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Chapter 253 Continue

Seeing Fang Yaofeng coming, An Tiantian was immediately relieved and hurriedly stood up and said, "Master, let's go."

"Think of good intentions as a donkey's heart and lungs, but in fact, brother and sister, you are also moved," He Changxiong said suddenly.

"Master, why is this friend of yours so annoying? Is he trying to vilify his glorious image of tallness and majesty, Master?" An Tiantian was reluctant, but her eyes flickered, and she was a little afraid to look directly at Fang Yaofeng.

"No, now is his most handsome and dashing moment." Fang Yaofeng took the opportunity to speak venomously.

He Changxiong immediately looked like he was not interested enough.

He Changxiong randomly selected a few of the best tobacco, wine and tea from a large number of gifts and handed them over.

"There are too many things here to use. Your family has a big business, so you have to use it. Just now, my sister-in-law said that you were going to meet your mother-in-law to celebrate the demolition. If you send these here, it will definitely be extra points." He Changxiong said.

An Tiantian was ashamed and annoyed.

"Too little!" Fang Yaofeng took what He Changxiong handed over, picked out a few more items, handed them to An Tiantian and said, "Help me carry some, don't waste it."

"Yes!" An Tiantian felt a sense of revenge.

Fang Yaofeng was about to leave when he stopped and said, "Find someone who knows how to raise arowana, buy a better fish tank, put it in He Lao's ward, and then bring 1.8 million in cash to my place.

I bought nine arowanas and kept them in the fish tank," Fang Yaofeng said.

He Changxiong was about to laugh at Fang Yaofengjiān Shang, but when he spoke, he showed a look of expectation and asked instead: "What's so special about your arowana?"

"The air quality in the ward can be several times higher than that in the wild forest, and it has a slight therapeutic effect on the disease. With the presence of the nine arowanas, minor illnesses such as colds, fever, and insomnia will basically disappear." Fang Yaofeng said.

An Tiantian's eyes widened and she wanted to say to Fang Yaofeng, "Why did Fang Yaofeng sell one piece for two to thirty thousand a few days ago, but why did he suddenly sell it for two hundred thousand yuan today?" She rolled her eyes and showed a fox-like smile,

I feel that by seizing the handle of Fang Yaofeng, a businessman, I can get at least ten meals in exchange.

He Changxiong knew the magic of Fang Yaofeng and said hurriedly: "I will prepare it today and go to your place to get the fish tomorrow. By the way, I planned to accompany my elder brother to visit the elders in the capital a few years ago. Can I bring a few dragons like this?"

Fish, some elders also keep fish at home.”

"Elder? No problem."

Not only Fang Yaofeng, but also An Tiantian vaguely understood that the so-called elders in the capital were definitely great people.

"When will your mineral water factory be completed? Will it be officially put into production before the end of the year?" He Changxiong has always been concerned about this matter.

Fang Yaofeng has recently killed some people with a lot of grievances, and his cultivation has grown rapidly. He said: "I used to think it would take another two or three years, but now it seems that the factory will be officially opened by the end of the year."

"You want to start a factory from scratch? It's so easy to just buy one. What's more, the water source cannot be contracted by you. You also need permission from the mining department, security inspection, food and drug supervision department permission, and dozens of procedures. If you don't have it,

The approval of these procedures alone will take a year and a half, and even if you are admitted, it will take a long time." He Changxiong said.

"Yes, the approval process is a big problem. On the contrary, the most expensive equipment, factories and the like can be left for later. I will solve the matter at hand first, and I will set up the mineral water plant in a few days." Fang Yaofeng said.

"How many bottles does your mineral water factory produce?" He Changxiong said.

"You can't produce too much of this thing. Ten thousand bottles can be produced in one day. In the early stage, it may only produce a few hundred bottles. The key is that this water can only last for nine days. After nine days, the effect will be much weakened." Fang Yaofeng said.

An Tiantian was doing some mental calculations when she heard half of it: "Ten thousand bottles per day? A bottle of mineral water costs one yuan. After deducting costs and taxes, the net profit is at most 2 cents. Ten thousand bottles is two thousand yuan, which is only 60,000 yuan a month.

It’s only 720,000 a year, it’s better to sell four arowanas.”

He Changxiong nodded and said: "Well, I won't be able to sell much at the beginning. When I become famous in the future, I will sell ten million in one day. The key is that the profit is high. The cost of a bottle is only a few yuan. The price is one thousand, which is rare."


An Tiantian was doing arithmetic in her head and almost bit her tongue off when she heard He Changxiong's words.

"What did you say? How much does a bottle cost?" An Tiantian asked in surprise.

"One thousand, you don't know?" He Changxiong asked.

"A bottle of mineral water sells for one thousand yuan? Why don't you go and grab it! Master, you are such a big dealer!" An Tiantian looked at Fang Yaofeng in disbelief.

Fang Yaofeng snorted coldly and said, "If you have a fortune of hundreds of millions, and I sell you one thousand a cup of my divine water, will you buy it?"

"Sacred water, if I were a billionaire, I would definitely buy it!" An Tiantian said, caressing her face involuntarily. Since drinking Fang Yaofeng's divine water, every part of her body has changed for the better.

"What I sell is water similar to divine water." Fang Yaofeng said.

"Oh, that's not expensive." An Tiantian nodded confusedly, thinking that Fang Yaofeng was right. She knew very well the efficacy of the divine water, and no cosmetics could compare with it.

Then, An Tiantian felt that her brain was running out, and she counted on her fingers how much money Fang Yaofeng would earn in a year.

He Changxiong said: "Yaofeng, prepare early. If you can produce that kind of mineral water before the year, I will try my best to help you promote it. And once that kind of water is delivered to the tables of the elders in the capital, it will be the most popular mineral water of the year."

Successful marketing!”

"That's right!" Fang Yaofeng believed deeply. Once those in the capital start drinking their own mineral water, it won't take long for the entire Chinese upper class to know that it will be almost effortless to open up sales.

"I will prepare a mineral water plant in the near future and try to make the first batch before the year." Fang Yaofeng said.

"I'm waiting for your good news." He Changxiong is full of expectations. Whether the He family can survive the difficulties, these seemingly inconspicuous arowana and mineral water are crucial.

"I'm leaving."

Fang Yaofeng saw An Tiantian standing there stupidly counting on her fingers, then he stretched out his hand to gently support her waist and led her out.

"Let's go, what are you thinking about?"

"Oh." An Tiantian was in a state of despair as Fang Yaofeng held her waist and walked forward. She didn't regain her composure until she got into the car downstairs.

An Tiantian looked at Fang Yaofeng with envy and said: "Master, as long as you start selling mineral water, you can become a billionaire within a month? In just a few years, you can become a billionaire.


Master Cui, who was driving, was startled and drove quickly and carefully, thinking that he would not be able to rob a bank so fast.

"To a certain extent, yes." Fang Yaofeng said, this account is all in name, and you can tell it just by doing the math.

"Tch, as soon as I complimented you, my chin went up!" An Tiantian turned her head and ignored Fang Yaofeng.

Fang Yaofeng smiled and didn't care.

"Then if you had a higher status, more money, and more women, would you still be willing to treat me to dinner and let me drink the divine water?" An Tiantian asked with her back to Fang Yaofeng.

"As long as you are my tenant, our agreement will always be valid." Fang Yaofeng said.

An Tiantian immediately turned her head, looking expectant, and asked: "You will be a billionaire soon, can you exempt me from rent? Can our gourmet date be shortened from once a week to twice a week?"

"As long as you are willing to do all the housework, no problem!"

"Smelly master, I hate you so much!" An Tiantian angrily waved her pink fist and hit Fang Yaofeng on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't be angry. After a while, when the arowana fishery officially opens, I will have more money. I will eat it twice a week from now on." Fang Yaofeng said.

An Tiantian immediately tossed her hair, put her hands on her hips, and said proudly: "So what if you are a billionaire? Why don't you bow down to the beauty of this stewardess!"

"Believe it or not, I will throw you down!" Fang Yaofeng threatened.

"Master, are you willing? I didn't sleep all night in the hospital." An Tiantian gently put her hair in her mouth, biting her hair, showing a sad look.

Fang Yaofeng shook his head, stretched out his hand to press her head, pressed it on his left shoulder, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, have a good sleep, and let's have lunch together!"

"Well, I fell asleep." An Tiantian said, leaning on Fang Yaofeng, and soon fell asleep. Because she was too tired, she occasionally snored softly, and her cute appearance and voice annoyed Fang Yaofeng.

Yaofeng and Master Cui laughed together.

When the car arrived at the door of the villa, An Tiantian was still awake. Fang Yaofeng opened the door carefully, picked her up carefully, and gently took her upstairs.

Fang Yaofeng gently put An Tiantian on the bed, covered her with a sheet, and sat by the bed, looking at her beautiful face, thinking that it was like sleeping soundly, so he couldn't help but reach out his hand and put her

The loose hair is pushed to one side.

An Tiantian seemed to be aware of it and frowned slightly, but as if she knew it was Fang Yaofeng, she relaxed and showed a comfortable expression, with a slight smile on her lips.

Taking another look at An Tiantian's sleeping and smiling face, Fang Yaofeng walked out with firm steps. Even if it was just so that An Tiantian could sleep peacefully in the future, he would continue to show his strength and deter all those who tried to harm him and get close to him.


Fang Yaofeng took out the information again. There were seven agents in total. They were selected by Gangbo to be the most ruthless and unscrupulous agents. Once their interests were harmed, they would almost 100% kill Fang Yaofeng or those close to him...

Fang Yaofeng left in the car, and not long after, he came to a bathing center.

It is now 10:30 in the morning. Meng Liuge, who is used to spending the night, usually gets up at 9:30. After breakfast, he will go to the bathing center where he owns shares to take a bath in the sauna room, and finally get a massage to get rid of the fatigue from last night.

Meng Liuge is a typical ruthless policeman. In the past thirty-six years, he served in prison for eight years. He also got to know all kinds of policemen in prison, which became the capital for his future development.

Everyone knows that Brother Meng is upright, and everyone knows that Brother Meng is ruthless. Not many people have offended Brother Meng, but each of them has never appeared again.

Brother Meng Liu is always the one to fawn over from the waiter to the manager in the bathing center.

Liang Liang is Meng Liuge's favorite masseur. In Meng Liuge's words, his hands are strong and the others are women. He will wait for Meng Liuge on time every morning. Meng Liuge is happy and often dumps her.

He costs four, five, or even thousands. Because of the close relationship between the two, Liang Liang has a high status in the bathing center.

Liang Liang looked at his watch and saw that it was already ten forty-five. Generally speaking, Brother Meng would leave the sauna to look for him between ten thirty-five and forty, but he still hadn't come yet.

Liang Liang thought that maybe Brother Meng Liu was too tired from playing last night and wanted to steam for a while, so he continued to wait.

After ten minutes, Liang Liang couldn't bear it anymore and went to the steam sauna.

This chapter has been completed!
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