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Chapter 379 Lunch for the Three

Fang Tianfeng smiled and looked at the two young female high school students.

After Song Jie changed into her slippers, Su Shishi took her hand and walked to the kitchen. She couldn't help but look around, her eyes full of curiosity. She was even more surprised when she saw the huge arowana bathtub and the colorful fish in it.

Except when the female tenants are resting, Fang Tianfeng is basically alone at noon. It has always been deserted. Now that Song Jie and Su Shishi are here, it becomes lively.

The midday sun shines in the kitchen, heating up the kitchen together with the fire.

Song Jie and Su Shishi both knew how to cook, and Fang Tianfeng took out some cooked food and steamed it in a pot.

Su Shishi said while frying shredded potatoes: "Song Jie, my brother is a big eater and a super foodie. Don't be surprised later."

Song Jie was cutting leeks, stopped and said with a smile: "The more people in ancient times ate, the more powerful they were. The senior must be very powerful." She glanced at Fang Tianfeng with a smile in her eyes.

"Song Jie is right!" Fang Tianfeng said with a smile. The two people's eyes met and then looked away naturally.

Su Shishi continued cooking and said, "Brother, when the dishes are ready, you can judge which one of us is better. I stir-fry shredded potatoes and cucumbers with shrimps, and she makes stir-fried eggs with leeks and stir-fried beans."

"There's no need to cook so many dishes." Fang Tianfeng said.

"It's not just for you!" Su Shishi made a face at Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng said: "From now on, I will ask the restaurant to deliver food in advance, and you will come to eat after school. You are already in your senior year of high school, so don't waste too much time."

"It doesn't matter, it's just making lunch, it won't waste much time. In fact, after studying all morning, it's good to change your mind by cooking, right Song Jie?" Su Shishi asked.

"Yeah." Song Jie nodded, but the speed of chopping vegetables was slightly slower than before.

"Okay. From now on, I will provide the dishes at noon, and you two will be responsible for cooking. The division of labor is clear." Fang Tianfeng said.

"Yes! Song Jie, you can come later." Su Shishi suddenly turned to look at Song Jie, her eyes full of warm expectation.

Song Jie hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"That's great!" Su Shishi smiled and continued to cook, her black twin ponytails gently sitting on her back.

This kitchen is relatively large, with four natural gas stoves. One is steaming things, one is used by Su Shishi, and Song Jie cuts the vegetables and starts using the other one. Fang Tianfeng took off the apron on the side and walked over, saying to Song Jie: "I'll help

You put on your apron."

The hesitation in Song Jie's eyes flashed away, and she smiled and said, "Thank you, senior." After saying that, she turned her back.

Fang Tianfeng tied Song Jie's apron and then watched the two of them cooking.

Soon, the food was served, and the three of them sat at the dining table. In addition to Su Shishi and Song Jie's dishes, there were also cooked dishes such as beef and sausages cut by Fang Tianfeng.

Su Shishi said: "Brother, please rate it and see which one of us cooks better."

Fang Tianfeng ate Su Shishi's shredded potatoes and cucumber shrimps first, nodded and said with a smile: "Not bad, better than the chefs in ordinary restaurants, 10 points. Both of your dishes are 10 points!"

Su Shishi immediately laughed, knowing that her brother was telling lies, but she was also filled with joy.

Then Fang Tianfeng ate Song Jie's scrambled eggs with chives and fried beans. After eating, he said in surprise: "Song Jie, your cooking is really good! Ten points! If you were my sister, I would definitely give you two eleven points!"

Song Jie was stunned and couldn't help but look at Su Shishi with a smile, her eyes full of cuteness.

Su Shishi smiled and complained: "Bad brother, you are trying to say that I am not as good as Song Jie5 and will die!"

The two women Song Jie and Su Shishi eating are like a dynamic art scene. They open their mouths. The food goes into their mouths, their red lips close, their teeth chew, their cheeks move lightly, and occasionally they say a few words. It is extremely warm.


Fang Tianfeng was different, he was dripping with oil and water.

Fang Tianfeng thought it was beautiful when he saw the two girls eating. The two girls also felt that Fang Tianfeng was enjoying the food. Unknowingly, Su Shishi and Song Jie ate more than usual.

"Oops, I feel like my belly is bulging and I can't eat." Su Shishi put down her chopsticks as she spoke.

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said: "It's good to puff up. I think you are too thin. I like you to be fatter."

"Ah? Really?" Su Shishi asked.

"Of course, it would be better to be a little fatter." Fang Tianfeng said.

"But I still have to lose weight and stay in shape." Su Shishi said firmly.

"Exercise moderately, and don't hurt your body just to lose weight. You two are in such good shape, no matter how thin you are, you won't look good." Fang Tianfeng said, taking two bottles of Youyun Lingquan, unscrewing them and handing them to Song Jie and Su respectively.


Neither of them knew the actual value of the two bottles of water, so they reached out to take them.

Fang Tianfeng said: "Bring water to school and drink it when you are thirsty."

Youyun Lingquan does not use glass bottles for portability, but the material and design are obviously different from ordinary mineral water. Song Jie did not drink it and said: "Thank you, senior, but this water is not cheap, right? I can just drink boiled water."

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said: "I run a mineral water factory, and this is the kind of water I sell. The cost is very low. From now on, Shishi will bring two bottles in the morning, one for you, and you can come and drink one at noon. You two little ones

Beauties should pay attention to their skin and drink water regularly to replenish moisture."

Su Shishi said: "How much a bottle of water is worth, just take it."

Song Jie nodded, took the water and took a sip. Her eyes lit up and she nodded and said, "It tastes really good. It tastes better than the mountain springs I drank in my hometown."

"Drink as much as you like! It's my brother's factory anyway. If you don't drink it, it's for nothing." Su Shishi smiled and took a sip.

Fang Tianfeng smiled and continued eating. He glanced at the door, where there was a lunch box brought by Song Jie. After thinking about it, he continued to eat with his head down.

After eating, Su Shishi took Song Jie's hand and walked upstairs. The two girls were whispering on the third floor, and laughter like silver bells was often heard.

Fang Tianfeng didn't want to hear it, but as Tianyun Jue reached the third level, all aspects of his body were significantly strengthened, and he could hear clearly.

"Song Jie, how is my brother?"

"You have a very special temperament. Anyway, I feel like I really want a brother like this. I envy you so much."

"Hey, my brother is so good! He has doted on me since he was a child, and now he treats me even better. I am so happy! I will not let other women be his sister. No one can compete with me as my brother! But, if you

If you want to be my sister-in-law, I won't refuse." Su Shishi said with a smile.

"Shishi, don't talk nonsense." Song Jie's voice was shy.

"By the way, that student union president has been chasing you. Have you agreed?" Su Shishi asked.

"No, I don't have the time to think about anything else. I just want to study hard. I'm not as pretty as you, and I'm not as smart as you. If I don't work hard, I will definitely not be able to get married when I grow up."

"No! Our Song Jie is beautiful and smart, and has so many boys chasing her. She is much more popular than me."

"Shishi, you are so kind, you always comfort me. You are so beautiful, and you are recognized as the campus beauty. There are not many people who really have the confidence to pursue you. But the senior from the last class is the one who was admitted to Tsinghua University. Many girls are

I like it, why did you just refuse it with your mouth, but it made him embarrassed, and it is said that he was drunk that night."

"He is not my type at all, no matter how good he is, it's useless!" Su Shishi said.

Song Jie asked curiously: "What type do you like?"

"Of course I like my brother like that! I have loved my brother to death since I was a child. When I was ignorant, I only wanted to marry my brother, and I proudly announced it in public. Who knew that my mother not only did not object, but also

I was very supportive. Later, when I went to elementary school, I learned that brothers and sisters cannot get married, and I cried all day long. But, hehe, let’s not talk about it anymore. From now on, you come to my house at noon, and I will give you some divine water.”

"What divine water?" Song Jie asked curiously.

"Anyway, my brother made it specially. The water is very good. Have you noticed any changes in me in the past few months?" Su Shishi said.

Song Jie immediately raised her voice and said, "Yes! You have changed so much in the past few months! Your grades were originally only in the top ten in the class, but then your grades improved rapidly and you were firmly in the top three. The teachers were very happy. And you have recently been

Your skin is so good, so radiant. Haven't you noticed that many boys and girls are secretly looking at you? Anyway, standing next to you, I feel like an ugly duckling."

"No! Song Jie is not an ugly duckling, but a beautiful white swan! From now on, I will give you a glass of divine water at noon, so that we can be beautiful together and improve our academic performance, how about that?" Su Shishi's voice was full of hope.


"But... that thing must be very expensive, right? Besides, will your brother agree to it?"

"It's okay, my brother is fine. I'll beg him like a baby, and he will definitely agree. The water is not expensive, and all the female tenants in the villa drink it."

"Well, Shishi, I found that there seem to be many women living in the villa, which feels a bit strange."

"It's not surprising at all. The villa is so big. It would be a waste to leave so much space. It's better to rent it to others and let others help with housework. You don't know that this villa is so big. It takes at least two days to wipe the bedrooms, kitchens and balconies together.

Hours! Who has that much time? Besides, several of the women living there know my brother, so it’s nothing.”


"Song Jie, I'm curious, why don't you have a boyfriend? There are also very good boys chasing you, and some are said to be from other schools."

"Don't tell others, I'll tell you secretly." Song Jie whispered.

"Okay, I'm very strict with my mouth."

"You also know that I, I was older. When I was in the first year of junior high school, I would run around and jump around so stupidly that I would be seen by many male classmates. They all called me big-breasted girl behind my back. I didn't know that at first.

I know, it was only after I entered the second grade of junior high school that someone told me that I no longer dared to run or jump, and even my personality changed a bit. Also, a lot of things happened at home at that time, and I became even more withdrawn. Although I was chased by many boys, I was always

I feel scared. Besides, my mother has a bad temper and scolds me when I get poor grades, so I keep studying hard." Song Jie's voice was full of grievances.

"Ah? So that's it. I'm about the same size as you, and it's bigger there. I was worried at first and always felt shy. Later, my brother encouraged me and said that I look best this way. He liked it very much, so I no longer have the burden. Now

I walk with my chest held high and my head raised. I don’t care what others think, as long as my brother likes it!”

"Shishi, I envy you so much."

"I see you are doing much better now, why aren't you dating other boys? There are many couples in our class, and a few are with other classes. In fact, I am a little envious of them. Unfortunately, my brother and I are not in the same class.

"Su Shishi said.

"I don't have anyone I like. If the person I like pursues me, I will definitely agree." Song Jie said firmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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