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Chapter 518

Although the three reporters tried not to express their positions and attitudes, their expressions changed slightly when they mentioned that Priest Geng refused to refund the money. As long as they are normal people, it is impossible not to be angry. If the family has a lot of money to donate to the Tianshen Sect, they will not be angry.

Nothing, but it is life-saving money...

After Fang Tianfeng finished speaking, the young priest immediately said: "Mr. Fang, please stop talking nonsense. When did we, Priest Geng, apologize?"

Fang Tianfeng said: "Are you saying that Priest Geng still doesn't want to refund the money? I told him that it was one o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still twenty minutes left. I hope the three reporters will stay here. If Priest Geng still doesn't refund the money at one o'clock, then

I hope the reporter reports truthfully so that all Yunhai citizens can see the faces of the few priests who have smeared the Tianshen Sect!"

"You!" The young priest did not dare to say anything.

Reporter Zhao said: "Then let's wait."

Then everyone sat in the room, and three reporters started chatting about some recent news in the city.

Fang Tianfeng listened and had no idea that these three reporters were simply complaining. He first talked about the situation he encountered, and then found that it was not satisfactory for them to be blocked, so he felt sympathy for each other, and then started to talk about the news that he usually did not dare to report.

"For example, in the case of real estate, real estate businessmen and online scholars, professors and media all criticized the government. The government was at fault in the first place. It is normal and popular to criticize, but they actually said that those real estate businessmen were so innocent, and then some people actually believed it. You

You can check from the Forbes rich list. For those who are ranked high and are involved in real estate, whose father or father-in-law is not a high-ranking official? Who would be stupid enough to believe that a bunch of second-generation officials are innocent? But those lawyers who claim to be righteous

Professors, scholars and celebrities believe it! I wrote a similar article, but it was rejected. Later I understood, if that thing is published, I don’t want the job? I don’t want the advertising?”

"That's right! Real estate developers are not just the second generation on the front line. Those involved in coal, electricity, finance, telecommunications, etc. are the real second generation. But do we dare to report it? For example, this new policy is said to be

We want to allow private individuals to purchase shares of state-owned enterprises, and then many people celebrated. I laughed at that time. How many of those celebrating were qualified to touch those shares of state-owned enterprises? How were the shares of state-owned enterprises sold in the end, how much was sold, and to whom, we

Can you know?"

"So, the problem with the media is that now some people want to put things in the right hand into the left hand, but the media does not report on the left hand, only the right hand. In this way, the people hate the right hand even more and hope that the right hand will be destroyed, but they don't know that this is

The left hand and the right hand want to see the result together, because then the right hand will say that it follows the will of the people, so it will give the things of the right hand to the left hand. The most frightening thing is that the media and the whole people are beautifying the left hand."

When Fang Tianfeng heard this, he suddenly understood that some reporters did not understand, but pretended not to understand. This left-hand and right-hand argument was simply too incisive. He remembered one thing. At that time, he thought that the split of the Northern Snow Federation was the need of the people.

, but later I learned that 70% of the new Beixue government officials were still officials from the old federation, and I suddenly understood that this was not necessarily the needs of the people, but probably the needs of the upper class, because it was inconvenient to do many things under the banner of state ownership.


Fang Tianfeng listened for a while, then used Weixin to contact Yang Peida, used him to ask for reporter Zhao's Weixin signal, and then used his mobile phone to type and chat with reporter Zhao in the same room.

"Reporter Zhao, did they say anything else when they invited you here?"

"Yes, they said they would pay two thousand for travel expenses, and if the solution was solved, they would give another two thousand. And I was contacted through our deputy editor-in-chief, saying that we would gain your trust, pretend to publish the news you need, and actually publish and promote them.

Good news for the church. However, they never expected that I know you. Don’t worry, since it is your business, Master Fang, let alone our deputy editor, even the president of our newspaper will not dare to do anything wrong. I

I listen to you, I will do whatever you say, and I will refund the carriage fare."

"Then I thank you first. You don't need to add more information, just report the truth. Of course, help me mobilize my colleagues to make this news bigger. I know that people in your media circle often join forces to hype up, and you are actually involved in many hot topics on the Internet.

Behind the scenes push.”

"Master Fang, since you know it, I won't say anything more. I will ensure the authenticity of this news and then use all my connections to spread it."

"Thank you. Let's have a meal together when you have time."

"Master Fang, you're welcome."

"By the way, you should find a way to explain this matter clearly to the two reporters from Yunhai TV. If they don't agree to help me, just tell me!"


Then, Reporter Zhao asked for the ** of the two reporters on the spot and sent ** messages to the reporters who were interviewing them to chat with.

As a result, when the reporter from the TV station saw the content of the video, he subconsciously looked at Fang Tianfeng, unable to hide the look of horror on his face, because he clearly remembered that the deputy director of Yunhai TV station knelt down to Fang Tianfeng in front of everyone. Although he left

It was too far away to see Fang Tianfeng clearly, but Master Fang's name was very popular on Yunhai TV Station, and everyone knew that it was Master Fang who made Jiang Feifei famous.

Fortunately, the young priest did not pay attention to these reporters. The TV reporter immediately lowered his head and covered up. Then, the two reporters used their mobile phones to discuss how to help Fang Tianfeng and how to expose the matter, completely forgetting that Priest Geng was looking for them.

These two reporters were very aware of Master Fang's energy. Not to mention their superior leaders, even leaders two levels above would make the same choice.

The young priest didn't know yet that three of the four people in the room had colluded with each other, and they often looked at Fang Tianfeng triumphantly, without concealing their contempt and gloating.

At one o'clock, Priest Geng did not come.

Fang Tianfeng stood up and said to the young priest: "Since Priest Geng is unwilling to refund the money, I can only solve it through other ways. When it is on the news tonight and in the newspapers tomorrow, I hope Priest Geng will not regret it!"

Fang Tianfeng strode outside, and the young priest said proudly: "Mr. Fang, don't regret it when the news is broadcast in the newspapers!"

Fang Tianfeng sneered in his heart. Priest Geng was used to being domineering. He thought that no one dared to target the Tianshen Sect, but he forgot that the fundamental reason why officials did not allow reporting on religious matters that were too sensitive was that it was unprofitable and might be used by superiors.


As long as the superiors do not cause trouble, TV stations and newspapers will never be afraid of a small priest. The church is not like a four-star company that has the money to advertise in newspapers to prevent negative news about the company.

Fang Tianfeng walked out of the church, looked at the white building that had survived for twenty years, looked at the not huge but very pure teachings above, and showed a faint smile.

"When I asked for 200,000 yuan, you didn't give it. When you did, it wasn't just 200,000 yuan."

There was no need for Fang Tianfeng to make the call himself. After the reporter reported the matter, the leader who was originally related to Priest Geng was stunned on the spot.

If you offend Priest Geng, you will at best have a bad life. If you offend Master Fang, it will be a question of whether you can survive. Therefore, not only do you not dare to obstruct it, but you try your best to help Fang Tianfeng and find the best editor to be responsible for the manuscript. You must let people see the news.

I hate that Priest Geng, but try not to attack the entire Tianshen Sect.

Subsequently, reporters mobilized and retrieved the video of that time from the camera near the church. There were only two clips, one was of people from the church chasing and beating Fang Tiande and others, and the other was of Fang Tianfeng slapping a person on the face.

Everyone wisely destroyed the second paragraph.

The newspaper reporter went directly to the hospital to contact Fang Tiande’s family and took Fang Tiande’s third aunt to the psychiatric hospital for psychiatric evaluation.

That night, Priest Geng sat at home and watched the news, which was his unshakable habit.

First there is the seven o'clock news, then the provincial news, and finally the city news. In fact, Priest Geng is most concerned about the city news, because the city news is closest to Yunhai City.

After reading the news on the provincial channel, Priest Geng thought of the news about the Gujiang Winery a few days ago. The disgusting scene of insects and rats crawling all over the factory naturally came to mind, but then he smiled contemptuously.

"Master Fang, you can easily solve a winery, but in front of the Tianshen Sect, you are nothing! Want to get the money back from me? Just dream! So many things have happened to the Tianshen Sect in these years, how many things have happened

Have you ever been in the news? I advised you not to take over Meng Jun's Xingmo Liquor Industry, but you didn't listen. You were waiting for an opportunity to counterattack, but you didn't expect you to come to the door yourself. What's more, the boss of Gujiang Distillery originally promised to donate 100,000,

But before you can donate, the winery will be bankrupted by you. The risk of 150,000 yuan to that female believer should be regarded as compensation!"

With a smile on his face, Priest Geng quickly waited for the city news time. After only watching it for a few minutes, Priest Geng was stunned.

"Priest Geng of Hexing Road Church, he persuaded female believers to donate 150,000 life-saving money!"

When he heard the female host say these words, Priest Geng felt as if he was struck by five thunders, his vision went dark, his body leaned back, and he leaned on the sofa, his whole body weak.

"I heard it wrong! This is not true!" Priest Geng roared in his heart, forcing himself to open his eyes, cheer up, prick up his ears, and continue to watch the news.

Later, Fang Tianfeng appeared on the news, but his face was mosaic, but his voice was clearly audible.

"My cousin's third aunt is mentally ill, and she has always advised her mother not to need medical treatment, but to worship God and she will be cured."

"I don't know why she went crazy that day, but she took away the 150,000 life-saving money and donated it to Priest Geng."

"We thought that the priests were all good people, because the priests always taught people to be kind and do good deeds, and they would definitely understand us, so my cousin asked Priest Geng for money. We never expected that this place looked like a church.

In fact, it’s a gangster society. It’s just that Priest Geng didn’t refund the money, but he also falsely accused them of storming the church and almost beat people to death!”

"Priest Geng, I almost killed my cousin directly and my grandma indirectly!"

After that, there is the content captured by the camera, which clearly shows that Priest Geng ordered people to chase Fang Tiande and others. The news even stopped the picture and zoomed in, with the location of Priest Geng circled in red.

Priest Geng watched, coughing violently, and soon coughed up blood, but the coughing sound became smaller and smaller, and finally his body tilted and he passed out on the sofa.

This chapter has been completed!
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