang stood up alone and came to the window, where the sunlight was shining, letting the sunlight shine on him. The reason why he was determined to seize that piece of land was simply because he wanted to be buried there after his death, because it was his

The place where he meets his most beloved woman. For many years, he has been hiding his heart, pretending to be selfish, and neglecting his concubines. The only reason is that no one can replace his most beloved woman.

The sunshine is bright, which is indeed very suitable for people to reminisce about the past and fall in love.

A ray of sunshine shone on the toes of Shangguan Moxuan's injured foot, and the toes slightly moved Mao Yuhua's little finger.

Mao Yuhua asked such a frank question: "Have you really changed your mind at all?" Shangguan Moxuan was speechless for a moment.

"Aren't you excited at all?" Mao Yuhua gently held up his calf, leaned in front of him, and closed the distance between them.

In fact, she didn't need to get close, Shangguan Moxuan's eyes were already full of her, and her every move was enough to make his heart flutter.

Compared with Miao Xiaoxuan, Mao Yuhua's appearance is undoubtedly better. And after getting along for this period of time, he has to slap himself in the face for what he said before. He promised not to be tempted by her, but now he is heartbroken

In a mess, he tried his best to hide his feelings.

Mao Yuhua saw some fine sweat on his forehead. She stepped back and said, "I'll help you straighten your bones before we talk."

"Scared? Didn't you say that it only needs to be bandaged?" Shangguan Moxuan said in a panic when he heard that he wanted to set the bone again. He was already afraid of the bone setting, and the pain was so painful every time.

Mao Yuhua spilled the beans, originally thinking she was trying to trick him into slowly setting his bones.

"Just straighten it a little and then bandage it."

"Isn't it the same? No need to set the bones."

"No need to straighten it? It's already crooked again."

"Then you just said I was fine!"

"Anyway, I need to straighten my bones."

"I do not want!"

As a result, Shangguan Mexuan's resistance was useless. Mao Yuhua grabbed his zongzi foot, felt the bones and twisted them wildly a few times, and the bones clicked several times. Naturally, he bounced a few times in pain, and then turned into a cry.


After Mao Yuhua took care of his Zongzi feet, she did not try to coax him as usual. Instead, she directly held up his handsome face and gave him a sweet kiss, kissing him till the end.

After Shangguan Mexuan was kissed, he no longer concealed his feelings and happily hugged her into his arms, kissing her freely.

Under a beam of sunshine, the two went from kissing to a point where they couldn't handle it.

Jin Ye and Hua Fei bought a few bags of steamed buns and went back to find Yan Ruocheng and the others.

"Husband, does it still hurt here?" Yan Ruocheng slowly rubbed Huang Fengmo's wrist. When he was fighting with the guards, he accidentally twisted it slightly, and now it started to hurt. So Yan Ruocheng was here

Massage him.

"It doesn't hurt much, just a little tired." Huang Fengmo said.

Huang Chenling was lying next to him. He didn't want to stare at them. He didn't live up to his expectations, so he just stared at their every move, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Since the emperor had given him permission before, he now treated him as such.

Blind, let the two of them show off their affection.

"You still said that I was messing around, and now you are acting even more messily. If you know that your swordsmanship is average, but if you are injured by a guard, what will you do then?" Yan Ruochun said.

"It's better than being chopped by a guard. Also, why do you say my swordsmanship is average? I am not average. I have practiced it." Huang Fengmo said.

"In short, don't confront those guards who can fight next time." Yan Ruocheng said.

"I got it." After Huang Fengmo finished speaking, he kissed her forehead, as if Huang Chenling next to her was a stone statue.

Yan Ruocheng was not embarrassed, but couldn't help but look directly at Huang Chenling to see his reaction.

Huang Chenling said nothing, blinked and closed her eyes.

Outside the door, someone came. It was Jin Ye and Hua Fei.

"Are you hungry too? Let's eat the steamed buns first. The guards outside have not come to find us, so you can rest assured that you can stay here for one night." Hua Fei came in and put down a bag of steamed buns and said.

"That's good. I'm very tired today. If I find another place to hide, it will be really terrible." Yan Ruocheng said. He took a bun, tore it in half, gave half to Huang Fengmo, and took the other one.

Feed half of it to Huang Chenling.

"Chen Ling, eat the buns first." She supported him slightly and gently stuffed the buns into his mouth.

Huang Chenling ate slowly, and it was Huang Fengmo's turn to hold half of the buns and watch their interaction intently.

Jin Ye and Hua Fei felt that their atmosphere was quite awkward, so they found an excuse to leave.

"We also have to go back to the palace. I don't know how Brother Huang will do alone. We can't leave him alone. If we can't come back, you should find a way out of the city on your own. There is some silver here." Jin Ye said.

.and took out all the silver he had and put it on the table.

"Okay. Thanks." Huang Fengmo said.

"Be careful," Hua Fei said.

"Well, okay." Yan Ruocheng said.

After Jin Ye and Hua Fei left, they continued to eat steamed buns awkwardly.

The buns were so dry that Huang Chenling choked in her throat and started coughing.

"Husband, hurry up and get a cup of tea." Yan Ruocheng quickly ordered Huang Fengmo.

"Where is the tea here?" Huang Fengmo picked up the kettle and shook it before asking.

"Cough cough cough... cough!" Huang Chenling kept coughing.

Yan Ruocheng saw that Huang Chenling couldn't stop coughing, so she had no choice but to kiss him directly, using kissing methods to moisten his throat, and kissed him gently and slowly.

Huang Fengmo saw the vinegar water spilled over and over again, countless times. He almost wanted to knock it over in front of him.

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