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Chapter 262 Big Drumsticks and Small Drumsticks

The amount of water in the seventeen bottles of wine was too much. If it weren't for the help of his vitality, his stomach and bladder would have burst. Fang Tianfeng mobilized his vitality and forced all the wine out of his body.

An Tiantian stood outside the door, waiting quietly, and soon heard the sound of water hitting the toilet.

"Why is the sound so loud? There is no sound when my dad urinates. Why can't he stop?" An Tiantian's face turned red and her heart was pounding. She had never listened so carefully to the sound of a man peeing, especially this one.

Under the influence of vitality, water becomes abundant and urgent.

After a while, Fang Tianfeng came out.

An Tiantian hesitated for a moment, then blushed and took Tianfeng's arm to support him. Fang Tianfeng wanted to refuse, but felt the delicate touch from An Tiantian's arm and did not speak.

Fang Tianfeng was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, while An Tiantian was wearing a sleeveless skirt. Their arms were intertwined and rubbing together, like their ears and temples rubbing against each other.

"Master, your arms are so cool and your skin is also very good. You drink more divine water than us, so you are definitely no worse than us." An Tiantian sounded a little envious.

"I practice cultivation, so my body is a bit special." Fang Tianfeng said.

After walking a few steps, An Tiantian whispered: "Thank you for saving me face by not saying that I already have a boyfriend."

Fang Tianfeng immediately pretended to be horrified and looked at An Tiantian and said, "Are you being controlled by aliens? Tell me, what is your purpose for coming to our earth? If you were An Tiantian, shouldn't you say, 'Master'

Conquered by my beauty, are you reluctant to say that you have a girlfriend?"

An Tiantian smiled, punched Fang Tianfeng's arm lightly, and said, "Just laugh at me! But how does it feel to snatch the beautiful An Tiantian in front of everyone?"

"The sense of accomplishment is really great! These seventeen bottles of wine were not wasted at all!" Fang Tianfeng told the truth.

"You can talk! It's your fault that people mistakenly thought you were chasing this stewardess!" An Tiantian started to be mean again.

The two walked out of the corridor hand in hand, looking like a couple to everyone.

Fang Tianfeng secretly thought that luckily he was about to move. If An Tiantian still lived here, it would be really difficult in the future.

"Wow, Dad, your roasted chicken legs taste so good. Did you handcuff them specially for me?" An Tiantian immediately transformed into a foodie when she smelled the chicken drumsticks, and rushed over to get them.

Father An smiled and handed her a chicken drumstick and said, "One is yours and the other is Xiaofang's."

An Tiantian picked up two chicken drumsticks, compared them, picked the bigger one, and gave the smaller one to Fang Tianfeng.

"I want the big one. I'll give you the small one, hehe!" An Tiantian said with a smile, and then ate the chicken drumsticks.

Fang Tianfeng smiled and took the chicken leg, and glanced at An Tiantian's charm. There was still no man's charm around her, but the flow of her charm was accelerating. Although the flow rate was far slower than that of Shen Xin and Jiang Feifei, and not as good as Xia Xiaoyu,

But much faster than before.

An Tiantian's vitality also accelerated, and her luck became even more powerful for a person.

Everyone was having a barbecue and drinking. Many people got excited about drinking and ran over to propose a toast to Fang Tianfeng. Fang Tianfeng accepted everyone who came.

What Fang Tianfeng didn't expect was that not only people from this community came to toast, but people from nearby communities who had been benefited also came in groups to toast after hearing about it. However, they did not take turns to toast like the seventeen people, but came together.


The word spread, and more and more people toasted. After all, Fang Tianfeng allowed each family to get thousands to tens of thousands more, and the conditions for the demolition and resettlement houses were more favorable. On average, it brought a lot of benefits to each family.

At thirty thousand.

Fang Tianfeng had no choice but to bite the bullet and drink. After a while, he would go upstairs to pour the water. Every time, An's mother let An Tiantian support her. The two of them did not object and kept holding hands as they went up and down the stairs.

As the "district flower", An Tiantian was not spared, and many people came to toast her. Fang Tianfeng knew that she couldn't drink, so he deliberately sent vitality into her body to keep her awake.

Mother An took advantage of the opportunity. When she saw that An Tiantian was going upstairs, she asked Fang Tianfeng to send her upstairs. Fang Tianfeng couldn't refuse, so he took An Tiantian's arm and sent her upstairs.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, a middle-aged couple came over.

The An family of three immediately stood up.

"You two are here too," An's mother said with a smile.

"Hello, Secretary-General Yin." Father An said with some respect.

Secretary-General Yin looked helpless and said, "We are all neighbors. There is no need for this. We have known each other for twenty or thirty years, and you still don't know what I look like?" After saying that, he glanced at his wife beside him.

He looked unhappy, but said nothing.

Mrs. Yin smiled and said, "We could have been a family, but our Leilei family didn't have that blessing. It's such a pity. Tiantian, you are becoming more and more energetic."

An Tiantian smiled and said, "Secretary-General Yin, hello, Madam Secretary-General Yin." After saying that, she deliberately walked to Fang Tianfeng and took Fang Tianfeng's arm.

Fang Tianfeng could see that there was a conflict between the two families, but Secretary-General Yin was a nice person, but Mrs. Yin seemed a little uncomfortable. Moreover, An Tiantian and her father's names did not sound like they had been neighbors for many years.

Mrs. Yin's eyes flashed, but she still smiled and said: "I used to think that Tiantian was polite, and now it seems that she is right. Is the person next to you Gao? I heard that he sells fish.

Yes, how many millions can be sold a year?"

Mrs. Yin looked at Fang Tianfeng. She was wearing a long black dress. She was dignified and beautiful, and she was very good at taking care of herself. However, her eyes were too sharp and there was a faint air of injustice.

Fang Tianfeng imitated An Tiantian and said, "Secretary-General Yin, hello, Secretary-General Yin's wife."

An Tiantian moved closer to Fang Tianfeng and was very satisfied with Fang Tianfeng's title.

"I'm asking you something. You're such an old person, and the elders don't know the answer when they ask questions. I don't know why Tiantian fell in love with you!" Mrs. Yin said she would fall out with her.

Secretary-General Yin glared at his wife, but in public, he could not say anything too extreme and could only remain silent.

An's mother and An's father immediately winked at Fang Tianfeng, hoping that he wouldn't be angry or make a big deal out of it.

"Mrs. Yin, you misunderstood. I see that you are so young. I didn't think that you were an elder for a while. I hope you can forgive me. You are right. I sell arowana. But my surname is not Gao, my surname is Fang." Fang Tianfeng


"What kind of master brother is called Fang?" Mrs. Yin said disdainfully.

Fang Tianfeng was dissatisfied, but he didn't want to make life difficult for An's father and An's mother, so he didn't say anything.

An Tiantian smiled and said: "The secretary-general's surname is Yin, why can't the master brother be surnamed Fang?"

Secretary-General Yin said with a smile: "You girl, you have been quirky since you were a child. To be honest, I really want you to be my daughter-in-law. But since you can't, I can only blame our family Leilei for not living up to expectations. Tiantian, you

Give Uncle Yin a call when you get married. I’ll go have a wedding drink, are you okay?”

"That's for sure! But Uncle Yin, you are now the secretary-general of the district government and you are a big shot. You can give at least 10,000 yuan as a gift or something." An Tiantian said with a smile.

"You." Secretary-General Yin shook his head and smiled, not blaming her at all, which shows that she really likes An Tiantian.

But Mrs. Yin glanced at her husband with an evil smile. She asked: "Xiao Fang, our new home has been decorated and we want to raise some fish. Where do you sell fish? Give me the address and I will do it tomorrow."

Go buy it.”

"My Yuche is not officially open for business. It will open next Saturday." Fang Tianfeng said.

"Really? I'm free next Saturday. You give me your business card, and Lao Yin and I will go to support you. You won't welcome it, right?" Mrs. Yin asked in a raised voice, attracting more people around to look here.


"Welcome, everyone here is a guest. Since you are Tiantian's elder, I will give you a 10% discount." Fang Tianfeng said, taking out the business card he had been using for a long time and handing it over. The identity on it is the general manager of Shenlong Fishing Farm.

Mrs. Yin took the business card, looked at the front and back at random, and then put it away.

"Okay, then it's settled. Lao Yin and I will definitely give it a try next Saturday. But 10% off is too little, let's get at least 40% off," Mrs. Yin said.

"I am a small business, and 10% off is already the limit. Even if Uncle An wants to buy it, I can only offer 20% off." Fang Tianfeng said.

An Tiantian lowered her head and snickered. She knew very well the cost of Fang Tianfeng's fish. The four arowanas were all given by others, and all the eggs were hatched. The cost of each fish was one or two thousand at most, and one sale would be two hundred thousand, 100%.

The profit of RMB 2,000 is a profit even with a discount.

"Oh." Mrs. Yin really couldn't keep bargaining.

Seeing that Mrs. Yin was about to leave, An Tiantian suddenly said: "Madam Secretary-General, some of the arowanas sold in Tianfeng in our house are cheap and some are expensive. If you really want to buy it, be sure to bring more money. Don't run out of money by then.

If you bring enough, it will be a joke."

Father An immediately said: "Tiantian!"

An Tiantian smiled and closed her mouth.

"Don't worry, it's just a few fish, we won't be able to afford it! Old Yin, let's go!" Mrs. Yin couldn't help but pull her husband away.

Secretary-General Yin walked forward and turned back and said: "Lao An, when we move to our new home, we will play two games of chess when we have time."

"Okay." Father An smiled.

After the two people left, An's mother's face darkened and she threw the paper towel in her hand on the ground. An's father continued to barbecue without changing his expression.

An Tiantian whispered to Fang Tianfeng: "Leilei is a nice person, and Uncle Yin is also a very nice person, but he's not a fucking thing! I didn't agree with Leilei's pursuit of me before, and Leilei didn't say anything. We are still good friends, but her mother thinks

I'm so embarrassed. People say that I'm not good enough for Leilei and so on. Especially since the district chief has been changed recently, Uncle Yin has become the secretary-general, with a higher official position. His mother shows off in the community when she has nothing to do, and often makes fun of my mother,

I almost fell out!"

An's father sighed and said: "Forget it, we have moved anyway, so we won't interact with each other anymore. Besides, Lao Yin is a nice person, and I watched Leile grow up, and he is very kind and nice."

An Tiantian smiled and said, "Dad, you and mom go together on Saturday. A master's fish sells for 200,000 yuan, and it's 180,000 yuan with a 10% discount. The two of them will definitely not have enough money! You two can go and see it then.


"Nonsense!" An's father whispered, trying to take the phone, but finally put it back.

Mother An asked in surprise: "Xiao Fang, are your fish really that valuable?"

"The selling price is high, but the cost is not high. I will send two of them in a few days. My fish can purify the air and are very good for people." Fang Tianfeng said.

An's mother smiled slightly and said: "You are so busy, I can't trouble you. When you open the day, Lao An and I will go get it. We can pretend to be customers and support the scene for you."

"Okay, Auntie, you can come anytime." Fang Tianfeng said with a smile, thinking that An's mother was really interesting, she obviously wanted to see Mrs. Yin make a fool of herself.

This chapter has been completed!
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