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Chapter 128

Kira Yoshitoshi called several ministers to the castle tower to praise them one by one. Talking about the great changes in the castle town, Kira Yoshitoshi was very happy and said: "This is all the credit of His Highness Fujitaka! If I were to do it, I'm afraid it would take

Half the result with twice the effort!”

"It's all thanks to His Highness Sakamoto's blessing! The successive victories have built up the prestige of our shogunate. The residents of Sakamoto Castle Town are all rejoicing. We and others have been able to smoothly reorganize the internal affairs of the castle town." Hosokawa Fujitaka modestly gave the credit to Kiragi.

It made him feel very happy.

In fact, everyone present knows that this credit has little to do with Kira Yoshitoki. It has been less than a month since the Fukakusa battle in early August. There was no reputation for protection in the previous month or so. It was all thanks to Hosokawa Fujitaka and Matsui.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of Yu Xian, Odate Harutada, Ninagawa Okinaga, Ina Tadaye and others.

"I have already informed His Highness Gongfang that you will be transferred to be our guards. His Highness Gongfang has also agreed. From now on we will be a family! Hahaha..." Ji Liangyi took a brief glance and noticed the expressions on several people's faces.

Stiffly, he said with a smile: "As the governor of the family, I also want to reward you for your loyalty and devotion to the public... Well! Let me reward each of you with a hundred guanwen!"

"Thank you, Master, for your kindness!" Ina Tadashi was the first to bow down. He was the one with the least mental burden. The other four looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They could only follow and bowed down in turn: "I will thank you, Master."


They all also knew very well that Kira Yoshi had no good intentions when he arranged for them to do various things in Sakamoto Castle. Originally, they had many ways to refuse the Kira family's request to serve, and even Hosokawa Fujitaka had already thought of it.

The only way to escape as soon as possible was that no one expected that Kira Yoshi could defeat the Miyoshi family, kill Ichikumi Tokawa, Fuyoshi Noguchi, and capture Miyoshi Choitsu alive.

Now they were embarrassed. If they brought it up again, not to mention that some people would say that they didn't know how to praise, Ashikaga Yoshito would not be able to agree. When they were praying for a miracle, the most worrying thing came. Kira Yoshito found out

When His Highness wanted to leave them as retainers, they immediately became direct ministers of the shogunate and downgraded to associate ministers of the shogunate. The gap was huge, and we can't blame them for their reluctance.

"You must think that this family is going too far, right?" Kira Yoshihide sighed, feeling the need to speak clearly, "You also know the situation in the shogunate. Yamashiro Kingdom has just been recaptured, and the government, the imperial court, and the temple's imperial palace

I just got it. After collecting the annual tribute from the autumn harvest, life will be much better, but it will only be slightly better. The war will continue in the future. The shogunate needs money and food, and the family needs talents. If you have been thinking about running back to the shogunate

Being a nobleman will not only help the shogunate, but will also damage the family's foundation in Sakamoto.

Sakamoto is the only source of wealth for our family and the only support for the strong army of the shogunate. No matter what happens, nothing can go wrong in Sakamoto City. You are all talented people of the shogunate. Regardless of your family background or ability and knowledge, you are all top-notch. If you do it for your own

If you selfishly refuse to help me protect the shogunate, how will the shogunate help you in the future? How long can I support you with my own hands?"

"I understand! From today on, we will do our best to be loyal to the owner of the museum. Leave Sakamoto's affairs to me!" Several people lowered their heads in shame. It seems that this sincere advice is still effective.


"Well! I hope you can put aside your own prejudices, don't care about the difference between direct ministers and accompanying ministers, and don't feel that you are shorter than your former colleagues. We are all for the shogunate and for the great cause of the martial arts of my Genji family. If you are a diligent and loyal person,

If you still have to suffer ridicule, then what will the world think of our Wu family? How can we be called a famous family? If you want to understand these issues, just work hard to serve our family! Our family will always watch you!"

"Yes! I'm leaving!" Hosokawa Fujitaka and others were on pins and needles after being told that. They wished they could rush out to do things right now. When they got up and left, their movements seemed very hasty. Looking at their leaving figures, Kira Yoshiki sighed softly.

: "Don't blame me. It's really the world that forces us. If we don't go against the current, our family will be ruined and our country will be destroyed. My family is walking a dangerous road in the Huashan Mountains. If we don't win, we will die! If we don't prosper, we will perish!"

After solving the problems of several capable ministers of the shogunate, Kira Yoshitoki was finally able to lie down and rest. The spirit that had been tense for several months suddenly relaxed, and he fell asleep as if he had no bones. When he woke up in a daze,

Only then did I realize that the sky seemed much darker.

"Ugh! What's wrong with me?" Just as I was about to sit up, I realized that my whole body was sore, my head was dizzy, and my whole body couldn't raise any strength.

"Your Highness! Don't move! You are sick. The fever just subsided last night."

"Is it Ah Ju? Why am I sick? I'm obviously fine, why did I suddenly fall ill?" Ji Liangyi was a little confused. He has always been in good health and has hardly ever been sick since he was a child. Except for his cultivation,

Apart from being lazy, his physical fitness is definitely on par with most of his peers in this era, which is something he has always been proud of.

"His Highness was seriously ill due to the cold. He fell into a coma for a whole day and only woke up. Fortunately, His Highness Mori Naose, who has some medical skills, prescribed a medicine for His Highness, and you were able to recover so quickly." Aju looked worried.

Looking at him.

"That's it! It must be because I am exhausted!" A child who was originally over nine years old suddenly had a heavy burden on him that made him unable to breathe. He spent every day calculating how to revive the family business and planning.

How to plan a territory to feed and drink thousands of mouths, and also have to worry about the shogunate and deal with the troubleless Ashikaga Yoshito. You can imagine how much pressure he has been under in the past year.

Aju stuffed the fluffy blanket for him and said with concern: "Your Highness lies down and recuperates. He will recover in just a few days! His Highness Kansuke has also come to see you. He hopes that His Highness will resume his art of war training after recovery."

During the course, His Highness Kansuke said that no matter how His Highness’s body has not yet matured, cultivation is the only way to strengthen his body.”

"Uh, do you still want to practice? Okay! I'll just practice!" As soon as he saw Aju's worried look on his face, Ji Liangyi suddenly lost his mind. Aju had taken him to play with him since he was a child, and was the only child besides his mother.

The closest person outside, even Shengji, may not understand him better than Aju, and Kiragi is unable to refuse Aju's request.

Kira Yoshitoshi just spent the last few days of August lying on the bed. Summer was coming to an end and the autumn harvest was coming to an end. The crisp autumn air was a good day for outdoor activities. He spent a lot of time lying in the castle tower without leaving the door.

That day, Kira Yoshi felt that his health had improved, so he proposed to go outside for a walk.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I went to Sakamoto Imperial Palace to visit Katsuhime. Why don't Aku accompany me to see Katsuhime!" Kira Yoshitsune put aside this reason and took Aku and twenty people who were nearby.

At the imperial palace not far from Sakamoto Castle, as soon as they arrived at the gate of the imperial palace, Yoshitoki Kira and his group of about twenty people were stopped. The leading men dressed as samurai politely told him that this was the palace of the shogunate and outsiders were not allowed to enter.

The younger member of the Kira family stepped forward and shouted: "Hey! Look clearly, this is the royal flag of the Ashikaga family! Are you responsible for stopping His Highness Sakamoto?"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Several samurai quickly stepped aside and let the Kira family pass. Kira Yoshiki briefly looked at their family crests and guessed that they were from the mountain city. Ashikaga Yoshito has been in the past few months

There was no lack of action, and it was not difficult to win over several samurai families who originally belonged to the shogunate from the Yamashiro Kingdom.

"What happened?" Several samurai ran out of the imperial palace. The clothes they wore were made of slightly different materials than those guarding the mountain castle outside the imperial palace. When the leader saw Kiragi, he quickly bowed and saluted:

"Nobita Fujita meets His Highness Sakamoto!"

This chapter has been completed!
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