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Chapter 552 Attraction

Fang Tianfeng and others spent twelve hours traveling to all the poor villages in the disaster-stricken areas. When they returned to Yushui County, the sky was already bright and the snow was getting lighter.

Fang Tianfeng went directly to the water plant office in the county seat and asked someone from the office to drive him home while he slept and rested in the car.

Ning Youlan kept looking at the direction Fang Tianfeng left for a long time before getting in the car and heading to the county government.

Accompanied by officials and reporters, Secretary Chen Yuewei visited the nearby disaster-stricken villages and towns last night and personally delivered relief supplies. Then he slept at the office of the county committee and county government, and ordered the county government personnel to call Ning Youlan once she returns.

Wake him up.

Soon, Chen Yuewei met with Ning Youlan, listened carefully to Ning Youlan's report, gave Ning Youlan high praise, and said that when the statistical results of the disaster-stricken areas in the province come out today, Ning Youlan will take the lead.

Ning Youlan was not arrogant at all and said that Fang Tianfeng was the first to take the credit. Secretary Chen Yuewei did not praise Fang Tianfeng. Instead, he said that he would nominate him to be elected as the outstanding young entrepreneur of Dongjiang Province next year. He also said that such outstanding young people should actively participate in politics.

Will recommend him to join the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Ning Youlan didn't say anything. After all, Secretary Chen Yuewei couldn't report that a Taoist who knew Taoism prevented this disaster. He must give credit to Ning Youlan and establish the image of a good party cadre and an outstanding party member.

However, Secretary Chen Yuewei deliberately mentioned it at the end.

"I will remember Xiaofang's contribution."

Secretary Chen Yuewei has not left and has been waiting for the statistical results from various places.

Just after 7 o'clock in the morning, the heavy snow finally stopped, and local governments reported statistical results one after another.

The first to compile statistical results were the five affected towns in Yushui County. A total of forty-five houses collapsed. No one died. However, one person was seriously injured and three were slightly injured.

There are rumors throughout the county committee and county government that everyone in the disaster-stricken area is particularly grateful to Ning Youlan, especially those whose houses collapsed, and that they must come to the county government to kowtow to Magistrate Ning Youlan.

He also said that the seriously injured man cursed himself as a stupid pig after he woke up and should have listened to County Magistrate Ning and left the dangerous house, otherwise the injury would not have been so serious.

After just one night, Ning Youlan became a god worshiped by people in the disaster-stricken area.

Especially the door with the word "Ning" carved on it by Fang Tianfeng was actually offered by many people.

Later, the statistical results of other cities and counties arrived. Because Secretary Chen Yuewei asked them for disaster relief in advance, many officials paid more attention to it, but the attention was far less than that of Yushui County. Therefore, deaths still occurred in Dongjiang Province, with the total number of deaths in various places reaching six.


The disaster affected not only Dongjiang Province, but also the two neighboring provinces to the north and northwest. Because these three provinces are not in the northernmost part of China, it rarely snows so heavily, and there is almost no awareness of prevention. Except for Dongjiang Province due to Fang Tianfeng.

Changes have occurred. A large number of houses collapsed and killed people in the other two provinces, with the total death toll exceeding 60.

This comparison shows that Dongjiang Province’s disaster relief work is in place.

The central government quickly received the news, and several ministers praised Chen Yuewei by name, and heard the name Ning Youlan for the first time.

In the afternoon of that day, Ning Youlan received a notice from the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, asking her to go to the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department for a talk. At the same time, gossip had spread that Ning Youlan would be promoted from county magistrate to county party secretary, becoming the number one in Yushui County.

After Ning Youlan learned about it, she first sent a message to Fang Tianfeng.

"Thank you, my lucky star!"

Ning Youlan and Chen Yuewei both gained fame and fortune, while Fang Tianfeng not only gained favor from Secretary Chen Yuewei, but also gained a lot of righteousness, improved his cultivation, and also gained the aura of the heavy snow disaster.

In the afternoon, someone from the fire brigade called Fang Tianfeng, saying there was a fire near Chang'an Garden.

Fang Tianfeng went there immediately. It was a shopping mall that was being renovated. A fire suddenly broke out. The fire was very fierce. Fortunately, there was no one inside. Firefighters downstairs were preparing to put out the fire.

When Fang Tianfeng saw that the fire was so fierce, it was exactly what he wanted. He immediately activated the disaster gas comet to absorb a large amount of fire disaster gas and at the same time bring the fire under control.

On the way back, Fang Tianfeng thought in his mind: "There is lightning, there is flame, there is heavy snow, but there is still a heavy fog."

So Fang Tianfeng contacted Meteorologist Shen from the Meteorological Bureau. Unfortunately, although there was haze in the Dongjiang River today, it was not big enough. He had to go to other provinces. In some provinces, the haze was almost invisible.

Fang Tianfeng searched for cities with severe smog across the country and flights that could carry out Category II blind landings. If the weather did not meet the Category II blind landing standards, something would probably happen.

Fang Tianfeng quickly chose Xi'an City. Not only was it extremely smoggy, but it was also the provincial capital city that could perform Category II blind landings. The key was that the flight back to Yunhai City was very short. You only had to wait an hour after getting off the plane, and the round trip took no more than six hours. .

Fang Tianfeng booked a round-trip ticket to Xi'an City. After collecting the information about the haze, he successfully got on the plane and returned home. Everything went smoothly.

The only problem is that the smog at the airport suddenly cleared up a large area, resulting in a clear sky above the airport, which made many people feel like they were in a well-shaped fog. Some people posted the photos online, which many people found interesting.

As soon as Fang Tianfeng got home, he received a call from He Changxiong. He Changxiong said that there was something urgent and asked Fang Tianfeng to wait at home.

The doorbell rang quickly, Fang Tianfeng opened the door slowly and asked He Changxiong to come in.

Seeing Fang Tianfeng's calm face, He Changxiong said while taking off his shoes: "I'm already in a hurry, but you still look like this? Have your skills failed?"

"What's wrong?" Fang Tianfeng asked curiously.

He Changxiong said: "I just received news from my friends in the military that Chief Priest Lan and Wei Hongtu of the Tianshen Sect are preparing to join forces to deal with you. I rushed here as soon as I received the news, and I didn't dare to stop for a second."

Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly and asked, "Friends from the military? Are you better informed than the National Security Bureau?"

He Changxiong said: "It is not the same system. In terms of strength, the military intelligence department is slightly better, and the responsibilities of both parties are different. Local national security and public security work together, so you can know which department is stronger without even thinking about it. Why don't you ask the key point? The point is not source!"

"I knew about this a few days ago." Fang Tianfeng said.

"Then you still act like you're alright? Although the people of the Tianshen Sect usually don't have much power, their ability to cause trouble is extraordinary. If you had come to me earlier, I would have sent a message to the chief priest Lan. It should have been possible to stop it in advance. Now. Everyone in the Xiang family is involved. My words may not be effective." He Changxiong frowned.

Fang Tianfeng said: "Don't worry. I've been preparing for the past few days. It's not the entire Tianshen Sect, it's just a chief priest and a purple-robed chief priest."

"You won't kill people directly, right?" He Changxiong looked at Fang Tianfeng doubtfully.

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said: "The scoring situation of killing people. If there is a better punishment method than killing, then it must be better."

He Changxiong became interested and asked: "Tell me, if you don't kill people, how will you solve the problem?"

"In the way they fear most." Fang Tianfeng's voice was the same as before, but when it fell in the room, it made the sound of swords clashing, high-pitched and crisp.

He Changxiong said helplessly: "Then you are not going to tell me?"

"You will know when that day comes. As the final act before I leave Dongjiang for the capital, I will let the enemies lurking in the dark know what true power is." Fang Tianfeng said with a smile.

He Changxiong immediately acted like a monkey that couldn't sit still, scratching his heart with a hundred paws, and said: "Okay! I will go that day too! I want to see if it is the largest cult in the country. No, the religion is more powerful than Master Fang!"

Fang Tianfeng said: "If I am not wrong, since Wei Hongtu wants to use the Tianshen Sect to deal with me, he will definitely say hello to the people in Dongjiang from the Religious Affairs Bureau and the 12th National Security Bureau to tell them not to interfere too much in this matter. Right?"


He Changxiong nodded and said: "Theoretically, this is the case. Wei Hongtu was so angry with you at the wedding that he joined forces with the Tianshen Sect to deal with you. If it succeeds, the higher-ups may not bother to say anything. But if it fails and causes believers to attack the government,

Then his future ends here. After all, in the eyes of his superiors, Wei Hongtu's behavior is colluding with religious forces for personal gain, but it is the image of the party and the government that is damaged. So in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, he will not let the Religious Affairs Bureau and

People from the National Security Bureau were too involved."

"That is to say, if the chief priests Lan Da and Meng give speeches in Santa Fea Square, official personnel will not participate?" Fang Tianfeng asked.

"It's not that I won't participate, but I will pay close attention from a distance. Now there is no need to crowd in the crowd like before. Now there are various instruments and equipment, and the square is surrounded by buildings. Any house can be monitored.

There are even bugs under the podium they use," He Changxiong said.

Fang Tianfeng said: "It's the same as what I guessed before. If people from the National Security Bureau don't have first-hand information, they can't give evidence to their superiors. Even if I make a big fuss, the superiors won't pay attention to me, right?"

He Changxiong said confidently: "Those people naturally know who should be watched and who should not be watched. Unless someone at the highest level of the bureau speaks and is in charge of national security, they will not investigate you excessively. They are not fools.

As long as they don't have direct evidence, they will never report it."

"That's good." Fang Tianfeng said.

After sending He Changxiong away, Fang Tianfeng continued to practice.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the family went to bed one after another, but Song Jie continued to study. Fang Tianfeng stayed with her in the study room on the second floor.

As it approached eleven o'clock, Song Jie felt sleepy and couldn't hold on any longer. Fang Tianfeng walked over, patted her on the shoulder, and sent a bit of energy to refresh her.

Song Jie immediately lost all sleepiness and became energetic. She smiled at Fang Tianfeng, her eyes were clear but slightly tempting, and then she continued to study.

Fang Tianfeng was keenly aware that Song Jie simply smiled and her charm immediately surged, attracting Fang Tianfeng. She did not actively want to seduce Fang Tianfeng, but because she was thinking of Fang Tianfeng, her charm must serve her master.

As a Tianyun sect member, Fang Tianfeng is extremely sensitive to luck. If the owner of Mei Qi is hostile to him, then even if Mei Qi reaches the strongest level, it will not waver him at all, because Tian Yun Jue will use all his strength.


However, if a woman loves Fang Tianfeng wholeheartedly, her charm will madly attract Fang Tianfeng and his charm. However, this charm is not hostile, and Tianyun Jue will not take the initiative to resist. In addition, Tianyun Sect members are too sensitive to luck.

, so the attraction to Tianfeng with the same degree of charm is hundreds of times stronger than to ordinary people. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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