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Chapter 212 The New Calamity

"Okay, okay, bye.

The phone rang again, and Director Liu saw that it was the deputy director of the Nanshan City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, who was one level higher than him.

"Liu Bureau, long time no see."

"Hello, Director Yang, what instructions do you have?" Director Liu said.

"Personal matters are not instructions. I heard that your bureau has a joint operation with the Beilin police to arrest three law-abiding citizens?"

Director Liu's first reaction was that he was unhappy, thinking that you may have a higher rank, but I am the head of the county public security bureau. What do you mean by arresting law-abiding citizens? But then he realized that Deputy Director Yang had a deep relationship with those people.

"I don't know about this matter. It was Deputy Director Yan who arrested him. Let me ask you." As soon as Director Liu finished speaking, he prompted that there was another call, and then said, "Director Yang, please wait a moment, there is another call."

The phone call came, I’ll call you back when I ask.”

Director Liu ended the call and answered a new call. When he heard that it was a district chief in the city, he was still higher in rank than him, and he still asked Fang Tianfeng about the three of them.

Having been an official for many years, Director Liu, no matter how stupid he was, finally realized that those three people were not simple, so he spoke more carefully this time.

After the call ended, before Director Liu could breathe a sigh of relief, his cell phone rang again. It was the director of the Linxian County Public Security Bureau. The two of them were old classmates from the police academy, and he asked about Fang Tianfeng.

Then, Director Liu's phone started ringing endlessly, and he received a total of nine calls in a short period of time.

The room was obviously air-conditioned, but the clothes on Director Liu's back were soaked with sweat.

The phone on the table rang. Director Liu's eyes flashed and he picked up the phone cautiously.

"Hello, my name is Liu Huanyao from Heishan County." Director Liu was probably calling from a big leader in the city.

"It's me." A slightly older voice sounded.

"Hello, County Magistrate Tang." Director Liu couldn't help but sit up straight, and his heart dropped a little.

"A leader from Beilin City said that some comrades in the Heishan County Public Security Bureau are rough in style and have an extremely unserious attitude towards their work. You should investigate and give me a reply before tonight." After that, he hung up the phone.

Director Liu was stunned for a moment. County Magistrate Tang’s attitude was so obvious that he knew what to do without even thinking about it. Director Liu was about to ask someone to find Deputy Director Yan, but he pushed the door open and walked out.

The short distance of more than ten meters felt extremely long to Director Liu. I really couldn't figure out what the origins of Fang Tianfeng and the other three people were, and they actually had so many people calling.

Director Liu broke into Deputy Director Yan's office, glanced around the office coldly, and found Dou Hao's eyes widening in surprise. Deputy Director Yan's face was ashen, and he kept nodding while holding the phone. Director Liu instantly understood that Deputy Director Yan also received a call from someone

The phone number of the leader must also be the business of Fang Tianfeng and the other three.

When Deputy Director Yan put down the phone, Director Liu said solemnly: "Old Yan, come to my office." After that, he turned and left.

Deputy Director Yan stood up slowly, his hair on his forehead was wet with sweat. He arranged his hair, took a deep look at Dou Hao, buried his anger deep in his eyes, and walked out.

"It's over. Who did I offend?" Dou Hao knew something big was going to happen, so he took out his cell phone tremblingly.

"Dad, you must save me this time..."

In Beilin City, an extended Hummer slowly stopped at the intersection of the highway, and Ding Shitao walked down quickly.

Fang Tianfeng patted Shen Xin and got out of the car.

Ding Shitao's face was full of joy and he said: "Master Fang, are you okay?"

"It's okay. The police just signaled that I can leave. I'll sit there for a while and wait for you to come." Fang Tianfeng said.

Ding Shitao said with a smile: "Master Fang, you are really a noble man who has God's help. I originally thought this matter was quite difficult, but I didn't expect that as soon as I said that you and Ms. Shen Xin were the heroes of the mining disaster, the leaders and friends said nothing.

They all said they would try their best to help, and several leaders also said they would like to meet you if they have the opportunity."

"Because of the mining disaster, many people were willing to help me?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"Of course, you don't know how many people have thanked you in the past two days, because it is speculated that without you, the number of deaths would not be less than ten, and may reach up to thirty. From what several leaders said, it seems that through Yunhai City

My friend asked about you." Ding Shitao said.

Fang Tianfeng nodded and said, "Then let's go."

Ding Shitao tentatively said: "Since several leaders want to see you, you can stay here tonight."

"Okay." Fang Tianfeng said helplessly.

"You two get in my car." Ding Shitao invited Fang Tianfeng and Shen Xin into the extended Hummer.

Just as the extended Hummer left, two police cars came behind, suddenly turned on their lights and sirens, and accelerated forward.

The nearby police officers looked at each other and reached out to grab the two Heishan County police cars in a tacit understanding.

"What are you doing? Why did you let the fugitive go?" Heishan County police asked angrily.

"We received an order from our superiors, but there was a problem with the procedure, and the Beilin City police refused to cooperate," the Beilin City police said.

"Get out of the way and let us arrest people!"

The Beilin City police stretched out his hand and said, "You are handling cases in a different place. Do you have any relevant procedures?"

The police in Heishan County were dumbfounded. The police from both cities had said hello on the 1st, but they left in a hurry and took nothing with them.

The police in Heishan County could only watch the extended Hummer drive away. Then the Hummer also started to leave. The driver waved his hand coolly and finally looked angry.

On the extended Hummer, Fang Tianfeng briefly talked about what happened before, and Shen Xin occasionally interrupted.

After a while, Ding Shitao's cell phone rang.

"An old friend." Ding Shitao said and sat far away.

"Hey, Lao Feng, is the new mine good?" Ding Shitao asked.

"Don't talk about the new mine. I'm looking for you because I want to ask for the contact information of Master Fang." Old Feng's tone was full of helplessness.

"What do you want from Master Fang?" Ding Shitao said.

"How could you not be clear that he was riding in your Bei Mine car? Someone asked me to apologize to Master Fang on his behalf, hoping that Master Fang would be kind enough to spare his son Dou Hao."

"Is your friend the deputy director Dou of Heishan County?" Ding Shitao asked.

"No, Deputy Director Dou is a friend of my friend. He has helped my friend a lot, and I owe my friend a huge favor. So, I'm here to ask for your help." Old Feng said.

"Okay, I'll ask first. I'll give you an answer later."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

Ding Shitao sat back and said, "Master Fang, that Dou Hao asked my friend to reconcile with you. What do you think?"

Fang Tianfeng was about to speak, but closed his mouth, turned to look at Shen Xin, and said, "This is your coal mine. You make the decision."

A deep look of joy appeared on Shen Xin's face, and her fiery gaze almost melted Fang Tianfeng. It was not because of her decision, but because of Fang Tianfeng's respect for her. Let her decide. For a woman who pursues a certain degree of independence, this is

The man is simply the other half of his dreams.

"Xiao Feng, thank you." Shen Xin said softly.

Fang Tianfeng didn't understand why Shen Xin said that. He just smiled.

Ding Shitao smiled and said: "Shen Xin, please tell me."

Shen Xin calmed down, thought for a while, and said: "We were able to suppress Dou Hao this time because no one died in the mine accident. Otherwise, Old Ding, you wouldn't have been able to persuade so many officials to help, and those people wouldn't be able to help anymore."

Help us in such a big way.”

Ding Shitao nodded.

"With so many officials taking action this time, the other party will definitely be afraid. The effect has been achieved. If the attack is too harsh and offends the other party to death, the other party will come back and pose a greater threat to us. I choose to reconcile and officially return the coal mine to Wang Yu

, and then let’s buy it again. I bought the coal mine to make peace and make money, not to fight them to the death.”

Ding Shitao praised: "As expected of a member of the Leng family, he is very measured in his business dealings. How about you, Master Fang?"

"What should Wang Yu do with his losses over the years?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

Shen Xin immediately said: "Let them pay 20 million yuan in compensation, so that they will not fall out completely, and Wang Yu's family will also have a chance to make a comeback. Of course, Wang Yu's wife must be released and promise not to cause trouble to Wang Yu's family."


Ding Shitao said hurriedly: "This may be the best choice."

Fang Tianfeng glanced at it, and Ding Shitao quickly laughed to cover it up. Fang Tianfeng knew that Ding was always afraid that he would impose harsher conditions, which would lead to a fight.

"Just do as Sister Xin said." Fang Tianfeng knew that Shen Xin would occasionally go to Heishan County in the future. If he really offended the dead, he didn't know what problems would happen.

Fang Tianfeng took a look at Shen Xin's luck and saw that there was no bad luck at all, so he felt relieved.

Ding Shitao was about to reply to his friend when Fang Tianfeng said: "Ask Dou Hao to tell you the phone number of the person who tipped off the information, and then you can help me find out!"


Ding Shitao called a friend, and then the two parties talked on the phone, and finally fully agreed to Fang Tianfeng and Shen Xin's conditions and reached a settlement.

Fang Tianfeng and Shen Xin stayed in Beilin City. During dinner, Ding Shitao came to pick them up in person.

As the car slowly left the hotel entrance, Fang Tianfeng asked: "Has the phone number been found?"

"It's a newly applied number by an ordinary person. There is no clue at all. If we really want to investigate, we need to file a case and ask someone from the criminal investigation detachment to take action, but there is not enough reason." Ding Shitao said helplessly.

Fang Tianfeng said: "Except Mr. Shang, how suspicious are the other people who ate that time?"

Ding Shitao sighed softly and said, "There is almost no suspicion among the others."

"In other words, which business manager is the most suspicious?" Shen Xin asked with narrowed eyes.

Ding Shitao nodded.

"Has the business manager done anything unusual in the past two days?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

Ding Shitao said: "Everything is normal. In the past two days, I have been discussing business with a person from Yunhai. The person is planning to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce to buy a coal mine. The person has a big name, his surname is Ji, and he is the former manager of Yuanzhou Real Estate.

Vice President, I heard that Mr. Ji lost a lot of money and is planning to invest all the money in the coal mine, but they haven’t chosen which coal mine yet."

Fang Tianfeng and Shen Xin looked at each other.

However, Fang Tianfeng saw more.

On Shen Xin's head, there was a wisp of translucent disaster energy, which was rapidly expanding.

"Well, I understand." Fang Tianfeng said, glancing at the driver of the extended Hummer.

"Mr. Ding, can I trust you?" Fang Tianfeng looked into Ding Shitao's eyes and said slowly.

Ding Shitao immediately felt strong pressure coming towards him and said hurriedly: "I am absolutely worthy of your trust! Shen Xin can testify that she can cut off Beikang's neck with just one word."

Fang Tianfeng nodded and looked at Shen Xin a little surprised. He didn't expect Shen Xin to be so energetic. Shen Xin smiled and said nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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