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Chapter 192 New preparations for training (six thousand chapters)

While making arrangements for spring plowing, Kira Yoshitoki also integrated the resources of Biwaya. The original intention of Biwaya was to integrate the local trade of the three major commercial centers in the Yodogawa Basin, Sakamoto, Kyoto, and Sakai. With his control of Lake Biwa, The huge advantage of Yodogawa water transportation is that he can obtain any kind of goods entering the Kinki area.

Business travelers who go to Hokuriku and Ou for business can directly sell the returned goods at Biwaya after returning to Sakamoto. Biwaya will evaluate the market price and place the order, and then use the developed water transportation and Kinki's diverse sales channels. Break down and sell these goods and make profits from them.

In addition, Biwaya represents many specialties of the Lake Biwa area, such as tea, iron cannons, paper, fish, and handles other products of Uyo and Hokuriku, whether it is linen, green ramie, pottery, wood, and other specialties, all are sold by Biwa All the horses in the house are taken in, and the horses in Yuyo and Hokuriku have been completely monopolized. Every time the best horses are shipped, they will be kept as horse breeds. All horses are hand-selected by various merchants and transported to Yodogawa. Delivery to various places in Kyoto and Sakai Town.

Biwaya's transportation capacity advantages and safety guarantees have caused businesses from all over the country to give up their own efforts to purchase horses in Yuao and Hokuriku. As long as they maintain a good relationship with Biwaya, they can save a lot of costs in horse trafficking, and at the same time, they don't have to worry about the horses dying from illness. , being taxed by unscrupulous celebrities, and being robbed by navy soldiers along the way, etc., a rough calculation is quite profitable.

Gradually, the strong influence of Biwaya penetrated deeply into the territory and affected the authority of the Naya clan in Sakai Town. So the wealthy businessmen of Sakai Town came to visit. This time, Imai Munehisa, Zeniya Muna, and Tsuda Sotatsu came respectively. Imai Munehisa of Tsuchikura started his business by making leather and Tsuchikura. Zeniya Souna’s real name was Matsue Souna. He also started with a loan from Tsuchikura. Tsuda Sotatsu met for the first time. When the three of them wanted to meet Kiragi, they were met by Tsuchikura. Fujitaka Hosokawa hosted the meeting on his behalf.

They hope to establish a comprehensive cooperation with Biwaya. In addition to maintaining the fixed trade routes of Nawuzhong, the goods purchased by Biwaya and Hokuriku will be eaten together, and they hope to give certain discounts. Their intention is nothing more than to cut off The little idea of ​​other small businessmen: eat all Sakamoto's goods in one go and let them continue to follow the rules of Sakai Town.

This is a good idea. The goods sold by Pipa House are similar to everyone, but it is impossible not to pay a price.

In Sakai Town, the house owners had the final say, but in Sakamoto Town, it was Biwaya who had the final say. This time, the house owners had requests from others, so they could only put down their posture and talk sincerely. Hosokawa Fujitaka, Matsui Yukan, and Ninagawa Okinagawa , Odate Harutada, Mitsui Toraka, Ina Tadaka and other followers patiently went around in circles with them.

The talks lasted for three full days. In the end, the Nawu people couldn't bear it any longer, so they finally allowed Biwaya to join the Nawu Ten people and become one of the powerful people in Sakai Town. At the same time, Biwaya must give priority to selling the goods it hoarded to the Nawu people. Internal members of the public. The final agreement is slightly different from the requirements of the Nawu public. The priority is not the total monopoly, which also gives Bipa House and other commercial houses in the Kinei more opportunities to choose. By virtue of this, the Biwa House has become a famous store in the Kinai. Commercial houses, a monopoly group was formed.

Biwaya's development momentum is fierce. By monopolizing all businesses in Lake Biwa and the Yodogawa Basin, Biwaya can easily maximize profits. With the identity of the Sakai Town Naya clan being confirmed, the Kyoto Congregation also approached Biwaya and asked to join. With the support of the chambers of commerce in both places, we have extended our reach to the entire Kinki region.

Kira Yoshitoki is indeed very rich now, and he is richer than he imagined. The income of the money house has not changed and is still stable at the level of 1,000 guan per month. There is no problem with the annual income exceeding 12,000 guan.

Tongwu's secret business of refining Yongle coins has grown to 300 net profits per day. With the addition of more than 1,800 people who have become more proficient in the foundry skills, the net profit can still increase to a certain extent. Can it specifically reach 500 per day?

It’s hard to say, and this trend cannot continue indefinitely. Once all the coins in the market are redeemed and all the original Yongle coins are melted down, the huge profits of the Copper House will disappear. However, this process will be very long, and it will probably take

It may take several years or even longer.

The business of building materials, wood and craftsmen operated by Sanhewu has just started on the right track, and its own income cannot be compared with other commercial houses. In addition to selling various building materials, undertaking work such as repairing bridges, paving roads, and building new towns, Sanhewu has also begun operations.

Wood products processing and furniture making business.

At present, the construction of new towns in Shiga and Takashima counties has basically been completed. After the huge profit period of earning 500 ken Eiraku money every month, the income has returned to normal. In a month, a net income of 150 ken Eiraku money can be obtained.

, even a little income is better than nothing.

With the profits of middlemen, daily profits are also growing rapidly. In addition to the product management in Yuao, Hokuriku, Omi and other places, including ironware, woodware, handicrafts, swords and armor, clothing and cloth, shoes and hats, mustard and other product management

, are all integrated into Pipa House, excluding various expenses for procurement, transportation and warehousing, Pipa House's monthly net income is still 600 Guan Yongle Qian, double what it was a few months ago.

The real role of Biwaya is not to make money, but to monopolize trade. Just imagine how merchants in Kinai have gradually become accustomed to the convenient Biwaya providing cheap goods. Once Biwaya cuts off the trade route, how much impact will the merchants in Sakai and Kyoto receive?

, the wealthy businessmen of Sakai Town and Kyoto were slightly aware of this, so they rushed over to win over Biwaya for this reason.

Kira Yoshitoki was also afraid that Biwaya would be too powerful and difficult to control. In order to strengthen his control over Biwaya, he specially ordered the Hattori ninjas to inspect the followers of Sakamoto Main Store, Kyoto, and Sakai Town, and at the same time select the characters.

People with both talents are appointed as middle-level managers. At the same time, they are inspected from within the followers, and those who are loyal, reliable and rule-abiding are selected and appointed as the new followers of Bipa House in the three places.

At the end of the year, the new towns of Sakamoto, Katada, and Otsu were built one after another. A total of more than 35,000 residents were accommodated in the three new towns, making the total population of Sakamoto Town exceed 35,000. The population is close to that of Kyoto, Sakai Town,

Becoming the third largest urban agglomeration in Kinai, this calculation is based on the inclusion of Minato Town, Castle Town, Northern Shinmachi, etc., including the 2,000 people in the copper house craftsmen and newly relocated residents of Mikawa, and the entire Kunitomo Village is included.

In addition, there are a total of 11,000 residents of Katanda Port Town, Shinmachi and the newly built Katanda Castle Town, and 8,000 residents of Otsu. This has greatly improved the urbanization level of Shiga County. It relies on the craftsmanship taught by Ming Dynasty craftsmen in precious months.

New-style houses with brick and wood structures and reinforced with sanhe soil are more than half the cost of repairing houses with wooden boards. The reputation of sanhe houses also became famous with the establishment of Shinmachi.

The newly built Kenda Castle was tested using new city building methods. Bricks and stones were used as the external structure. The internal structure of the castle tower still maintained the architectural idea of ​​mainly wood. The stone walls were upgraded to real city walls, and the walls were equipped with crenels and shooting oars.

It is convenient for garrisoning troops, and complex defenses such as Mikazukibori, Tiger's Pass, and Maide are preserved inside. Although the castle is small, it is well-equipped. Yamamoto Tokiyuki was directly involved in the design and construction process of Katada Castle. In his words, it can be easily built with only five hundred people.

Withstand the attack of ten thousand troops.

During the chat during the inspection of Katada New Castle, Kira Yoshitsune asked: "This new city cost a total of three thousand gan Yongle gold? This is much more expensive than the original construction of Sakamoto Castle! It is also much smaller than Sakamoto Castle!"

Yamamoto Tokiyuki patiently answered: "The construction of Sakamoto Castle relied on the recruitment of public servants. When the Kenda Castle was built, it happened to coincide with the expansion plan of the new town, so the old minister strongly advocated that the craftsmen of the three-story house should be mainly used as assistants.

By employing town residents, when the new town construction plan is completed, the Katada Castle will be built together. This may cost more, but it can avoid the impact or even damage to the castle town during subsequent city construction."

"Hmm. Master, you can't really make this fortified city invulnerable, can you?"

"How is it possible... If such a powerful fortified city does not leave any flaws, the old minister cannot feel at ease!" Yamamoto Tokiyuki said with a smile.

"Well, I am horrified to see it. Without effective siege equipment, it is really difficult to break through. The cost of using baked jade is too high, which will always cause huge losses!" Kira Yoshishi said while thinking about the castle age of this new city.

Who should it be.

After returning to Sakamoto, he immediately summoned his retainers to hold a small review and announced his appointment: "The position of Usayama Castle Castle Dai is not an option if it is delayed for a long time. I hereby appoint Nakajo Tokihide, who will return next month, as the Castle Dai."

, the newly built Katada Castle was appointed by the Ina Tadashi family, and the garrison troops of the two places were recruited from the local area. Military expenses and food were paid by the family. Usayama Castle was more important, so three hundred garrison troops were arranged, while Katada Castle only needed 200 garrison troops.


"I will obey the order!" A group of retainers stood on the ground and saluted.

The expressions of some of the followers are very interesting. Hosokawa Fujitaka has a strange expression of disappointment and relief. Matsui Yuxian has disappointment written all over his face. Ninagawa has a slightly unhappy look on his face. Odate Harutada is very calm. Mitsui Torakan

It was nothing to do with him, but Ina Tadashi was surprised and grateful. Only Honda Tokimasa was frowning and thinking, and seemed to have some enlightenment when he left.

After the retainers gradually dispersed, Yamamoto Tokiyuki, who was left alone, said happily: "It seems that the master of the hall has understood the way of balance!"

"This appointment must have been brewing for a long time, right? Our family has limited room for choice. Several important positions cannot be moved, and the movable weight is not enough. We deliberately delay the appointment of Jodai because we want to give the opportunity to Nakajo Tokihide, who is about to return.

For a position, it is not difficult to guess that the Kaneda Castle has to be selected from the shogunate no matter what, and the new council members of the shogunate cannot be moved, so there are only two people, Ina Tadaka, who was born in Mikawa, and Mitsui Toraka, who was born in Omi.


"Master, you have really grown up! After careful consideration, it seems that I have nothing more to teach you." Yamamoto Tokiyuki stood up and walked out the door with a look of relief and disappointment.

Kira Yoshishi quickly stood up and chased after him, saying: "Master, don't say such things. I still have a lot to learn, and I need to be reminded by master from time to time!"

"I will never forget my duties as a veteran, please rest assured, Master!" Yamamoto Tokiyuki bowed slightly and stepped back.

The Kira family now uses it to pay retainers, and the annual salary of craftsmen is as high as 8,000 guanwen in Yongle dynasty. For example, Yamamoto Tokiyuki's annual salary has increased to 500 guanwen in Yongle qian, and is paid in the form of half copper coins and half rice grain.

Therefore, the annual salary paid by the Kira family to Yamamoto Tokiyuki is 300 kan Yongle money, 600 koku of rice, 1 koku of salt, 20 koku of various vegetables, 500 poultry eggs, 5 koku of kelp, river fish and other aquatic products and various welfare benefits, including daily living expenses.

The level is far higher than that of all the martial arts masters in Japan's Warring States Period at the same time.

The converted market price of these products is stable at over 800 guanwen, but the living conditions may even be better than those of a wealthy family with 8,000 shi. After all, a wealthy lord owns 8,000 shi Zhixing. According to the standards of Gong Liu Min Si, he can get it by the end of autumn.

The maximum food cost is 4,800 shi. We also need to consider that the time of year is different. If the weather is abnormal or even droughts and floods occur, it will be reduced. On average, it may only be between 4,000 and 4,800 shi.

And these 8,000 shi of food also need to support a group of retainers and give them to the land Zhixing. The group of genealogical retainers will occupy 3,000 to 4,000 shi of Zhixing. The rest is his direct leader, only about half, and he still has to follow the rules.

The direct leader Shi Gao organized no less than 300 standing armed forces to bear military service. Finally, the food had to be converted into copper coins for daily expenses. After all, food was not as easy to carry and circulate as copper coins.

There were also banquets held to entertain retainers, and retainers with meritorious deeds were rewarded with money and food. They even had to increase land titles when they had military exploits. In the end, the lord was deducted seven or eight times, which was even less than 1,000 shi for the lord's living expenses.

Even if he has 1,000 shi of grain, which is worth about 300 Guanwen in Yongle money, and there are no benefits such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, and aquatic products, not to mention 600 shi of grain, they can only eat home-made pickled radishes.

, miso soup and rice. If you want to improve your food, you can only go fishing and eagle hunting.

In this regard, I am really not as good as Yamamoto Tokiyuki. He does not have the burden of supporting retainers and samurai. He does not need to maintain standing armed forces to obey the master's orders. Various benefits that cannot be eaten can be given as favors or simply taken.

I went to the castle town to sell food and lived a happy life.

Except for Tokiyuki Yamamoto, who has a very high salary as the senior member of the Genedai family, the middle-level elite samurai of the Kira family, that is, the samurai with the rank of Ashigaru Shogun, have basic salaries between 100 and 200 kan. The same half grain and half money are paid separately.

Similar to the benefits of salt, poultry, eggs, and aquatic products, the only expenses they have to spend are buying clothes, horse armor, and daily banquets. This is simply easy for the Kira family samurai.

A samurai who would lose his fortune in a month could spend all his time eating, drinking, playing and visiting the Whale House but could not spend 20 pieces of Yongle gold. Moreover, they had no time to go to those places. The Kira family had always been thrifty, except for Kira Yoshitoki's advocacy.

In addition to eating more poultry, eggs, and aquatic products to strengthen their physical health, they were not fond of poetry and poetry gatherings, nor did they like extravagant banquets, saru-raku, and tea ceremonies. They only tasted the tea ceremony briefly, which also reduced the samurai's daily spending pressure to a minimum.

In addition to the middle-level elite samurai, there are also some grassroots samurai, including various divisions, kutsu samurai, horseback samurai, red samurai, etc., with salary ranging from 20 kan to 80 kan, and the basic living standard is far more than 300 koku. The level of a small wealthy family is also an important reason why the samurai of the Kira family are envied by the shogunate. Although they do not have land and knowledge to enfeoff, this ultra-high salary system makes those wealthy families with land and knowledge drool.

In other words, the samurai have divided leadership rights, but the relationship between them is only the relationship between the master and the force. This can minimize the ability of retainers to use the master's power to develop their own power. Of course, wealthy retainers can hire ronin to be themselves. This staff is not under the control of the Kira family, and the lower levels are all standing ashigaru supported by three people.

The Kira family also has a lot of soldiers to support. As relatives and friends of Mikawa Bei gradually defected to Mikawa, the number of Mikawa Bei who received support rice has increased to 2620. One person supports rice by consuming 5 tons of rice per day, which is equivalent to 1.8 koku per year. These 2620 Most of them have participated in several battles and have achieved some achievements. Currently, the one with the highest achievements has 5 people supporting rice, which is equal to the income of a land servant for a year of hard work.

It costs 15,000 stones of food to support Mihe every year, and Xiao Jinghe's reward is also a combination of food and money. High-intensity training also requires extra food consumption. In total, it costs a year to raise 2,620 elites. There were about 20,000 koku of grain, which was enough to feed 10,000 townspeople for a year. It also made Yoshiki Kira realize how expensive it was to raise soldiers.

It is much easier to be a regular ashgaru after leaving work than to work in the fields. Although it seems more cost-effective for a land servant to have land, he can only resign himself to fate whenever there is a drought or flood, and he has to bear 2 to 3 quotas of military service. Needless to say how uncomfortable it was, but the Kira family's Ashigaru samurai didn't have to do anything but complete the required training. They were also the base of the Kira family's main armed force.

In order to build a new iron artillery team, Yoshitoki Kira decided to sell off all 300 Sakai tubes in his hand. He sold them to the Oda family of Owari for 60 kanfu. Oda Nobunaga was very happy to buy them. Sakaizhou cannons are of high quality and low price. For this reason, I wrote a letter to Kira Yoshi. I thanked him for being a good friend. Of course, Oda Nobunaga didn't care who used these iron cannons. If the source was known, it might be better. I'm glad, it sounds like a pretty good name after being tested in the Fukakusa Battle.

Then he used the Yongle money in the copper house to purchase new iron cannons produced by Guoyou Village. Of course, the price of new iron cannons was relatively high. The cost of each new iron cannon was as high as 50 guan of Juqian, which was equivalent to 12 guan of Yongle money. The price given to Kira Yoshitoki was 70 kan Yongle gold, which was considered a small profit. Kira Yoshito purchased 500 new iron cannons in one go, spending a total of 8,750 gon Yongle gold.

The new iron cannon adds a support frame to enhance the stability of shooting. It can be fixed for shooting during defensive battles. At the same time, the caliber of the gun is further reduced and the barrel is extended to 1.2 meters. Therefore, the total weight of the new iron cannon is also increased to 13 kilograms. Left and right, while the gun body is heavier, the weight of the lead bullets fired is also changed to 25 grams of heavy lead bullets. The effective range is increased to 80 meters, and the maximum range reaches an astonishing 200 meters. With the Kira family's secret gunpowder, The muzzle velocity of the lead bullet exceeded 300 meters per second.

Another type of iron cannon sold by Kunitomo Village is the Spanish iron cannon that was improved when it helped Kiragi. It only absorbed the advantages of the two iron cannons and made improvements. The gun weighed only eight kilograms. Of course, the lead bullet was too light and the effective range was not enough.

Fifty meters. With the gunpowder cover, it can be used in bad weather. The effective range of the gunpowder may be less than 20 meters after it gets wet. This can only be regarded as a little secret. The cost is about 35 guns, and of course the retail price is 80 guns.

, basically the same as the retail price of Sakai tube.

Equipped with this heavy iron cannon, the Kira family's long-range attack capabilities will be greatly improved. At the same time, with the introduction of small competition and new weapons, the overall equipment has caught up with European infantry equipment, and the iron cannon is more convenient and even slightly strengthened.

Each of them has the same salary to serve the Kira family. Mikawabi has ashigaru generals, horse generals, bow generals, and iron artillery generals under his command. Among them, there are 500 Akabi cavalry, 500 iron artillery, 500 archery, and javelin.

There are 500 soldiers in the team, 500 in the gun and shield team, 100 in the grenade team, and 20 flag bearers.

First of all, the new iron cannon team supported by 500 heavy iron cannons is led by the iron cannon general Takigawa Masushige, wearing black uniforms. It is equipped with 1 iron cannon, 1 jade medicine box with 50 fixed gunpowder bamboo tubes, and 2 match ropes.

rice, 1 supporting frame, 1 machete, and 50 lead bullets produced by Copper House.

General Archer Naito Masashige leads a 500-man archery team, wearing black uniforms and equipped with 1 heavy vine bow, 2 pots of cast iron arrows, a total of 40 pieces, and 1 scimitar. They serve as the main force of the long-range troops of the Kira family. These 500 heavy vine bows cost

When Kira Yoshiki bought 6,000 kan Yongle gold, the price is too high to catch up with the iron cannon. Although cast iron feather arrows are not expensive, they are consumables. 20,000 cast iron feather arrows cost 100 gan Yongle gold. This cost is

The cost of a battle.

Ashigaru General Watanabe Takatsuna selected 500 able-bodied men to serve as the javelin team, wearing black uniforms. Each person was equipped with 1 long spear, 1 Fujiki shield, 2 short javelins, and 1 one-handed battle ax. This is also

The new units that have been explored are spear and shield soldiers for melee combat and javelin soldiers for long range combat. They will be a nightmare for both ashigaru and cavalry.

The grenadier head Kato Kyouaki continued to lead the 100-man grenade team, wearing red uniforms and equipped with 10 roasted jade, 1 vine shield, and 1 scimitar. He was responsible for throwing roasted jade in assaults during tough battles, which was similar to that in history.

That grenadier-like assault unit.

Ashigaru generals Suganuma Sadao and Ogouchi Tsunaka commanded a 500-man spear and shield team, wearing red uniforms. Each person was equipped with a spear, a vine shield, a one-handed battle ax, and a mace staff as the main force.

The heavily armored Ashigaru has great power.

The general on horseback, Shitara Sadachi, commanded 500 red cavalrymen, wearing red uniforms. Each of them was equipped with a large gun and a scimitar as the main assault force. Finally, there were 20 flag bearers, each with

Holding a large flag with black Er Yin Jia family pattern on a white background and a white flag with Wu Qitong pattern on black background.

The ones wearing black uniforms are the iron artillery team, the archery team, and the javelin team. The ones wearing red uniforms are the grenadiers, the gun shield team, and the red cavalry. In addition, the horses are not included.

There are 200 returning warriors, wearing red uniforms, equipped with 1 big gun, 1 scimitar, 1 heavy rattan bow, and 2 pots of cast iron feather arrows, a total of 40 pieces.

It costs 40,000 Yongle gold to completely change the equipment of this elite group of less than 2820 people, and the cost of training and maintaining weapons and equipment every month is also as high as 300 gold. I really don’t know how the Takeda family’s red equipment was raised. Anyway, he built 500 gold The elite cavalry can hardly hold on anymore. I think Takeda Harunobu’s cavalry must not be so elite. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: I know that everyone is very concerned about the structure of this reserve force, so I wrote it out, including how to get a salary for samurai who do not give Zhixing. In fact, samurai do not have to be so closely tied to Zhixing. The protagonist is trying this path. .

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