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Chapter 201 This is for Aunts

Everyone was shocked and had no idea why the boss's hand was injured, while the boss sat there blankly.

Except for Fang Tianfeng, no one could see the murderous sword.

The boss didn't dare to move.

Fang Tianfeng slowly stretched out his hand, picked up the card that the master wanted to grab, turned it over, and saw the ace of spades.

Fang Tianfeng randomly grabbed the cards from the pile and turned it over, ace of hearts.

The third card is turned over, diamond a.

three a.

Fang Tianfeng said slowly: "Some people's things cannot be touched by you. It is your finger that was injured this time, but it may not be injured anywhere next time. Take the money. If you don't have cash, use online bank transfer."

Mr. Qiu looked at Fang Tianfeng with envy, quickly took out a light gold business card, handed it to Fang Tianfeng with both hands, and said: "You must be a master of gambling. This is my business card. Can you teach me how to do it? Even if you make a friend,

That’s fine.”

Fang Tianfeng nodded, accepted the business card, and then handed his own business card over.

Mr. Qiu took a look at Fang Tianfeng, the general manager of Shenlong Fishing Farm. He immediately understood that it might just be a public identity and put the business card away.

Shi Weicheng said: "The five hundred thousand won this time will be transferred to your account and used as your travel expenses. If you don't want it at all, I will have no place to put my face."

"Yeah." Fang Tianfeng nodded in response. It's not good to use the Tianyun Jue to win over ordinary people, but it's not a big problem if you win the scammer's money and take 500,000 as reward.

Fang Tianfeng gave his bank card number to the boss, but those few people hesitated and refused to transfer the money.

Fang Tianfeng was not in a hurry, holding the poker in his hand and shuffling the cards slowly.

The boss stared at Fang Tianfeng, but he still couldn't find the problem. The injury on his finger was not deep, but he felt excruciating pain. After what happened today, his status will be greatly reduced in the future.

At this moment, the door was suddenly kicked open and two policemen armed with pistols rushed in.

"The police are arresting you! Everyone raise your hands and stand facing the wall! Hurry, or you will be shot on the spot! Hurry!"

"Don't look! Whoever looks will be beaten to death!"

Everyone panicked, and the boss and others quickly raised their hands and stood aside obediently.

Mr. Qiu also hurriedly raised his hand and faced the wall. He said, "I have a relationship with Deputy Director Zhang of Xiqing Branch. I hope you can give me some face."

"Cut the damn nonsense!" a policeman said impatiently.

Fang Tianfeng's first reaction was not to raise his hands, nor to panic, but to look at the two policemen using his aura technique.

The police are national public servants, and at best they should have a translucent official air. But these two "policemen" had no official air at all, and Fang Tianfeng laughed.

However, the murderous aura in the two people did not come from themselves, but from the guns in their hands. Fang Tianfeng's first thought was to use his vitality to jam the pistol, but then he thought about it. He didn't know much about guns, so if he was accidentally

If it goes wrong, it's like stealing a chicken but losing a lot of rice.

Fang Tianfeng raised his hands, seemingly like everyone else, with his back to the two fake policemen. But in fact, his super hearing allowed him to slowly outline the subtle movements of the two people in his mind.

Breathing, gun-raising movements, bending, walking, picking up things, etc. all have different sounds. Fang Tianfeng can completely sense every move of the two people with the help of Tianyun Jue.

Fang Tianfeng heard that one person put a gun in his waist and started to load money and carry a box. The other person slowly lowered his arm with the muzzle of the gun pointed at the ground. But he could shoot at any time, which showed that this person had some experience and was afraid of misfire.

Don't dare to kill people casually.

"That's it!" Fang Tianfeng released the blood-red murderous sword.

The invisible murderous sword flew out and passed silently past the wrist of the fake policeman holding the gun. His two hands and the gun he held fell to the ground at the same time with a clang. A large amount of blood spurted out from the wound. The fake policeman

My whole body understood, terrified and screaming in pain.

The other fake policeman looked at his companion, was stunned for a moment, and was about to draw his gun.

Fang Tianfeng stepped forward and jumped close to the second fake policeman. In mid-air, he quickly swept his right leg and kicked the second fake policeman in the head. The man's head hit the wall with a bang.

, passed out.

Shi Weicheng and others did not dare to look back, but the boss and others all turned back. They couldn't believe that the two men with guns were killed like this.

"Okay, everyone, turn around. The guns are just there. If anyone dares to touch them, they will end up like them." Fang Tianfeng sat down on the chair again.

Everyone turned around and looked at Fang Tianfeng at a loss. They only dared to lean against the wall and did not dare to take a step.

Both people were unconscious.

Fang Tianfeng glanced at the master and the others, his gaze seemed calm, but it was like a cold knife, gently passing over their necks.

"I said that this time it was a finger that was injured. I may not know what it will be next time. Now we have the result. It may be two hands or a life." Fang Tianfeng said slowly.

"I admit defeat! You won the money back and no one was hurt. I'll add another five hundred thousand, giving you a total of one million. I hope you will let us go!" the boss said sincerely.

"Is it that simple?" Fang Tianfeng asked back.

"Press the noodles on the table!" the boss ordered. Several people were stunned for a moment, but soon understood what was happening, and they all grabbed the noodles and pressed his hands on the table.

Nian Mian's face changed drastically and he begged bitterly: "Master, this has nothing to do with me. I'm just a dealer. You can't let me take the blame."

The boss took out a half-foot-long sharp knife, aimed it at the back of Noodles' left hand, and stabbed it through the palm of his hand, nailing it to the table. Then he twisted the handle of the knife, pulled out the knife with force, and then pierced Noodles' right hand.

Noodles screamed in pain, cried bitterly, and kept begging for mercy, but the boss ignored him and simply destroyed both of Noodles' hands.

Then, the master held the sharp knife in his back and aimed it at his thigh. An inch and a half of the knife blade was buried in his leg.

The boss gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and said: "Master Fang, the noodles offended you, so I killed him. This knife is my sincerity. I can see that you are not ordinary, I am blind."

.From now on, I will never step foot into the city of Yunhai!"

When Fang Tianfeng saw this scene, he thought of the anti-gambling program in which thousands of kings from the North and the South faced off, and also remembered what Gang Neck said. Sure enough, those involved in gangs were all the same, ruthless and ruthless.

"Well, transfer one million to me. Also, my name is Fang Tianfeng. You can ask Brother Li or someone to find out."

Fang Tianfeng stood up, picked up two boxes, and added another sentence.

"I forgot to mention, others call me Master Fang. Brother Shi, let's go."

The two people walked out carrying a huge sum of five million.

Mr. Qiu muttered to himself: "Master Fang? I seem to have heard of this name? Yes, Lao Duan said it, and Deputy Director Zhang also said it, the police nemesis? It's him!" Mr. Qiu was so pleasantly surprised that he hurriedly chased after him.

The boss immediately took out his phone and called Brother Li, the gang leader in Xiqing District.

"Brother Li, I want to ask you about someone. His name is Fang Tianfeng. He is in his early twenties. His temperament is a bit different. It's hard to tell. By the way, many people call him Master Fang."

"Master Fang? Why are you asking about him?" Brother Li suddenly raised his voice.

"It's okay, I'm just asking." The boss didn't expect Brother Li to react so strongly.

"If you get involved with him, you will be my grandfather from now on; if you offend him, get away as far as you want. Maybe I can't help but chop you off and use your head to get involved with Master Fang.

Hehe." Brother Li said, letting out a weird laugh.

The boss snorted coldly and said, "The matter between me and him has been settled, but you can't get away with it!"

"What do you mean?" Li Ge was furious.

"The gambling game set up by Nian Jinya and the others stole the money of Master Fang's friends. Master Fang came to find a place to win back all the money. This is Xiqing District, and he must know that it is related to you. If something happens to me, you can't run away.

!" said the boss.

"I. Fuck. Your whole family! I'm forcing you to wait. Don't hide in Wuquan County if you can. Let's see if I dare to chop you up and feed it to the dogs! Damn it, I'm going to take the money and go to the door to apologize right now. If he

If you don’t forgive me, I will drag you to death! Just wait!”

Brother Li cursed and hung up the phone.

The boss wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and secretly said he was lucky.

"Who is this Master Fang?" the master murmured to himself.

As soon as Fang Tianfeng put the suitcase containing money into the trunk of the car, Mr. Qiu rushed out of the door and shouted: "Master Fang, wait a minute. I am a classmate with Lao Duan. Mr. Duan Ming, I want you to cure infertility."

The one."

Fang Tianfeng stood at the door of the car, waiting for Mr. Qiu.

"What's the matter?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

Mr. Qiu said with a smile: "I have heard of your name a long time ago, but I have never been able to meet you, so I would like to treat you to a casual meal."

"I've been a little busy recently. I'll definitely go when I have time." Fang Tianfeng said with a smile.

Mr. Qiu showed a look of regret and said, "The day when the old man has a son, let's have a drink together."

After bidding farewell to Mr. Qiu, Fang Tianfeng and Shi Weicheng got into the car and drove towards Chang'an Garden.

Along the way, Shi Weicheng was extremely excited and kept talking about what had just happened. Fang Tianfeng admired him extremely. In the end, he wanted to learn two moves, but Fang Tianfeng rolled his eyes and looked down upon him.

After arriving at Chang'an Garden and seeing off Shi Weicheng, Fang Tianfeng did a careful calculation. Not counting the orphanage's correction funds, plus the one million he won today, he already had 4.6 million in money on hand, and it was getting closer and closer to the date he bought the villa

Coming closer.

Fang Tianfeng had just sat down for a while when he received a call from Gang Neck, saying that Brother Li from Xiqing District was coming to apologize and give 500,000 yuan.

The 500,000 yuan had very little to do with the Tianyun Jue and would not affect his cultivation. Fang Tianfeng thought that if he didn't make money, he wouldn't make it in vain, so he agreed with Brother Li to plead guilty.

Soon Brother Li came to Chang'an Garden with 500,000 yuan. Fang Tianfeng saw that his luck was full of evildoers and resentment, and it was not worth cultivating. So he said a few polite words, accepted the money, said that he would not pursue it anymore, and let Brother Li leave.

5.1 million, one step closer to reaching 9 million.

As soon as Brother Li left, Qin Xiaohan called and said he wanted to come and see Uncle Fang.

Fang Tianfeng didn't refuse, and said he welcomed Qin Xiaohan. Unexpectedly, Qin Xiaohan brought a cart full of things.

There were many Eastern and Western things that Tianfeng didn't know at all. Qin Xiaohan introduced them one by one. First of all, the top-quality Chinese traditional sea cucumbers, shark fins, bear paws, abalone, etc. were all available. Qin Xiaohan also specifically pointed out that the bird's nest inside was absolutely fine.

Then, Qin Xiaohan introduced foreign ingredients, including Kobe beef, French Butania blue lobster, Caspian Sea caviar, Spanish Iberian ham, American treasure oysters, etc., and said that many of the ingredients were smuggled over, absolutely.

It won't be fake.

If you add all these ingredients together, you can't buy it for 500,000 yuan.

Fang Tianfeng frowned. If a billionaire like Meng Decai offered it as a gift, he would gladly accept it, but Qin Xiaohan, a second-generation official, would have a different meaning.

Qin Xiaohan had known Fang Tianfeng's reaction for a long time, and explained: "Actually, I didn't pay a penny, and my friends didn't spend much money. They all asked for it from their friends through connections. Not for anything else, just to thank you for that day

Are you willing to give us a private room?"

Fang Tianfeng vaguely understood that his fame and influence were getting bigger and bigger now. Even if he was not on the bright side, he could not escape the eyes of interested people. I am afraid that the families of Qin Xiaohan's friends also contributed.

In addition to the ingredients, there are also more than a dozen bottles of top-quality perfume.

"Uncle Fang, this is for the aunts." Qin Xiaohan said with a smile. (This site (.) Your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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