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Chapter fifty-seven epiphany, the battle is imminent!

"Fuck! It's still not right!" Tang Fei frowned as he looked at the white marks on the left side of his body one after another. He had walked on the wooden piles more than a dozen times. Although he made progress every time, he reached the thirty-fifth wooden pile.

When you set up the pile, you will encounter a total of six bamboo poles. It has been impossible to pass here seven times in a row.

At this time, Tang Fei began to recall Sikong Zhaixing's movements. Because Tang Fei's mental attributes were very high, he could barely learn anything at all. Therefore, Sikong Zhaixing's movements just now were still clearly remembered. However, after recalling it several times, Tang Fei discovered that,

Sikong Zhaixing's footwork was always completely different from his own, but Tang Fei couldn't figure out where this place was.

"Huh?" Tang Fei paused, thinking of what Sikong Zhaixing said just before leaving, "Remember the last four words: feet first!"

"The intention is feet first?" Tang Fei murmured to himself: "What does this mean?"

Tang Fei frowned: "Literally, it means 'thoughts should be in front of the steps'?" Recalling Sikong Zhaixing's movements again, Tang Fei discovered that Sikong Zhaixing seemed to be able to predict the movement trajectory of the bamboo pole.

Thinking of this, Tang Fei's eyes lit up: "No! It's not 'thoughts are in front of the steps' but 'steps are in front of the thoughts'. 'Intentions are feet first' means that the thoughts are there, but the steps must be in front of the thoughts.

.This is totally talking about conditioned reflex!”

The so-called conditioned reflex means that a person who has experienced something too many times will form a consistent response when the thing appears again. This is also the so-called conditioned reflex, just like a person.

Qualified drivers will basically step on the brakes quickly when encountering a dangerous situation. Sometimes these actions are direct reactions without brain processing.

After thinking about this, Tang Fei smiled slightly: "It turns out to be a conditioned reflex, so the fact that Jie can make extremely accurate predictions is also a conditioned reflex?" Looking at the wooden stake in front of him, Tang Fei jumped lightly again!

This time Tang Fei didn't start walking in a hurry. He swung all the bamboo poles with one palm and squinted his eyes to carefully watch the movement of these bamboo poles.

In Tang Fei's eyes, the scene of the swaying bamboo pole slowly slowed down, and an illusory figure appeared on the wooden pole. As soon as this illusory figure appeared, he began to use Star Chaser to walk on the wooden pole step by step. Every time the figure

When it is touched by a bamboo pole, it will dissipate, and then a new figure will form on the spot, trying to walk again using another method. Finally, after a while, the figure successfully reached the fiftieth wooden stake.

At this time, Tang Fei's narrowed eyes glowed with light: "That's it. Qinggong is to make your body more agile, but if you can't even control your body flexibly, what's the point of being agile?"

Spreading his inner strength throughout his body, Tang Fei took the first step and easily dodged the first bamboo pole. Tang Fei did not stop but walked continuously, the tenth, the twentieth, and the third bamboo pole.

Forty! Tang Fei soon reached the fortieth wooden pole. At this time, there were eight bamboo poles swaying between the 41st and the wooden poles. He looked at the bamboo poles swaying back and forth.

Bamboo pole, Tang Fei took an unexpected step forward without letting any bamboo pole touch him.

But at this time, Tang Fei's expression suddenly became sluggish. A scene that was exactly the same as before him seemed to appear in his mind, but this scene was 360 degrees in all directions.

Although Tang Fei's expression was dull, his footwork did not stop, and he walked forward step by step. Finally, Tang Fei successfully stepped on the fiftieth wooden stake.

But at this time, Tang Fei had no intention of stopping. He started walking from the first one again, faster and faster! It took forty seconds to walk once from the beginning, and it was reduced to thirty-five seconds. Three seconds.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, and finally it was reduced to only ten seconds!

At this time, the bamboo pole slowly stopped because it had no power, but Tang Fei had not stopped yet. He kept walking on the wooden pole, doing various dodge movements until half an hour passed.

, Tang Fei slowly woke up.

"Huh?" Seeing that the nearby bamboo poles were not moving, Tang Fei was startled: "What's going on? Wasn't it moving very fast just now?"

Uncle Fu's voice came over: "Congratulations, young master. Young master, you have just entered the realm of enlightenment. Not only has your body control improved a lot, but your skills in chasing stars and moving every step of the way have also reached the level of success!"

"What?" After hearing Fu Bo's words, Tang Fei screamed and directly opened his attribute list:

Name: Tang Fei


Internal Strength: Perfect (8370/10000)





Charm:11+(38 has been hidden)

Skill: Riding Mastery Level 1: (666/1000) slightly accelerates the speed of the mount, and the physical strength consumed while riding is halved.

Powerful Vajra Palm Mastery Level 2: (130/10000) When used, combined with internal force, it can explode 11 times the power damage.

Innate Gong Xiaocheng Level 1: Internal Gong, when used, it can convert essence into internal force, very fast. It has a slight body-protecting effect!

Chasing Stars gradually reaches Level 2: Qinggong, Moving Like Wind, and Void Relay.

Ranger Points: 681

Good and evil value: 8329

Tip! The host enters the realm of enlightenment. The internal strength and skill star-chasing proficiency increase sharply month by month.

Tip! Successfully purchased the medium-grade Blood Essence Stone, which cost 500 Ranger Points.

Tip! The skill Star Chaser has been upgraded from Mastery Level 1 to Mastery Level 2 step by step, and the agility attribute has been increased by 80 points.

Tip! The skill Star Chaser has been upgraded from Mastery Level 2 to Mastery Level 3 month by month, and the agility attribute has been increased by 160 points.

Tip! The skill Star Chasing is gradually upgraded from level 3 to Xiao Cheng level 1. After reaching Xiao Cheng in Qing Gong, there will no longer be a bonus to the agility attribute!

Tip! The skill Star Chasing is gradually upgraded from Xiao Cheng Level 1 to Xiao Cheng Level 2.

Seeing that all of his attributes had improved, including the agility and vitality attributes that had improved so much in an instant, Tang Fei felt extremely happy. The six reminders on his face also made him stunned for a while.

Looking at the second prompt, Tang Fei said, "Uncle Fu, did you buy this medium-grade blood essence stone?"

"Yes!" Fu Bo's voice came over: "Master, you have just entered the state of enlightenment. Because the performance of Chasing Stars and Moon Steps also requires internal strength, your internal strength also increased instantly, but the increase in internal strength requires the transformation of essence.

, the low-grade blood essence stone purchased by your Taoist priest was used up in an instant, so I helped you buy a medium-grade blood essence stone. The medium-grade blood essence stone can provide you with one year of cultivation essence. If you just didn’t have enough essence,

Without the support, you will soon exit the realm of enlightenment due to excessive loss of energy."

"I see." Thinking that he had somehow entered the so-called enlightenment state, and that after entering the enlightenment state, all of his attributes increased dramatically, Tang Fei couldn't help but become extremely interested in enlightenment.

"Uncle Fu, what does this epiphany mean? And what effect does it have?"

"Master, epiphany is a special experience in the spiritual realm. It is an extremely rare experience. Most people have never experienced epiphany in their lives, but some people often experience epiphany. Therefore, this special experience is relatively rare.

Random and random! Of course, it does not mean that all epiphanies are useful. If there are a hundred epiphanies, probably only three will be helpful to the person who has the epiphany."

Tang Fei nodded: "In other words, epiphany is just a reward like winning a lottery. Some people buy it and never win a prize in their lifetime, and some people win five million when they buy it for the first time."

"It can also be understood this way."

After hearing what Uncle Fu said, Tang Fei no longer asked about the matter of enlightenment. Tang Fei would never put his mind into this kind of thing that depends entirely on luck.

With a kick of his feet, Tang Fei rushed directly towards his courtyard. Now Tang Fei's Qing Gong was almost twice as fast as before, and he could also relay the ball extremely easily in the air, and he could almost do whatever he wanted.

Now that he was able to control his body, Tang Fei felt immense enjoyment in his heart as he felt the sound of wind in his ears.

Soon they arrived in the courtyard. Although it was not very late this time, Tang Fei still flew directly into the courtyard, gently closed the door, and Tang Fei directly activated deep sleep. There will be a big show tomorrow!


Lingling picked up the glass of wine in front of him and said with a smile: "Miss Qin Cao really has unique taste, but this kind of fine grape wine is not the wine that we Central Plains people are used to drinking. We Central Plains people are still used to drinking wine made from whole grains.


Qin Cao smiled: "Young Master's words seem to have a profound meaning! I wonder if you can explain it clearly?"

Looking at the wine that was as scarlet as blood, Ling Lingfa shook his head: "Miss Qin Cao is like this glass of wine, crystal clear and sweet in taste. And my wife is like the white wine made from all kinds of grains, turbid like

The wine is pungent and punchy. But people in the Central Plains don’t understand the sweet taste of wine, and they still like the pungent punch of white wine.”

Hearing Ling Lingfa's words, Qin Cao's expression changed: "So, the young master plans to let down the sincerity of the little girl and is reluctant to part with his beloved wife at home?"

"Hahaha!" Ling Lingfa smiled and shook his head, drank the wine in his hand, and showed a look of enjoyment on his face: "No! What I'm talking about is just some ordinary people who don't understand the taste of grape wine.

But I can taste the sweetness of this fine grape wine. So I still like the girl very much. But although this white wine is pungent, after all, after drinking it for so many years, I have some feelings for her. I will wait until her birthday tomorrow.

In the past, I arranged for her to marry a girl the day after tomorrow. What does the girl think?"

There was a slight flash of contempt in Qin Cao's eyes, but he covered his mouth gently and said with a smile: "The young master is really bad, he actually scares the little girl like this. I originally planned to let the young master rest tonight, but since the young master just scared me,

Then I won’t keep you here tonight, it’s getting late now, my family is going to rest, so you’d better come back tomorrow.” After saying that, he waved his sleeves.

The two maids around him saw Qin Cao's actions and said, "Sir, our young lady is going to rest. Please leave."

"Ah?" Ling Lingfa's face was filled with surprise: "I was just joking. Besides, why do you care, Miss Qincao? Miss Qincao?"

The two maids frowned: "Sir, if you don't leave, we will call the guards."

"Uh..." Ling Lingfa's face felt helpless: "Okay, okay! I'm leaving, just don't call the guards." After saying that, he looked at Qin Cao's boudoir and slowly left.

After walking a long way, the disappointment on Ling Lingfa's face slowly disappeared: "Oh... I'm so talented in acting and stuff like that, yeah!"

At this time, Qin Cao was sitting cross-legged on the bed. Her whole body trembled and she instantly transformed into a phaseless emperor.

Emperor Wu Xiang put his hands on his knees and exhaled slightly, a light burst out in his eyes: "I finally found a way to get rid of the trouble of being possessed by evil spirits. Just give me three more days to open up this acupuncture point."

, by then I will not only be able to restore my appearance, but my skills will also be greatly enhanced!"

"Alas!" Then Emperor Wuxiang sighed: "It's a pity that we will kill all of them tomorrow, and I don't know if that boy Zhu Changzhi has successfully killed the emperor. Humph! Even without Zhu Changzhi's help,

I will still want you to die without your body tomorrow!" After saying this, his whole body was shocked, and cracks appeared on all the furniture around him.

Looking at these cracks, the corners of Wuxiang Emperor's mouth curled up slightly: "Tomorrow is your death day, so enjoy your time tonight!"

This chapter has been completed!
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