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Chapter 145

At this time, five or six men and a few middle-aged women came over and wanted to check the flower bed again.

"Don't move, there's a snake inside! Come over and hide behind me." Fang Tianfeng said kindly.

Look at those people together.

"You are here too." A middle-aged woman opposite said with a smile.

"Well, we all live in the community, so we can help each other," An's mother said. We all have met, but we may not know each other's name.

A tall young man in the opposing team carrying an iron rod said, "Tiantian, you are here too. Is he your friend?"

An Tiantian smiled and said, "Well, he is my best friend's boyfriend and he is here to help us kill snakes. You'd better listen to him and stay away."

The man with the iron rod smiled confidently and said, "He's not as tall as me. I think you'd better come to our place. Look, this is the snake I killed." As he said that, he raised the plastic bag in his hand and shook it.


"You're pretty good." An Tiantian said, but anyone who was careful could see that she was perfunctory.

But the man with the iron rod seemed to be encouraged and said, "Come to our place. The more people we have, the more strength we will have. If we encounter demolition, they will not dare to come if there are too many people."

An Tiantian remembered the first time she met Fang Tianfeng, and remembered that Fang Tianfeng easily beat up those gangsters, and she couldn't help but squeeze Fang Tianfeng's hand.

Fang Tianfeng looked at An Tiantian in surprise, and An Tiantian immediately stared back at her. Without opening her mouth, Fang Tianfeng knew what she wanted to say, what are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?

The man with the iron rod felt depressed when he saw the two people so close. But they were all neighbors and it was hard to say harsh words at this time, so he said: "What's the use of just standing there and talking? Now we are fighting snakes, not talking about love."


At this time, everyone could see that the iron man was interested in An Tiantian. The others were all experienced, some smiled and said nothing, and some didn't take it seriously.

An's mother felt a little proud when she saw that her daughter was popular.

Fang Tianfeng was too lazy to pay attention to this dumbfounded young man, and asked An Tiantian in a low voice: "He chased you? And then you rejected him?"

An Tiandessert nodded.

The man with the iron rod waved his iron rod. He stepped over the waist-high holly bush and walked into the flower bed.

Fang Tianfeng is not the kind of person who cares about everything, so he reminded: "There is a snake inside."

The iron man looked at Fang Tianfeng with disdain and said, "I'll fight as many as you want! Unlike some people who only talk and don't practice tricks!"

As he was talking, someone shouted: "Snake! Green snake!"

The man with the iron rod immediately turned his head and saw a small green snake walking downstream from a three-meter-high tree. The man with the iron rod swung the iron rod and hit it hard, hitting the middle of the little green snake's body accurately.

Smash it.

But at this moment, Fang Tianfeng suddenly shouted: "Go back quickly!"

The man with the iron rod smiled contemptuously and was about to ridicule Fang Tianfeng. However, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a brown snake shadow appear below and pounce towards him.

"Fuck!" The man with the iron rod yelled, retreated, and swung the iron rod to hit him.

However, the iron rod fell into the air and splashed a little dust on the ground. The brown snake was like a bolt of lightning and struck straight at the iron rod man's calf.

The man with the iron rod panicked and yelled and retreated. But everyone around him knew that no matter how fast the man with the iron rod retreated, he could not move faster than the poisonous snake. Several men started to run towards the man with the iron rod, but they all knew that it was too late.

Everyone looked at the iron man with pity.

At the critical moment, a wooden stick suddenly flew out with a slight whistling sound. When the poisonous snake opened its mouth wide and was about to reach the man with the iron stick, the stick tip accurately hit the snake's head. The snake's head was smashed to pieces.

The wooden stick fell to the ground with a clang, and the body of the headless snake lay on the ground, twitching slightly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fang Tianfeng with grateful eyes.

The iron man was stunned for a moment. Thinking of what he had just said, he was so ashamed that he lowered his head and said, "Thank you."

Fang Tianfeng walked over, picked up the wooden stick, and said with a smile: "We are all people from Baihe Community, we are resisting the demolition together, it's just a little effort, no thanks."

Mother An asked in surprise: "Xiao Fang, did you aim or throw it randomly?"

An Tiantian said proudly: "Mom, don't forget that I always call him master! Master is very powerful. He can hit even if he is far away, let alone being so close. Master, let's go!"

She looks like she saved someone.

An Tiantian said, holding Fang Tianfeng's left hand again.

A middle-aged man said loudly: "Thank you! What a nice guy!"

"This young man is not bad." A middle-aged woman praised.

A middle-aged woman who knew the iron man very well said: "You should learn from others and don't be so reckless."

"Hmm." The iron man was ashamed. Although he was jealous of Fang Tianfeng and An Tiantian holding hands, he was not a wolf.

Fang Tianfeng took An Tiantian's hand and walked a few steps. He suddenly raised the wooden stick and poked it at the grass. With a pop, the wooden stick picked up a black and red snake.

Fang Tianfeng said: "I have seen this kind of snake, it's called a tiger-spotted snake, and it should be a slightly venomous snake." After saying that, Fang Tianfeng picked the snake to the side of the road.

An Tiantian wanted to pick it up, but was a little scared and asked: "Master, why did you throw it away? Don't you want to eat it?"

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said, "Can you do it?"

An Tiantian shook her head.

"When you have time, go and search Yunhai to see if there are any restaurants that cook snakes. Go there and eat them. If you cook them yourself, what if you get sick from eating them? Unless you know someone who can cook snakes."

"Yes." An Tiantian looked at the snake a little reluctantly.

However, the Iron Rod Man and others followed up and picked up the snake.

Fang Tianfeng took the wooden stick and kept walking, often finding snakes in places where others could not see them, and then beating them to death without a second blow.

At first, Iron Stick Man and others thought that Fang Tianfeng was acting randomly, but after Fang Tianfeng killed the fifth snake, Iron Stick Man and others stopped hunting snakes and followed Fang Tianfeng exclusively, picking up dead snakes and pretending to be snakes.


There were dozens of people beating snakes, but none of them were as efficient as Fang Tianfeng. After a while, more than ten people followed Fang Tianfeng, not beating the snakes, but just watching Fang Tianfeng beat them.

Fang Tianfeng walked around the trash can and killed another snake. Then he picked out the dead snake, took An Tiantian's hand and continued to move forward.

The man with the iron rod was the first to rush over, pick up the snake, and then said with admiration: "Brother Master, you are awesome!"

An old man exclaimed: "Whose child is this? How come I haven't seen this before? It's amazing! How many times have we walked back and forth to the place where the green snake was hiding just now? No one has seen it, but he always

If you run there, you'll be killed in one go."

"Yes, and the snake hidden under the trash can. I don't know how he saw it."

"If Tiantian can find such a capable boyfriend, now Tiantian's mother won't have to nag her every day."

"This young man is really good. He has killed so many snakes without showing off at all. Look at those boys who just killed one snake, and they were bragging about it as if they were driving away the demolition company. This guy is just afraid of competition.


They spoke loudly, not to mention Fang Tianfeng. Even An Tiantian and her daughter could hear them.

An's mother kept smiling and was no longer afraid of snakes. An Tiantian was shy and annoyed, but she felt that she was innocent and not afraid of others gossiping, and she didn't care about holding hands with Fang Tianfeng.

Everyone followed Fang Tianfeng and walked all the way out, and soon came to the Baihe River. After walking a few steps, someone suddenly shouted: "Catch him! Someone released the snake! Beat him to death!"

Fang Tianfeng followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man holding a white woven bag and pouring snakes on the ground. More than a dozen colorful snakes twisted their bodies and fell out of the bag. When the man heard someone shouting, he panicked.

Panick, move faster, shake the bag.

An Tiantian screamed in fright and said: "Master, stop him quickly! Those snakes are too scary!"

Fang Tianfeng immediately let go of An Tiantian and rushed over. There were five or six people on the other side holding long sticks, wooden stools and the like and rushing toward the man.

The man hurriedly threw down the bag and ran away. Seeing that there were many people there, he ran towards Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng rushed up and kicked the man in the chest.

The snake keeper flew out and sat down on the mouth of the bag and more than a dozen snakes.

The snakes immediately went crazy, opening their big mouths to bite the person who released the snakes, or crawling onto him to entangle him.


The snake keeper let out a terrifying scream, jumped up and down in fright, and tried to tear the snakes off his body. After a while, all the snakes were torn off, and there were a few more wounds on his body, but those wounds did not turn black.

Like poisoning.

Fang Tianfeng and the people who came towards him waved the weapons in their hands in tacit agreement and started killing snakes. Fang Tianfeng was especially powerful, one at a time. Those people looked at Fang Tianfeng in surprise, and the leader said: "Brother, you are pretty good at it."

Fang Tianfeng just smiled.

The snake releaser originally wanted to run away, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly shouted in anger and despair: "You have done evil! You have done evil! After your death, you will go to the eighteenth level of hell, the oil pan, and the mountain of hobs. You will not die a good death!"


An angry man next to him swung his stick and beat him hard, making the snake keeper scream.

After a while, Fang Tianfeng and others killed all the snakes of the snake herder. One person said doubtfully: "No, these snakes are different from the previous snakes. They all seem to be non-venomous snakes."

Fang Tianfeng took a closer look and found that the shape was indeed different from the previous one.

A man walked up to the snake releaser and asked, "What do you do? Why do you come here to release snakes to harm people?"

The man was stunned for a moment and said in a daze: "Harming people? I believe in the life-freeing religion. I am here to release animals. How can I harm people?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

A seemingly quiet middle-aged woman cursed: "Releasing snakes next to a residential area? Are you stupid?"

This sentence made everyone nod their heads. Silly and stupid are the most appropriate words to describe this kind of person.

The man said confidently: "These snakes are not poisonous, what's wrong with releasing them?"

Fang Tianfeng felt angry and said, "Tell me your home address, and I will buy a hundred non-venomous snakes and throw them at your house, and let you sleep with the snakes every day. Do you dare? Your brain has been bitten by a snake?"

An Tiantian on the side looked at the man with disdain and said: "Nowadays, there are more and more idiots. I saw on Weibo a few days ago that a group of idiots released a turtle into the sea, but no matter how it was released, that turtle would never be released."

The turtle refused to return to the sea until it died, and crawled back with all its strength. After going back and forth several times, a passerby finally couldn't bear it anymore and said that it was a freshwater turtle and could not live in the sea."

A middle-aged man said: "I also heard about one thing. A group of people bought some birds and released them in the heavy snow in the winter. Guess what? All the birds froze to death, and there were piles of corpses.

I really don’t know whether they are freeing animals or killing them. Some people believe in the life-freeing religion and even lose their brains.”

An old man said: "Don't talk nonsense to him, call the police, and stay in jail for two days to keep your mind clear."

"Yes, this is definitely disturbing public order and should not be taken lightly."

Soon someone called 110 and called the police, who immediately dispatched the police and put the person in a police car. Before the police could get in the car, other people reported that the demolition workers had planted venomous snakes. The police hesitated and said some clichés, and drove away in a hurry.

Dozens of people stood there and talked a lot. Many people sighed and cursed Yuanzhou Real Estate for being shameless.

After a while, dozens of people from the demolition company came over with smiles.

The leader said with a smile: "How about it? The taste of poisonous snakes is unpleasant, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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