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Chapter 272 Lingyun Mineral Water Factory

When Party Secretary Lu heard this, he put away his smiling face and sneered: "Boss Fang, I don't like hearing what you say. What is the last chance? Who are you trying to scare? You are the big boss in other places, but in Fangyuan Village, you are the boss."

It has to be coiled up for me, it’s a tiger and it has to be laid down for me! Don’t you think so?”

"Yes!" More than thirty people shouted together, with Party Secretary Lu taking the lead. Their fear of the big boss weakened.

"Secretary Lu, let me count on my fingers. You guys have eaten bad at lunch, and you can't keep your official position as secretary! What a pity!" In front of these people, Fang Tianfeng had no need to hide.

Fang Tianfeng wants to establish his authority!

"Hahaha, a little baby with no hair growing, threatening me? Do you think I've been scared all these years?" Lu Zhi laughed, no longer hiding Tianfeng's disdain and his pride as a local emperor.

While Secretary Lu was speaking, Fang Tianfeng's eyes widened, and the golden seal of official energy flew out, whistling towards Secretary Lu, stirring up the vitality within a thousand meters.

The lower part of the official seal is square, and the upper part is a python-shaped sculpture, with the dragon as the king and the python as the minister.

In addition to official aura, Lu Zhishang also has luck. The two forces spontaneously protect the master and attack Fang Tianfeng. Under Lu Zhishan's guanqi, there is an official aura ring that exerts its power to enhance Lu Zhishu's official aura status.

Just the branch secretary of a mere village!

The seal of official qi is so majestic and upright, crushing the official qi and luck of Party Secretary Lu with the power of Mount Tai, and breaking the ring of official qi that helps Party Secretary Lu, cleanly and neatly.

Then, the dysentery bug flew out, making a buzzing sound like a mosquito, stretching out its long needle-like sharp mouth, and pierced into Lu Zhishu's body. The rapidly increasing disease Qi rose up from Lu Zhishu's head.

The dysentery bug was extremely fast, even reaching the speed of sound. In the blink of an eye, it bit more than thirty people one by one, injecting dysentery gas.

Fang Tianfeng turned around and walked in the direction of Hulu Lake. At the same time, he said to Lao Lu: "Lao Lu, please contact the village chief and ask him to come to Hulu Lake to find me and talk about fishing together. In addition, I would like to congratulate him in advance for serving as the village party secretary."

After saying that, Fang Tianfeng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers loudly.


After the crisp sound, there was a series of muffled sounds, first bang bang bang, then puff puff, and finally crackling sound. Just by listening to the sound, you can imagine that this is the gas pioneer. Then the dry matter turns into mud and is sprayed.

The process of falling.

Lao Lu was surprised to see that at the entrance of Fangyuan Village, more than thirty men, young and old, squatted down and took off their pants, and collectively relieved themselves in public. The most unlucky man was sprayed all over his face by the person in front of him.

Full body, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

The driver, Master Cui, couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to take pictures. But after thinking about this scene, he quietly took back his mobile phone. If such photos and videos were shown to others, he would definitely be retaliating against society.

Fang Tianfeng didn't look at it at all. He walked directly to Hulu Lake, walked to the car, and said to Master Cui: "You and Lao Lu go and fetch the village chief."

"Ah? The whole road is blocked by them, it's hard to get through." Master Cui said with a grimace.

"Then let Village Chief Lu do it himself. Let's go to Hulu Lake and wait for him." Fang Tianfeng said.

Lao Lu pinched his nose and walked around more than thirty people and walked towards the village. After walking a few steps, he looked back and saw only big butts shining out one after another. He heard more than thirty people yelling and groaning without listening.

The ejaculation continued. Lao Lu had never seen such violent diarrhea. He had also never seen such spectacular collective diarrhea.

Those young and middle-aged people could still persist, but Party Secretary Lu, who was already in his fifties and almost sixty years old, couldn't help it and fell to the ground. But he still didn't stop.

Lao Lu thought that seeing such a strange thing in his life would not be in vain, so he called Party Secretary Lu's mother-in-law and asked her to quickly find someone to take Party Secretary Lu to the hospital.

"Party Secretary Lu is so old and so ruthless this time. His body is broken. If he gets sick, Lu Zhan will definitely take over as the village party secretary. However, how did Mr. Fang calculate that these people are going to have diarrhea? No! These people have another problem at noon.

We're not eating together. If there's something wrong with the water, why do more than thirty of them have an accident, but I'm the only one who's fine?"

Lao Lu thought of that very weird fishing competition and shook his head. Just forget it because he couldn't figure it out. Anyway, he showed Mr. Fang that there was money to be made in Hulu Lake.

As Fang Tianfeng walked, he called Zhuang Zheng, the manager of the mineral water factory.

"I'm coming to Hulu Lake. Come here when you have time. If you're busy, don't come." Fang Tianfeng said.

"Mr. Fang, why are you going to Hulu Lake now? The construction team hasn't even come yet." Zhuang Zheng was puzzled.

"The village party secretary wants to blackmail me and is about to step down. Do you have a good relationship with Village Chief Lu?"

"Lu Zhan is a nice guy. He was born in the same year as me. He is two months younger than me. He calls himself Brother Zhuang. He also wants the villagers to come to work in the factory and ensure the smooth operation of the factory." Zhuang Zheng said.

"Well, that's good. You won't drink anymore, right?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"Haha, Mr. Fang, please stop laughing at me. Ever since you beat me up when I was drunk and swearing in the community that day, I have become much more honest. Besides, my sister has told me a lot that you are extraordinary. Even County Magistrate Ning values ​​you.

I really dare not miss your important event."

"When you went through the formalities these two days, no one gave you any trouble, right?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"No, what's wrong?" Zhuang Zheng said.

"It's fine if you don't. Where are you now?"

"As for the formalities, the business license, tax registration, official seal, and code certificate are all in place. Now I can apply for the production license and water abstraction license at the same time. Thanks to County Magistrate Ning, otherwise it would have been delayed for a long time. I am contacting the equipment dealer and the construction team to ensure that

Build the factory as soon as possible."

"No need to apply for a mining license?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"I thought I had to apply for one, but later I learned that a water abstraction permit is enough, but some places seem to need both permits at the same time," Zhuang Zheng said.

"That's better. I'll wait for your good news, and you can get busy."

Fang Tianfeng had registered a sole proprietorship in Yushui County a few days ago, called "Lingyun Mineral Water Factory", and rented an office in the county to let the manager Zhuang Zheng do his work. Unless he needed to do it himself, Fang Tianfeng would be ordinary

I won’t be able to travel between places.

Mineral water plants are very troublesome. The approval procedures are on the one hand, building the factory on the other, and the equipment on the other. There are also various links such as recruitment, management, production, sales, transportation, etc. Fang Tianfeng has no experience and is unlikely to be hired in the future.

Tied to the mineral water factory, I simply became a hands-off shopkeeper and let Zhuang Zheng do it. As for the finance and other people, I asked He Changxiong for help.

Fang Tianfeng and Master Cui went fishing in the lake, and Lu Zhan, the head of Fangyuan Village, soon came to Hulu Lake.

Lu Zhan is a middle-aged man in his early thirties with bronze skin. He immediately shook hands with Fang Tianfeng warmly when he saw him.

"Mr. Fang, I apologize to you for what happened just now. Don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer within three days! Fangyuan Village has nothing. It's not easy for you to build a mineral water plant to boost the economy.

, even if I don't become the village chief, I can't let you be treated unfairly!" Lu Zhan immediately issued a military order.

Fang Tianfeng took a look at Lu Zhan's luck. He saw that his official status was on the rise, but it was still uncertain and uncertain. Zhuang Zheng, Lao Lu and others all spoke well of Lu Zhan's village chief, but he might not be able to do much practical work.

But at least he doesn't do bad things. This kind of person is more reassuring when he is the village party secretary than that person.

"I believe you. However, there are some things that need to be fought for! There is only one position for the village party secretary. If you don't fight for it, others will fight for it!" Fang Tianfeng said.

Lu Zhan nodded and said: "Don't worry, I am determined to win the village party secretary! The person who contracted Hulu Mountain and Lake before was the cousin of the old party secretary and my cousin. I will go to work for him tomorrow!"

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said: "Pass a message to me. As long as the water plant is completed, starting from next year, I will cover all the expenses of all the children in Fangyuan Village from elementary school to college. In the future, when the plant becomes bigger and bigger, I will give back to the village. Of course.

, the premise is to get the contracting rights of Hulushan, and you, Lu Zhan, to be the branch secretary! I don’t recognize it when others think it is!"

Lu Zhan didn't expect Fang Tianfeng to be so decisive. Once the news got out, if the cousin didn't hand over the contracting rights, the whole village would stab him in the back. Moreover, other people who wanted to be the village party secretary would have to consider the consequences.

The key point is that all these are empty promises and will only be valid after the factory is built. As for future feedback, Lu Zhan doesn’t believe much at all.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fang! As long as I, Lu Zhan, are here, your mineral water plant will run smoothly! Anyone who dares to cause trouble for your mineral water plant will run over me, Lu Zhan!" Lu Zhan said firmly!


"Okay. By the way, here are two hundred yuan. Please help me give it to the old party secretary! The old party secretary has worked hard for the village without any credit. Since he is sick, let him recover well. Before the new party secretary takes office, don't

You hurt yourself by moving around!" Fang Tianfeng said, taking out two hundred yuan and handing it to Lu Zhan.

"I understand, I will definitely convey it!" Lu Zhan felt more and more that Fang Tianfeng was ruthless in what he did and had no intention of doing the right thing.

After seeing Lu Zhan off, Fang Tianfeng looked at the beautiful Calabash Lake.

"The factory belongs to me alone, but in order to avoid accidents, I must win over the people from Fangyuan Village. As long as the people from Fangyuan Village are tied to the water plant, if others want to destroy the water plant while I am away, they will first have to bear the wrath of the entire village.

What's more, with the support of the whole village, the luck of the Lingyun Mineral Water Factory with me as the center will be stronger! At that time, whoever wants to reach out will inevitably be counterattacked by these lucks! "

"Next, we need to consider the brand, trademark and bottle shape of the mineral water."

The vitality of Calabash Lake was full. Fang Tianfeng first refined the Qi Soldier to exhaust the vitality in his body, and then absorbed the vitality above Calabash Lake to replenish it. After several times, he successfully refined the Murderous Sword into a Thousand Refinement Qi Soldier.

The murderous intent was refined for thousands of times and turned into a vicious blade.

The new murderous blade is a curved blade. One side of the blade is as straight as a sword, and the other side is curved like a knife. The whole body is blood red. A drop of blood drips from the tip of the sword every second. The blood falls and dissipates into the void.

The one with the strongest attack power is naturally the Tiger Talisman of Fighting Aura, which is a power that can only be gathered on the battlefield, but this murderous blade is even more evil and ferocious, unconvinced by any luck and trying to kill everything.

Fighting aura is obviously stronger than murderous aura, but Fang Tianfeng feels that the aura of the murderous aura blade is not inferior to the fighting aura tiger talisman.

This chapter has been completed!
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