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Chapter 740 The first scandal in the entertainment industry!

"But none of those people seem to be in the conference room!"

"I saw them go to the break room and people in there were doing drugs."

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you call them quickly!" a senior executive yelled.

Everyone panicked and rushed out of the conference room together to the door of the lounge.

Bang bang bang...

"Open the door! The police are coming!"

"Open the door!"

"Hurry up and call the people inside!"

"It's too late! Break the door!"

When he saw several people slamming into the door, Fang Tianfeng immediately released his shield of righteousness and turned it into an invisible shield to protect the door of the lounge.

Bang bang bang...

The man jumped on his back, but the door didn't move at all.

The crowd cursed loudly, but there was nothing they could do. Some of them knocked on the door, while others hurriedly tried to stop the police.

But Fang Tianfeng had already told reporters the location of the drug addicts, and the police led reporters straight there.

Those who blocked him didn't even say anything. The police raised their guns and forced them against the wall, then rushed to the door of the lounge.

The leading policeman pushed lightly, and the door of the lounge opened. The dozen or so people who took turns knocking on the door were stunned.

The reporters who had been prepared in advance were more active than the police. Some were carrying cameras, and some were holding cameras to take pictures.

Everyone in the room was having too much fun, and most of them didn't realize what was going on. Only a few people felt something was wrong, but their brains and bodies were out of control, and they were laughing silly.

All the reporters were stunned and were filming or taking photos completely instinctively. The policemen looked at the scene in disbelief. Even the experienced police officers found it extremely ridiculous.

"Look, isn't that the one who plays the Three Kingdoms? Why is it also in it?"

"And the rock singer, my daughter still likes his songs."

"Look at those men and women on the sofa. Why are they there?"

"The man seems to be a director, and the woman seems to be a famous star. She plays comedy."

Everyone at Yunhan Media outside the door was dumbfounded. If this incident were to come out, it would definitely be the largest entertainment industry scandal in the history of China, and it would not be comparable to any of the ten pornographic photo scandals.

The executives of Yunhan Media had pale faces and sat down on the ground. They already understood that the other party had been prepared for a long time. It was just a matter of Yuan Han failing to protect him. If Yuan Han tried his best to protect him, it would be a minor offense and he would probably not even be able to protect himself.

Yuan Han himself fell into it.

A few people have understood that the Yunhan Media brand is completely ruined. The main goal now is not to keep Yunhan Media, but how to prevent these people from betraying others as much as possible.

With the piles of drugs on the table, everyone would have to spend more than three years in prison on average.

After the reporters finished filming, the police immediately went in to arrest people. Many people were so high that they even touched the police. They were not afraid at all.

After a short period of surprise, the reporters were all extremely excited. This was good news that had been rare in decades. They couldn't even think about becoming famous.

A few reporters have even started giving the news a name.

After a reporter took the photo, he immediately used the computer of Yunhan Media Company to send the photo to Dongjiang TV Station.

When Fang Tianfeng saw that the dust had settled, he went home with Xu Rou. Xu Rou wanted to go in and have a look, but was stopped by Fang Tianfeng.

When I got home, Dongjiang Satellite TV's "News Hot Topics" happened to be on air.

Dongjiang Satellite TV's "News Hot Topics" is broadcast from 5:30 to 6:00 pm. It rarely broadcasts serious news and mainly broadcasts various interesting things. Whether it is domestic or foreign or local, it attracts people with humor and interesting style.

attracted many viewers.

This news program is far less important than the three major provincial news programs in the morning, middle and evening, but it is precisely because of this that the program can be changed temporarily.

As soon as Fang Tianfeng turned on the TV, he heard the host inside say: "The title of the first paragraph of our news today is: Who is whose godfather? I think some of my friends who play Weixin on WeChat already know it. It broke out on the Internet

What a shocking incident. The famous film and television star Mi Qijing actually publicly exposed photos of herself and a man, and said that the man was a big shot and was his godfather!"

"In the past, when someone called godfather or goddaughter, it was a sign of kindness, but now if you call them godfather, you will definitely be scolded. Why? You know. When we got this news, we thought Mi Qijing was hyping up her new movie, because in

This morning, it was revealed that she has AIDS. Why did she reveal her godfather in the afternoon? Why did she reveal her godfather? In short, it was definitely not to cure AIDS!"

Xu Rou laughed as she listened. The host was so talkative.

Soon, the host pointed out that Mi Qijing’s godfather is an official in Hengcheng City. He did not mention his specific position, but changed the subject and said: “According to netizens, this godfather is suspected to be a deputy in Hengcheng City.

Mayor! Netizens also said that this godfather colluded with Yunhan Media, causing public resentment in Hengcheng. If what those netizens said is true, then it is not difficult to explain why Mi Qijing recognizes this godfather! Moreover,

, and also explains our second topic very well.”

"Can godfather cure AIDS?"

As the host continued unceremoniously, a picture of Mi Qijing and Vice Mayor Qu walking out of the hospital together appeared on the TV. On the right side of the picture, the plaque of the Second Hospital of the Medical University was surrounded by a red frame, and arrows were used to add sound effects.

, reminding the audience that this is a hospital.

When the video played and the reporter ran away, the host started to comment again: "Look, viewers, this means that God can forgive you for doing evil, but you can't live for yourself! Just when our reporters couldn't guess who these two people were, God

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I breathed secretly, and the two demons and ghosts showed their true colors. In the morning, it was revealed that Mi Qijing had AIDS, but in the afternoon Mi Qijing brought her godfather to see a doctor! Can the godfather cure the disease? No! No!

!My godfather is also sick!"

Then the host started to make sarcastic remarks, and the intensity of his words was rare.

Xu Rou looked frightened and asked softly: "Brother Xiaofeng, will this host be unlucky?"

"Journalists know these bottom lines better than we do. For example, before something happened to a certain patriarch, no one knew about him? But after a while, the national media began to cover the news of people who were related to him.

Did those media people find it out of conscience, or did they take the courage of a leopard? It’s just that they were asked to report by the superiors. The key is that they know that there is no taboo in reporting on people who have lost power. What’s more, they know who this news is for.”

Xu Rou said with a smile: "They must know that they will not be unlucky if they help Master Fang. Right?"

"correct answer."

In the third part of the news, they began to criticize Yunhan Media Group. Fang Tianfeng did not mention this at all. It can be seen that the people at the TV station are smarter than the others. The news also collected a lot of material and completely blackened Yunhan Media.

Just as the news was about to end, the screen suddenly changed, and a manuscript appeared in the host's hand. He said helplessly: "Just when our program was about to end, a reporter from Hengcheng City suddenly came across a piece of news that shocked us all.

Editorial Department! I originally wanted to memorize the news. But after reading it, my mind was in confusion. I had no idea that Yunhan Media Group was so dirty! Dear viewers, I’m sorry, I can only read it as written."

Fang Tianfeng and Xu Rou looked at each other and immediately knew that this was for the purpose of pursuing the program's effect. Because there was a line prompter in front of the host. For example, President O'Hei of the United States often used a line prompter in his speeches. However, his prompter was particularly advanced. From the auditorium

It looks completely transparent, so many people mistakenly think it is a bulletproof screen.

The host read the script quickly and briefly explained the arrest process by the police, mentioning drugs many times.

Finally, the host said: "Please take a look at the photos sent by reporters from far away. We have mosaicd the key parts because they are too unsightly. The video is in the process of being produced. The details will be in today's "Evening News"

broadcast here.”

Then, the news shot by the reporter appeared on the screen, mosaic the few people who were there, but did not cover part of the stars' faces.

The more Xu Rou looked at it, the more surprised she became.

"The Yunhan Media brand is completely ruined. This will be the biggest scandal in China's entertainment industry. No matter how powerful Yuan Han is, he can't cover it up." Xu Rou sighed softly.

"Then my goal has been achieved! By the way, you don't need me for the review of "Crazy Ring", right?"

"Not only do I not need you, I guess people from the Provincial Radio, Film and Television Bureau will take the initiative to send someone to apologize and give me a "Public Screening Permit" tomorrow," Xu Rou said.

"In other words, we have solved this matter?" Fang Tianfeng asked with a smile.


At this time, Fang Tianfeng's cell phone rang, and it turned out to be Chen Yuewei calling.

"Xiao Fang, I heard that you are not in Dongjiang?"

Fang Tianfeng knew as soon as he heard that this matter was too big, even Secretary Chen had to pay attention. Fang Tianfeng's mind flashed. Although Chen Yuewei had a good relationship with him, this matter not only involved a deputy mayor, but also Yuan Yuan.

Well, if a TV station in Dongjiang Province broadcasts such a large-scale news, there will definitely be people on it who are dissatisfied. People in Xize Province will also complain. Chen Yuewei will definitely be under pressure.

Fang Tianfeng immediately filed a complaint: "Secretary Chen, I have no choice. There is a bastard who bullied my woman and refused to let my movie be released. If he succeeds, I will lose at least several hundred million plus a woman! I too

I don’t want to make a big fuss, but their family is too powerful, so I can’t kill them at their doorstep, right? Besides, I didn’t accuse them unjustly! Yunhan Media Company is extremely dirty to begin with.”

Chen Yuewei was stunned for a moment, smiled bitterly, and said, "You have always been so straightforward. But I can also understand that that person has always behaved erratically, so I can't blame you entirely."

Fang Tianfeng said: "But since the Yunhan Media brand is about to end, I will stop it. He delayed me for more than 20 days, and I cheated him of almost 20 billion. I am even with him."

"You're calling it a point? You're not calling it even, you're saying it's cheap and you're good at it! In addition, you can do this when it comes to the municipal level, but you must not do this when it comes to the provincial level.

Means." Chen Yuewei said.

Fang Tianfeng originally thought that Chen Yuewei came to stop him, but it turned out that he specifically reminded him: The higher-ups can tolerate a deputy mayor being removed like this, but they will never tolerate someone taking down a higher-level official through online public opinion.

"I understand this. I am actually very honest and usually don't take action. If anyone dares to harm me, I will try not to let the media know!" Fang Tianfeng said.

"You little Fang! Okay, when your new group is established, remember to let me cut the ribbon. I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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