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Chapter 179

In the town in front of Miaoshinji Temple, a tall, muscular monk with a beard suddenly appeared. This majestic man was also very brave, with the appearance of a fierce general with tiger eyes and mustache, and a bald head with nine heads.

If you click on the ring scar, you will be like the flower monk Lu Zhishen who has shrunk to one size. This person is called Chaoshan Richeng.

"Tan Yue, wait a moment! The poor monk sees that Tan Yue has a sky-facing bone on his forehead and there is luminous light in his eyes, which can be said to be a sign of great fortune and great wealth! Let the poor monk tell Tan Yue's fortune!" The strong man went to the mountain to stop a man who was about to go to Miaoxin Temple.

Pilgrims worshiping Buddha.

This pilgrim was a resident of a nearby town. Suddenly he encountered a fierce-looking monk blocking his way. He was frightened and said, "Master...are you talking to me?"

"Exactly!" Asayama Richeng nodded seriously.

"Do I really have a noble appearance?" The pilgrim looked at Chaoshan Richeng in disbelief. The latter nodded cooperatively and added: "Not only do I have great fortune and great fortune, but I also have many children...

...No! I want to take a closer look! Come and sit here for me, this poor monk is proficient in fortune telling and palmistry. His Highness Nizi Harujiu of the Western Kingdom showed his fortune to me when he was young. I believe I will never be wrong!"

"Okay! Master, please take a closer look for me!" The pilgrim suddenly showed a troubled look: "It's just that I don't have much money with me. In addition to the two ounces of sesame oil for worshiping the Buddha, I only have 500 coins. What should I do?"

Chao Shan Richeng's eyelids twitched, and then he showed an impeccable smile and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as Tan Yue is sincere, it doesn't matter if he offers five hundred coins or five guan of money."

"This is so embarrassing! I can only make up for the money when I see the master again next time!"

There are many monks like Asayama Hichijo who are swindling and deceiving. With the convenient passage between Shiga and Takashima prefectures, the influence of Myounji Temple spread to the entire Omi Kingdom in a few days. As the main force in the prefecture, Gao Yunji

Dao Qitou converted to the Miaoshin Temple sect immediately, and several of them brought their relatives to Miaoyun Temple to worship the Buddha.

The role of role models is huge. Not long after Kiragi and the lords of Takashima County visited Myounji Temple, the residents of Shiga and Takashima County showed signs of large-scale conversion to the Rinzai sect, and the people adjacent to Myoshinji Temple

Within the Kenda community, they quickly divided into several factions because of issues of faith. They opposed each other and had violent conflicts. It didn't take long for these groups to cause riots among the Kenda Ichikai clan.

The so-called riots of the Ixiang sect in Katian happened when a group of disciples of the Ixiang sect gathered and had a serious conflict with the Miaoyun Temple believers in Katian. The disciples of the Ixiang sect used very violent means to attack the Miaoyun Temple believers and brutally killed several believers.

A man tried to resist the Miaoun Temple believers. This incident caused an uproar and was regarded as a serious challenge to the authority of the Kira family.

Kira Yoshitoki received the news as soon as possible and strictly ordered Omi to go out to arrest the suspect. It only took three days to complete the process of arrest, investigation, interrogation, judgment, execution and public announcement of the Kenda area, along with the announcement of the verdict.

, and also issued an order to ban Yixiang Zong. He is showing the world his strong intention to completely eliminate the influence of Yixiang Zong.

This was beyond the expectations of many people. The Jiantian people were also confused and didn't know what to do. Because there were so many witnesses at the scene when the incident broke out, the Jiantian people couldn't deny it. They wanted to stage a rebellion but couldn't give a reason. Moreover,

The Tendai Sect believers within the Kenda Sect are also watching them with eager eyes. If there is any trouble, they will definitely not mind at this juncture. They join forces with the Kira family and Miaoyun Temple believers to uproot the Ichiko Sect's influence. Fortunately, some people thought of Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

, this existence that usually doesn’t care about or even shows hostility at all.

But they were soon disappointed. Ishiyama Honganji's reaction to this incident was very ambiguous, which made many Ichichishu disciples in Omi dissatisfied. They had no choice but to leave Katanda after the promulgation of the Ichichishu ban and ran to the east bank of Lake Biwa.

Evacuated in Asai County.

A small number of Yixiang sect believers who were unable to leave their homeland were also forced to ostensibly give up their Yixiang sect belief and convert to the Tiantai sect or the Rinzai sect Myoshinji sect. Soon afterwards, the Kentian congregation made a decision, first of all, to find Kuaichuan, the abbot of the Miaoyunji sect.

Shao Xi sincerely apologized to him and took on the responsibility for compensation for the families of the victims.

Later, he asked the intermediary Kaikawa Shauki to surrender the leaders of the Kira family and the Katada clan, including Inokai Sado Mori Nobuho, Baba Zenemon, Takeuchi Kuroemon, Iihaichiroemon, and Gose.

Saburoemon, Uchidenemon, Hachihachiroemon, Kimura Yasubei, Tsuji Hachibei and others presented oaths to Kira Yoshitoki and voluntarily joined the Kira Navy.

As a result, a major hidden danger in Kita Omi was completely eliminated. At the same time, after controlling the Yodogawa River, the Kira Navy completely controlled the west bank of Lake Biwa, becoming one of the best river naval forces in Kinki.

Due to the impact of this incident, Myounji Temple suddenly became the largest power in Kenda. More and more merchants came and went, and there was even a tendency to compete with Kyoto and Sakai Town, because Kenda was located in another smaller port in the north of Sakamoto.

, and it is the only road leading to Sakamoto and Tsuruga by land. Many business travelers passing through it will stop at the Monzen Town of Kenda Myounji Temple to rest and worship Buddha.

Although Katsuda's status is getting higher and higher, the northward expansion strategy of Sakamoto Town is also regarded as the most important development link of the Kira family during the year. When inspecting the construction site of Sakamoto Castle Town, Hosokawa Fujitaka came over in a hurry with a stack of letters.

, said: "It is estimated that the full implementation of the northward strategy will require 3,000 kan Yongle mon, which will be mainly used for the expansion of Katada Town and port facilities. At the same time, a total of 7,000 kan Yongle mon will be needed to coordinate the northward expansion of Sakamoto Town. The construction period will last until the end of the year.

! In addition, the construction of Otsu Castle is also under preparation. Construction is expected to start after the autumn harvest. In addition to the expansion of Otsu Town and the port, it is estimated that it will cost 5,000 kanmon."

"One is seven thousand guan, the other is 5,000 guan, and the 12,000 guan Yongle money is gone in the blink of an eye? This is really money flowing like water!" Kira Yoshi said.

He has no objection to such high expenses. Infrastructure construction is an indispensable link. The advantage of unified planning is that the development of each town is in step with the various institutions in the town. With Shiga County from north to south Kenta, Sakamoto,

With the cooperation of the three major towns of Otsu, he was very confident that most of Omi's funds would be attracted here.

Moreover, the purpose of building so many new towns is to pave the way for attracting people. The new towns currently being built in Sakamoto are already booked by a long line of people. Some of them are proletarian refugees, some are craftsmen from distant countries, and there are also some surplus people attracted by the Kinai.

There are three new towns that are being built one after another, and it will take less than half a year to attract tens of thousands of people waiting for resettlement.

Population can bring taxes and taxes. The original population of Shiga Takashima County can no longer support larger-scale military service. Especially in the Otsu area, two thousand strong men were taken away due to the impact of the Ichiku Incident, leaving the area facing

The dilemma of serious labor shortage will have a huge impact on local agriculture if this dilemma is not solved in time.

The Kira family knew nothing about the upcoming crisis. Sakamoto Town's plan to move northward was still proceeding in an orderly manner. Construction of Katada in the north and Otsu in the south also started at the same time. In early August, the entire Shiga County became a busy metropolitan area. At the construction site, more than 12,000 people were drafted into the labor force, accounting for almost one-eighth of the total population of Shiga County.

Such large-scale infrastructure construction not only shocked the Rokkaku and Asai clans in Omi, but also shocked Ashikaga Yoshitō of the shogunate. The topic in Kinai suddenly shifted from the battle between Miyoshi and Hatakeyama to the castle town of Kita Omi. Construction, many people are looking forward to what the reborn Shiga will look like.

But he didn’t know that doing so would hit a sore spot in Enliji Temple. Enliji Temple is located on Mount Hiei northwest of Sakamoto. Because Enliji Temple covers a huge area, there are three pagodas, sixteen valleys and two annexes in the temple system. called the East Tower

It governs the North Valley, the East Valley, the South Valley, the West Valley, and the Wudong Temple Valley. The West Tower governs the East Valley, the South Valley, the South Valley, the North Valley, and the North Valley. Hengchuan governs the Fragrant Valley, the Liberation Valley, the Warning Valley, the Dushu Valley, and the Prajna Valley. Dining Room Valley, a different place

It is called Black Valley and Anzhu Valley.

Among them, the East Pagoda is the most important. The main hall of the East Pagoda is the fundamental nave. It is the successor to the Ichijo Shimon Temple built by Zen Master Saicho, the founder of Enryaku-ji Temple. This can be regarded as the birthplace of Enryaku-ji Temple. Of course, unfortunately, it is the east pagoda. Ta Wugu Cha

Fortunately, we are in Sakamoto. The straight-line distance from Sakamoto Castle is less than two miles. The direct area of ​​Enryaku Temple happens to be between Sakamoto and Kaneda. Since ancient times, this area has been regarded by Enryaku Temple as its sphere of influence.

From Enryakuji's point of view, when the Ashikaga Shogun's family came here to take refuge, it was Enryakuji who took their family in. Of course, the Rokkaku family also saw it this way, so the Ashikaga Shogun's family owed it to them, so they were ambitious during Kiragi's time. Expansion

The plan was quickly opposed by the monks in Enryaku Temple. They went to Prince Yao Zunbo, the head of the Tendai Tower, and asked him to issue a decree, ordering Kirara Yoshiki to immediately stop the expansion of the castle town, because doing so would infringe on the rights of Enryaku Temple. Authoritative.

In the northeastern part of Kenda, there is "Kenta Rogan", one of the Eight Omi Scenic Spots. Speaking of these Omi Eight Scenic Spots, it has a deep connection with the Konoe family. On August 13, the 9th year of the Meiji Period, the guardian of Rokkaku Takayori was placed in Omi. After being warmly received, Konoe Masato, the minister of Kan Hakuzuo who was boating on Lake Biwa, composed eight Japanese poems based on the scenery of eight places in Omi.

And this Katada Rakugan is talking about the scenery where Mangetsuji Temple Fumidang is located. This was originally the location of Kaimonsan Mangetsuji Temple of Rinzai Sect Daitokuji Temple. According to legend, this temple was a senior monk of Tendai Sect of the Heian Period, known as the "Sixth Patriarch" The ancient temple built by Zen Master Genshin was seized by the Daitokuji Temple in the Muromachi period. Later, it experienced the Onin Rebellion, and Honganji Rennyo entered and left the field and gradually declined.

At this time, there were only some dilapidated scenes left in the Full Moon Temple Fumidang. A few sneaky people gathered in front of the Fumidang and whispered: "We must fight back!"

"It can't be tolerated! We must sue the host!"

"You must file a strong complaint! Go to the imperial court and the shogunate to seek justice!"

Several people were filled with righteous indignation and came up with an idea. One of them, an old man who looked like the leader, coughed twice and said slowly: "There is no hurry! It is better to appeal to the leader first to ask for the punishment of this thief!"

This chapter has been completed!
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