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Chapter 609 Add One More

He Changxiong looked like he hated iron, and then glanced at Fang Tianfeng. His eyes said, don't be polite, you must choose the most expensive one!

He Changxiong knew very well how powerful Fang Tianfeng was, because the only authentic work of the calligrapher Wang Xizhi was in Fang Tianfeng's home! It was an event that shocked the whole country. Even the retired chief had gone to the Dongjiang Provincial Exhibition Hall to see it.

Fang Tianfeng asked: "Where were your pens originally placed?"

Mr. Tong said: "I have kept that pen since my father passed away, but it is not an antique, so I put it in my study. I saw it a few years ago, but then I didn't pay much attention to it, and I didn't care when I moved.

, thought they were all there. Today we searched the house and still couldn’t find them. We suspected they were lost when we moved.”

Fang Tianfeng nodded and once again used the qi-gazing technique to carefully observe Tong Lao's luck.

If it were an ordinary pen, there was nothing Fang Tianfeng could do about it, but this pen itself should be contaminated with Mr. Wang's luck, and it is related to the rise and fall of the Tong family. So on the day this pen is left behind, the Tong family's fortunes will inevitably change drastically.

of fluctuations.

After reading Tong Lao's luck, Fang Tianfeng looked at the Tong family's luck one by one, calculating and looking for the major twists and turns in their luck, which should be able to gain the lost time of the pen.

Fang Tianfeng had been calculating. The living room was quiet, but the long time made many people look impatient. Mayor Tong's son whispered in a low voice: "This is fortune telling, not sutra chanting. It won't take that long."

Mayor Tong glanced at his son coldly...

No one spoke after that, even if they didn't believe it, they couldn't speak for fear of offending Mayor Tong.

Five minutes later, Fang Tianfeng calculated that in August and February last year, there were two obvious fluctuations in the fortunes of the Tong family. Coincidentally, both times caused Mayor Tong's official reputation to weaken.

Fang Tianfeng asked: "What happened to your Tong family between August 12th and 15th last year?"

The Tong family was at a loss, but after a while Mayor Tong's wife changed color first, and then Mayor Tong's face changed slightly, his fists were clenched, his eyes showed beastly ferocity, full of defense, and Mr. Tong immediately sat up straight

body, looking at Fang Tianfeng with eager eyes.

The rest of the Tong family reacted quickly and looked at Fang Tianfeng with very special eyes, and some even showed fear in their eyes.

The behavior of the Tong family was so obvious that He Changxiong and Ning Youlan immediately realized that every Tong family member was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

He Changxiong's eyes changed, as if he thought of something. He wanted to laugh but couldn't, so he kept a straight face and said nothing.

Mayor Tong took a deep breath and said, "I can conclude that what happened in those days has nothing to do with this pen."

"Oh, since it wasn't that time, it might have happened in February last year." Fang Tianfeng said.

This time the Tong family frowned together and thought carefully about what happened in February.

Mayor Tong's wife said: "Last year, the New Year was in February. The year went smoothly and there were no problems." After speaking, she looked at her husband with a very resentful look.

Mayor Tong seemed very angry, but soon showed a pleading look. His wife snorted lightly and said nothing.

Fang Tianfeng could see that the two of them seemed to be still struggling with the incident in August.

Mr. Tong coughed lightly and said, "Master Fang, can you tell me the specific date?"

Fang Tianfeng was keenly aware that although Mr. Tong called him "Master Fang" before, he didn't respect him very much. Now, Mr. Tong subconsciously calls Fang Tianfeng "you". It can be seen that what happened in August has made this old man feel Fang Tianfeng's affection.

The scary thing.

Fang Tianfeng said: "Between February 14th and 16th."

Everyone continued to think, and Mr. Tong said: "Those three days happen to be from the fifth to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, so they are very normal. Can you be more specific?"

Fang Tianfeng nodded, closed his eyes and continued to calculate. The more accurate it is, the more energy will be consumed. If it is accurate to the second, and it was a year ago, the amount of energy consumed will be very huge. Fang Tianfeng will never be able to do it now.

Silence returned to the room again, and Fang Tianfeng deliberately delayed it for a while to make it look like he was working very hard on fortune-telling.

Fang Tianfeng had been counting for five minutes just now, and these people all looked very impatient, but now ten minutes have passed, and no one showed any signs of impatience, and some of the Tong family members even respected and feared them.

Twelve minutes later, Fang Tianfeng opened his eyes and said: "The pen should have left your Tong family on the night of February 15th last year, and the time should have been after six o'clock. If you recall, who came that night?

Whoever has gone has been to the study room where Mr. Tong kept the pen, and then he can find it. If no one admits it, bring them to me, and I can see who took the pen away."

The Tong family was surprised and happy, so they thought about what happened that day together.

"More than one family came to our house that day. Lao Zhang's family came, Sister Sun and others also came, and my brother and his family also came that day." Mayor Tong's wife said.

"Well, it was quite lively that day, and some children were quarreling and making trouble."

Mayor Tong's brother said: "Those adults would never dare to take things from our house. Is it those children who did it? I remember those children kept running around and went upstairs. The door of the collection room was locked.

Yes, but the other doors are unlocked."

"Yes, yes..." Mayor Tong's face turned red with excitement. This was related to his future. Even though he was in a high position, he could not control his emotions.

Mr. Tong was also so excited that he was speechless and could only nod his head.

Mayor Tong's wife said: "Then why are you standing there? Hurry up and call those people and ask their children who took the pen. If no one admits it, grab them all and let Master Fang tell their fortunes! If they do, have their legs broken!"

I'll call my brother first."

Mayor Tong immediately said: "I'll call Sister Sun."

Then the Tong family got busy and started calling those families.

At first, those families didn't take it seriously, but the Tong family became anxious and said harsh words, threatening to fall out at any time.

Those families were not as well off as the Tong family. After all, the Tong family also had a mayor, and their daughter was married to the He family in Dongjiang. How could they dare to fall out with the Tong family, so they immediately apologized and said they would seriously ask their children.

Soon, the three families all replied that the child did not take the pen, and they believed their children.

However, Mr. Tong asked them to bring their children immediately. No matter where they are, they must come to Tong's house, otherwise the Tong family will make their whole family uneasy.

The three families were all frightened. They promised that they would go, and then immediately re-interrogated their children.

Half an hour later, Mayor Tong's wife received a call from her brother. Her expression kept changing, and finally she sighed and said, "Bring her here right away, quickly!"

"What? At your brother's house?" Mayor Tong's voice was full of resentment, but also a little relaxed.

Mayor Tong's wife shrank her neck and said cautiously: "My brother said that the pen is at his house. His nephew got it. He has found it and will send it to him right away."

Old Tong's face turned black and blue. He didn't expect that a child would take away the pen and cost him a million plus a collection. This was simply the most unlucky thing that had ever happened to him in his life.

After all, Mayor Tong did not curse as the mayor, but Mr. Tong couldn't help it and cursed loudly: "Little bastard! Little bastard! What kind of tutor is this? It's okay to eat and drink. If the pen is gone, kill them all."

It would be a shame for the whole family to die!"

Tong's wife said softly: "Anyway, I got the pen back, and the child just played with it. He didn't know it was so valuable."

"You can't take it even if you don't know how valuable it is! It's all the fault that you, my aunt, are accustomed to!"

Mayor Tong's son couldn't help but mutter: "Every time that naughty kid comes to our house, you give him whatever he sees. Last time he broke my things, you didn't say anything to him. Instead, you said I was too stingy."

.My dad is right, that naughty kid is just a habit."

"Okay, just say a few words, drink tea first, and wait for them to give you the pen!" Mayor Tong said.

When the Tong family members realized that there were outsiders, they calmed down their anger and started drinking tea.

Mayor Tong's eldest brother took the initiative to pour tea for Fang Tianfeng and said with a smile: "Master Fang is really amazing! If it weren't for Master Fang, we would never have imagined that we would be taken away by a child. I also have some business friends who believe this

Yes, if anything happens, I will definitely recommend you to them."

Fang Tianfeng wanted to say that he was too lazy to have anything to do with the Tong family, but considering He Changxiong's face, he just nodded and said nothing.

He Changxiong said: "I didn't expect things to be like this. Nowadays, some children are just spoiled and behaved badly. When we went to other people's homes at that time, if anyone was a little more lively, you would look at the parents' eyes and be so scared that they would not dare to move. The children were not

You are sensible, but your parents are not sensible either? Can’t parents teach their children well?”

"Chang Xiong is right, this is a lesson learned from the past." Mayor Tong finally felt better.

More than an hour later, Mayor Tong's wife and brother's family came over. The child had obviously just cried and the left side of his face was red and swollen.

Mayor Tong hurriedly took the pen. When he saw that the originally good pen was full of teeth marks, the tip of the pen was bent and cracked, and the cap of the pen was flattened, he was so angry that his eyes were burning. He raised his hand and pointed it at his eight-year-old nephew.

A slap in the face made the child bump into his mother and cry loudly.

"Why are you crying! It's a good thing I didn't beat you to death!" Mr. Tong grabbed the pen distressedly. If he hadn't been too old, he would have kicked it away.

The pen was originally an old-fashioned pen from the Anti-Japanese War era. If a child messed with it, it would be impossible to restore it, unless you get a new one. If you show this pen to the chief, who knows what the chief is thinking.

"What are you doing standing still? Get out of here!" Tong Lao suppressed his anger and glared at the family of three.

That family didn't dare to talk back and left in dejection. The children's cries were getting farther and farther away.

Mr. Tong sat on the sofa, staring at the pen and sighing. The entire Tong family was in a state of gloom and gloom. There was no way to get rid of the pen. Even if it was repaired, there would definitely be problems. It would be impossible to keep it as a treasure forever.

This thing is proof of affection. If even the pen cannot be preserved well, it will be impossible for people to believe that the Tong family values ​​this affection.

After a while, he looked up at Fang Tianfeng, with hope in his eyes, and asked: "Master Fang, can you restore this pen to its original state?"

Fang Tianfeng nodded.

"Ah? Thank you, Master Fang! You are truly a benefactor to our family!" Mr. Tong was very happy, and his family members were also beaming with joy.

Fang Tianfeng turned to look at He Changxiong.

He Changxiong was indeed Fang Tianfeng's friend. He coughed lightly and said, "Grandpa, make the pen exactly the same as before. Tianfeng will spend a lot of effort on it, so let's add another piece to the collection." (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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