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Chapter 134: Jinghu's Reply

The storm in Kinai has little to do with Kira Yoshitomo. Since Yasuo became healthy, he has devoted himself to practicing every day for more than a month. Coupled with a reasonable diet, he has grown taller and has sufficient nutritional supplements to make him taller.

Quickly, just like Shima Sakon, children like Honda Miya, who had no concept of taboos about eating meat, also took advantage of it. Watanabe Gengoro was dragged into the water out of loyalty, and was privately known as the offensive and defensive alliance. Although the three children did not understand Kira Yoshi.

What are you talking about, but I think it’s awesome.

"Mr. Master! Pay attention to the coordination of your steps and swing of the sword! Adjust your breath, hold your breath, and use your breath to burst out. Don't mess up the rhythm!" Nakajo Tokihide temporarily tutored Kira Yoshitoki in swordsmanship training. Nakajo-ryu's swordsmanship comes from actual combat lethality.

He has a very strong mind flow, and the steps for learning his swordsmanship have already been planned.

"Drink!" Kira Yoshi adjusts his breathing and moves his strength with both wrists to strike out. Each repeated movement is slightly different. From the beginning when he couldn't grasp the rhythm to now, in the past month, he has gradually become accustomed to every swing.

The basic requirements of the time, and even subconsciously regard this requirement as a habit.

Nakajo Tokihide observed for a while, decisively stopped the explosive training, and said to him: "The original intention of training is to strengthen the body and nourish the energy. The training of explosive power is to allow the master of the gym to master the explosive skills skillfully. Normal training cannot explode all the time. Frequent explosions will make

The loss of vitality damages the foundation."

"Ah? Then I have practiced for a month..." Kira Yoshi was dumbfounded, then why did you ask me to practice for a month?

Nakajo Tokihide quickly comforted him: "The master's current level of cultivation does not matter. The burst training of half an hour twice a day is only part of it. The secret method passed down in my family is to meditate and meditate when the morning sun rises, which can calm the mind and nourish the energy.

, Rinzai Zen meditation will not leave any hidden dangers to the owner."

"Oh! Meditation! Isn't it the yoga technique taught by Buddhism? With your five hearts pointing toward the sky, calming your mind and breathing, gradually get rid of distracting thoughts, and enter the samadhi where your mind is not distracted and you focus on one thing." He, who has been practicing Zen since he was young, naturally understands.

The allusion here is that Samadhi is also called Samadhi, which is a transliteration of Sanskrit, and the free translation means "right concentration", which can calm the mind and stop distracting thoughts.

The original intention of yoga is to use meditation, meditation and ascetic practices to bring the mind into a state where it is not stained and impure, and the heart is as clear as glass. This is roughly the same as the practice method of Zen. Linji Sect emphasizes that it is from the original heart, not from the heart.

There is no difference between birth and death. Therefore, the original mind of all sentient beings is originally a Buddha. It is not a false cultivation. It is not a gradual process. It is not light and dark. It is not light so it is ignorant. It is not dark so there is no darkness. So there is no ignorance.

There is no end to ignorance.

The following is an allusion from the "Maha Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra". There is no ignorance and no end of ignorance, and there is no old age and death, no end of old age and death, no accumulation and annihilation of suffering, no wisdom and no gain, so there is no gain, Bodhisattva


Kira Yoshitsune's level of Zen practice was only average. He continued to practice sitting meditation every day for five or six years. He never thought there was anything special about it. Only when Nakajo Tokihide mentioned it did he realize that there was such a thing.

The thing is, "I always thought yoga was for losing weight, but I didn't know it could calm the mind and nourish the energy."

The day's practice lasted until about three o'clock in the afternoon, and the lunch break was compressed to half an hour. The life was very hard. What was even harder than him was that the three children could only hide in the shade of the tree and take a nap. When they heard

At the words "the end of today's practice", I immediately cheered and ran away.

"Your Highness! Try Ah Ju's new pastry!" Ah Ju was holding a plate of strange pastries. She didn't know what new pastry she was working on. The pastries looked a bit strange, a bit like biscuits and a bit like mung bean cakes. Smell the aroma a little.

It smelled like osmanthus. Kira Yoshi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is this the smell of osmanthus?"

"Yes! This is the rice cake made from the newly produced osmanthus honey this year! Do you often check it out and taste it?" Aju looked at him expectantly, and it was clear at a glance that she was looking forward to Kiragi giving the highest praise, although every time

There was no suspense about the outcome, but she always looked forward to the next time with great joy.

Kira Yoshishi picked up a piece of rice cake made with osmanthus honey, swallowed it in one gulp, and then said with an expression of enjoyment on his face: "Is this Aju's secret osmanthus cake! I have never eaten such delicious osmanthus cake!"

It’s so delicious!”

"Really? Is that so? A-Ju has cooked a lot, so please eat slowly and don't be in a hurry, Your Highness!" A-Ju clenched her fists happily and pushed the plate closer to him, almost causing Kira Yoshi to fall headlong.


Ah Ju took out a letter from somewhere, "Ah! By the way! Ah Ju also has a letter from His Highness here! It seems to be sent from a very far away place!"

"A far away place? When did you send it?" When Kira Yoshitoki looked at the letter, he only wrote the words "Kira Saabei-den personally". It was obviously not a letter written to him by a retainer of the Kira family.

Not many people can call him my official.

Aju thought for a while and said: "It was probably sent in early July!"

"Uh... Then why did you give it to me now? Oh! I was at war at that time, but you could have given it to me last month!"

Aju said with an apologetic look: "I was busy with things last month and I forgot about it. I'm sorry, Your Highness! Is it something important? Does it matter?"

"Let me read it first and then talk... Hey, it's a letter from Echigo!" Kira Yoshi was surprised to receive a letter from Echigo. The letter turned out to be written to him by Nagao Kagetora, from the Nagao family of Echigo.

It was passed on by the imperial merchant, because the mud seal on it is the Kuyaobaba pattern of the Nagao family. As someone who has been exposed to "Knowing the Family Patterns" since childhood, recognizing the family pattern is as easy as eating and drinking.

He had written a personal letter to Nagao Kagetora. It was a year ago. Because the journey back and forth from Echigo was very inconvenient, as time went by he got busy and forgot about other things. This time, he suddenly

Seeing the Jiu Yaobao pattern reminded him of this matter again. It seemed that it should be a reply from Nagao Kagetora.

When I opened the letter, I saw Nagao Kagetora's regular regular handwriting on the paper, "His Royal Highness Kira Saheizuo, I am very pleased to receive this letter from General Muwei as a gift to Kagetora. Today's world is changing and people are troubled. For example, the morning dew is fleeting and fleeting. Today I heard that

General Wuwei's words were like a revelation. The current chaos in Echigo was caused by the reversal of superiority and inferiority. The people of the country were at a loss. So Kagetora followed General Wuwei's strategy and ended the relationship with the Xuanqing Palace. As His Highness said, he crossed the country and extinguished the war.

Nowadays, the imperial court has failed and the shogunate is in decline. The people of the country are in full swing, causing our samurai family to lose its direction. However, the samurai should strictly abide by the law and work hard to serve the public. The word "do not violate" should always be kept in mind. Although what General Wuwei said is not wrong, it is

It is necessary to invade other countries and seize their territory. Kagetora does not agree with this. Please ask His Highness Kira Sahei to clear up his doubts?"

Kira Yoshitoki looked at it and probably knew what he meant. He was just living a pedantic life guarding his family's territory. I'm afraid he wouldn't even think about abolishing the guardianship. Kira Yoshitoki sighed softly, took out a pen and paper and swiped.

Write a reply and send it to Echigo.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Aju asked worriedly: "Your Highness! Aju didn't ruin your affairs, right?"

"It's nothing! Aju did a great job! Thank you Aju." Ji Liangyi smiled with relief, and then remembered that the naughty little loli was celebrating her birthday in the past few days, so he immediately said to her: "

Come with me to celebrate Shengji’s birthday in a few days! The sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Ah Ju is very delicious, let’s give it to Shengji to try on that day!”

"Well! Ah Ju is still improving the way of making new rice cakes! Ah Ju has tried several kinds of honey, and it seems that only osmanthus honey is the best. Next step is to put some oil in it and try it. In the evening, Ah Ju will bring the newly made rice cakes to

Your Highness, give it a try!" Aju ran away with a warm smile on his face, taking brisk steps, leaving the plate of rice cakes in a daze.

"Those two over there, come over! Yes! Just you, come here!" Ji Liangyi immediately hooked up his hands and called the two silly little guys over. He pointed at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the plate and said, "I don't have an appetite now. These cakes are a treat."

Here it is, eat it up now."

"Yes!" The two young men wolfed down the food excitedly, praising in a low voice as they ate, as if it was really delicious.

"Is it really delicious? Why do I think sweet and greasy things don't taste good at all?"

The next few days were uneventful. There was no new progress in Izumi's drama. Hosokawa Fujitaka, Matsui Yu and others were busy planning the Rakushi order. They took the Rokkaku family's Kannonji New Market and studied it over and over for more than half a year.

, and sent people to Sakamoto Castle Town to investigate and visit, but they didn’t know when this law would be issued.

The routine art of war training was changed to basic chopping with a heavier wooden sword. With his physical strength, he could only maintain the breathing rhythm for thirty times. He couldn't even sustain the twenty times by slashing randomly. He just practiced and stopped.

It lasted all morning, and then I saw Tokiyuki Yamamoto walking over from nowhere.

"Kashima Sword Master Tsukahara Buden is about to go to Luo again. I had the honor to follow Tsukahara Buden to travel to the Western Kingdom. For several years in Kyushu, I was able to pass on the new secrets of swordsmanship. Unfortunately, my body is too dilapidated to be used... But I can do it for His Highness Tokihide.

Recommendation, I wonder what His Highness Shixiu’s opinion is?”

"Thank you, Yamamoto-sama! I, Tokihide, can't help but ask for it! My swordsmanship has recently reached a bottleneck and I can't break through it. If I can get the guidance of Kashima Sword Master, I will definitely be able to make a breakthrough!" Nakajo Tokihide almost jumped up in excitement,

Tsukahara Fuden was the world's greatest military strategist, known as the Kashima Sword Master, and among the many sword-wielding samurai in Japan, he was the master of swordsmanship. He could give him some advice, but he couldn't even ask for the opportunity. How could he give up?


"Oh? What do you have to give me, the master of the hall?"

"What about me? What about me?" Kira looked at him with wide eyes.

"Huh? What?" Yamamoto Tokiyuki glanced at him doubtfully, frowned and said, "Master, do you want to increase your strength? Swordsmanship must be gradual and don't be too impatient. Master's swordsmanship has stopped for more than half a year, and now

You can only take your time!"

"Okay! I understand!" Kira Yoshi fainted. The old man sincerely refused to let him get involved, so he would definitely be out of luck. "I'm not going to be a swordsman. I really care about the Kashima swordsman."


This chapter has been completed!
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