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Chapter 524: Highway Fright

At this time, Fang Tianfeng finally understood why more than fifty people might die here.

Fang Tianfeng was about to use his air soldiers to change the direction of the LPG tanker, but his expression changed because he saw that there was already fire on the tanker and it would explode soon.

Fang Tianfeng shouted: "Everyone get down! Get down!" After saying that, he released the shield of righteousness with all his strength, causing the shield to expand rapidly.

When choosing where to place the Shield of Righteousness, Fang Tianfeng hesitated for a moment.

If the shield of righteousness protects the long-distance bus, it will bear the impact and explosion of the entire tanker head-on.

The current shield of righteousness can withstand bullets, but it cannot withstand such a horrific explosion and impact. It will inevitably shatter, and in the end it will not be able to save many people.

If the shield of righteousness is placed on the edge of a long-distance bus, although it cannot protect the people on the bus, it can protect everyone who gets off the bus. Moreover, it will not have to be hit by the tanker and will be less affected by the explosion.

In desperation, Fang Tianfeng chose the latter.

A ten-meter-long blue light curtain stood between everyone and the tanker.

Many people had already seen the tank truck rolling towards them, and they fell down in fear without Fang Tianfeng reminding them.

Fang Tianfeng pinned Nie Xiaoyao under him.

At the moment when the blue light curtain took shape, the LPG tanker exploded, and the entire vehicle turned into a ball of fire, comparable to a small sun. Flames were sprayed in all directions to the west along with the shock wave, and the fragments of the vehicle also followed.

It collapsed in all directions.

After the driver of the long-distance bus saw the LPG tanker in the rearview mirror, he immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car. Then he turned his head and looked back. He saw a huge fireball exploding in his eyeballs, followed by orange flames.

Then, it quickly enlarged in his eyes, as if it had become the only and last color between heaven and earth.

At the moment when the flames approached, the driver was overwhelmed by fear and regret. He thought that if he could do it all over again, he must not scold Master Fang and listen to Master Fang's words and get out of the car, but...

A wave of resentment suddenly erupted and then suddenly dissipated.

The flames formed by the LPG tanker swept everywhere. Some people who were blocked behind the shield of righteousness looked at the direction of the explosion and saw the flames coming towards their faces with their own eyes.

Everyone's heart seems to be held by a big hand and may be broken at any time, full of despair.

However, they saw a strange scene. When the flames came in front of them, they were blocked by an invisible wall of force. It was like a layer of extremely thin tempered glass appeared in front of them but could block the flames and impact.

This weird scene may be unbelievable in the eyes of others, but when it happens in front of them, it is a desperate situation, and some people even have tears in their eyes.


The LPG tank truck is very heavy, and the force generated by the impact is also extremely strong. If it does not explode, Fang Tianfeng can use the War Qi Tiger Talisman to push it away. However, because it explodes immediately, Fang Tianfeng can only withdraw the War Qi Tiger Talisman. The War Qi Tiger Talisman is good at attacking but not good at defense.

Even if the Shield of Righteousness is located at the center of the explosion, it will be difficult to escape, let alone the Tiger Talisman of Fighting Energy.

Without any obstruction, the LPG tanker ignited with raging fire and crashed into the long-distance bus. The entire long-distance bus was immediately flattened and hit forward, making a harsh and tooth-aching sound of metal friction and twisting. Several vehicles in front of the bus also suffered damage.

, more than eight vehicles were crashed, and the lives of the people inside were unknown.

The scene was chaotic, with fires everywhere, thick smoke billowing, many cars burning, and the nearby heavy fog being dispersed by the flames.

Those who were not blocked by the shield of righteousness were not so lucky. Now at least four people were wrapped in flames, screaming and struggling.

Fang Tianfeng whispered to Nie Xiaoyao: "Don't move!"

After saying that, Fang Tianfeng ran at a speed exceeding that of ordinary people. At the same time, he controlled the murderous blade and the fighting tiger talisman to extinguish the fire, but spent more energy on the disaster comet.

Under the guidance of the disaster comet, Fang Tianfeng eliminated all the vehicles that were about to explode. In the process, Fang Tianfeng jumped and ran among various vehicles with agility that was slightly beyond ordinary people. Whenever he found someone who was not dead, he immediately smashed the handlebars of the car.

Rescue them, and then transport vitality into the injured person's body to slow down various traumas and prevent death.

The scope of this accident was too wide. More than 20 vehicles were damaged, and more than a dozen vehicles had their bodies deformed. Fortunately, there was only one long-distance bus. If there were more than three long-distance buses, the death toll would have doubled.

The whole scene was in a mess, and many people had not come back to their senses at all. They almost stared at the scene blankly, watching Fang Tianfeng saving people.

A few people reacted and began to put out fires and save people like Fang Tianfeng. Even though they knew that some cars would explode, catch fire, and hurt people, they still had no hesitation.

Not for illusory justice, but just so that the only person who can save people is no longer alone.

Fang Tianfeng's behavior inspired many people, and more and more people entered the disaster scene to either rescue people or clear the road.

Before the rescue team from Yunhai City arrived, everyone had already cleared out all the corpses and injured people.

Twenty-six people died on the spot, and 17 people who were supposed to die soon miraculously survived. There were doctors present who said this was simply a miracle.

Twelve people were seriously injured and lost the ability to move.

Many others suffered minor injuries.

Fourteen people did not get off the bus and all died!

After the results were announced, the people who got off the bus and those who got off because of Fang Tianfeng's shouting all looked at Fang Tianfeng with gratitude. They all knew that if it weren't for Fang Tianfeng, the number of deaths and dying people would have at least doubled!

Fang Tianfeng was sitting on a broken car seat. His clothes were burned in many places, there were black holes everywhere, his hair was singed, and there was a lot of black ash on his face.

Fang Tianfeng looked very tired, because the energy in his body was exhausted in a short period of time, especially the seventeen people who should have died within a few minutes. They were seriously injured, and it took too much energy to save them.

Until the end, Fang Tianfeng worked hard to overdraw his vitality and control the disaster comet to disperse the heavy fog within dozens of miles around to prevent the disaster from happening again.

Fang Tianfeng sighed in his heart. He had just seen the place where the incident occurred. In addition to the heavy fog, there was also a problem with the brakes of the LPG tanker.

A mother holding a child came to kneel down in front of Fang Tianfeng, then forced her child's head to kowtow to Fang Tianfeng.

"You must remember that this is the benefactor who saved my life and yours! Kowtow to the benefactor!"

The child drowsily kowtowed to Fang Tianfeng three times, and finally whispered: "Mom, it hurts."

The child's mother touched her son's head and said, "Silly boy, pain is better than death."

Someone from afar was confused and asked the person next to him: "Brother, what happened? Did that person save the mother and son?"

"It's not just the mother and son. Did you see that long-distance bus?"

"I saw it, only the shelves were left burned."

"There were more than fifty people sitting inside, and only a dozen died in the end. All the living people were saved by him! Not only that, look at those people lying on the ground, 90% of them were saved by him, and it was him

Saved by one person!”

"Damn, this guy is so awesome! Look how tired he is, he's covered in sweat."

Nie Xiaoyao took out a bottle of mineral water from the suitcase, limped to Fang Tianfeng, handed it to her, and said softly: "Drink some water."

"Thank you." Fang Tianfeng took the water, raised his head and drank.

Nie Xiaoyao looked at Fang Tianfeng quietly, with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and the look in her eyes was particularly bright. She suddenly felt that no matter how she looked at Fang Tianfeng before, no matter how Fang Tianfeng was, nothing mattered anymore.

Nie Xiaoyao is not a high school student like Song Jie who is easily impressed, nor is she a girl who just left school like Jiang Feifei. However, when she was rescued and saw Fang Tianfeng risking his life to save people at the disaster scene, she was

Deeply moved.

Nie Xiaoyao never knew that a man could be so great.

At this time, everyone realized that everyone who had food and drinks on hand handed them over. A small mountain immediately piled up around Fang Tianfeng. One child even held his half-drunk bottle of Wahaha drink in front of Fang Tianfeng.

"Brother, drink." The child looked up at Fang Tianfeng, his innocent eyes full of sincerity.

"Thank you, I'm not thirsty, you can drink." Fang Tianfeng said.

The four-year-old child slowly squatted down and carefully placed Wahaha on the ground. Then he watched Wahaha stand up, showed a bright smile, and said, "Wait until your brother is thirsty before you drink."

"Okay, thank you." Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly, because his face was dark and his teeth looked particularly white.

Some people are dead, some are alive, not everyone is rejoicing, and some are sitting next to the corpses of their relatives and friends crying.

Fang Tianfeng was too tired and leaned on the sofa to rest.

Nie Xiaoyao said softly: "If you need anything, let me know."

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly and said: "You are very kind at this time. Think about it when we had our first conflict, the material was supposed to be Brother Fei's business, but in the end he didn't have time to ask me to write it, and I didn't have the experience to write that thing.

, after I finished writing, I asked him to check it, but he didn’t read it at all, but pretended that it was okay after reading it and asked me to hand it over to you. But something happened, and you mistakenly thought that the responsibility was mine alone. I am not convinced.

But it’s not easy to betray Brother Fei, so we have a feud. Brother Fei has left the company long ago, and it’s been so many years, otherwise I really wouldn’t tell you.”

Nie Xiaoyao immediately widened his eyes and said in surprise: "No way! Brother Fei told me that you should be responsible for the materials. He also said that you are usually careless and told me not to be angry. Why don't I be angry because of you?


Fang Tianfeng understood immediately and said with a wry smile: "I already knew that guy valued sex over friends, but I didn't expect that not only would he let me take the blame, but he would also sell me out."

Nie Xiaoyao looked at Fang Tianfeng with the same helplessness, and said: "It's because of this incident that I resent you. I think you are wrong and you insist on talking back. In the future, even if you have no problem, I will think there is something wrong with you. Unexpectedly, it is not you who is at fault, but

A misunderstanding."

Nie Xiaoyao's words were full of regret. That regret seemed to surround Nie Xiaoyao's heart like a thick fog, making her full of loss. She always felt that she had missed something and lost something.

Fang Tianfeng said: "If I'm not wrong, there will be a few things later. He sold me. Will he also help you with suggestions?"

Nie Xiaoyao looked ashamed and said: "I'm sorry. I just listened to his words and was eager to establish my authority, so I targeted you. Now that I think about it, I was indeed wrong. I'm sorry. If possible, I will make up for those mistakes. Also,

I will find a way to repay my kindness."

Nie Xiaoyao is like a little girl who made a mistake, full of guilt. She cannot forgive herself for treating her savior like that. (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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