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Chapter 147: Yongle's Money Troubled

The new money-making order was tried out for a whole month in Kyoto and Sakamoto, but some problems were still found. As the influence of the money-making order continued to ferment, a large amount of money from all over the country poured into the money house, and for a time, money piled up like a mountain.

There was a short-term shortage of Yongle money. Fortunately, Ji Liangyi was prepared for this and exchanged the 23,000 guan of money accumulated in the inner treasury into Yongle money in advance, which solved the temporary money shortage problem, but the money in his hand

A large amount of money has become a burden that must be dealt with.

There are currently more than ten kinds of coins circulating in the market. Most of them are coins privately minted by daimyo from various places since the outbreak of the Onin Rebellion. Among them, there are always some coins with extremely poor quality that are marked with ten coins by money houses.

Of course, there is a huge profit in exchanging one penny or even fifteen pence for one penny. People who exchange money can refuse to exchange if they feel it is a loss, but they will soon regret their stupidity.

Due to the influx of a large amount of money, the base price of the money against the Yongle money suddenly dropped to the base price of the Yongle money. Many businessmen who used the goods sold back and forth between Kinai and Kanto to earn the price difference almost pawned their pants.

The price of the exchangeable gold coins, which were of acceptable quality, was also set at a price that fluctuated around four cents to one cent.

Exchanging gold money is very profitable, and the profit difference is enough to make him rich overnight. However, how to extract the maximum profit from gold money has become an urgent problem to be solved. His solution is to hire senior staff from Kyoto and Sakai Town with huge sums of money.

People study how to melt gold coins to extract pure copper. Shonin means craftsman, and craftsman is also a type of craftsman. There are the most craftsmen in Sakai Town and Kyoto. In comparison, Sakamoto, an emerging city, still has a long way to go.

There's a way to go.

During interviews with many craftsmen, a senior craftsman from Sakai Town, Soga Taibei, proposed using the ash blowing method to smelt gold coins and extract the pure copper from the coins. According to him, Japan currently has

If the smelting process is not up to standard, the smelted copper ingots will more or less contain a small amount of pure silver. This pure silver can be extracted directly from the coins using the ash blowing method.

Kira Yoshitsune was very excited about this proposal. He had also heard of the name of Ash Blow Technique, but as an unfamiliar layman, he had no idea that Ash Blow Technique had such miraculous effects. Pure copper is a hard currency that is known all over the world.

As you know, Japan has been required by the Ming Dynasty to provide enough pure copper for years of exploration and trade, so that the Ming Dynasty would give Japan the equivalent of Yongle money.

Can the value of pure copper be the same as that of Yongle coins? Even a fool can see the difference. It goes without saying that Yongle coins are exquisitely made, but no matter which dynasty copper coins are made, there is no such thing as pure copper. Copper coins must be mixed with

Mixed with other metals, there is no profit, and the Ming Dynasty will not allow Japan to go around with broken fans and bad knives to cheat money.

As we all know, both the Ming Dynasty and Japan were short of copper coins. Japan was short of money because it had copper mines but did not have the technology to mine, smelt, and mint currency. The Ming Dynasty was short of copper coins because of its vast territory and large population.

The lack of money in the Ming Dynasty directly affected the smooth development of capitalism in the nascent stage of Jiangnan. The handicraft industry was unable to start operations because it lacked enough currency to purchase the means of production. There was also a lack of enough currency in the market to promote logistics growth. The entire Jiangnan handicraft industry has been facing a lack of money to start operations.

The dilemma of having no money to purchase.

There were also gentry landlords in the Ming Dynasty who liked to smelt gold, silver, copper and other precious metals into metal balls and store them in their cellars, or simply put copper coins in large vats and bury them. This bad habit further contributed to the money shortage, and the market

The more money is lacking, the more people will do this, which in turn will lead to less copper coins on the market. In the end, the vicious circle will kill itself.

In the final analysis, Japan is more short of money, and the Ming Dynasty is more short of copper. If the Ming Dynasty has enough copper mines or pure copper supply, these unhealthy trends can be reversed, and the exploration and trade between Japan and the Ming Dynasty

This is not the so-called tricking the Ming Dynasty. Both sides have their own interests and demands.

The shogunate sent exploration and trade envoys to the Ming Dynasty to ask for Yongle money. The Ming Dynasty asked them to contribute pure copper. Of course, the shogunate would not be willing to give them some sweetness, so they had broken fans and went to the Ningbo Shipping Department to exchange for them.

The reason why raw silk is trafficked back to Japan to make huge profits.

From the mouth of this white-haired Soga Taibei, who is nearly sixty years old, we learned that when he was a teenager, he followed his fellow villagers to Kitakyushu to learn prospecting, mining and smelting technology, and took root in Kitakyushu and Saikoku.

For more than thirty years, it was not until the end of last year that the Ouchi family was in trouble, and the family returned to their hometown.

His eldest son, Soga and Hebei, is a better mining and metallurgist than his father. He has a very powerful blacksmithing skill at the age of thirty-two. It is said that the craft of gray blowing was also accidentally discovered by Soga and Hebei when they were apprentices.

I learned a craft called ash blowing from a Ming Dynasty craftsman who was living in Yamaguchikan. I learned that this craft could increase the proportion of pure gold, silver and copper extracted from ore, and then relied on this craft to become an Ouchi master.

A smelting craftsman, his father also became the royal craftsman of the Ouchi family.

But soon after he learned the art of forging weapons, Soga and Heiwei, who were unwilling to be left alone, gave up their generous treatment and went to Nagabune in Bizen Province to learn Nagabune's famous weapon forging technology.

For thirteen years, if his father hadn't seen him obsessed with knife skills and dragged him back to Sakai Town without even having a wife, he might have stayed there for the rest of his life.

Soga Taihei also has a younger son named Soga Heihei. He has just turned twenty this year and has inherited the talents of his father and brother. He also has a talent that surpasses his elder brother Soga Heihei in smelting technology.

Not only did he learn the ash-blow technique passed down from his family, but he also imitated his elder brother who ran away from home when he was a teenager and went to Hirado, Kyushu, to hang out with the Nanban people. According to him, during the five years he stayed in Hirado, the Nanban dialect and the Ming Dynasty became the same.

Can understand all Chinese.

This is a very interesting family. Kira Yoshitoki decided to hire the three of them, father and son. To this end, they set up a copper house in the north of Sakamoto Castle near Sandōcho, and asked the father and son to be responsible for smelting copper coins and extracting copper materials. When they were smelting

Kira Yoshitsune was able to visit the site and find out what this dust blowing method was all about.

The ash blowing method seems very mysterious. In fact, it uses the different melting points of gold, silver, copper and lead to gradually separate the liquid layer through air oxidation and deposition through the process of high-temperature heating. Then a gap is opened and a large iron rod is used to blow the upper liquid lead into the

After the impurities are discharged, a pure copper solution can be obtained.

It is also worth mentioning that the method of refining gold, silver and copper is to add pure lead to the mixed metal of gold, silver and copper. By heating the lead, integrating it and redepositing and separating, the gold, silver and copper can be separated out little by little. This already belongs to this

With the most advanced technology of the times, it is no wonder that their family left their hometown of Gojo Village in Hanoi Province and went all the way to Kyushu and Western countries to study.

Having enough copper can only guarantee that he will not lose money, but where will the Yongle money come from? You can't sell pure copper for Yongle money, right? So he began to worry about enough Yongle money again, and Kira Yoshito looked for it in Sakai Town.

The businessmen of the Ming Dynasty looked to see if there were any craftsmen who could recast Yongle coins. However, most of these businessmen of the Ming Dynasty were timid and fearful. Whenever they heard him talk a little bit, they would shake their heads and say that this would not work and that would not work, which made him feel helpless and there was no copper.

Minting money is a waste, but where can you find people who can mint money?

One day at the end of February, Kira Yoshitoki was sitting in a daze outside the copper house. The town where the copper house is located has become a storage place for Yongle money. Naturally, such an important place has to be specially guarded by Saijo. These days, Kira Yoshitoki has been working for Yongle money. And worry, the cost of trafficking Yongle money back and forth from the Western Kingdom is too high, and the mountains and rivers are high along the way. Encountering unsighted wild ambushes, pirates and robbers are a trap. Not to mention that it is unlucky to be robbed, and the famous names on the road Even taxing him can kill him.

Soga Heibei sneaked over and asked Kira Yoshi: "Is His Highness Sakamoto worried about Yongle's money?"

"Well, did you see it?" Kiragi smiled bitterly. He had been frowning all day long and ran to the copper house every now and then. It would be strange not to be seen.

"I have a solution that is not a solution. I don't know what His Highness Sakamoto means..."

"Don't show off." Kira Yoshishi rubbed his forehead. Seeing Heibei Soga's expression of wanting to say something but not daring to say it, he smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Suga Heibei smiled apologetically and said, "Yes! I once heard a Ming Dynasty craftsman accidentally mention the mother's money sanding method, but when I asked about it, the man refused to speak, and even said that he was drunk. It's nonsense, but he clearly didn't drink that day. I kept these words in my heart, and I wonder if they will be helpful to His Highness Sakamoto."

Kira Yoshitoki quickly asked: "Is that person a craftsman from Kyushu or a craftsman from Sakai Town?"

"The craftsmen of Hirado Port, Kyushu."

"Are you kidding me?" Kira Yoshitoki finally couldn't resist the urge to curse, and after talking for a long time, he said in vain, Hirado, Kyushu is so far away, I can fly there.

"Eh? What are you talking about, His Highness Sakamoto?" Heibei Soga didn't hear clearly. He felt that what Kira Yoshishi just said should be in Tanemei dialect, but he spoke too fast and couldn't understand what he meant.

"Nothing, just go back if you don't have anything else to do!"

Soga Heibei hurriedly bowed to leave, hesitated for a moment when he was halfway there, and then turned around and said: "I met the fellow craftsman in Sakai Town. He seems to be a big Ming Dynasty businessman from Kyushu. I saw him I have seen him many times in Kyushu. This businessman often comes to the craftsman to make bronze wares. I still remember that the businessman’s name is Wang Dan.”


PS: A new week, a new beginning, the protagonist will also usher in a more interesting beginning, don’t hide it if you have tickets! Collect and click on it if necessary. In addition, thank you to the enthusiastic book friend Yang Shi who gave the reward last week North 1712, comic0121, Inquisitor, thank you! Wu Mei will work harder!

This chapter has been completed!
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