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Chapter 100 Changes in the situation

On May 18, Kira Yoshitoki sent someone to contact Tennojiya in Sakai Town and proposed the purchase of 300 iron cannons. Tennojiya attached great importance to this business. As the future owner of Tennojiya, Tsuda Muneki personally

When I took a boat to Sakamoto Castle to visit Kiragi, although he came with sincerity, the price he proposed was not sincere at all.

"Each iron cannon is one hundred guanwen? Or is it twenty-five guanwen for Yongle money?" Kiragi repeated with emphasis, his eyes like a hawk staring at Tsuda Muneki's flawless smiling face, and after a moment he suddenly spoke softly.

Smiling lightly, he turned to Matsui Yuxian and said: "I must capture the three hundred iron cannons, and I will leave the rest to you, do you understand?"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty Kira, I will do my best." Matsui Yukan is also a man with a flawless smile. Although he is still very young and far from his strongest moment, Tsuda Muneki is also very young.

Isn't it? There are always a lot of sparks between young people and young people.

Since iron cannons were introduced to Tanegashima in the 12th year of Astronomy, there have been only four manufacturers of iron cannons: Tanegashima tubes of origin, Kishu tubes of the Kiitsuda family, Sakai tubes of Sakai Town, and Kunitomo tubes controlled by the shogunate.

Among the four brands, the quality of Sakai cannons is the best, because the wealthy merchants of Sakai Town can easily gather skilled craftsmen and spend a lot of money to buy technology and improve it. Therefore, the other iron cannon manufacturers still insist on small-scale production to satisfy themselves first and then

By the time it was sold to foreign countries, the reputation of Sakai tubes had already spread throughout Japan.

After a whole day of verbal battles, which cost countless brain cells, Matsui Yuzhen finally won. He knew that Kira Yoshiki would never accept such a high unit price, so he pretended that if you don't sell it to us at a low price, he would just find someone.

We were purchasing iron cannons from Kunitomo, which was affiliated with the shogunate, and the quality was not much worse than your Sakai gun anyway. In the end, Tsuda Muneki had to make a concession. He said he would go back to discuss it with his father, and took the boat back to Sakai Town that night without stopping.

Seeing Tsuda Soki leaving in a hurry, Kira Yoshi called Matsui Yukan and asked: "What is the price you negotiated with him?"

"Reporting to His Majesty Kira-dono, the price negotiated with Tsuda-don is sixty kan each."

Kira Yoshitsune couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh? Sixty knives? I almost cut half of them off! How did you manage to negotiate? Tell me about it?"

"Yes! I made a counter-offer of forty guans a piece but was rejected by Tsuda-don, and then..."

After getting to know Matsui Yuzhen, I learned that the price proposed by Matsui Yuzhen was outrageous. He responded with a price of forty guans a piece. Not only that, but also equipped with a sufficient amount of gunpowder and iron cannon pellets. This price almost made Tsuda Soji leave in a hurry.

Fortunately, both parties are well-educated people. After arguing for a long time, they finally settled on the price of sixty guan for an iron cannon. Although the price increased by 50%, it was much stronger than before, and it also had the equipment it needed.

A lot of the same.

Two days later, Tsuda Muneki brought new news. Tennojiya agreed to the offer, sixty guan each plus matching gunpowder and iron cannon pellets. Kira Yoshitoki quickly transferred the 18,000 guan currency stored in the bank.

To Tsuda Muneji, three hundred iron cannons subsequently entered the hands of the Kira family.

Yoshitoki Kira handed these 300 iron cannons to Takigawa Masushige, and told him not to be stingy with ammunition and to arm a qualified iron artillery team as soon as possible. Takigawa Masushige went directly to Saijo Bei with Kira Yoshitoki's order.

The generals with Akabi asked him to allocate two hundred and one hundred people to help form the iron artillery team. Several Ashigaru generals even went to Kira Yoshitoki for this matter, but in the end they were suppressed by him. The new arms

You have to go up, and you have to obey orders no matter how much you have opinions.

For half a month, the sound of iron cannons rang from morning to night, and it changed from a target practice to a tied up animal, a lively animal. According to Takikawa Masushige's calculations, the maximum range of the iron cannon was thirty days, and its effective range was two

Ten rooms, the best killing distance is fifteen rooms. The quality of the Sakai tube is comparable to or even slightly exceeds the level of the original Portuguese iron cannon. Of course, this original iron cannon is the original iron cannon made in the 12th year of Tianwen.

Entering June, Kira Yoshi felt that 300 iron cannons were not enough, so he gritted his teeth and went to Tsuda Muneki to tell him that the Kira family planned to order another 200 iron cannons. However, Tsuda Muneki's conversation changed and he began to push back and forth.

He said that there was not enough supply, but later changed his story and said that it could be reserved but it would take several months to get it because Sakai Town was also short of iron cannons.

"Tsuda Soki is lying! How could there be a shortage of goods in Sakai Town? They must have heard some rumors and suddenly stopped talking!" Kira Yoshitoki was keenly aware of the different tone of voice before and after Tennoji House, and immediately called Hattori Koshiro and asked:

"Tell me the latest news in Kinland, tell me everything."

"Yes..." Hattori Koshiro was confused. Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly stopped and looked outside. His father was already standing behind him.


"Back off, Shiro!" Hattori Chief drove his son out, then saluted and said, "The latest news is that Hosokawa Kyōshoden led 3,300 people from his headquarters to Kyoto, and his current whereabouts are unknown."

"What? Going into battle?" Kira Yoshitsune's eyes were like fire, he glared at the stone-silent Hattori Warden, and raised his voice: "Asshole! Hosokawa Harumoto is trapping the shogunate into injustice! Is he crazy?"

Of course, Hosokawa Harumoto is not crazy, but it is true that he was forced to panic. Since the first court meeting, the development of Hosokawa Harumoto and Kira Yoshitoki is like ice and fire, earth and sky. Kira Yoshitoki soared into the sky and became the shogunate.

The most relied-upon general, Hosokawa Harumoto, went high and low, and his luck got worse and worse along the way.

Kira Yoshitoki only fought a less intense siege battle and gained seven or eighty thousand koku from the two counties of Omi. This greatly increased the strength of the shogunate and no longer relied solely on Hosokawa Harumoto. Then he quietly pulled up seven

The Thousand Cavalry Army became the first general of the shogunate. In contrast, Hosokawa Harumoto's influence was rapidly weakened, and even tended to be gradually marginalized by Ashikaga Yoshitō. This was probably because Hosokawa Harumoto did not hesitate to enter the battle to open up this situation.

The cause of the war.

When Kira Yoshitoki let out an angry roar, Ashikaga Yoshito was also furious. The fifteenth shogunate general almost pulled out the ancestors of the Hosokawa family and scolded him, including the famous shogunate Yoriyuki Hosokawa. Now

There are only about a hundred people guarding Nakao Castle, and even the defense force of Jishoji Temple has been transferred away. The management of the Sakamoto Imperial Palace is completely handed over to Kira Yoshitomo, which shows how dangerous the shogunate is. If not for the fact that Kiragishishi is still training hard as the main force.

, Ashikaga Yoshito couldn't help but mobilize the Kira family to guard Nakao Castle.

After venting his anger on the believers, Ashikaga Yoshitō was not stupid. Seeing that the final period of silence was finally broken by Hosokawa Harumoto, the man sitting in Nakao Castle also showed the courage of a general and issued several imperial letters in succession. First, Kira Yoshi was appointed

At that time, he was in charge of the shogunate's army on behalf of the shogunate. He then issued a coordinated combat order to Rokkaku Yoshihide and mobilized the army to march out of Yamashiro Kingdom within a month to cooperate with the shogunate's plan to capture Kyoto.

The last order was to contact the people behind the Miyoshi family and call on the people of Settsu, Izumi, Kawachi, Kii and other countries currently in the Miyoshi family's camp to raise troops to fight against Miyoshi Chokei. This order was the most unreliable, and of course Ashikaga Yoshito was also

I didn’t expect a miracle to happen at all, which probably meant it was better than nothing.

On June 10, Hosokawa Harumoto conquered Koizumi Castle, causing a sudden change in the quiet wind direction of Kinai. The strange silence of the Miyoshi family and Settsu, and the constant changes coming from Izumi made the people of Kinai breathless. Ashikaga Yoshito

They sent envoys to contact Echizen Asakura and Wakasa Takeda successively, trying to persuade them to assist the shogunate in going out, but these attempts failed. The Asakura family's reason was that they were too tired to deal with Koga and were unable to go out, and Wakasa Takeda's reason was almost the same.

It's to resist the harassment from the Asakura family. These two families are really weird.

In the assessment room of Akutagawa Mountain Castle, Miyoshi Changqing, who had just moved into this city, was still a little uncomfortable here. Looking at the high-spirited manners of the Miyoshi retainers who attacked him, the head of the Miyoshi family smiled lightly and said: "You all see

Are you here? Hosokawa Harumoto is out, and it took three days to break through Koizumi Castle, a mountain city guarded by Japanese people. It’s really not easy!”

"Hmph! I think he is getting more confused as he gets older! Compared with the arrogance he was ten years ago when Ishiyama Honganji Temple was almost destroyed, tsk tsk!" Miyoshi Changyi said with a disdainful smile.

Toga Kazun, who was taking the lead with a strange moon shaved, clenched his fist and hammered the table, yelling: "Haha...brother! How dare Hosokawa Harumoto do something like starting a war lightly, isn't this a good opportunity for our family?"

?Let me lead the army to kill all these clowns in one fell swoop!"

"Yes! Please, my lord, let me go out into battle together!" The three good retainers all fell in love with him.

"Okay! It's a blessing to our family that you all have strong morale! How are the preparations at Zhikang's place?"

Faced with Miyoshi Chokei's inquiry, Matsushita Nagahide quickly replied: "His Royal Highness Yoshihide is gathering an army. Five thousand troops will be assembled within ten days and will land in Kinai before June 20th."

"Very good! Let's go out on June 25th! The art of war is fifteen thousand, and you, Ichigo, will be the general! Hinata Mamoru will be the deputy general!"

"Yes!" Tokawa Ichisun and Miyoshi Hyuga Shouchou Itsu happily accepted the order, while Matsunagahide stepped aside with a disappointed look on his face, and soon showed a gentle smile and congratulated the members of the two Miyoshi families.

This chapter has been completed!
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