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Chapter 39 (1): Dig a hole and step on it

"Here, girl, please don't be angry. I heard your words just now, as if you were scolding someone, but I am not the bad man who doesn't care about other people's feelings as you said. Don't be angry, don't be angry again.

She's not pretty anymore, just smile." Hua Qingcheng leaned over to coax her.

"You just ignored my feelings and held on to my feet, and you still had the nerve to say such things." As soon as Yan Ruocheng opened his mouth, the words hit him in the face.

Hua Qingcheng laughed and said: "Hahaha... Really? If I didn't pull your leg, you wouldn't have been chatting with me for so long. Making friends around, what does it matter if you are thick-skinned?"

Hua Qingcheng saw that he was a bit stupid and not a bad person. She had taken leave anyway and had nothing to do if she went back so early. So, she decided to take him to visit the sightseeing spots in the city and relax herself at the same time.

"Let's go, playboy, I'll show you around. There are quite a lot of attractions in this city." She relaxed her mind and said in a calm tone.

"Then what do you call the girl? Tell me, I really want to know." Hua Qingcheng will not give up before asking her name.

"My surname is Yan. You can call me Miss Yan." Although Yan Ruocheng agreed to take him sightseeing, he did not agree to become friends with him.

"Miss Yan, do you mind if I ask? Why do you deliberately pretend to be an ugly girl?" Hua Qingcheng asked curiously.

Yan Ruocheng glanced at him and said, "It's safer to pretend to be ugly in the city, lest you get caught up with a playboy like you during the day."

"Miss Yan, what you said is wrong. Do you have the words "Playboy" engraved on my forehead? Why do you insist that I am a playboy in one sentence? Although my surname is Hua, it does not mean that I am very playboy.

"Hua Qingcheng retorted slyly.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I just think you are a playboy, so don't try to have any bad intentions on me. I won't do this. You will not bring trouble on your own." Yan Ruocheng gave him a slight warning.

Hua Qingcheng cleverly adapted her words and said in turn: "I never said that, or does Miss Yan want me to have some bad ideas on you?" After saying that, he deliberately looked up and down her figure.

"You dare!" She wanted to reach out and pinch his ears again, "Don't dare! Don't pinch. It's just a joke." Hua Qingcheng immediately dodged.

"Hmph, if you don't dare, just be more serious." Yan Ruozhen slightly frightened him, and Hua Qingcheng pretended to be well-behaved and said, "Okay, okay, I, the young master, should be more serious. I will listen to Miss Yan."

In this way, Yan Ruocheng and Hua Qingcheng were walking around the city. After they had enough fun, they went to a restaurant to have dinner and talk in the afternoon.

At this time, Huang Chenling had already returned to the mansion. He was being pestered by Wang Xiulin, who was constantly serving him, which gave him a headache.

He wanted to finish using her and find an excuse to send her back home, but no excuse could send her away. This time, he really dug a hole to trap himself.

Now he plans to pretend to have a headache and lie down to sleep, so that she will feel bored and willing to go back to the princess's mansion.

"Brother Chenling, is your headache better? Why do you have the headache? Are you overworking?" Wang Xiulin took the wet towel that had not been wrung out and put it directly on his forehead.

The water from the towel flowed down his forehead, like pouring water, making his whole head soaked.

Huang Chenling held back her temper and persuaded: "Xiulin, it's time for you to go back. It's almost dusk. I'll be fine if I sleep. If you stay here and stare at me, I won't be able to sleep."

"No, I don't want to go back. Brother Chenling asked me to take care of you. Of course I won't leave. Why don't I help you wipe your sweat? Your clothes are all wet." Wang Xiulin was actually pretending to be stupid.

, deliberately put the towel on his forehead before wrung it out, in order to make his shirt soaked, so that he could help him wipe himself.

"No, Xiulin, I can do it by myself. Hey, I suddenly have some gastrointestinal discomfort and I need to go for some relief. You'd better go out and avoid it first." Huang Chenling naturally knew what Wang Xiulin was thinking, so she found a more secure excuse to let him go.

She had to go out.

Wang Xiulin was still a little reluctant and said, "Brother Chen Ling, your foot is inconvenient, why not let me help you to move it." As she said this, she went over and lifted his injured foot, which hurt Huang Chen.


Huang Chenling felt pain, her face darkened, and she said angrily: "Xiulin, are you disobeying me? Why don't you go out and avoid it?"

"Okay, then Brother Chenling, please be careful. I'll go out and wait." Wang Xiulin didn't want to be too obvious, so he took a step back this time to avoid really making him angry.

After she finished speaking, she made a simple bow and went out.

This chapter has been completed!
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