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Chapter 196 Reorganization and fanaticism

Everyone in the Kira family had extremely high expectations for the war. In order to prepare for the impending war, Kira Yoshihide immediately issued an order. All samurai registered in Shiga and Takashima counties were ordered by the shogunate to revitalize the family name and join the military. Takashima Nanato

First, a large number of retainers were dispatched accordingly. This order was also called the "Omi Army". This order was regarded by the people of Takashima County as an excellent opportunity to revitalize their family business. When the Sasaki clan of Takashima County wanted to bet on Kira Yoshi


The direct line of the Takashima family began to decline after the death of the family governor and was inherited by the Kuchiki family. Takashima Taro, the son of Takashima Echumori Takasada, was only 13 years old. His original name was Takashima Noriyuki Omi and he joined the army this time.

Omi joined the army and the Takashima family made great efforts to revive it. A dozen members of the Takashima family were born at one go, and dozens of samurai groups including retainers and samurai joined.

Tarō Yorikane of the Tanaka family was the governor of the family, and the Kashou Shirobei Lieutenant of Ashikaga Yoshitō led several members of the first clan and a dozen retainers to join the army. One of the other members of the Tanaka family's first clan had a name.

A commoner named Tanaka Shigemasa, he was not very conspicuous and was even downcast in the Tanaka family, but it was precisely this Tanaka Shigemasa who caught Kira Yoshito's attention.

Tanaka Shigemasa's wife is the daughter of Kunito Yubei, and his brother-in-law is Kunitomo Yuzaemon, the son of Kunito Yubei. Not only did he inherit his father's iron cannon forging skills, he became a genius who had the hope of becoming a famous craftsman before the age of thirty.

Moreover, he is also an expert on iron cannons. He is responsible for all the testing of new iron cannons forged in Kunitomo Village. Because of this relationship, Tanaka Shigemasa was entrusted with important tasks by Kira Yoshitoki, which also used this to draw closer to the Kunitomo family.


The Omi Yamazaki clan declined, and the branch in Inugami County has a very powerful clan. The current governor of this clan is the Yamazaki clan, who is a retainer of the Rokkaku clan. The Yamazaki clan only sent its legitimate son, Yamazaki Saburo Goro Fuyusuru. Fortunately,

His family has Yamazaki Iehaoshi who is already famous. It is not a big problem for Yamazaki Fuyuheng to bring his retainers to defect to him.

The two brothers representing the Kuchiki family, the Kira family, were Naotsuna Kuchiki and Fujitaka Kuchiki. Several members of the Kuchiki family also joined, and only a dozen retainers joined the army. This may have something to do with the stable position of the Kuchiki family in the shogunate.

Well, Kuchiki Fujitsuna and Kuchiki Naritsuna continue to serve as direct ministers beside Ashikaga Yoshito.

The Nagata Izu Mori family has been running the naval force at Lake Biwa for generations. After the surrender of the Kenta navy, he also surrendered to the Kira family. He sent Nagata Daisui Yun and other 1 clan members and a small number of retainers to join the army. The main 1 clan and retainers were all in the Kira navy, so

He did not send many people. His branch family, the Nagata Bitaka Mori family, was very active on the Rokkaku side and took root in Xiangzhuang, Aichi County.

The Hirai family, the lord of Funaki Castle, also declined. Fortunately, his family immediately surrendered Hirai Castle to the Kira family, and received 1,000 koku as compensation in the subsequent conflict with the Takashima County Sheriff. This family had long been the backbone of the pro-Kira faction.

, the current governor of the Etsuchu Mori family, the direct descendant of the Hirai clan, is the Hirai Kawauchi Mori clan. He took his son Hirai Hidena to serve in the Kira family. Of course, he also dug out Hirafune Kishiro's family fortune and joined the army together. At the same time, he paid tribute to Kira Yoshitoki.

Submit an oath to change from a member of the national party to a retainer of Kira Yoshiki.

His service made Yoshitoki Kira very satisfied, and he was considered as an example. Yori Hirai was appointed as Ashigaru General, and his son Hidena Hirai was incorporated into the Kira family. Similarly, Kaga Mori, a branch of the Hirai family, moved to

Ritai-gun became the retainer of the Rokkaku family, and Hirai Sadatake became the governor of the Kaga Mamoru family.

The Yokoyama Mikawa Shou family has completely declined. Yokoyama Yoriyuki asked his nephew Yokoyama Shingoro Narei Omi to join the army. Their family may be the weakest among the seven heads. Without a strong branch family, once the heir is eliminated, it will be over. However, Yokoyama Yoriyuki is still

Those who are hesitant don’t dare to bet, thinking that this company will completely decline soon, and Takashima Nanzu no longer lives up to its name.

There were also more than a hundred warriors from Takashima County joining the army. With the joining of more than 300 warriors, Omi changed his mind. The people of Omi came to join the army very enthusiastically, which was beyond his expectation. Even those who did not belong to Kira

There were also samurai from Asai County, Ixiang County, and Ritai County within the family's sphere of influence who came to join the army.

There was another person among them who caught his attention, and he brought a total of two hundred people to join him, and they were not ordinary people but monk soldiers. He was a naginata warrior monk of Enryaku Temple in Mount Hiei, and the adopted son of Miyabe Seijun of Yuji Shrine in Asai County.

, Miyabe Tsurun.

Miyabe Tsurugi's childhood name was Sunhachi. His biological father, Dohi Shinshun, was the head of the warrior monks at Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei. He was ordained as a monk by Gyoeibo of the west tower of Mount Hiei in the fifth year of the Astronomical Period. Because of his natural strength, he also studied family traditions.

His naginata martial arts skills quickly made him stand out, but Sunba, who was unwilling to be lonely, approached his father and hoped to return to secular life and become a samurai. Finally, he was recommended to the monk Miyabe Zenjōbo Seijun of Yuci Shrine in Asai County as his adopted son, so he changed the name of Miao to Miyabe.

Jirun, named Shanxiangfang.

This person is also very popular in Asai County. Hearing that Kira Yoshi was very powerful, he visited the Miyoshi family several times, and even killed Miyoshi Nagakei's two younger brothers.

He was a little disappointed when he turned to focus on domestic affairs. He was originally considering whether to join the Asai family nearby, or whether to continue to wait and see.

As a result, I heard that Kira Yoshi announced that Omi would join the army. It seemed that there was a big war to be fought. Miyabe Tsurujun was very excited, so he began to figure out what kind of benefits he could get by joining the Kira family. In order to strengthen his own weight, he tried his best to live forever.

The next group of monk soldiers surrendered together, so there was an incident where Miyabe Tsurugi joined with two hundred monk soldiers.

Kira Yoshitoshi was very happy with the service of this historical celebrity, and immediately promoted him to Ashigaru Shogun with an annual salary of 150 kan, and personally commanded two hundred naginata monk soldiers. He also equipped the monk soldiers with equipment such as tōmaru formations, kasa short swords, etc. Miyabe continued

Jun was very happy. One hundred and fifty kanbun was an astronomical figure. He lived a tight life in the shrine. He had long been tired of living in soup and water all day long. With such a high salary, he could finally enjoy it.

There were also 20 iron artillerymen in Kunitomo Village. Among them was a master of iron artillery named Nomura Tozaemon Naotaka. He was also a talent recommended by Kunyubei himself. After all, Kunyubei still couldn't let go of his precious son.

I went to fight Zaemon in a joint battle. From what he said, it seemed like this boy was very powerful, but it was really doubtful whether he was really that powerful.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Nomura Naotaka was unambiguous. He immediately said that he would show off his iron artillery skills, and the results of the performance were shocking. 10 shots were fired from twenty rooms away. 9 shots hit the red heart. The other 1 shot also hit the red heart.

It was only a slight difference, and he was able to achieve such results using an old-style Kunitomo iron cannon. It was simply astonishing. Yoshitoki Kira immediately appointed him as the iron cannon commander and was responsible for commanding the Omi iron artillery team.

There is another interesting person who also defected to Kira Yoshitomo, Shigechi Kawada from Aichi County. His elder brother Motochi Kawada Izu is a retainer of the Rokkaku family. Motochi Kawada’s eldest son Iwazurumaru happens to be a very beautiful little boy.

The child was a child, so Kira Yoshitoki transferred Shigechi Kawada to the Horse Riding Samurai, and then named his nephew Iwakurumaru to serve him.

After the news spread, Kawada Motochika agreed without thinking, and then the child named Kawada Iwazurumaru became Kiragi's close friend. Many families responded to Omi's army, and nearly 1,000 new people joined the army.

There are a lot of miscellaneous people here, some are warriors and some are monk soldiers. They have never cooperated with each other and there is no need to talk about tacit understanding. There is no need to mention training.

In order to integrate these 1,000 people, Yoshitoki Kira designed a very interesting training plan for them, from 6 a.m. to 20 p.m.. From queue marching training, to basic sword chopping training, to teamwork training,

Finally, they will train together with another 8,000 people in 2 months. This team will be personally controlled by Tokiyuki Yamamoto, and will be supervised by close members of the Kira family in batches. A miserable life will soon come to this group of ignorant samurai.


There were also people who tried to resist the violent training methods, but their struggles were destined to be ineffective. They soon tried the terrifying life in a small black room. After a few people tried the punishment of three days of tight confinement, no one dared to resist anymore.

, all of them received all-round corrective training honestly.

In the late spring and early summer, the reorganization of the 8,000-strong army was completed. The new equipment and new tactics were quickly accepted by the newly joined 1,000 ronin. The quality of the ronin who could be selected was good. They were warriors from all over the world, because they came from all over the world.

He came to Kyoto to try his luck for various reasons. The Kira family gave him the opportunity, so he should cherish it.

Most of these people are ronin who have joined the Kira family to maintain law and order since last year. After nearly a year of life and edification, they have already become accustomed to the system within the Kira family. Therefore, once they become samurai of the Kira family, the enthusiasm and loyalty of these people will be quickly established.

, and others were ronin samurai who came to Sakamoto under the influence of the Recruitment Order. They were also allowed to join after being repeatedly reviewed by the Hattori ninjas to ensure that there were no problems.

Starting from May, Kira Jun invested more in joint training. The big competition was mentioned once a month, and the small competition was held every 6 days. In late May, the additional 1,000 people also began to receive joint training.

, of course, their origins are the most confusing and they have the least tacit understanding. These 1,000 people are often abused. These guys only think about fame and fortune. How can they be compared with the wolf-like and tiger-like elite reorganized people? After half a month of continuous abuse, these 1,000 people

Everyone resigned and accepted the order to disband and reorganize.

Such an intense training regime can also easily cause injuries. Michizan Tsumugi was specially invited to Sakamoto to treat the injured, and his legitimate son Morima Tsumuze accompanied him throughout the process. This hard-working kid originally wanted to escape and become a doctor all his life.

It was fate that he joined the army, but he ended up working as a doctor in the Kira family. The doctor among the samurai was as good as the samurai craftsman Sogaheihei.

He has completely resigned himself to his fate. He does research every day with the medical notes his father left for him. If he has nothing to do, he goes to Kyoto to learn medical skills from his father. However, he still insists on staying in the Kira family. Being a samurai doctor is better than just being a samurai doctor.

The doctor who has more status has more status, and he is also working hard in this direction.

Under the premise of medical protection, the samurai are more unrestrained when competing. The javelin team even dares to compete with the red cavalry. They are not ordinary brave. Anyway, being poked while wearing armor is just a fall. All the equipment in the body is made of iron. The film is made so that as long as the other party doesn't make a killing move, there will be no possibility of legs or arms being broken.

In early June, the 9,000-strong army was reorganized at the cost of a slight 10% reduction in combat strength. It is expected that it will take 1 or 2 months to restore full victorious combat strength. The valley in the west of Sakamoto that originally belonged to Enryakuji Temple has completely become a huge On the battlefield, smoke and dust were everywhere every day, and the sound of killings was loud. The newly recruited troops quickly got used to this crazy life.

They have the best supplies, the best weapons and equipment, and the strongest generals in the Kinai. Every day when they see that Watanabe Takatsuna can defeat the opponent's hundred-man team with a single attack, the samurai's fighting spirit becomes more and more fanatical. , standing outside the large teaching ground, Kira Yoshi always saw pairs of eager eyes. He knew what these warriors were looking forward to, and this 9,000-strong army was like a wind-up machine, and it was an army. A killing machine that is only loyal to Yoshitoki Kira. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better novels and faster updates!

ps: Three updates, eleven thousand words! Apart from the explosion, this is the most, right? It should be, right? If not, just pretend you didn’t see it, so please subscribe!

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