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Chapter 111 Break through the innate!

"Boy, you'd better tell the person next to you now. You can't be disturbed by others during the process of breaking through the innateness, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain."

"Got it!" Tang Fei agreed, turned to Li Qiu Shui and said: "Uncle, my nephew's internal energy is in chaos. Now I need to adjust my breathing, and the internal energy I practice cannot be disturbed by others.


"Okay!" Li Qiushui nodded, and then asked doubtfully: "Nephew, in this case we might as well come down now."

"It's too late!" Tang Fei shook his head and closed his eyes directly, and waves of abundant internal energy began to surround his body.

"Alas..." Li Qiushui shook her head. She herself was extremely confused as to why Tang Fei's internal strength was so deep. Now after hearing Tang Fei's words, she couldn't help but guess that the internal strength practiced by Tang Fei was probably based on the same principles as the "Beiming Divine Skill".

Internal strength, such internal strength can make people advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, but there are always some hidden dangers. Then he moved his body to the side, leaving Tang Fei with enough space.

"What should I do?" Tang Fei's internal energy was now like boiling water. The internal energy that was originally extremely easy to control was now scurrying around like a headless fly. Feeling the internal energy, Tang Fei

He hurriedly said: "Jie! How can I control the internal force to impact the innate power? If this continues, my own meridians will probably be broken by these internal forces."

"That's right! If you don't control it, your meridians will not be able to withstand such an impact." Jie nodded and continued: "Now you have to work hard to press your own internal power into your Dantian. I will tell you after you finish this step.

What should you do next!”

"Okay!" Tang Fei's whole body was shaken, and he tried his best to control his internal energy and collect it in his dantian. In an instant, he recovered nearly 50% of his internal energy. Then Tang Fei discovered that although his internal energy was scurrying around, these random movements

His internal power is only 50%, but the remaining 50% of his internal power is running rapidly in his eight extraordinary meridians, and the speed of his performance is 50% faster than the speed at which he used to run at full speed.


"Damn it!" Tang Fei cursed secretly. This is what he discovered. Now he can hardly stop his Little Zhoutian circulation. Although he can slowly extract some internal energy from the Rendu Second Meridian to return to his Dantian, but if he follows the instructions

At this speed, it is estimated that it will take at least five hours to recover 50% of the internal energy in the Dantian.

"Idiot!" Just as Tang Fei was thinking hard, Jie's voice came over: "Boy, what do you think meridians are? They are not blood vessels in your body! After all, they are extremely mysterious things in the human body. Although

They are at the same position as blood vessels and exist throughout the human body, but you must also know that meridians are just imaginary routes we made up! They are just composed of some special muscles. Can't you contract your own muscles?


"This?" Tang Fei was startled and suddenly realized that in fact, the meridians mentioned by martial arts practitioners and the blood vessels of the human body are completely different things. The blood vessels transport blood and essence, but the meridians cannot contain essence.

Yes, the meridians can only be used to circulate internal force. Just as Jie said, the meridians are just composed of some special muscles. If he wants to contract the muscles, it is simply easy for Tang Fei at this time.

Tang Fei put his hands together and spread his energy throughout his body, looking inside every muscle in his body. Sure enough, he quickly discovered that although the muscles in the meridians are independent, they are connected with many muscles. By controlling these connected muscles, he can

Controlling the contraction of his own meridians, Tang Fei now also understands why some boxing techniques can speed up the movement of his internal energy. In the final analysis, he is controlling these connected muscles to relax his own meridians. In this way, he can speed up the movement of his internal energy.


Tang Fei observed it and found that among the eight meridians of the Qi Meridian, the Ren meridian was closest to the dantian, and it was also the easiest to recover the internal energy. It directly compressed the Ren meridian gate, but the effect was beyond Tang Fei's expectation. He had just compressed the Ren meridian.

Although Xiao Zhoutian's speed slowed down sharply in an instant, the collision of this internal force suddenly caused several small holes in the Renmai gate. Although Tang Fei in an instant

The small opening on the meridians was blocked, but unfortunately some internal energy still escaped.

"Pfft..." Tang Fei spat out a mouthful of blood. Li Qiu Shui was shocked when he saw this, and said quickly: "Nephew, what's wrong with you?"

"Uncle, don't worry, it doesn't matter to me!" Tang Fei was now fully immersed in training. He was afraid that Li Qiushui would disturb him, so he said directly: "Uncle, my nephew's martial arts is extremely domineering, and now it has reached a critical moment.

I just spit out some of the messy essence in my body."

"Yeah!" Hearing Tang Fei's words, Li Qiu Shui nodded. When the internal energy is in chaos, the essence in the body will also be in chaos.

Now that the Ren channel in Tang Fei's body was compressed, the rotation speed of Xiao Zhoutian's internal energy dropped by 80%. In this way, Tang Fei easily collected all the internal energy into his Dantian, and once again compressed the Ren channel gate, Xiao Zhou Tian

The speed dropped again, and just when Tang Fei was about to collect all his internal energy into his dantian, Jie's voice came again.

"Boy! Don't withdraw all your internal power. Leave the last half of your internal power to circulate within the meridians. It will be of great use later."

"Okay, I understand!" Tang Fei nodded and dispersed the compression on the Ren meridian gate, and the remaining internal energy quickly began to circulate in his eight extraordinary meridians again. Tang Fei continued: "Then I will do something




"Yes!" Jie smiled and said directly: "Now if you carefully observe your Dantian, you will soon find a midpoint in the Dantian. This midpoint is very strange. It will only appear when the acquired one breaks through the innate. You have to

All you have to do is find the center point of the Dantian, and then compress all your internal energy toward this point."

"Midpoint?" After listening to Jie's words, Tang Fei carefully scanned his Dantian. The Dantian of Human and Heaven was originally a void existence, and the shape of the Dantian was not fixed, so there was usually no midpoint of the Dantian.

Tang Feizai searched carefully several times but found no results. It was not until Tang Fei checked for the fifth time that he discovered a special small dot. In fact, there was no difference in this small dot, but once there was

If the internal force flows through, an extremely weak suction force will be generated, and it will automatically gather the surrounding internal force. If Tang Fei hadn't actively controlled the internal force in his Dantian to keep it as still as possible, he probably wouldn't have been able to find this small spot.

"Well done!" At this time, Jie's voice came to Tang Fei when he discovered this small spot, and then he said: "This is the center point of the Dantian. Now you can compress the internal energy of the Dantian until you find the Dantian."

When a drop of internal liquid appears at the midpoint, this step is completed."

"Well!" Tang Fei directly began to compress the internal power of his Dantian. At this time, he also discovered that his internal power was actually extremely pure. After all, the quality had already reached the innate level. It was just like this that Tang Fei

Now it is extremely difficult to compress one's internal strength.

Only now did Tang Fei realize that it was difficult to compress the internal force when his Dantian was contracting. Moreover, through Tang Fei's efforts, all the internal force in the Dantian had been completely gathered at the midpoint of the Dantian, forming a

The appearance of a ball made of internal force also means that his internal force has been compressed to the extreme. Tang Fei looked at the ball and it showed an extremely bright color of glass, but there was no liquefied internal force in the center.

Until two minutes later, the internal force ball trembled slightly, and a mist finally began to appear in the center. Soon, these mist condensed into a drop of liquefied internal force. As soon as this drop of liquefied internal force appeared, the entire

The internal force ball suddenly dispersed and turned into an irregular disk that stayed quietly in the Dantian.

"Okay, this is the prototype of the inner force sea!" At this time, Jie's voice came over: "Now is the more important time. If the inner force sea cannot rotate, it cannot be called the inner force sea. Now it is

When you use the rapidly rotating internal force in the eight extraordinary meridians to push the prototype of this sea of ​​​​qi, come on! You only have three chances, you must succeed!"

Tang Fei frowned and stared at the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi in Dantian's internal force. It suddenly connected with the eight meridians and Dantian. In an instant, the internal force in the eight meridians was like a train, directly hitting the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi.

Then he returned to the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, but one third of the amount was absorbed by the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi. Unfortunately, this time it hit the center of the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi, and the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi was only slightly absorbed.

After trembling for a while, he regained his composure!

"Fuck!" Tang Fei cursed secretly, and couldn't help but carefully observe the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi. At this time, an object appeared in Tang Fei's mind, and his eyes lit up. At this time, the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi in his dantian was actually the same as a spinning top.

There are seven points similar to each other. In this way, you can actually use the spinning top method to turn the prototype of the air sea.

Thinking that he was about to implement it, Tang Fei once again controlled the internal force in the Eight Extraordinary Meridians to rush into his Dantian. This time, the internal force directly turned into an extremely slender torrent of internal force, which hit the side of the prototype of the Qi Sea.

The prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi started to rotate, but the speed of rotation was very slow. Seeing this, Tang Fei once again controlled his internal force to hit the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi, and this time the prototype of the sea of ​​​​qi began to rotate at a relatively fast speed.

It started to rise, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it turned into a sea of ​​stars like the Milky Way.

At this time, Tang Fei suddenly felt a suction coming from the Yongquan point above his feet and the Baihui point above his head. As soon as this suction force appeared, Tang Fei's body trembled involuntarily.

"Now is the most critical moment!" Jie's voice finally appeared: "Boy, now your Qi Sea has finally begun to take shape, but as long as the Second Bridge of Heaven and Earth is not fully opened, it cannot be considered truly formed. Now you

You must wholeheartedly control your own Qi Hai, which has not yet fully formed, and you must make it rotate extremely quickly, so that you can generate extremely powerful suction, so that these two acupuncture points can be flushed open."

"Yeah!" Tang Fei nodded. At this time, the sea of ​​​​qi was already a semi-finished product. Tang Fei found that he could already slightly control the movement of the sea of ​​​​qi. His mind was completely on the sea of ​​​​qi, controlling the movement of the sea of ​​​​qi.

, and after a while, the sea of ​​​​qi began to circulate more and more. At this time, Tang Fei found that the suction force of his Baihui point and the Yongquan point under his feet became stronger and stronger. Until a minute later, Tang Fei's whole body was violently

He began to tremble, and an extremely numb and comfortable feeling spread throughout his body in an instant. At this time, Tang Fei's Yongquan point and Baihui point all made a muffled sound, and an extremely wonderful energy came from these two points.

It poured into his body! Feeling this energy, Tang Fei felt as if he was in a state of ecstasy.

"Boy! Now is the time to really work hard." Jie's words brought Tang Fei back from outside the cloud. Jie continued: "What is pouring into your body now is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. But you don't have to be too happy. Take good care of yourself.

Take a look, is your essence starting to overflow from these two acupuncture points?"

"What?" Upon hearing this, Tang Fei quickly looked inside, and sure enough he saw that his essence was overflowing from these two acupuncture points, and the overflow speed was getting faster and faster. Tang Fei was shocked and asked quickly:

"What should I do next?"

"Next, you have to connect the Yongquan point on your feet and the Baihui point on the top of your head within three minutes, and at the same time use your internal power to move through the twelve main meridians. As long as you complete a great Zhoutian within three minutes,

Yuanzhuan, then the two bridges of heaven and earth will be completely opened, and the overflow of essence can be controlled. If you can't finish it in three minutes, all your essence will overflow, and the end will be very miserable.


"Okay!" Tang Fei agreed, and his internal energy started from his Dantian and began to travel through the twelve main meridians. The twelve main meridians of the human body were originally opened. At this time, Tang Fei went all out and quickly reached the final opening.

At this time, Tangmen's Baihui point and Yongquan point were already open. When the internal force was flowing through the twelve main meridians, a brand new meridian began to be generated in his body. This meridian started from his Baihui point and continued

It penetrates to the Dantian, then divides into two parts and slowly connects the Yongquan points on both feet.

"Boom!" Tang Fei's internal force finally slowly connected to this newly emerged meridian. At this time, the sea of ​​​​qi in his Dantian changed again. A concussive force started from the sea of ​​​​qi and spread to the whole body. At the same time, waves of

Gray gas began to spread out from the muscles of Tang Fei's body.

"Now is the time when the qi sea is first formed to expel the acquired qi. You can take the Toujin Liangu Pills."

When Tang Fei heard Jie's words, with a thought in his mind, the Jinliangu Pill appeared directly in his mouth, and then turned into a torrent and poured directly into his Qi sea, and his Qi sea seemed to have eaten explosives.

Generally, the shock force emitted increased by more than ten times. In this shock force, Tang's bones also exuded a burst of acquired energy.

At the same time, an extremely cool spiritual energy of heaven and earth continued to enter the Qi sea from Baihui point and Yongquan point, and the Qi sea in Tang Fei's Dantian also slowly grew stronger.

This chapter has been completed!
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