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Chapter 521: Jumping off the Building

Master Sang immediately showed a strange smile and said: "Hidden world sect, it seems that Master Fang must be very amazing. He actually asked Mr. Ke to invite him personally. Can Master Fang show off your sect's methods?"

The people around Master Sang immediately had the attitude of watching a good show, while Ke Kangming smiled and watched how Fang Tianfeng would deal with it.

"Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Since Master Sang is explaining, please continue," Fang Tianfeng said.

"Then I'm welcome." Master Sang looked to the west and said, "This park has a gate on the west and southeast, but this year Po Jun flew to the southeast. As he said, Po Jun lives in

In the Xun position, there will definitely be people with epilepsy. In other words, there will definitely be people in the factory who have mental problems, and it is not surprising that they will commit suicide."

"In addition, I have a high-altitude picture of the industrial park here. Take a look." Master Sang took out a piece of paper, asked someone to hold it, and then traced the direction of the main entrance with his fingers.

"The location where my finger passed has been marked with a red line in advance. Is this shape exactly the same as an ancient bow? Bows are evil things. The main entrance is evil, and the whole park can be imagined."

"My dear fellow, no wonder some people say it's a bit chilly near the main entrance. It turns out to be evil spirits." A supervisor said with admiration.

Master Sang smiled slightly and said, "I'm done. As for the specific solution, it still needs careful deduction. Master Fang, it's your turn."

Everyone stared at Fang Tianfeng, wanting to see what he could say.

But at this moment, Fang Tianfeng suddenly turned around and looked at a seven-story building in the southwest. There was no anti-jump net under the building.

Everyone followed Fang Tianfeng's line of sight and all changed their colors because there was someone standing on the top of the building.

"not good!"

"Hurry and save people!"


Master Sang sighed and said: "This woman is haunted by evil spirits. Under the influence of Po Jun, she has gone crazy and will definitely die."

While Master Sang was speaking, the woman jumped down.

"not necessarily!"

After Fang Tianfeng finished speaking, he pointed at the woman and shook his hand. The murderous blade flew over at high speed, weaving into an invisible web and catching the woman who jumped from the building.

Master Sang laughed and said: "Master Fang, why are you shaking your hands? Can you..."

Master Sang's throat seemed to have been suddenly stuffed with a big stone, and his voice suddenly stopped.

In the eyes of everyone, the person who jumped from the building suddenly slowed down in mid-air, and then landed as lightly as a feather.

"What's going on?" one person asked in surprise.

No one answered, they all looked at Fang Tianfeng. This was simply unbelievable. The two sides were more than a hundred meters apart, and Fang Tianfeng could save the person who jumped from the building with a shake of his hand. This absolutely cannot be explained by current technology.

Even though Ke Kangming is a billionaire, he was shocked by Fang Tianfeng's hand. He asked: "Master Fang, did you really do this?"

"It's just a small skill. It's nothing compared to Master Sang's Feng Shui skills." Fang Tianfeng said calmly.

Master Sang's face turned red instantly as if he had been thrown into a fire and set ablaze. If Fang Tianfeng's method was just a trick, then Master Sang's method was even worse than rubbish.

Until now, some people are still shocked and speechless, completely unable to understand this magical phenomenon.

Ke Kangming said: "Master Fang, you just said that two people are going to commit suicide soon. Can you find the other one?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the woman who jumped off the building and said, "She is a pregnant woman. She has been pregnant with the child for four months. She is wearing a lot of clothes now, so it is not easy to tell."

There was an uproar around this place. The distance between this place and the place where the pregnant woman was was more than 100 meters, which was the length of the stadium runway. From such a distance, you couldn't tell the difference between men and women unless you looked carefully. Fang Tianfeng actually opened his mouth and said that the woman was pregnant and that she was four months pregnant.

This is either a big scam or a miracle.

Fang Tianfeng said it so directly that most people were skeptical.

"Is it a magic trick?" someone whispered.

Master Sang immediately cheered up and stared at Fang Tianfeng closely, trying to see the flaws.

A trace of doubt flashed in Ke Kangming's eyes, and then he shook his head and said: "This can't be a setup. I took the initiative to invite Master Fang. The time and place are all decided by me. Besides, with Master Fang's status and income, there is no need to do such a thing."


However, even if Mr. Ke declares it personally, many people still don't believe it.

Fang Tianfeng's eyes swept across the crowd, and finally landed on a middle-aged man wearing a suit, with a very unnatural expression on his face. There were two security guards behind him.

Fang Tianfeng pointed at this person and said: "This gentleman should know best why that woman jumped off the building."

"You, you are slanderous!" The man shouted loudly, extremely angry, but those who were careful could see that he was using anger to cover up the fear and uneasiness in his heart.

Afterwards, some people showed signs of sudden enlightenment, as if they understood something. Ke Kangming's eyelids drooped slightly, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Mr. Ke, don't believe what this liar says! It must be this liar who teamed up with Xiaoyu to set up this scam!"

Fang Tianfeng said: "It turns out that the name of the person who jumped off the building is Xiaoyu. She is so far away. Just because I said she was four months pregnant, I can tell that she is Xiaoyu. It seems that you are very familiar with her. What is your position? There are hundreds of thousands of workers in the whole park. You

It should not be too coincidental to be able to call out the name of the person who jumped from the building."

Ke Kangming said in a deep voice: "He is Manager Gou of the security department. He is in charge of more than 700 security guards in the entire park."

"Mr. Ke, listen to me..." Manager Gou was about to speak, but was stopped by Ke Kangming's look.

Ke Kangming looked at Fang Tianfeng, his face softened, and asked: "Master Fang, since you can save this woman, can you solve future suicide incidents?"

When Fang Tianfeng saw that Ke Kangming stopped Manager Gou from speaking, his heart went cold. This was obviously a cover-up. Ke Kangming obviously would not pursue this matter in front of outsiders. At most, it would be handled internally.

Fang Tianfeng said calmly: "I said that if it is a special reason that causes an employee to commit suicide, I should be able to solve it. But if it is a reason that you and I both know, such as this security manager, who directly killed two people and indirectly caused three

Personal death, if this scourge is not dealt with, there will never be peace in this park."

"You fart! Who sent you to slander Haihong Group? Be careful, I will sue you! Mr. Ke, he is not here for me, but for you!" Manager Gou yelled loudly.

Ke Kangming suddenly reached out and slapped Manager Gou on the face.

Manager Gou was stunned, covering his face and looking at Ke Kangming. This was the first time he saw Mr. Ke beating someone, but he soon understood, his body trembled, he lowered his head, and did not dare to speak again.

Until this time, everyone understood that Manager Gou's performance was simply worthless, and Ke Kangming was obviously afraid that the situation would get out of control, which almost proved that Master Fang was really right.

Ke Kangming returned to his usual pleasant demeanor and said: "Master Fang, you also said that your fortune telling may not be accurate. I know Manager Gou well. He may do some domineering things, but saying he kills people seems a bit excessive.


Fang Tianfeng knew that Ke Kangming wanted to suppress the matter, and he no longer had any hope for Ke Kangming, saying: "You can be stubborn and deny that your company has problems, but don't slander my divination skills. At that time, it was rumored that people who committed suicide were covered in

What's the reason for the injury? What's more, it is well known that there are many boys and girls in your company. There are at least 90,000 female workers. Some of them are beautiful and are attracted by managers and executives. It is common for them to be dumped after they have sex. And those few

As a male employee, it is normal for me to offend one of your more than 700 security guards. Everyone knows some things, and it would be pointless to force me to say them out."

Everyone felt as if the sky was pressing down, and the surroundings were extremely depressing. Even the Feng Shui master was on tenterhooks at this moment.

Ke Kangming's eyes became extremely sharp and he stared at Fang Tianfeng for twenty seconds before saying: "Maybe there is such a thing, but I don't think it is the main cause of suicide."

Fang Tianfeng said: "I have read a statistic that says the suicide rate among migrant workers is six times the national average. Most of the people who come to work in this park are migrants. It is completely understandable if there are suicides. However, I would like to ask, your company

It has been established for more than ten years, so why were there only news reports about suicide three years ago and this year? Was there not a single person who committed suicide before?"

"It's rare, it's an exception, so the media won't report it," Ke Kangming said.

"Your answer is very witty. You and I both know the truth. As far as I know, many workers in your company have to work twelve hours a day, especially the lower-level employees who do not earn much. In addition, as Manager Yougou,

Managers who are like bastards and have an extremely harsh management system can often drive people to anxiety, extremes, and suicide. Therefore, your company's management style is the root cause of suicide!"

Ke Kangming said: "Hearing is false, seeing is believing. It is just your first time to Haihong Park. It seems a bit irresponsible to say such things without evidence."

"No evidence? The building next to it is the canteen. It's just past lunch time. Do you dare to go with me to see the evidence, Mr. Ke?"

"Okay, let's ask Master Fang to find the problem with his sharp eyes!"

The group came to the canteen. Fang Tianfeng took a quick look and found that the canteen had many sections. There were the cheapest 5-yuan dishes and other high-priced dishes. However, the 5-yuan dishes were so cheap, but there were a lot left.

Fang Tianfeng's eyesight was very good and he quickly scanned the dishes in the dish window.

Those high-priced dishes are all cooked well, no different from those in ordinary small restaurants, but those 5 yuan dishes are obviously different, with large grains of seasoning, visible salt grains, muddy celery, potatoes with unscratched skins, etc.

Wait, even some rice grains in the rice are yellow-brown, and you can tell it is old rice at a glance.

Fang Tianfeng understood almost immediately that the people in the canteen deliberately made the low-priced dishes extremely unpalatable, forcing employees to eat normal high-priced dishes. However, this company can claim to have low-priced dishes for five yuan.

"Mr. Ke, how about we try the five-yuan dishes and compare them with the high-priced ones? Let's see if two five-yuan ones can compare to one ten-yuan one," Fang Tianfeng said.

Ke Kangming has come to today step by step. He has never seen any tricks before. He only took one look and understood the problem of the canteen.

"I will handle this matter, but I don't think this kind of thing will lead to employee suicide." Ke Kangming said. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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