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Chapter 209 A short truce

With nine thousand against ten thousand, the two wings of the Miyoshi Yixian Army were defeated in less than two hours after the battle began. More than four thousand people were killed in succession, and the loss of less than one thousand was considered a very dazzling achievement, but the ones who came later What should we do with fifteen thousand three good troops?

No matter how powerful Kira Jun is, he is still a human being, not an omnipotent god. Even gods need to rest when they create the world, not to mention that flesh and blood bodies will always be exhausted.

The heat of July is unbearable, and the sun high in the sky is emitting terrible heat. It seems that the high temperature that burns away everything evaporates the water in the body little by little. After fighting in this harsh environment for most of the day, I feel thirsty and tired. Obviously, We are no longer able to continue fighting, and if we continue to fight, we will definitely suffer extensive losses.

"Rokkaku Sakyo has led his army here!" Only then did the samurai see Rokkaku Yoshihide's figure. It was less than a mile from the west bank of the Kamogawa River. It took nearly two hours from landing to walking here. This ability Not generally strong.

Mahui General Yamaoka Tokinaga, who is responsible for the defense of this formation, has been standing there for most of the day. After hearing the news, he couldn't help but come over and said: "You must have seen Miyoshi Yoshihide start to retreat, and you want to come here to take advantage of it, right?"

Kira Yoshishi glared at him and ignored this guy, and continued to give orders with a straight face: "Order everyone to gather their troops, move closer to the main formation, and leave the source of the Katsura River to the Rokkaku Army! Tell Rokkaku Sakyouden that the main force of Miyoshi Chikuzen is ahead. , please be sure to withstand the attack!”

Yamaoka Tokichō was dumbfounded and asked hurriedly: "What about us?"

"Eat right where you are! Aren't you hungry after fighting for so long? Take out the bento you are carrying and eat it." Kira Yoshitsune left the hillside in a bad mood, and went to the back of the formation, where Mochizuki Chiyome was holding a cup. An exquisite fish and rice bento. Kiragi frowned when he saw the white fish meat.

"I don't like to eat fish breasts!"

"This is not a fish dumpling! Chiyome knows that Your Highness doesn't like fish dumplings. She scalded them repeatedly with boiling water. They are definitely different from fish dumplings! Your Highness, please try Chiyome's craftsmanship!" Chiyome Mochizuki picked up a piece of fish meat with a pair of chopsticks and handed it to her. When he reached his mouth, Kiragi looked around sheepishly and found that no one else was there before he could eat it in one gulp.

"Hmm, there's soy sauce, vinegar, and wasabi? It's so pungent!" Kira Yoshiki doesn't like the taste of mustard, but he still has to eat it, because Japan is a country that mainly eats fish, shrimp and other seafood. Mustard has a strong detoxification function and can detoxify fish and crabs, so this eating habit has been formed in the Middle Ages.

Chiyome Mochizuki asked expectantly: "Your Highness! Is the bento made by Chiyome delicious?"

"Well...except for a little too much mustard, it's really good!"

"That's great! That's great!" Chiyome Mochizuki jumped up excitedly, jumping and jumping around in circles several times.

Hattori Koshiro appeared at an untimely moment, lowered his head and said respectfully: "Master of the museum! Miyoshi Yoshihide's troops have retreated into the main formation of the Miyoshi Army. The Miyoshi Army has temporarily stopped attacking!"

"Yes! Tell Master, after the meal is over, the reserve team will go clean the battlefield. Don't leave the spoils to the other side, and the navy must move quickly." Kira Yoshishi glanced at Hattori Koushiro. He always turned his attention to it unconsciously. Mochizuki Chiyome's little face said thoughtfully: "And ask your uncle to come over and see me!"

"Yes!" Hattori Koushiro quietly retreated. But a moment later, Hattori Masaki appeared where Hattori Koshiro had been and whispered: "Master!"

"Recruit those thirty kunoichi from the Momochi and Fujibayashi families! The Bochan's sons have also reached the age where they should start a family. After the war, Hattori Yasumoto married Momochi Kaede, and Hattori Yasumasa married Fujibayashi Taki.

Koushiro should also be a Yuanfu! How about calling him Hattori Masashige? Let Koshiro and Hattori Yasutoshi also find a marriage among the kunoichi!"


"Forget about the married kunoichi. The remaining kunoichi will be handed over to Chiyome Mochizuki. From now on, the garrison work of our family will be handed over to them." After saying this, Kira Yoshi suddenly smiled at the nervous Chiyome Mochizuki.

, and then said: "And your interrogator continues to retain the official salary, and as the head of the family, he exercises the power to monitor the family, and is still only responsible to one person in the family."

"Yes! I resign!" Hattori Masakiyoshi disappeared quietly.

Chiyome Mochizuki looked at the disappearing Hattori Masakiyoshi, hid the short sword at her waist, turned sideways and whispered: "This uncle's ninjutsu and stealth are so powerful! As soon as Chiyome found him, she had already arrived in front of His Highness!"

"Of course, he is the most powerful ninja in the Hattori family. His abilities are on par with your uncle's. He can be regarded as a strong man as a jounin. You...you should train for a few more years."

"This is so powerful! Chiyome thought she could protect His Highness!" The idiot Loli fainted from the blow.

Kira Yoshishi consoled him: "Didn't I give you the power of guarding? Don't worry, no matter how powerful they are, you can't rest assured!"

"Why don't you worry about it as much as Chiyome?"

"Because you are an idiot!"

"Eh? How could Chiyome be an idiot?" The idiot Loli held her head and showed a sad expression.

The high-intensity battle for most of the day brought great pressure to both sides. Miyoshi Yoshihide's troops were even defeated and almost collapsed. The soldiers who retreated were not only tired and hungry, but also suffered heavy blows from the collapse, and their morale dropped all the way.

Freezing Point was even worse than the victorious Kira Army, completely unable to fight again.

Miyoshi Nagakei seemed to be listening to Miyoshi Yoshihide's advice, and he may have seen that the addition of the Hexagon Army brought the military strength of both sides to the same starting line. In short, this joint assault failed in the end, and the original purpose of landing across the Katsura River was achieved.

But the price was too heavy, so Sanhao Changqing did not choose to continue the attack. Both sides took advantage of the opportunity to seize every minute to eat and rest.

Shoryuji Castle is located on the southwest bank of Katsura River. Due east is the confluence of Katsura River and Kamogawa River. To the southwest is Mount Tenno. Beyond Mount Tenno is the territory of Settsu Kingdom. This has always been an important fortress guarding the import and export of Yamajo Kingdom.

From the castle tower of Shoryuji Castle, you can clearly overlook the ships passing by on the Yodo River. After falling into the hands of the Miyoshi family, it also became a focal point for monitoring and threatening Katsura River and Kyoto on the southern front. At this time, the city was

It fell into the hands of the Sanhao family.

Because of Yoshitoki Kira's strong performance and the amazing record of exchanging one thousand for four thousand, the legend spread in Miyoshi's family that the Kira Army was blessed by gods. The Mikawa samurai were so brave and good at fighting, and their weapons and armor were so sophisticated that it was beyond imagination. This was a great shock.

The samurai of the Miyoshi family, thousands of Mikawa samurai wearing the same red and black uniforms, can easily cut through the strict military formation like a sharp knife. This must be the gods and Buddhas blessing the Kira family.

"What kind of rumors are these! What's going on underneath? Why are there always bad rumors? Find out who is spreading the rumors!" Miyoshi Changqing angrily sent his retainers away, rubbing his sore eyes and closing his eyes to rest.

Only when his brother is alone with him will he show a tired look.

"It's difficult! It's really difficult..." He sighed as if he was telling the pain of many years: "Do you still remember the vows we four brothers made?"

Reminiscing about his youthful days, Miyoshi Yoshiken had a look of sadness on his face: "Remember! How could I forget! Revenge for my father! This is our original ambition, and it was also the beginning of my brother's defection to the Hosokawa family...


"What are we working so hard for? For fame, wealth, power and position? We already have these, many honors and great positions, what else do we need to ask for? Isn't it just for the century-old foundation of our Miyoshi family? The Hosokawa family

The country is extremely poor and weak, and there is no longer a situation where the heroes are fighting. Isn't this a good opportunity given to my Miyoshi family by the gods and Buddhas?" Miyoshi Changqing's eyes were deep, and his tone was a little more passionate.

"That's right! If you don't take what God gives you, you will be punished! This is a great opportunity for our Miyoshi family. It's a pity that Matashiro is dead... Otherwise, if we four brothers gather together, who else can stop us?"

"I, Changqing, have always been concerned about the murder of Icun! This time I defeated Kira's army and captured Kiragi alive and imprisoned him in the temple. Let him spend his whole life to repent for Icun!" Miyoshi Changqing sneered, and after a moment he said:

"Tell me about this Kirajun situation!"

Miyoshi Yoshiken calmly analyzed: "Yes, brother! The quality of Kira's army is no less than that of the Shikoku people in this formation, and it is even better equipped. In particular, that special army is very powerful in terms of morale and combat power. This and

The information that came back two years ago was completely different, but I don’t know what has changed in the past two years?”

"Hmph! After losing so many people in two years and still not being able to get any useful information, those bastards are really useless!"

Miyoshi Nagakei can disdain the Kira family, but he cannot ignore the changes in the retainers group. A small rumor may cause a riot. At the same time, Miyoshi Yoshihide's opinion must be taken into account. From his description, he learned that the Kira army

There is a legion with normal equipment, and another legion with very terrible equipment. Whether it is powerful iron cannons, strong bows, or attacks by javelins and cavalry, it is unheard of.

This kind of fighting method is not any kind of fighting method that exists now. Miyoshi Yoshixian is very sure about this. Such an elite military force is probably only seen by the legendary Mongolian army, which makes him have to doubt that this is

A legion composed of samurai, but three thousand samurai form a legion? This is simply unbelievable. There are only a few thousand samurai in Mikawa Kingdom! This is obviously illogical. At this time, Miyoshi Nagakei also realized that there was something wrong

Despise this young child.

What Miyoshi Changqing was thinking about was another question. Miyoshi Yixian's defeat was not due to his incompetence in commanding his troops or his incompetence in commanding his subordinates. His commanding skills and methods of commanding his subordinates were the best choice in the family, but he

Even with their superior strength, they still could not hold out for two hours. This shows how terrifying the attack power of this army is. If it can defeat the two wings of Miyoshi Yixian, it can also defeat the two wings of Miyoshi Changqing. Of course he understands this truth.

So a question arises, how to deal with the powerful Kira Army? He currently only has 21,000 troops in hand, but there are more than 7,000 Kira Army on the opposite side who can fight, and there are also 13,000 Hexagon Army. In terms of military strength, there is no longer any strength advantage between the two, which is enough to make Miyoshi Changqing feel troubled.

But Kyoto was right in front of him, and he was unwilling to retreat just like that. The two sides were at odds with each other for their own reasons, and neither one was willing to rush to take action, so a stalemate ensued.

Just after noon, bad news came from the Miyoshi family. The Kira Navy blocked the Katsura River and dispersed all the Miyoshi family's soldiers and soldiers' provisions returned to the ship. The blast of iron cannons in the morning was an attack from the Kira Navy. In this way, Miyoshi The road back to our home was cut off, and the only way out was to follow the Katsura River and enter Tamba.

This had a huge impact on the morale of the Miyoshi Army, and the logistical pressure was instantly magnified. Even if he still had 20,000 dan in hand, he could only last for less than two months according to the pace of fierce fighting, but he would not be able to defend Kyoto for two months. What are the consequences of returning home? What about the autumn harvest? It was promised that the war would end before the autumn harvest, but if it ended in two months, the warriors of the four countries would not be willing.

"My lord, let's go out into battle! As long as we defeat Kira's army and reach peace with the shogunate, right?"

"If it really doesn't work, why don't we reach peace with the shogunate now? The people on the other side must have suffered a lot, so they must be able to accept the peace proposal!"

"Asshole! What nonsense are you talking about! I have an army of 30,000, and Tanba has an army of 15,000 to support me! Don't worry about food and grass, just collect them from Danba!"

"You are the bastard! Can the people of Tamba be willing to pay for food and grass?"

"Why can't they pay for food and grass? This is the condition when they surrender!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: The war is in progress, please subscribe

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