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Chapter 130 The tide in Kanto

For people in Kinai, this summer seems to be extremely long. The stories that happened in just a few months are more beautiful than any story in any book. I don’t know how many ministers and cultural people were inspired by it and wrote a story that will make people praise and cry in the future. It is an epic story. It is said that the monkey musicians on the street are all compiling their own jokes. It tells the story of the famous young general Kira Kamisaburo who fought bloody battles for the shogunate in Fukakusa Valley and killed the enemy general Oni Juga with one ride.

Kira Yoshitomo was dumbfounded when he first heard the news. He was only ten years old. You can let him ride a horse. How about killing that perverted man Tokawa Ichimori with a big gun? This is not as difficult as asking him to pick a horse. How easy it is to cast stars in the sky. He cannot stop the people's yearning for legendary stories. The real history is always very different from the legendary stories. For example, Shihe Yicun became a heinous murderer, and the Mihaoshi family is an army of evil spirits from hell. , it is completely out of touch with reality.

Coupled with the water battle that broke out on the Kamogawa River next to Kyoto, the legend of the thunder god descending to punish the Miyoshi family was spread so miraculously that Kamo Kamishita Shrine, Gion Shrine, and Fushimi Inari Shrine near Kyoto all claimed to be manifestations of gods. Of course there were The shrine intervened, and the temple could not miss the opportunity. Toji Temple also said that it was Bishamon Tenkamon punishing the rebels who invaded Kyoto.

Public opinion in Kyoto suddenly became very happy, with all kinds of gossip and legends flying around. The ministers relied on their personal connections to try to get first-hand authentic information. For example, Yamashina Yantsugi went to Sakamoto Castle to write his diary. As a guest, like my own reporter, I have to find out the true situation of the two battles. In short, these battles that broke out around Kyoto have added fresh stories for the civilians in Kinai.

As the long summer has come to an end, due to the series of battles in Luozhong in the past few months, everyone has ignored the news outside Kinki. In early September, when Kinki has returned to calm, news about the Kanto Astronomical Rebellion also seems to be coming. It flew into the ridge as if it had wings.

Since Prince Furukawa retook the lost Furukawa Imperial Palace at the beginning of this year, Kada Harusuke held a succession ceremony for his nephew Ashikaga Fujimasa at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, and invited Kanto Hachimangata and people from all over the world to The leader watched the ceremony, and as usual, he sent famous swords and books to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. After that, Ashikaga Fujimasa followed the example of His Highness Ashikaga Yoshito of Kyoto and wrote an oath in blood to "defeat Hojo and revive Kamakura." , the people of the Kanto Kingdom swore one after another that they were willing to work for the Kanto Duke to overthrow Hojo Ujiyasu.

When the Kanto people began to return to their respective territories to manage the newly occupied land, the Hojo family unexpectedly sent troops during the critical spring planting season. After a full half-year of hardship and endurance, the Hojo family began to exert force in early March of this year, first uniting Imagawa and Takeda To launch a counterattack towards Kanto, Hojo Ujiyasu personally took command and led an army of 12,000 to launch an attack in Minamimusashi.

In the field battle, he successfully defeated the Ota family's counterattack and recaptured Edo Castle, which had been lost for half a year. At the same time, his allies Imagawa and the Takeda family were also invited to enter Kanto. Taiyuan Yukisai led an 8,000-strong army out of Hedong and passed through Izu. The two countries of Sagami entered Kanto. Takeda Harunobu led an army of 5,000 out of Hachioji and entered Kanto. The two armies attacked Central Musashi and North Musashi one after another and captured several cities one after another. For a time, the hearts of Kanto's people fluctuated, which seemed to foreshadow what happened a few years ago. The night battle in Ha Viet is about to happen again.

Faced with such an urgent situation, after the people of the Kanto country survived the spring sowing, they decisively blew the conch shells to gather. Huge torrents surged across the land of the eight Kanto countries, and within a month they once again formed the Kanto Allied Forces. Ota, Rito, etc. See, Satake, Oda, Chiba, Marigaya, Minami Musashi, Kamisui, Shimosu, and Hitachi once again formed a coalition to start a tug-of-war against Edo Castle. Koyumi Ashikaga Junjun also joined in the fun and wanted to fight for him. Ashikaga Yoshiaki takes revenge for his dead father.

They went out on April 3 and continued to fight dozens of times until August. Although Hojo Ujiyasu had strong support from Goshiki Bei among the 12,000 troops of Hojo Ujiyasu, the influx of 50,000 troops from the Minamimusashi area still gave him a defeat. There was a lot of pressure, especially as some of the sworn enemies of the Hojo family contributed a lot in the fight against the Hojo family. The two sides fought hard and suffered casualties on each other, but this large-scale confrontation never came to an end.

Kitamushi Narita Choyasu sent a request to Kanto leader Kenmasa Uesugi, and Nishi Ueno went to Kanto again. This time the command was delegated by Nagao Kenkei, the head of the Shirai Nagao family, and the actual command was given to Nagano Yamasa and Uesugi. Xianzheng continues to be his polished commander.

The Higashino nomads also went out to battle with Furukawa under the leadership of Yoshige Shige. The former Uesugi family members such as Masahiro Nadamanada and Asanao Ueda from the Musashi clan returned. Yasukuni Fujita, Tsunasu Oishi and others were blocked by the Hojo clan for their stepsons. The people of the country also immediately kicked their adopted son away, and the people of the North Musashi country also wrote, the younger brother of Narita Choyasu, the lord of Ninja Castle, and the Oda family, the lord of the west castle of the Musashi country, also started to swarm.

Lord Furukawa gathered around the important minister Kido Harunori and his clan members, and subordinated to Hanyu who was in charge of the Uesugi family. The lord of Sarao Castle, Kido Norimun, began to attack Kitamashi. His sons Kido Tadayo, Hirota Naoshige joined the army, and Hirota Naoshi joined the army. Shigeru was also the son-in-law of Nagao Nagao, the head of the Ashikaga Nagao family. Sano, Yuuki, and Oyama of Shimono Province, and other members of Shimono Province all joined forces to attack Kitamushi. The family also sent out troops to fight.

At the moment when the Kantō Crown Prince and the Kantō rulers jointly resolutely opposed Hojo, many samurai families who had conflicts with each other and did not belong to each other also joined forces to launch an attack on the Hojo family. At one time, Musashi had an army of hundreds of thousands. The Kwantung Allied Forces can be encountered anywhere, which gives Takeda and Imagawa a headache.

Takeda Harunobu's 5,000 Koshu Army fought five tough battles in a row and killed more than a thousand Kanto people. Although they achieved impressive results, they also caused collective resistance in the local So villages due to random arrests and harsh human hunting. They resisted Takeda. The family's unbridled Sanko policy triggered a riot, and then they were surrounded by the Kwantung Allied Forces and fought a joint battle near the Tama River. Although they were able to escape with the support of Taiyuan Xuezhai, the 5,000 Koshu Army was still in the battle. More than 1,300 people were lost.

Although he was able to obtain compensation from random arrests, human hunting, and heavy rewards from Hojo Ujiyasu, Takeda Harunobu began to seriously consider his retreat. In July, it was reported from Shinano Country that Murakami Yoshikiyo had joined forces to attack Xiaozhen County, and scored several consecutive victories. The castle regained its lost territory, and the Shinano people were shaken. Ogasawara Nagatoki, with the support of Murakami Yoshikiyo, recaptured Fukashi Castle, and the Takeda family had to terminate the trip to Kanto and retreat back to Kai.

It was obvious that the Takeda family was here to fight against the autumn wind. After a few long and victorious battles, they retreated decisively when they found themselves in the spotlight. Hojo Ujiyasu knew this, and he had no reason to hinder the Takeda army's retreat. It was no longer easy for allies to go deep into unfamiliar areas to coordinate operations. Any further demands would be too demanding.

Taiyuan Xuezai was a general who was good at commanding troops. The 8,000 Imagawa troops he led conquered several fortresses in Nakamusashi. He also used the retainers of the Hojo family to successfully mobilize several rebellious compatriots without any tough battles. , relying entirely on steady and steady efforts to gain a foothold in Nakamusashi, and in early June, they assisted Takeda Harunobu, who was trapped in the Tama River, to successfully evacuate. In three months, the 8,000-strong army only lost more than a thousand people, which was much better than Takeda Harunobu, who had committed public outrage. .

But the good times did not last long. In early June, Taiyuan Xuezhai received the order from Imagawa Yoshimoto and began to slowly withdraw the troops. The reason was that there were repeated conflicts on the border of Mikawa Kingdom. Since suffering a big loss in Mikawa a year ago, Oda Nobuhide has been Thinking about how to regain the situation, he took advantage of the opportunity when the Imagawa family had no time to look west, and successively transferred several Japanese people near Owari, and recaptured several castles.

Immediately afterwards, the eight Owari counties mobilized a force of three thousand troops to attack the Mikawa border. It seemed that they had plans to recapture Anxiang Castle. Okabe Motonobu asked Suruga's Imagawa Yoshimoto for help, and Imagawa Yoshimoto urgently ordered Asahina Taino. He led Suruga and Toga's five thousand troops to Anxiang City to take control, and asked the Kira family to join the Mikawa Allied Forces in coordinated operations. In June before the autumn harvest, they fought several small and medium-sized battles.

In order to stabilize the internal situation, Imagawa Yoshimoto had to recall Taiyuan Xuezai to take charge of Suruga. The Hojo family was once again in a dangerous situation of fighting alone. Fortunately, Hojo Ujiyasu still seized the opportunity to defeat the main force of the Satomi family and forced Satomi Yoshihide. He took the initiative to retreat, and then Hojo Tsunari once again showed his power and swept away the Chiba, Mariya, Oda and other Japanese people. The Satake family also saw the opportunity and began to gradually retreat. Only the Ota family held on to Minami Musashi and resisted stubbornly, and Minami Musashi was initially stabilized.

In September, the Kanto people and Hojo slowed down their offensives and began to start the autumn harvest. Due to the fall of most of the territory of the Musashi Kingdom, the power of the Hojo family declined greatly. The wave of comebacks formed by the decline of wealthy families made it very difficult for Hojo Ujiyasu to cope with. Judging from the current situation, the Hojo family still adopts the strategy of stabilizing Minami Musashi and then slowing down Northern Musashi.

It's just that it's much more difficult than before, because both the Furukawa Lord Masayoshi and the generals of Kogomi Lord are actively joining forces to resist Hojo Ujiyasu. If there can't be a big victory like the Kagotsu Night Battle, it will be difficult to win again. Return to the situation.

Kanto spent more than half a year in turmoil, and the situation in Kinki was not much better. On the third day of September, the news that the good families once again gathered their troops to march out of Kyoto flew across the entire Kinki region like wings. Public opinion in Kyoto stopped abruptly, and no one was there. Unexpectedly, Miyoshi Changqing still insists on going out, and goes out to Kyoto before the prisoner exchange has begun. What is going on?

Miyoshi Chokei's mobilization order was like a pebble thrown into a lake. It immediately stirred up the stormy waves in Kinki. The people of Kinki who had originally stirred up troubles all stopped. Even the shogunate who was building the Nijo Imperial Palace in Kyoto was a little uneasy. Ashikaga Yoshito Waiting for the news that the Miyoshi family is in chaos, Miyoshi Nagakei is also waiting patiently for the news that the Ashikaga family is in chaos after throwing in a stone. Both sides are waiting for the moment they are looking forward to with their own hidden agendas.

This chapter has been completed!
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