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Chapter 185 Four thousand chapters of the declaration of killing Matt

"Sorry! Master! The matter has not been completed. The Kokabe is only willing to issue fifty people to accept the employment of my Kira family." The first thing Hattori Baochang did when he returned from a long journey was to report back for his work. As a native of Iga, he

He is the leader of the Iga ninja family, and Hattori Bauchou often interacts with the Koga ninjas. The two places are connected to each other and have a relationship of mutual respect and mutual dependence.

Kira Yoshishi leaned forward and asked in a deep voice: "Why refuse? Are you not satisfied with the conditions offered by our family? Or are you?"

"I would like to contact Mochizuki Izumo Shrine, the head of the fifty-three families of Koga country. He told me that the fifty-three families of Koka are currently being employed by the Rokkaku family, and that he himself is serving the Rokkaku family and is active as a retainer of Rokkaku Yoshiken.

, so there is nothing we can do about His Highness’s employment requirements.”

The Mochizuki family is the famous Shino clan of Shinano. Together with the Umino clan and the Nezu clan, they are known as the three Shino families. They were once the most powerful force in central Shinano.

The Kamochizuki clan is a branch of the Shinano Mochizuki clan. After the Heian period, the Nozuki Saburo family was granted the title of sixteen villages in Omi-Koga County due to their contribution to the subjugation of the Taira Shomon clan. From this, the Koga Mochizuki clan came into being.

"Is that so? I thought he would be tempted!" Kira Yoshitsune was very disappointed. The most famous thing about Koga ninjas is their unity. The individual strength of Koga ninjas may not be as outstanding as that of Iga ninjas, but their teamwork ability is.

Far superior to the opponent, and his moral integrity is much better than that of the Iga ninjas who can be hired if they have money.

But I didn't expect them to be so stubborn. They were unwilling to accept even a large sum of money. He shook his head to dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind, and ordered Hattori Chief: "Write a letter to Mochizuki Izumo Shrine. Tell him that our family will be here at any time."

Sweep the couch and wait. The door of my Kira family will always be open to the Koga ninja."

"Yes!" Hattori Chief nodded, and then said: "Master! When I was returning, I happened to encounter a messenger outside Sakamoto Castle arguing with the samurai guarding the gate. It seemed to be a letter written to the master.

, it was confiscated by the guards for some reason, and after a brief understanding, I took it upon myself to bring this letter in."

"Letter? It's for me? Why was it rejected?" Kira Yoshi was a little confused. Hattori kept it for a long time and couldn't describe the dress of the messenger. He seemed troubled and shook his head and said: "Forget it.

Well, let’s see what kind of letter this is!”

"The letter paper is ordinary... Huh? What kind of clay seal is this?" Kira Yoshichi saw what the hieroglyphic clay seal meant. Except for the mud seal, he saw the first line of the seal: "Written by Oda Saburo to

Kira Saburo’s letter!”

"Nani? Are you going to make hair?" Kira Yoshi was embarrassed for a moment, and then he realized that only the second-year junior high school boy could write such a weird letter, and continued reading: "Kira Saburo! I heard that you have done something amazing.

, killed a general of the Miyoshi family, he is indeed my good friend Oda Saburo! I have seen early on that you have this kind of talent!"

"I'll wipe it! It's the devil again!" Kira Yoshitsune had black streaks all over his head. He seemed to understand why the guard rejected the messenger's letter. It was probably a pair of tea spoons with his face smeared with powder. There was messy animal blood on his face.

Wearing tattered clothes hung with all kinds of jingling gadgets. Then he tried to break in, but was blocked by the Kira family samurai who thought he was mentally ill.

"My father is dying! I am the governor of the house! My mother doesn't like me! She likes my second son Nobuyuki! The retainers hate me! They don't understand my ambitions of Saburo Oda at all!" When he saw this Kira Yoshi

I almost burst out laughing. I can imagine this second-largest demon king raising his head forty-five degrees under the moon to express his dissatisfaction with reality, and then sighing to the moon: "You all don't understand me!"

This couldn't help but remind him of the allusion of Basara's name. The Japanese pronunciation of Basara is basara, which means Vajra in Sanskrit. It also implies that although it is gorgeous and noble on the surface, it also has another unknown meaning and origin.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties of Japan, all the strange warriors considered themselves the creators of a new era, and began to resist the influence of traditional forces and create many strange cultures.

Japan's Southern and Northern Dynasties was also an era of great chaos, which was about the same as Japan's Warring States Period. Therefore, in order to highlight their struggle against tradition, the middle emperors of that era began to significantly change their lifestyles, making them appear completely different from normal samurai.

These people are dressed in gorgeous costumes and behave in strange ways. In the eyes of ordinary warriors, they are simply a group of evil monsters. Of course, they have always claimed to be the leaders of the new era. These people are called the Bosara Daimyo in "The Book of Taiping".

, a non-mainstream culture that ignored dignity during the Muromachi period.

During the era of Ashikaga Takauji, the first shogunate of the Muromachi shogunate, the spread of sabha culture was prohibited. However, the representative figures of the trend were important ministers of the Ashikaga clan, such as Takashi Nao, the chief deacon of Ashikaga Takauji, Sasaki Michichi, a versatile samurai who was good at rikiri.

There are people like Toki Yorito who are in the late stage of chuunibyou. The main symptoms are that they don't shy away from their status and wear luxurious clothes, and they are pretentious and elegant in words and deeds that go beyond their duties. They even deviate from the norm and do unimaginable things that exceed the rules.

For example, Sasaki Michio, the guardian of Omi, was sentenced to exile for crimes such as setting fire to a temple and being in contempt of public officials. Toki Yorito, who had given up treatment, was even more courageous. After getting drunk, he dared to throw a gun at Emperor Kogen's cart after getting drunk.

Arrow, of course, had a more tragic ending. He was directly captured and beheaded by Ashikaga Naoyoshi. From this point of view, Oda Nobunaga really looks like the Basara Daimyo.

Of course, how could it be possible for the Second Great Demon King to lag behind the samurai of two hundred years ago? He is a more advanced existence than any Basara daimyo. He has transcended the cute rural non-mainstream level that only highlights his own personality by being unconventional. He has reached the level of

It tells the story of the noble and cool noble dynasty that can only be achieved by killing Matt.

"I have decided! I must defeat all those disobedient retainers! If a group of retainers can't be cured, how can I talk about building a world of my own! So! Let's encourage Saburo Kira together!" A short letter

Having finished reading this, Kira Yoshi is a little speechless and a little emotional.

"He seems to be trying to say that he can't sweep the world if he doesn't sweep one room! This guy doesn't understand the classics but can make amazing remarks repeatedly. Is this the qualification of Qilin'er in the Warring States Period? It's really extraordinary!" In addition to the fact that he has a flaw in his character,

Training eight hundred elites from a young age is definitely not something that the Second Emperor in the Middle School can do. At the same time, he has keen judgment that ordinary people don't have. This is definitely not something that ordinary daimyo can compare with.

"In comparison, Imagawa Yoshimoto's stupid son is said to be a master of Cuju. He is especially fond of elegance and even his father has no ability. Even if Imagawa Yoshimoto has no problems, his stupid son will be fooled.

Bad." He put the letter away and looked up to see that Hattori Chief had quietly retreated at some point.

The punished Ishiyama Honganji religious group did not want to leave the cultural holy land of Kinki even to death. At the same time, they were also very attached to the geomantic treasure land of Ishiyama Honganji. If they really left Kinki, they would find someone like Matsuda Goro, a wealthy businessman in Sakai Town. What if the soldiers and guards spend a large amount of money to buy land and donate it to them to build a temple?

But he had to listen to Enryakuji's orders. Not to mention anything else, Japan's Ichiko sect and Pure Land sect both came from the Hieizan Tendai sect. This is unquestionable, regardless of whether it was Honan Shonin in the Genpei era or the Kamakura era. Shinran Shonin of the time did not shy away from this. Rennyu of Honganji Temple did not dare to fight back when he was accused of being an "enemy of Buddha" because of this.

It is worth mentioning that the power of Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei spreads all over Omi, Yamashiro and other countries. It has a large number of monasteries and branch temples in Kyoto. In Otsu, Omi, Shiga County, there is the Shinsei Sect's headquarter, Kaiguang Sanseijio Temple. In the photo There is also a Nemotoyama Kamihozan Temple near Sakai Town. These large temples have a large number of believers. They will also swarm with the Tendai Master's decree. If they really refuse the Tendai Sect's request without knowing it, they will only be burned by force and lose both their lives and property. ending.

After repeatedly weighing the pros and cons, Honganji Temple decided to obey the Tendai sect's decree. He could only set a fire to burn the Ishiyama Gobo, and then led a group of relatives to Kii's Saginori Gobo villa in despair. I didn’t go far this time because I didn’t give up on Kinai. I felt that if Kii was closer to Kinai, I could still maintain some influence. Once I really stayed away from the geomantic treasure land of Kinai and lived in a distant country, it would take less than two generations for the Yixiang clan to be completely reduced. For the sake of Nodera, who is no one in the countryside, what else can they talk about to maintain their influence?

Less than a hundred disciples of the Ichijo sect escaped from the Enryakuji Temple burning incident. After many days on the run, this group of people were mentally exhausted and physically weak. They thought they could recover well by returning to Kaga, but when they returned to Kaga, However, Heshi was arrested by the angry monks of the Kaga Ichiku sect, and was then directly handed over to the Enryakuji monks who were pursuing him along the way. From then on, there was absolutely no news about these people, and no one knew what their final fate would be.

Immediately after the fact that Jiangbei Shiji Temple participated in the burning of Enryaku Temple was revealed, the enraged monks of Enryaku Temple found a new channel to vent their anger. The unlucky Jiangbei Shiji Temple immediately faced the fierce attack of the three thousand monk soldiers of Enryaku Temple. Attacked by some blind tycoons and local servants, they tried to resist, but they were regarded as remnants and were completely wiped out. Hidemasa Kawakuni only had time to escape with his cronies, and ran to Nagashima in Ise to hide. Later, he felt that He safely continued to flee to Mikawa Shengren Temple to escape the endless pursuit.

The result of this incident was that the power of the Omi Ichikai clan was uprooted, and the Kaga Ichika clan was destroyed. Even the Echizen and Echichu clans were also destroyed. At the same time, the reputation of the Ichika clan in Kinki and even the whole world was ruined. To commit such an unimaginable crime by burning down Enryaku Temple is simply putting yourself on the opposite side of Buddhism.

The relationship between the temples in Kinai and the Ichijo sect has turned bad. As a temple separate from the Tendai sect, it is an unpardonable crime to burn down the main sect. Of course, no one thinks that someone will burn down Enryaku Temple twenty years later. A clean one.

Kira Yoshito also didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Originally, he just attacked Enryaku Temple and used Ichigo Mun to burn down a few buildings to force Enryaku Temple to curb its arrogance and domineering arrogance. In the end, it turned out to be a self-defeating thing and allowed these two-personnel to control Enryaku Temple. Less than half of the temple was burned down, and Enryaku Temple was finally angered and all ten temples in Jiangbei were pulled out. The Asai family was so frightened that they didn't even dare to fart.

"Enryakuji Temple must be in pain now, right? Our castle town can also be built!" Before Kiragishi was happy for two days, another monk from Enryakuji Temple came to warn Kiragishi that he was not allowed to accept Ichiko sect disciples. At the same time,

It was reiterated that the expansion of the castle town is not allowed, and the previously promised demolition must be adhered to.

In the assessment room of Sakamoto Castle, Kira Yoshitoki looked very ugly. The arrogant Enryaku-ji Temple had just been burned down, and the Kira family even sent money to express their condolences. In the end, they treated the Kira family like this. This was not because Kira Yoshitoki looked ugly alone.

Even Hosokawa Fujitaka and others remained calm and silent.

Kira Yoshishi said in a deep voice: "Everyone, tell me what to do?"

"The Tiantai Sect has gone too far!"

"We cannot let their behavior go unnoticed no matter what!"

"Work has been suspended for almost two months! We can't wait any longer!" This time, the attitude of the retainers was surprisingly unified. Kira Yoshitsune looked at Yamamoto Tokiyuki and nodded along with him.

At this moment, Honda Tokimasa suddenly walked out from the back row, leaned on the ground and said: "We must never give in! Wasn't Enryakuji Temple burned down because of the persecution of Honfukuji Temple? If their atrocities were made public, they would definitely be able to

Did you force him to give in? Please leave this matter to me, and I will definitely work hard to do a good job!"

Kira Yoshitoshi slowly opened the folding fan in his hand, glanced at him casually, and said: "Oh? Yahachiro? Are you sure you can do it well? Do you know what I think?"

"I don't know! But I feel that the atrocities committed by Enryaku-ji Temple must be announced. There is no problem with our construction plan. Unreasonable obstruction will never be tolerated. We can only use Kinai's public opinion influence to force Enryaku-ji Temple to make concessions!" Honda was burying his head.

Going deeper, it was obvious that it was the first time that I had expressed my opinion in front of the ministers. As a young warrior in the Yuan Dynasty, I was under a lot of pressure.

"Tokimasa's idea is not bad, why don't we let His Highness Baochang cooperate from the side?" Tokiyuki Yamamoto still stood up to support his apprentice at the critical moment. Hattori Baochang's reaction when he stared at Kiragi, seeing him nod slightly

Then he expressed his position: "Master, please rest assured that I, the chief security officer, will definitely assist Shi Zhengdian in completing his mission."

"Then it's settled!" He folded the folding fan in his hand and Yoshihiro Kira ordered: "Futaka! The expansion of Sakamoto Town cannot be delayed. Construction must start as soon as possible. The disbanded generals must be reconvened and all must be completed before the first month of the year."


"Everyone, please work harder!" Kira Yoshihide stood up and left the evaluation room.

The next day, from Sakamoto Town to Sakai Town, from Kyoto to Imahama Town in Kita-Omi, a rumor about the Enryakuji Temple Burning Incident spread quickly. This rumor was different from crude rumors, and the whole story was explained clearly.

Chu has also been made into stories and widely circulated in Kinki, East China Sea and Western Kingdoms.

For a time, the direction of public opinion in Kinai began to shift, and they turned to denounce Enryakuji Temple's persecution of Honfukuji Temple. Some ministers and samurai who were originally sympathetic to Honganji Temple found reasons, and they condemned Enryakuji Temple's domineering style.

, especially when some people compiled the things that Master Shan had done over the past few hundred years into songs and sang them, and now the situation in Gyeonggi Province has become complicated and confusing again.

Then it was revealed that Enryakuji Temple was intimidating the upstart Kira Yoshiki of the shogunate. It expanded from obstructing the Sakamoto castle town to intimidating the Kira family not to act rashly. This series of details were disclosed in broad daylight, which made the imperial court and the shogunate also pay attention to Enryaku.

I am dissatisfied with Lisi's domineering style.

After all, Kira Yoshitoki was also a great contributor to the imperial court and the shogunate. Even the current emperor's first prince, Prince Katsuhito, praised Kira Yoshiki highly. Enryakuji Temple blatantly attacked and suppressed the imperial court and shogunate's meritorious officials.

If no one can frighten the courtiers, who will dare to be loyal to the court and the shogunate in the future? Should we rely on the Enryakuji Temple master who only knows how to plunder and plunder, and who often carries the Sanno Shrine to complain?

In the Nijo Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Ashikaga Yoshitō came to find Kira Yoshitoki and cursed bitterly: "Master Yama of Enryaku-ji Temple is really lawless! Sooner or later, these villains will be the chief culprits of the world! We must get rid of them.

!Otherwise, Kyoto will be uneasy! The imperial court and the shogunate will also not be able to feel at ease!"

"Yes!" Kira Yishi was as honest as a good baby.

Ashikaga Yoshito Yu waited for him with anger still lingering, and asked in a low voice: "Yoshitoki, why didn't you tell Yu about this? With the shogunate here, I can't let Master Yama bully you!"

"I just don't want to cause trouble to His Highness Kōkata. I thought Enryaku-ji Temple would give me some mercy, but in the end..." Yoshitoki Kira showed a face that he was in trouble and couldn't tell, which made Ashikaga Yoshifuji's nameless fire even more intense.

.(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

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