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Chapter 432: The Egg of Calamity

"He may have misunderstood. I will support his actions in Dongjiang, at least to make the market in Dongjiang more orderly, rather than destroying... I deeply hate the master's methods. Since tomb robbing and selling cultural relics are difficult to solve, then we might as well solve it

The current situation of killing people just for a few antiques! I have already thought of new rules. Anyone who dares to use a gun will get out of Dongjiang!"

"Master Fang is really bold. Since you said so, I will convey your meaning to others. I will give a lesson to anyone who attempts to violate this rule. If I fail to do so, I will inform Yin as soon as possible.

Yan Bin, let him maintain the order of the Dongjiang collectibles market." Mr. Wei said.

"Well, not bad." Fang Tianfeng said.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then Mr. Wei's voice came again: "I wonder if you have any other requests."

Fang Tianfeng was about to say that he had no request, but suddenly changed his mind and said, "It's not really a request. I do have some business that I want to discuss with you, but I just don't know if Mr. Wei is interested."

"Interested! Very interested! I am very interested in any transaction, especially if I can trade with someone like you, Master Fang. Your name is the greatest security guarantee." Mr. Wei complimented, his tone full of joy.

"The things I want are slightly different. It is best to have items that have been used by celebrities or big shots for a long time, whether they are well-known or not. Celebrities from all walks of life are fine. Artists' words are not important. Various politicians and military strategists are fine.

, It doesn’t matter whether it’s China or a foreign country. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you’re from a small country like that. I’ve also been interested in collecting recently, and if you have the master’s information channel, you will definitely know about it.”

Fang Tianfeng thought about this problem. Luck is too mysterious. Even if others break their heads, they would never imagine that they have the power of luck. It is impossible to connect Taoism with collectibles.

With Fang Tianfeng's current net worth, it is normal to start collecting.

"Okay, I'll write it down, and I'll make a list for you every few months. If you're interested in anything, I'll have it sent over, and you can choose carefully. As for the price, I'll put you at the highest level.

All customers will receive a 50% discount. Don’t doubt my intentions. In addition to apologizing to you, I am more grateful to you. I think you should understand why I am grateful to you."

"I know."

Unless the master dies, Mr. Wei will never be able to hold the power. He must obey the master in everything. To put it bluntly, he is a professional manager, and now, he has become the boss.

"As long as you understand. In short, there are many people under Master. There may be one or two who want to seek revenge from you, but it will definitely not be me."

"Oh? Is there anyone else who wants to take revenge on me?" Fang Tianfeng felt a murderous intention in his heart for no reason. Ever since he encountered that assassination, he has been very sensitive to this kind of thing.

"Yes. However, I believe that most people are fighting under this slogan just for the sake of justice. Only a few people are still loyal to Master and really want to avenge him."

"You can't solve those people?"

"This..." Mr. Wei couldn't continue.

Fang Tianfeng didn't speak and listened quietly.

"It's not that I can't solve it, it's that I can't solve it. If I attack them, once the matter is revealed, I will definitely offend more than half of the people, and they will have an excuse to treat me badly. Once they unite, it will be difficult for me to compete.

Able to hand over power obediently."

"You mean you won't deal with those people?"

There was silence on the other side.

After thirty seconds, Mr. Wei said: "Don't worry, Master Fang! You will receive good news within half a month!"

"If someone attacks you because of this matter, just ask him to come to me and I will be with you at any time!" Fang Tianfeng's voice was firm and powerful.

Mr. Wei was overjoyed and said: "With your words, I will do my best! I will no longer have any scruples. When this matter calms down, I will definitely pay you a visit. I don't know if Master Fang will welcome you."

"As long as you come with good things, I will welcome you." Fang Tianfeng said with a smile.

"Haha, Master Fang is really quick to talk. Okay, that's settled. Goodbye, Master Fang."


Fang Tianfeng put down the phone and realized that he had thought things too simply. He only thought that someone would take revenge after his master's death, but ignored the impact of his master's death.

"This matter should be over." Fang Tianfeng thought to himself.

After Fang Tianfeng got the news, he immediately walked to the living room.

The women had been trapped in the villa for many days. They were worried at first, but then they calmed down and kept looking for things to do. Later, Fang Tianfeng asked someone to buy a few more laptops and tablets, and the women played together when they had nothing to do.

When Fang Tianfeng went down, they were playing League of Legends under the leadership of An Tiantian. They had just lost a game. An Tiantian couldn't help complaining: "We have five consecutive seats in the living room and we have never won! You bunch of pig teammates!"

The other women were not angry either, they pursed their lips and snickered.

Fang Tianfeng used his Qi-gazing technique to take a look at their luck. Everyone's bad luck was quickly dissipating and disappearing soon. However, An Tiantian's luck was different!

An Tiantian's calamity did not dissipate in the end, but turned into a very small dark green bead suspended in the air, almost as big as a small yellow rice. If you don't look carefully, you will definitely miss it.

Fang Tianfeng did not expect this result, because this small dark green bead is a lucky egg, which is equivalent to the hidden disaster. As long as there is no great ability to change fate, the latent disaster will explode one day. But the specifics are

It is completely impossible to determine when and where it happened. It will only be discovered when the disaster is about to break out.

However, one thing is certain, the incubation period of the calamity eggs will not be too long, and it will erupt in one year at most.

Fang Tianfeng was puzzled and couldn't figure out why today's matter could be related to An Tiantian. However, since it was a latent disaster, it meant that there was enough time to solve it slowly in the future. As long as you pay attention regularly

, you can nip the danger in the bud.

Fang Tianfeng walked a few steps and stopped, coughing lightly.

All the women looked at him, and everyone else was curious, but Xia Xiaoyu looked stupid and had no other ideas, just waiting for Fang Tianfeng's words.

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly and said: "I have good news for everyone. The danger I mentioned has passed!"

"Really?" An Tiantian asked.

"Really, it has been completely resolved, you can go out."


An Tiantian and Su Shishi shouted excitedly, and the two beauties jumped hand in hand.

Soon, Su Shishi threw herself into Fang Tianfeng's arms, feeling very excited. Fang Tianfeng found helplessly that her sister was a little bigger and more comfortable.

Shen Xin gathered up her hair that was messy due to playing games, smiled and said, "Can you tell us what exactly happened?"

Fang Tianfeng remembered that he had said before that he would tell them after the storm had passed, but now he realized that the matter was a bit complicated and it was not suitable to go into too much detail.

So, Fang Tianfeng said: "I can't tell you the details because the police have confidentiality regulations. I'll give you a rough outline. I once offended someone, and then that person took action and wanted to kill me. You also know that I can do Taoism and divination, so it's easy

He escaped the assassination, but instead killed their killer. Later, I did some calculations and found out that he was going to attack you, and you will know what happened next. In short, I have solved that person, and there will be no more problems in the future."

When Fang Tianfeng spoke, he couldn't help but glance at An Tiantian, thinking about what to say to her.

"Brother, you are so awesome! I admire you the most!" Su Shishi pressed her face against Fang Tianfeng's chest, her face full of happiness.

An Tiantian also showed gratitude, but then put it away as usual.

"Husband, thank you for saving us." Jiang Feifei said.

Xia Xiaoyu laughed happily and said nothing. When the accident happened, she said she supported Fang Tianfeng, but when the danger passed, she remained silent.

An Tiantian suddenly glanced at the woman in the room and said proudly: "We have discussed, once the matter is resolved, what should we do first?"



"eat delicious food!"

Then several women chattered and began to think about how to make up for the losses of the past few days.

Fang Tianfeng suddenly felt a headache. Shopping with one woman was already a test. Shopping with so many women would definitely be torture. However, Fang Tianfeng smiled and did not object or show any impatience.

Because Fang Tianfeng knows that he has the Tianyun Secret and powerful abilities. No matter what he does, no matter what enemies he encounters, he will have the confidence, but these women are different. Staying away for three or four days is not a problem. The problem is to endure unknown dangers.

This is a huge test for them.

But no woman complained!

Even if he learned that the disaster was caused by Fang Tianfeng, and even if he knew that he was implicated, he would not complain.

"No matter what you buy today, it will be on my account!" Fang Tianfeng said with a smile.

"Master, you are so handsome now!" An Tiantian started cheering after saying this.

"No future!" Su Shishi snorted, but she actually felt sorry for her brother's money.

A few people tidied up first, changed into their clothes for going out, and then went out for shopping.

As a female host, Jiang Feifei did not go to work, which had a particularly big impact. The TV station announced that training was to prepare Jiang Feifei for a new job. So before going out, Fang Tianfeng still used his energy to disguise her.

Fang Tianfeng spent the entire day with a few women, and instead of eating out at night, he had a dinner at home that was warm in the first half and filled with wine in the second half.

Even Fang Tianfeng was drunk, and all the women were carried to the bed by him.

They have been under too much psychological pressure these days, and it is good for their physical and mental health to indulge appropriately.

As a result, Jiang Feifei got up in the middle of the night, took the initiative to find Shang Tianfeng, cried while doing it, and expressed all the worries she had been holding in her heart for the past few days, and then became extremely wild, and finally fell asleep exhausted.

The next day was the weekend. Except for Su Shishi who could continue to sleep in, they all got up normally. Xia Xiaoyu had to go to the hospital for the morning shift, and Fang Tianfeng happened to go to see Mr. He, so he took her with him.

However, Xia Xiaoyu was a little unhappy and sat quietly in the car, not knowing what she was worried about.

On the way, Fang Tianfeng called Ning Youlan and said that he would go to her place in the afternoon and return her "stuff".

Later, Fang Tianfeng called Yin Yanbin, the future boss of Dongjiang antiques industry.

"Lao Yin, I recently got a copybook and would like to find a mounting master to frame it. Are you familiar with it?"

"Master of Framing? What a coincidence. Mr. Wang Yuanze is celebrating his sixtieth birthday, and I was going to go there. Since you are looking for him, we will go together when the time comes." (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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