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Chapter 370 New Gap

When the sales of Youyun Lingquan were in full swing, an incident occurred in Niankang County under the jurisdiction of Yunhai City that shocked the whole country and was stirred up by major media and the Internet.

The dean of a primary school in Niankang County actually took three primary school girls to check out a room. The surveillance video was posted online, causing an uproar and crazy condemnation.

For a time, dean became the dirtiest word on the Internet.

Fang Tianfeng saw this news in the morning newspaper and was so shocked that he was speechless. However, he quickly remembered that in recent years, there had been a lot of news in newspapers about deans and other figures raping underage female students.

"These scum of a thousand cuts!"

However, Fang Tianfeng discovered that the reporter of this report turned out to be Yang Peida, and immediately remembered that he had contacted Yang Peida a few days ago. He said that there was a big report, and it was obviously this.

On Saturday, the rest day, Fang Tianfeng tried to call Yang Peida. Unexpectedly, Yang Peida was in the city, so he said that he would treat him to dinner and ask about newspaper promotions. Yang Peida's tone was a bit wrong, but he still agreed, and the two of them decided to

Fang Tianfeng liked the food at Yuanjiang Restaurant where we met last time.

Yang Peida arrived at the private room first. When Fang Tianfeng entered, the smoke inside was thick, just like the fog in a ghost movie. If it were thicker, it might trigger the fire alarm.

Fang Tianfeng opened the window and ventilated the air, and asked: "Reporter Yang, you have made such a big report, and you will definitely get the attention of your superiors. Why are you not happy?"

While talking, Fang Tianfeng looked at Yang Peida and saw that his hair was messy, his face was not washed, and his shirt was buttoned incorrectly.

"Oh, don't mention it. Tell me about your business. Don't let me affect your business." Yang Peida said with a forced smile.

Since Yang Peida didn't want to talk, Fang Tianfeng didn't want to ask more questions. After all, he was an adult and had to be careful when speaking and doing things, so he nodded and sat down.

"I called the waiter and said while eating, I'm a little hungry," Fang Tianfeng said.

"Yeah." Yang Peida nodded.

Fang Tianfeng threw the cigarette he brought over.

Yang Peida took a look and said, "Yellow Crane Tower, it's such a nice smoke." Then he stubbed out his cigarette butt, lit the Yellow Crane Tower, inhaled deeply, and then exhaled slowly.

Fang Tianfeng asked: "What magazines or newspapers are suitable for mineral water to be advertised in?"

"First of all, it depends on the positioning of your water plant, which one is medium, high or low, and the target consumer group. These all need to be clear." Yang Peida cheered up and looked at Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng saw bloodshot eyes in his eyes and was worried, saying: "A luxury product that is higher than high-end, one thousand yuan a bottle, 500 ml."

"What?" Yang Peida's eyes widened and she almost crushed her cigarette, "Lao Fang, I am sincerely talking to you, don't treat me like a fool. There is no such expensive mineral water in the country, and it is sold at this price all over the world.

There are no more than five kinds of water. But you are right. This price is no longer high-end, but a luxury item."

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said: "Do you think I contacted you again and again just to have fun with you? If it's not a luxury item, why would I need you, an expert reporter? Any salesperson in our factory can tell you the truth."

Yang Peida stared at Fang Tianfeng and said, "It seems that you are doing much better than I thought. What about the target consumer group?"

"High-income people, millionaires and above. Many have a consumption capacity of 360,000 yuan a year, but not many use it to consume drinking water." Fang Tianfeng said.

"Why do you sell this water at this price? You can use concept water, but the price is too high. Bamboo charcoal water? Snow mountain water? Deep sea water? Volcanic rock water or what?" Yang Peida was obviously prepared beforehand.

"We are not conceptual water. Let's put it this way, our water can delay aging, treat minor illnesses, improve people's memory, make the body healthier, and beautify the body. In short, it is a water that is close to an all-round health product.

, whether they are children, the elderly or women, they are all our important targets." Fang Tianfeng said.

Yang Peida smiled bitterly and said: "Old Fang, I really feel that you are a liar now. Let's not say that there is no such water in the world. If it does exist, are you afraid of selling it? If you find any of the seven major families to cooperate, you will get powerful

Economic and political resources. To put it bluntly, the value of this thing is much higher than that of a provincial governor, almost at the highest bureau level. Why come to me, a little reporter?"

"Our boss likes to live alone, so he can grant agency rights, but it is impossible to give the ownership of the water plant to others." Fang Tianfeng said with a smile.

"Then your boss is in danger." Yang Peida said.

"It doesn't matter, at least it's good now. As long as what you give is valuable, you will get a good reward. If you don't want to be a reporter, you can come to work in our factory." Fang Tianfeng said.

Yang Peida smiled bitterly and said: "Let's not talk about work for now. In this case, if you want to advertise, the first choice is financial magazines, such as "Entrepreneur", such as "Finance", "Fortune", etc. Otherwise, the effect will not be great.


Fang Tianfeng said: "Our factory is relatively small and is in the running-in period. First, we are going to get through Yunhai, and then Dongjiang. When we go nationwide, we will advertise in famous financial and fashion magazines. You only mentioned that Yunhai City has been advertising recently.


Yang Peida thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then you should imitate the advertisements for health products or medicines, spend money in the early stage to cooperate with newspapers to publish soft articles, attract the attention of local residents and form a topic, and then spend money for newspapers to conduct in-depth reports.

You marketers must understand this model. Let me tell you something that only our newspaper insiders know. Is it useful for you to choose it yourself?"

Afterwards, Yang Peida began to explain the inside stories he knew, which were related to advertising at first. After the food and drinks were served, Yang Peida's emotions were released and he began to talk about anything. He kept drinking wine, and Fang Tianfeng even tried to persuade him.

Unable to hold back, he finally began to complain and expose all the inside stories of the newspaper company.

Fang Tianfeng happened to have nothing to do today, so he just wanted to listen to the story.

Fang Tianfeng had to admit that as a reporter, Yang Peida knew a lot about social phenomena, even better than those officials. However, after listening too much, Fang Tianfeng discovered that one of Yang Peida's shortcomings was that his view of the problem was too limited and not broad enough.

, the height and depth are not enough, and it is easy to go to extremes.

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when Fang Tianfeng received a call and signaled to Yang Peida and walked out of the private room.

"Hello, Minister Sun." Fang Tianfeng said. The caller was the director of the Propaganda Department of Yunhai City, who serves as a member of the Standing Committee of Yunhai City. After getting to know Minister Sun, Fang Tianfeng deliberately paid attention to his position in the newspaper, ranking seventh on the Municipal Standing Committee.

He is the seventh most powerful person in Yunhai City.

"Master Fang, are you free today? I'll be the host. Let's have a meal and chat together. I've contacted Deputy Director Chai and he said he will definitely come." Minister Sun's voice was very soft, and it sounded more like a

A kind scholar.

Fang Tianfeng looked at the time and said, "Okay, I'm at Yuanjiang Tower. Please tell me a time. If the place is too far away, I might arrive later."

"Yuanjiang Tower? Then just book at Yuanjiang Tower! I also like to eat the food there. There is a quieter floor there, and it's not very high-end, so it's not a big problem. Just go there. I'll book a private room first, and then we'll get back to you

Call you."

"Okay, then I'll wait here. Just let me know when you come." Fang Tianfeng said with a smile.

Unknowingly, even when talking to the seventh most powerful person in the city, Fang Tianfeng would only use "you" instead of "you".

Fang Tianfeng returned to the private room and continued chatting with Yang Peida. At first, Yang Peida still cried, but in the end she couldn't help but tell her story.

"Lao Fang! Don't follow me in the future! Conscience is useless! The sense of justice is bullshit! There is no room for conscience in this society! I finally understand this time, and I will never be a reporter again!

I feel so aggrieved!" After Yang Peida finished speaking, tears flowed down.

Fang Tianfeng asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? What's going on?"

"I dug up and reported the news about the dean having a room with a primary school girl. At first, the leaders praised me, but just yesterday, they all changed their minds! They said I didn't care about the overall situation and that I was discrediting Yunhai City and Dongjiang Province!

They say I am unorganized and undisciplined! The leaders of the newspaper were criticized by the city leaders for this, and my punishment will come down in a few days. I don’t need to think about it to know that I will definitely be fired if I break the rules this time.”

"How could this happen?" Fang Tianfeng asked in surprise.

Yang Peida suddenly laughed and said, smelling of alcohol: "At first, I really thought that I had caused trouble and discredited Dongjiang Province. But then an old editor who was good to me praised me, and I understood. Why would a dean

Are you looking for three girls to rent a room? Is one not enough? Besides the dean, is there anyone else? In fact, this news can be dug into a lot more, but I vaguely understood something later. As far as the dean was concerned, I didn’t expect that I was still being targeted by someone with intentions.

Come on. Come on, drink! Let’s go!”

Fang Tianfeng also understood what Yang Peida meant and asked in a low voice: "Is that dean actually a pimp?"

Yang Peida chuckled and said: "There are so many such news all over the country, why do you criticize our newspaper? A dean has so much energy? Hehe, I dare not say that it is enough to be unlucky once, not the second time.

Come on, cheers!" He drank another glass of beer.

Fang Tianfeng used the Qi Watching Technique to look at Yang Peida, extremely surprised.

In the sky above Yang Peida's luck, there are not only some small official circles pressing down on it, but also two official aura rings at the senior level, and the top is a deputy department level official aura circle pressing down on it.

This is nothing, the key is that Fang Tianfeng has met the owner of this deputy department level official circle!

When I met Pang Jingzhou in the Haitian Hall of Yujiang Hotel, the deputy mayor Xiang who was next to Pang Jingzhou was the owner of this official circle!

This Vice Mayor Xiang is the core figure of the third generation of the Xiang family.

"Wait a moment." After Fang Tianfeng finished speaking, he walked out of the house and called Ning Youlan to ask about Vice Mayor Xiang's previous resume. Vice Mayor Xiang had previously served as secretary of the county party committee in Niankang County.

Fang Tianfeng took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

The Xiangjia Building, which was tilted due to the bankruptcy of Yuanzhou Real Estate, has a looming gap.

Fang Tianfeng walked back to the private room and asked: "Who is that city leader who criticized you?"

ps: Recommended book: "Infinite Space of American Drama", ISBN 2776208.

This chapter has been completed!
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