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Chapter 447 Shocking the whole country

In the villa, Xia Xiaoyu was holding a vacuum cleaner in her hand, standing by the window and looking out, with a faint look of worry on her face, and asked: "Brother Tianfeng, what should we do with those people? There are so many people, the parking lot is going to become a market."

"It's okay, they can stay if they want. Remember, you won't open the door to people you don't know. We are not a museum here, you are still living here. Like the night before yesterday, you were all wearing pajamas, and that person had to come in. He said he was from thousands of people.

He came from outside and had to read the "Safety Notice". Do you think I can let him in? I told him to come during the day the next day, but he contacted Mr. Huang later and said that I was ignorant, as if I owed him

It was like something, I immediately told Mr. Huang to get away, he is not welcome here."

Fang Tianfeng's dissatisfaction stems from the night before yesterday. There are women at home these days. Either Xia Xiaoyu and An Tiantian are resting, or Su Shishi and Shen Xin are spending the weekend. In the evening, when the family is chatting, Fang Tianfeng often goes out.

, it is impossible to let outsiders in, let alone not one or two, but dozens.

"And yesterday, someone actually stopped Shishi, who had just finished school, and asked her to bring them in. Shishi had been smart since she was a child, so she immediately stepped on the person's feet hard, and then ran back to complain. How can I trust such a person?

Are they coming in?" Fang Tianfeng said.

"They were a little impatient and didn't consider us," Xia Xiaoyu said.

Fang Tianfeng said: "You haven't heard what the deputy director of the museum said, asking me to donate it to the country. To be honest, this thing is not of much use to me. Someday I feel it takes up space, so donating it to the country will be okay. But what he said

The implication behind the words was that putting this thing here was a secret sign, as if I was tarnishing the "Peace Notes". Then I asked him what happened to the things that disappeared after the man from Kut City donated the cultural relics to the museum.

What's going on? What's going on when someone buys cultural relics stolen by others and donates them to a museum, only to be suspected of illegal trading? What's going on with those second-generation people in the 1970s and 1980s who randomly took cultural relics from the Forbidden City and now brag about them online but no one catches them?

?What happened when the original thing turned into a fake in the museum? What happened when the damaged things in the museum appeared intact on the market a few years later? As a result, he hesitated and couldn't say anything, so he turned around and left."

Xia Xiaoyu couldn't help but stare at Fang Tianfeng with wide eyes and asked, "Is this really possible?"

"At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was something even more ruthless. Eunuchs stole treasures from the warehouse and sold them for money. They stole too much, and the higher-ups wanted to investigate, so the offending eunuch set fire to the warehouse. Even I, who was new to collecting, knew that.

It's the same as the news I saw a few days ago. It said that the inspection team from above went to a certain grain depot to investigate, and it turned out that the granary immediately caught fire. Everyone knows some things, so I'm too lazy to say more."

"These people are so bad!" Xia Xiaoyu was very angry.

Fang Tianfeng didn't expect Xiaoyu to be angrier than himself, and said: "If they were all calligraphers or collectors, things would be simple, but some people have ulterior motives. This is the real reason why I don't let them in."

"What's the ulterior motive?" Xia Xiaoyu was confused.

"There are too many people interested in something worth hundreds of millions, so cultural relic dealers and businessmen naturally want to get involved," Fang Tianfeng said.

"These people are even worse!" Xia Xiaoyu was filled with indignation, gasping with anger, her chest rising and falling slightly, and she was so beautiful.

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't be angry. Just remember to wear a maid outfit these days. Don't wear the nurse outfit that Sister Xin bought for you. I estimate that in a few days, they will be able to react and go to Mr. Wang and the others."

Help. As long as Mr. Wang and the others know people, they can come in. As for those with ulterior motives, if they dare to come in, I don’t mind taking action."

"Well, Brother Tianfeng needs to take good care of the antiques." Xia Xiaoyu finished with a blush and continued to clean the living room.

Fang Tianfeng glanced out the window and continued to do his own thing.

The incident that is suspected to be the original work of the calligrapher is too explosive. It is a major event in the Chinese collection and calligraphy circles, not to mention the only one in the mainland, so many people will come here because of its fame. It is still a short period of time, and it has not been widely circulated.

Guang, in a few days, more people will come to Chang'an Garden.

There are millions of calligraphy and collection enthusiasts in China. Even if only a few hundred people come, they will have a great influence on Fang Tianfeng.

Many of the people who came here were people who really loved cultural relics and calligraphy, and many of them were old. It was really hard for Fang Tianfeng to drive them away. But Fang Tianfeng couldn't let them in. Once he allowed some people to read and rejected others, it would be inevitable.

It will cause trouble. Human beings have always been worried not about scarcity but about inequality.

In the morning, Fang Tianfeng called Mr. Wang for consultation. Mr. Wang meant to discuss with the Dongjiang Provincial Museum and the cultural relics department to display this thing for three days and then take it back after three days. This would not only reduce unnecessary trouble, but also allow more people to

It is a great blessing for the calligraphy and collecting circles that more people see the authentic works of calligraphers.

Fang Tianfeng was moved when he heard about the great merit, so he asked Mr. Wang to help contact him, and that's what he did.

In the afternoon of the same day, Director Kang of the Provincial Museum came to visit with a calligraphy and painting expert and an assistant. He first apologized for the deputy director's behavior, and then listened to Fang Tianfeng's opinions.

The curator was very dedicated and did not mention the donation. He was very grateful to Fang Tianfeng for his willingness to display this treasure in Dongjiang Province, because even if it were displayed in the Forbidden City, the director of the Palace Museum would warmly welcome it.

The two parties finalized the details, and Director Kang also brought an agreement. After both parties signed it, Director Kang and the expert began to identify it, and then asked his assistant to take photos of the "Peace Note."

Director Kang and the experts were speechless for a long time after seeing the "Peace Note". Like Wang and the others, they did not assert anything, but even Xia Xiaoyu, who was not very good at observing words and emotions, could tell that the two of them were very excited.

The expert nodded vigorously to Director Kang and said nothing more.

After taking pictures, Director Kang and others left the villa and told those outside that they would be exhibiting at the Provincial Museum in two days, and they dispersed.

Subsequently, Director Kang contacted the media to hold a press conference, saying that a mysterious and generous collector had put the authentic "Peace Note" by the calligrapher Wang Xizhi on display in the Provincial Museum for three days, hoping that people from all walks of life would come. At the press conference, Director Kang

Not only did it display photos of the "Peace Tie", but it also pointed out that the paper used in the "Peace Tie" was undoubtedly ephedra paper from the Eastern Jin Dynasty and had been identified by experts from the museum.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a sensation in the collection and calligraphy circles, and major calligraphy or collection forums were abuzz. Even if many people do not collect calligraphy and paintings, but collect antiques such as porcelain or jade, they also expressed that they must rush to the Dongjiang Museum to participate in this rare event.

great event.

That photo sparked heated discussions and controversy. Most people believed that the calligraphy surpassed any known holy copy of the book, and even surpassed the controversial "Quick Snow and Clear Tie". However, some people expressed doubts and even caused a stir.


That evening, the Gulf Office received a call from the National Palace Museum in the north of the bay. The other party hoped for help from the mainland. They had just set up a cross-strait cultural exchange group composed of experts and scholars, and hoped to arrive at the Dongjiang Museum before the launch.

The next morning, news from all over the country placed this matter in an important position. Even the Dongjiang Party newspaper "Dongjiang Daily" published the news. The deputy governor in charge of culture, education and health would even personally participate in the exhibition that day.

Other newspapers and TV stations in Dongjiang even reported on this event in series, interviewing various experts to discover the story behind "Ping'an Tie" and the life of the calligrapher Wang Xizhi. Only then did many people discover that the original idioms "three points into the wood", "a quick son-in-law in the east bed", etc.

Idioms are all related to Wang Xizhi.

On the opening day of the exhibition hall, calligraphy collectors from all over the world gathered together, and more than 3,000 people blocked the place outside, so much so that the museum had to call in the police to maintain order.

On the first day of the event, domestic calligraphers or collectors came one after another to communicate with experts from Bayi. Except for a few people who were skeptical, most people were sure that this calligraphy was the authentic work of the calligrapher.

After being recognized by experts from all over the country, on the second night of the exhibition of "Safety Notes", the news about the authentic works of calligrapher Wang Xizhi was published on China's most important "Seven O'clock News". Although it was only introduced in a few dozen seconds, it was enough

Explain the importance of this cultural relic.

"Seven O'clock News" is the mouthpiece of the ruling party and the news program with the highest ratings in the country. As soon as this news came out, it caused an even bigger sensation. Many wealthy collectors of calligraphy and paintings expressed their hope to purchase this "Safety Post". The highest asking price has already reached

Three hundred million yuan.

Just after "The Seven O'Clock News" finished, Director Kang called Fang Tianfeng.

"Master Fang, the focus interview program team called me. They said they were very interested in the authentic works of the Calligrapher and wanted to interview them. What do you think?"

"Focus interview? Yes, as long as it's not about science. You can accept the interview, but don't mention me. The main purpose is to promote Chinese culture and calligraphy and the value of this "Peace Note". As for the origin, you can tell

The mysterious owner of the "Peace Note" once saved an old man, and the old man was very grateful and gave me the "Peace Note" passed down from his family to spread positive energy in society."

Director Kang laughed: "You said that on purpose, right? Saving an old man and then getting an antique is a rumor that has been spread in the collecting circle, and no one takes it seriously anymore. But since you are unwilling to come forward, I will solve this problem."

"That's good." Fang Tianfeng said.

Finally, Director Kang said with some worry: "I heard some rumors. It seems that some people are planning to take action on this calligraphy. There are people at home and abroad. It's just that those abroad can't catch up. They probably won't take action. I'm afraid that people in China will take action.


"Don't worry, no one can take my things away!" Fang Tianfeng was confident.

"Okay, we will definitely strengthen security."

At three o'clock in the morning that night, Fang Tianfeng was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone. Fang Tianfeng reluctantly glanced at the caller number and then answered the call.

"Hey, Director Kang, what's going on?"

"Two people came to the museum to steal the "Peace Notes", but they were discovered by our people, but the scene was a bit strange." Director Kang's voice was hoarse, and it was obvious that he had not slept well.

"What scene?" Fang Tianfeng knew it, but pretended not to know. (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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