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Chapter 620 Xiang Family Doomsday

The people who lead Fang Tianfeng are of high rank. One is the deputy director at the deputy department level, which is equivalent to the deputy mayor. There are also two chiefs and several police officers.

Although these police officers had high positions, they did not dare to be careless at all, because they knew that this young man who seemed to have a good temperament was actually the suspect who killed Xiang Lao.

Deputy Director Cai had been silent. Several of them rushed to the airport from the city bureau. They only knew that a hijacking incident had occurred. Since they were not involved in it, they did not know Fang Tianfeng's role. They only received Fang Tianfeng from the National Security Bureau.

In fact, Deputy Director Cai had a bad feeling when he received the instructions from Director Cao.

Because the suspect involves a retired patriarch of a prominent family, it is not the city bureau’s turn to intervene. Normally, the police department would directly send people down, and the city bureau would at most assist in the investigation. Even if the city bureau were to step in, it should be Cao Cao, the top leader.

The director personally led the team. After all, Xiang Lao's level was too high, so high that even Director Cao might not be able to reach it in his lifetime.

It stands to reason that the case of Mr. Xiang's murder is so important. Once Director Cao solves it, he will not only win the favor of the Xiang family and relevant officials, but also be appreciated by the senior officials.

But Director Cao ignored such a huge achievement and asked a deputy director to take charge of the case. This made Deputy Director Cai feel that he had taken on a hot potato.

The other police officers were also very cautious.

The group of people walked out, with Ning Youlan and An Tiantian following behind, wanting to go with Fang Tianfeng.

When the police and Fang Tianfeng walked out of the door, someone immediately spotted Fang Tianfeng.

"Look, Mr. Fang is here."

Several people near the door came over immediately, and an old woman smiled and handed over a plastic bag. She said: "Mr. Fang, this is the sea cucumber my son bought specially for me. It is a good sea cucumber with absolutely no sugar or salt added."

, there are two kilograms. I keep one kilogram for myself and give half of it to you. Don’t take it away."

Fang Tianfeng said: "Thank you, old man. I have to go to the city bureau to cooperate with the police investigation. You can go back first."

"The investigation has not been completed, why do we need to investigate again?" the old woman complained in a low voice.

Fang Tianfeng smiled and said: "It's another case, but they must have found the wrong person. I won't be out for long after I go in. Don't worry, just go home as soon as possible."

Those who were waiting for Fang Tianfeng approached one after another, and Prince Said rushed over and asked, "What's going on with your Gong Nanzhe?" He couldn't speak accurately when he was anxious, and you couldn't make out what he wanted to say unless you listened carefully.

Ordinary people may not know Prince Said, but Deputy Director Cai recognized this heavyweight at a glance and knew that China now attaches great importance to the royal family of An.

Deputy Director Cai smiled and said: "Hello, Prince Said, I am Deputy Director Cai from the Beijing Public Security Bureau. What can I do for you?"

Prince Said said unhappily: "Why do you want to arrest my savior?"

Deputy Director Cai was shocked. He said enthusiastically: "You misunderstood. We just have a case that requires Mr. Fang to assist in the investigation. Look, Mr. Fang is not wearing handcuffs. He is not arresting the prisoner."

Prince Seid was stunned for a moment and said, "That's right."

Others also saw that the police were quite polite and felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, the old woman immediately said: "I don't believe you police! You can't catch the terrorists, but you are very good at catching good people. Is it the Municipal Public Security Bureau? I'll go, when will Mr. Fang come out, and when will I leave?"

If sir doesn’t leave, I won’t leave either!”

Fang Tianfeng persuaded: "The weather in the capital is no better than other places. It's so cold. You'd better go home and rest early. They just want to question me, so they can't detain me. There's no evidence at all."

The old woman said: "You can fight against the terrorists, but you may not be able to fight against the officials. Anyway, I am idle. You go first, and I will follow. I will return to Yunhai in a few days."

Only then did the police from the city bureau realize that the suspect who killed Xiang Lao seemed to be very important in the hijacking incident.

Prince Said said righteously: "Mr. Fang, you go ahead. I will go to the city bureau at noon. If they dare to embarrass you, I will contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly. If that doesn't work, I will call the patriarch of Dingguo. I have His contact information."

Deputy Director Cai and the police around him almost couldn't stand it when they heard that they were just arresting a suspect, a foreign crown prince and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but in the end the person with the highest ranking was involved. These policemen were cursed in their hearts, what about him? Who can afford it?

"Thank you, Prince Seid. I believe the police will clear my name. You all can go home and rest. Don't worry about me. I'm leaving first. Goodbye, everyone." Fang Tianfeng finished with a smile and asked Ning Youlan and An Tiantian to go back first. villa, and then got into the police car with the police.

However, a few people were worried. The old woman who delivered sea cucumbers was the most persistent. She asked for everyone's phone numbers and said she would go home and put away her luggage first, then go to the city bureau to see Fang Tianfeng and give Fang Tianfeng some gifts.

Although China Eastern Airlines arranged free flights for everyone, 80% of them refused and refunded their tickets. What happened before was so shocking that they either gave up going to Dongjiang or decided to take the train.

Most of these people were free and wanted to thank Fang Tianfeng. After hearing what the old woman said, many people were moved and agreed to go to the city bureau together at noon. If Fang Tianfeng came out at noon, they would treat Fang Tianfeng to a thank you meal together.

Prince Said was very generous and said that he would get the money for the meal and no one should compete with him.

None of the people in the business class left. Not only did they want to thank Fang Tianfeng, but more importantly, they wanted to use this opportunity to establish a relationship with Prince Seid. After all, they probably only have one chance to meet a person of this level in their life, and they must not miss it. This opportunity.

Anguo is a parliamentary monarchy. Under this system, the monarch of an ordinary country is basically a mascot, but Anguo is different. The king of Anguo enjoys a very high reputation in Anguo. On the surface, he has no real power, but in fact he has great control over Anguo. For example, Anguo's military appears to be independent, but in reality tends to be loyal to the royal family.

It can be said that the Crown Prince of An An is a rich man now and will be a rich man plus the leader of a country in the future.

While these people were discussing where to choose a place to eat, Fang Tianfeng arrived at the city bureau in a police car.

Fang Tianfeng was very calm, but the policemen in the car were as nervous as if they were afraid that if Fang Tianfeng caused trouble and attracted the patriarch Li Dingguo, their lives would be over.

After arriving at the city bureau, Deputy Director Cai took Fang Tianfeng to the interrogation room. Standing at the door of the interrogation room was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

Deputy Director Cai took the initiative to say hello and said with a smile: "Hello, Bureau Sui."

The very senior Deputy Director Sui glanced at Fang Tianfeng, without concealing the disgust in his eyes, and asked: "Is he the one who killed Xiang Lao?"

Deputy Director Cai understood most of it when he saw Deputy Director Sui, because this Deputy Director Sui was considered half of Xiang's family. Back then, Deputy Director Sui found a way to get to where he is today because of the Xiang family's connections.

"He is Fang Tianfeng. Director Cao asked you to take charge of this case?" Deputy Director Cai asked.

"No, that's just what I asked. However, I will say hello to Director Cao." Deputy Director Sui said with a cold face.

"In this case, let's go to the interrogation room and wait." Deputy Director Cai was very happy. He had long wanted to get rid of this hot potato. Unexpectedly, someone gave him a pillow when he fell asleep. He thought why he hadn't noticed this person before.

Deputy Director Sui is a noble man.

Deputy Director Cai turned around and glanced at the policemen who were looking for Fang Tianfeng, signaling them to stop talking nonsense. Those policemen dared not talk too much because they were all frightened by Prince Seid.

Seeing Fang Tianfeng, Deputy Director Cai and others entering the interrogation room, Deputy Director Sui snorted coldly, returned to his office, and made a phone call.

"Zhili, it's me, Old Sui." Deputy Director Sui showed a faint smile.

"Sui Bureau, is there any news?" Xiang Zhili asked.

"People have arrived at the bureau. I will say hello to Director Cao right now, and I will handle this case personally! Don't worry, Mr. Xiang has been kind to me, and I will definitely avenge him!"

"My home is not far from the city bureau. Go now! You must leave him to me! I will teach this beast a lesson myself! Don't worry, Sui Bureau. As long as I take revenge, I will take you to see the landlord tonight. Normally.

I have no chance of meeting Mr. Fang myself, but now that my grandfather has just passed away, he will definitely meet me."

"It's been a few years since he retired from the position of patriarch. Does he have any hobbies or taboos?"

"He just likes to write and write. He has no other hobbies. If you are good at calligraphy, you can chat with him and he will definitely like it. There is nothing else. I met him with my grandfather. He is very kind, but also protective of his shortcomings. As long as I am around

If he cries in front of him, he will definitely try his best to avenge his grandfather! Fang Tianfeng is dead this time!" Xiang Zhili said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, I will let him have a taste of all the secrets in the bureau!" Bureau Sui also hated Fang Tianfeng in his heart. He had talked with Xiang Zhili before, and Xiang Jia was willing to help Bureau Sui take another step forward. Now without Xiang Lao,

His chances are slim, but if he can establish a relationship with the landlord, his promotion should go smoothly.

Xiang Zhili put away his cell phone, chatted a few words with his father Xiang Cheng and his family, and drove to the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

Just five minutes after Xiang Zhili left, several cars with General Staff and National Security license plates stopped at the door of the Xiang family mansion. Dozens of people ran out of the cars, some stood at the door, and some rushed into the Xiang family mansion. Xiang Lao's guard

The officer tried to stop him, but was knocked unconscious and pushed to the ground by several tall and strong soldiers.

Major General Bai, the director of the Second Military Intelligence Department, wearing a military cap, a military coat, black leather boots, and white gloves on his hands, walked into the Xiang family mansion with steady steps.

Major General Bai can only be regarded as a junior in the Gao family, and he is like a kind relative to Fang Tianfeng. However, as the top leader of the Second Department of the General Staff, he controls the most powerful intelligence department in China, and he is full of aura elsewhere.

Major General Bai was accompanied by three mid-level officials from the National Security Bureau.

Xiang Lao's son Xiang Cheng hurriedly walked out and saw that the yard was filled with soldiers and people from the National Security Bureau, and the guard who he had known for many years fell to the ground. He hurriedly asked: "What are you doing? This is the Xiang family! Did my father just pass away?"

, don’t you treat us as family members?”

Major General Bai smiled and said: "Hello, Mr. Xiang, I have been ordered to investigate a major case. Please come with us to everyone in the Xiang family."

Xiang Cheng's face changed drastically. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't know Major General Bai, but he knew that the matter was very serious. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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