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Chapter 787

The priests and officiants moved aside, leaving only the red-robed high priest and the high officiant.

Although there are many religions in heaven, only four religions, including the General Church, the Protestant Church, the Orthodox Church and the Israelite Church, have leaders, either the pope, the pontiff, the patriarch, or the saints. The church with the purple-robed chief priest has a leader other than the first four.

There is only the Tianshen Sect of China.

The highest status among the other sub-sects can only be the chief priest. Anyone who dares to proclaim himself a leader, such as the purple-robed chief priest, will be designated as a sect by the four major religions.

The twelve purple-robed chief priests were all present, and their purple robes were the most eye-catching. Among them, sitting with the chief priest Lan was the chief priest of Shang Dynasty whom Fang Tianfeng had met for the first time but had known for a long time. Shangzhang Town was his birthplace.

Chief Priest Zhuo was a little far away from the two people, while the other nine purple robes were all opposite Chief Priest Lan and Song Jie.

Six of the nine chief priests stood up and three were seated.

Under the purple robe, the most distinguished person is the chief priest, who is wearing a black robe with gold trim. On the left are the chief priests from China, there are forty of them, most of them are standing up.

On the right were the chief priests from various countries. Only three of the seventeen stood up. Among them, the chief priests from the four major religions were the most imposing. No one stood up. They all sat on their chairs and looked sideways at Fang Tianfeng.

Standing and sitting express their position.

Fang Tianfeng scanned the crowd and remembered everyone's location.

Fang Tianfeng walked over with steady steps, and Priest Lan immediately handed his chair to Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng stretched out his hand to stop High Priest Lan, and used Qi-gazing to check the fortunes of the sitting High Priests. Finally, he looked at the two High Priests. One was High Priest Karl who was stationed in Dongjiang for the God-killing Spear, and the other was High Priest Karl.

Chief Priest Moss, who has just arrived in Dongjiang.

Fang Tianfeng pointed at Archbishop Karl and said, "Give up your seat. If you don't, don't blame me for taking it."

Everyone in the Hua Kingdom was dumbfounded. Master Fang was so fierce. He was the chief priest, and his actual status was equivalent to that of the Purple Robe of the Hua Kingdom.

Chief Priest Lan was in high spirits. He knew that Fang Tianfeng was not being reckless or showing off his force. Instead, he was expressing his position, attitude, and Fang Tianfeng's method of dealing with his enemies: not even saving face!

The translator next to Archbishop Karl immediately translated in a low voice.

Archbishop Karl said solemnly: "I represent the authority of the Pope, I represent the glory of the Archbishop, and I represent the glory of God. No one can force me!"

Fang Tianfeng said: "This is Dongjiang!"

Everyone understood what Fang Tianfeng meant. This is Dongjiang, and Fang Tianfeng has the final say!

After Fang Tianfeng finished speaking, he went to grab it.

The people following Archdeacon Carl immediately came to stop him, but were kicked away by Fang Tianfeng. Then Fang Tianfeng held Archdeacon Carl's collar with his left hand, grabbed the chair with his right hand, and sat down behind him.

"Sit down." Fang Tianfeng casually let go of High Priest Carl, and the sad and angry High Priest stumbled back.

Behind Fang Tianfeng, sat Song Jie, officiant Lan and officiant Shang.

Opposite Fang Tianfeng, the others were sitting. He simply sat there, as if a sharp sword was lying in front of everyone.

Archpriest Karl's face turned red with anger. He was a person who might become the head priest in purple robes, and he really couldn't swallow this breath. The people behind him immediately moved a new chair, and he sat down angrily.

Priest Zhuo hesitated for a moment. He moved a chair to the side of Priest Shang, and Fang Tianfeng sat on it.

Ever since he witnessed Song Jie's miracle at St. Fea Church, Chief Priest Zhuo has changed from a staunch anti-Saint sect to a neutral sect. Now seeing Fang Tianfeng coming in person, he was finally afraid and sat behind Fang Tianfeng to express his submission.


The behavior of Priest Zhuo caused a small commotion, but no one else moved.

Fang Tianfeng said: "Because the despicable behavior of some people has angered the gods, the gods will send down disasters to warn certain people. The entire merchant town will be unlucky, and the road back will be closed. What you have to do now is to summon everyone immediately

Leave here and go to Jiyuan Town in the south. Even if you don’t want to leave, stay away from Merchant Town. I’ll give you five minutes to think about it.”

Translators from various countries immediately translated to their own people.

Priest Lan asked hurriedly: "What kind of disaster will God bring? When will it happen?"

"We will know when the time comes." Fang Tianfeng did not answer. In fact, he did not know whether it was a landslide or a mudslide.

Everyone was talking about it, and most of the foreigners sneered and didn't believe it. Archpriest Karl, who had just been snatched by Fang Tianfeng, didn't immediately refute, and most people in the Huaguo Tianshen Sect didn't really believe it, but the clergy of Dongjiang Province were the most likely to believe it.

Chai was also dubious, and most of them believed Fang Tianfeng's words.

In Dongjiang, Fang Tianfeng has become a myth.

After a while, everyone spoke one after another, and the translator from the Tianshen Sect also translated beside Fang Tianfeng.

"Don't create lies to cover up the crimes of the false saint. Even if the gods really bring disasters, they will only be angry because of the false saint!" the chief priest of Bangguo said loudly.

"This is an insult to the gods and religions! We are gathered here on behalf of believers from all over the world. There is no way the gods will force us to leave!" said the chief priest of Fuso Kingdom.

"Using the name of God in vain is blasphemy!"

The translator only translated some words that were not too unpleasant, and even those that viciously attacked Fang Tianfeng and the Saint, but he couldn't translate them.

Fang Tianfeng remembers everyone.

Five minutes passed quickly, and those people were still arguing. Fang Tianfeng stood up and said: "Priest Lan, Priest Shang, Priest Zhuo, Song Jie, those who believe in me will go out with me, and those who don't believe in me can stay here.


After Fang Tianfeng finished speaking, he walked out, followed closely by Song Jie and the three purple robes, while the chief priest, chief priest and entourage who were under the jurisdiction of the three purple robes also hurriedly followed.

Before Fang Tianfeng could walk out of the tent door, fragments of stones suddenly slipped from the mountain behind the tent. Dozens of stones fell on top of the tent, making a banging sound, and then many stones as big as basketballs knocked down the brackets under the tent.

One of the officiants said nervously: "No! There is a falling rock, run quickly!"

There was chaos in the tent immediately, and everyone wanted to rush out of the tent, and they were about to disperse those who were following Fang Tianfeng.

"Those who do not believe in me, I will not give them a way."

People who can understand Chinese are astonished. Even the attendants and translators here are proficient in "Tian Shen", not to mention the chief priest, the chief priest and the purple robe. Fang Tianfeng's words come from the "Holy Acts" of "Tian Shen", which records the clones of the gods.

words and deeds.

It is recorded in the Book of Holy Acts that at that time, the avatar of the god led the believers to escape from the pursuit of the Romans, and encountered a group of Roman soldiers. The avatar of the god said these words, blocked the Roman soldiers, and led the disciples and believers to leave calmly.

Several purple-robed and chief priests who opposed the saint were furious and were about to question or even insult Fang Tianfeng. However, they were dumbfounded to see that the team led by Fang Tianfeng was walking out in an orderly manner, and those who wanted to jump in the queue and ran out

Others were blocked by an invisible wall of force. Some people banged and bumped desperately, but they were unable to move even half a step forward.

Those who believe in Fang Tianfeng and those who do not believe in Fang Tianfeng are separated by an invisible shield of righteousness.

The whole place was silent.

The people following Fang Tianfeng felt something was wrong. They looked back and were stunned for a moment. They quickly turned back, looked at Fang Tianfeng's back, and lowered their heads. They were more respectful.

It was okay for Priest Lan and Song Jie. They had seen Fang Tianfeng's miracles many times and had already had firm beliefs in their hearts. Priest Zhuo, who had been humiliated in the church, was extremely frightened and followed him faithfully.

The chief priest of Shang University, who had never seen a miracle with his own eyes, looked behind him. Then he looked at Fang Tianfeng's back, sighed softly, and then walked out.

The translator was very clever and immediately said loudly in English: "Master Fang just said: Those who don't believe in him will not be given the path!" After speaking, he followed Fang Tianfeng.

This time no one was angry because they saw with their own eyes that there was no way out and they were all crowded together.

Fang Tianfeng stood at the door of the big tent, looking at the heavy rain outside, and said: "Three purple-robed chief priests, you and Song Jie spoke one after another, saying that a disaster was about to happen in Shangzhang Town, and told everyone to stay away from Shangzhang Town immediately.


The chief priest of Shangda said: "Speak one by one? Should we send someone to inform everyone? Those believers are okay, but I'm afraid only half of the residents in the town will believe me, and I'm afraid no one else will."

Fang Tianfeng said slowly: "If you speak to save the world, everyone in the world can hear your voice."

The translator beside him immediately repeated Fang Tianfeng's words loudly in English.

This time, most people remained silent, and only a few people still criticized in order to achieve the chief teacher's purpose, but there was a clear difference from before.

"Blasphemy! Heresy!" A crazy officiant denounced Fang Tianfeng.

A purple-robed high priest said: "Humph, I want to see if he can do it."

"Let's talk about it later." Someone whispered.

Many people looked at Fang Tianfeng.

"Priest Lan, you come first." Fang Tianfeng said, sending vitality into the mouth of Priest Lan, using the vitality to spread the sound.


Chief Priest Lan coughed lightly, which immediately spread throughout the town. Many people looked around in confusion. Many dogs in the town began to bark, while a few timid dogs held their heads in their paws and lay on the ground whining.

"I am the chief priest of the Tianshen Sect, Lan. Everyone, listen up. A catastrophe is about to happen in Shangzhang Town. Everyone, please evacuate Shangzhang Town immediately!"

The voice of Chief Priest Lan was spread by the energy and spread throughout the merchant town. Countless people were puzzled. It was raining so heavily outside and it was crackling. How could this voice not be affected by the heavy rain? Is there such a high-tech speaker?

Fang Tianfeng said: "The chief priest of Shang University, you are the next one to say."

The chief priest of Shang Dynasty nodded.

"Please everyone leave Merchant Town, all leave!"

Then Priest Zhuo and the Holy Lady also asked everyone to leave, and everyone could hear it.

One person said it was okay, but when many important figures in the Tianshen Sect spoke up, especially the well-known chief priest of Shang Dynasty, many people panicked. What's more, the way the voice was transmitted was very weird, as if it was reaching their ears regardless of distance.

A large number of people walked out of the town, while the people in the town hurriedly packed up their valuables.

The people in the big tent thought that the words of those few people would be particularly loud, to the point of deafening, but the actual sound was no different from normal. In their opinion, the words of the chief priest of Shang University and others would not only spread throughout the town, but even the Prime Minister.

No one in the neighboring tent could hear it.

"Follow me and leave Shang Jie immediately!" Fang Tianfeng said, taking off his raincoat and putting it on Song Jie, holding her waist with his left arm and walking out with an umbrella in his right hand.

Song Jie didn't expect that Fang Tianfeng would be so close and kind to her in public. She didn't care about the status of the saint of the Celestial God Sect. She cared most about the distance between Fang Tianfeng and her at this time!

This chapter has been completed!
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