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212 The Court's Reward

As the peace between the shogunate and the Miyoshi family was reached, the imperial court rewarded meritorious deeds. First of all, Konoe Haritsugu, who presided over the collegial meeting, was transferred to the second left minister, Guan Shiro, and it was confirmed that he would be promoted to the first one at the end of the year. But the imperial court gave great recognition to Konoe Haritsugu.

In a sense, Konoe Haritsugu was the biggest winner in this war, because his two sworn brothers, Ashikaga Yoshito and Kira Yoshitoki, performed outstandingly. The shogunate represented by them achieved an epic victory. The marriage relationship between the Konoe family and Ashikaga Yoshitō, as well as the marriage contract between Yoshitoki Kira and the daughter of the Konoe family, it is not surprising that the imperial court reciprocated the favor and increased the influence of the Konoe family.

Then came Ashikaga Yoshitō, the shogunate official who was finally promoted to an official rank. He had been serving as a counselor for many years, such as Lieutenant General Left, and was promoted to the three highest ranking officials, including General Right Konoe. The authority and status of the shogunate were fully recognized by the imperial court. At least he had been able to The official rank was the same as that of his deceased father Ashikaga Yoshiharu when he was alive. This is also a sign of the increasing authority of the shogunate.

Then the next person to be rewarded was Kira Yoshitomo, the greatest contributor to the consensus, who was promoted to the fourth rank of Zuohei Guardsman. At the young age of only twelve years old, he was promoted to the fourth rank of lower rank, and he could already keep up with the promotion speed of the direct lineage of the minister's family. , of course, this also aroused the envy and jealousy of many people. Not only was his reputation in the shogunate soaring, but his reputation in the imperial court was also rising steadily, and he became a well-known martial artist in the country.

When the shogunate wanted to come up with something to reward Kiragi, but they were short of money, and they had been thinking of setting up a direct military force if they had some money. Ashikaga Yoshitō immediately said that after a few years, Kiragi Toki would be given the honorary post. As a lieutenant-general, perhaps he felt a little guilty for such an empty promise. Later, he was allowed to use the Ashikaga Niyiki family's crest seal, which is the same as the Ashikaga shogun's family. This was equivalent to the shogunate fully recognizing the special status of the Ashikaga family.

After the war, everyone in the Kira family was in a state of chaos. The excess number of wounded soldiers filled up all the medical clinics in Kyoto. The Kira family urgently transferred doctors from Sakamoto to help treat the wounded soldiers. In addition to the 30,000 sen given by Miyoshi Nagakei, The Kira Army also obtained from random captures in these three battles, 5,200 complete sets of armor and weapons, more than 3,800 well-made long handles, and 533 Oshu war horses, equivalent to 45,000 About a thousand sticks.

In order to reward meritorious ministers, the Kira family simply used all the ransom money from the Miyoshi family to reward the three armies. The 30,000 guan was evenly distributed among 6,300 people, with an average of less than 5 guan per person. If you exclude For the extra share that the samurai received, each ashigaru could get 3 sen of gold. Even if the money was small, it was enough to make them feel satisfied.

The best 2,000 sets of armor weapons obtained were selected and sealed, so that the Kira family's inventory of complete sets of weapons and equipment totaled 7,000 sets. These weapons only need to be taken out to dry, and then repainted with matching paint. color can continue to be used. The amount of weapons and equipment is also a benchmark for measuring the military strength of a samurai family. The Kira family is a powerful daimyo who does not need to bring their own weapons and equipment.

As long as there are enough elite soldiers, a terrifying army can be raised, and other equipment will be handed over to Biwaya for sale. Ordinary merchants and daimyo cannot afford this large amount of equipment. Kinai daimyo such as the Rokkaku family also There is no urgent need for military expansion, and the only buyers are obviously the severely weakened Mihaoshi family.

As soon as this batch of equipment was launched, it was packed up and eaten by the royal merchants of the Sanhao family. For this, they did not hesitate to pay a high price of 32,000 guan, so that the pension would be there, and none of the 32,000 guan would be kept.

All the money was left to be shared by the widows of more than 2,700 people who died in the war. On average, each widow of the deceased could receive ten guan. The samurai who died in the war could also receive an additional pension ranging from 20 to 30 guan.

Such a high proportion of pensions is even higher than the rewards for living people. There is not a single voice of opposition in the entire Kira family. Everyone is from the countryside and it is not easy to serve as soldiers for the lord. If you die on the battlefield for no reason.

, the wife, children, and children at home have no place to live. The best outcome is to remarry someone else, the worse outcome is to be self-reliant and struggle below the poverty line, and the worse outcome is to have the family destroyed.

But no matter how you calculate it, it is a loss. This is also the reason why in the Warring States Period, there were high-stakes battles. Ashigaru could not be focused on anything. When fighting, the first thing to think about was how to survive. People are selfish and they are afraid of themselves.

If you die, your whole family will be gone, so run slower when charging, stay back when fighting, turn around and run when encountering headwinds, and finally become the culprit of the destruction of a thousand-mile embankment to an anthill.

The biggest role of high pensions is to allow these people to charge bravely without fear that their wives and children will not be left behind after their death. Even if your wife remarries someone else, your sons will inherit your bloodline when they grow up. The sons of samurai can be allowed to recover.

It doesn't matter if the farmer doesn't have the Miao character in his family name.

These grieving widows will soon welcome their new husbands, newly recruited samurai, and ronin from Kinai, Omi and Mikawa Kingdom. As long as they pass the strict review of the Kira family Monomishou, they will be incorporated into the reserve army for three months.

After training, they are qualified to take the lead in marrying a wife. The temptation of marrying a wife is really too great. You must know that during the Warring States Period, ordinary people rarely had the possibility of getting married before the age of 26. Being able to marry a wife became a dream for farmers to strive for.


These widows not only satisfy their desire to marry, but the adopted sons of the widows can also solve the problem of heirs for these bachelors. The Wu family also has a competition for the inheritance of the family business, which does not matter among the farmers. It is better to have ready-made wives and children.

Being alone is much stronger.

It has become a rule within the Kira family that the widows of those who died in war remarry and be taken over by new samurai. The original intention of this rule is to take care of the families of the victims and to guard against being ambushed by wandering wild men in the countryside, and by bandits, plundering and bullying. This policy is regarded by the Kinai as a great good governance.

Many famous names, including the Rokkaku family, followed suit. Of course, the Kira family, the initiator, had the best reputation. After all, he was the only one willing to pay a high pension.

The shogunate and the Miyoshi family all stopped. Only Rokkaku Yoshiken clamored to continue revenge and went to the shogunate to discuss revenge with Ashikaga Yoshitoshi. It was best to defeat the Miyoshi. Even if it didn't work, he would take back the claustrophobic Hosokawa Harumoto. However,

Can Ashikaga Yoshitō agree? In name, Hosokawa Harumoto is one of the conditions for peace talks.

In fact, it was Ashikaga Yoshihide who kicked him out, in order to let Rokkaku Yoshihide continue to cause trouble for the Miyoshi family and share the excess pressure with the shogunate. Therefore, faced with Rokkaku Yoshihide's proposal, Ashikaga Yoshihide would not stop.

He complained that he had no troops and no food, and that he had just finished the battle and was not ready to start a war rashly. He did not get the answer he wanted, and Rokkaku Yoshihide could only leave in anger.

He also found Takamasa Hatakeyama of the Hatakeyama family in Kawachi and wanted to persuade him to join him in the great cause of resisting the Miyoshi family, but he was rejected on the spot. Rokkaku Yoshihide couldn't understand it and asked: "Why did Takayadian refuse? Miyoshi Nagakei

To make peace with the shogunate, it is necessary to attack other countries in the Kinei. Tanba must be the first, and Hanoi will definitely be among them. What's more, Takaya-den went to war with Miyoshi Chokei last year, and he has long been hated by him. If Takaya-den

If you can't make preparations early, it will be too late to regret later..."

"Don't talk to me about this! I was deceived and I'm very sad now. Don't say anything to me!" Hatakeyama Takamasa covered his head and ignored his words, which almost made Rokkaku Yoshiken go crazy.

"... Gao Wudian just said that he was deceived? What is going on?"

"Because His Highness Kōkata deceived me! This was what Matsunaga Danshoden of the Miyoshi family told me..." Hatakeyama Takamasa finally found a suitable target to complain to. Then Balabala spewed out Matsunaga Hide's persuasion and a bunch of complaints.

"What? Takayadou believed what Matsunagahide said?"

"What? What he said is right, why don't I believe him?" Hatakeyama Takamasa looked at him suspiciously and thought to himself, "You are not stupid, are you?"

"You red deer! Look what I'm doing! You're stupid and you suspect that others are as stupid as you?" Rokkaku Yixian looked like he was spitting on this guy's face. Fortunately, he had good self-control and tolerated it. At first glance, he still thought it was okay.

He found it incredible. First of all, he dared to believe what Sanhao Changqing's close confidants said. No matter how true the words were, he could only say that this guy was stupid.

He didn't expect the shogunate to be so smart, and the promise of being a leader was indeed quite tempting. If it weren't for his brother-in-law and nephew, even Rokkaku Yoshiken would have to consider whether he could help this guy.


It seemed that Hatakeyama Takamasa was easy to deceive. Rokkaku Yoshiken thought of how to deceive him again, so he said without conscience: "That guy Hosokawa Harumoto is locked up, and now the new leader of the shogunate is

Your former lackey of the Hatakeyama family, Hosokawa Utsusuna, if you defeat Miyoshi Nagakei, the position of leader will really be yours."

Rokkaku Yoshihide made a heartbroken expression and said: "So His Highness Gonggao did not deceive Takaya-don! It was indeed Takaya-don who mistakenly fell for Matsunagahide! You must know that Matsunagahide is a close confidant of Miyoshi Nagakei. He

What he said must have an ulterior motive! The intention was to drive a wedge between the Hatakeyama family and the shogunate, and Takaya-den was deceived by the Miyoshi family!"

"What? I was deceived by Matsunaga Hide? Did I misunderstand His Highness Kakata?" As soon as Hatakeyama Takamasa heard that Ashikaga Yoshitō didn't lie to him, he couldn't calm down. The shogunate and His Highness Kakata needed him the most.

However, he chose to sit back and watch, missing the best opportunity to help the shogunate. He felt so remorseful and regretful that he even more hated Matsunaga Hide for deceiving him.

"Damn Miyoshi Nagakei, damn Matsunagahide! I, Takamasa, will remember you!" After venting the anger that had been pent up for many days, Hatakeyama Takamasa immediately called his retainers and said that he would send an envoy to Kyoto to apologize to the shogunate, and he was busy all day long.

After waiting for a long time, he remembered that Rokkaku Yixian was still waiting patiently and asked hurriedly: "What should we do now?"

"Don't worry! Miyoshi Chokei is a very difficult enemy to deal with. What Gaowudian has to do is to convince all the retainers to support you first." Rokkaku Yoshihide continued to deceive: "Once Sanzhu captures Tanba, he will turn around and invade his former enemy.

In the country of Hanoi, people in Hanoi must still remember the Battle of the Temple of Relics, right? Speaking of which, the people in Hanoi have a life-or-death feud with the San Hao family. With the character of San Hao, who must retaliate for a long time, he will definitely take revenge!"

Hatakeyama Takamasa suddenly became excited, waving his arms and loudly said: "Yes! That's absolutely right! Miyoshi Nagakei will not let us go! It is absolutely impossible not to attack Miyoshi's family!"

"Moreover, the descendants of the Hatakeyama family must not be willing to lose their power, right? Even if Sanzhu surrenders and retains security, he will inevitably be forced into the Miyoshi family's retainers to intervene in all affairs in the country and cut off power. How can it be compared to what was inherited by the previous generation?

Is the position of the clan leader stable? Please be sure to make this clear to Mamoru Yasumi, Tange Bichu and Yusa Kawauchi. As long as you say this, they will definitely support Takaya-don’s decision!”

Hatakeyama Takamasa patted his chest and promised: "Oh! I Takamasa understands! Please rest assured, Kyo-shoden, our entire Hatakeyama family will work together to overthrow Miyoshi and help the shogunate!"

"Hmph! Isn't it a little late to shout this slogan now?" Rokkaku Yoshihide groaned, and continued with a smile: "The next step is to find a strong ally, such as the Rokkaku family where I, Yixian, live, my father is determined to

I am the shogunate's guardian, and I have made great contributions to the cause of Manshoin. Who knew that Miyoshi Chokei would take away the guardian today? It is really unbearable! Therefore, I, Yixian, are willing to defeat Sanzhu with the last ally of Gaowaden.

In the future, the governor will return to Gaowu Palace, and I, Yixian, will serve as the steward. Wouldn't everyone be happy if you and I share the three buildings' territories equally?"

"Yes! Divide Sanzuku's territory equally, Settsu, Izumi and Tanba... yes! And Awaji, Awa, Sanuki! As long as these countries are divided, our Hatakeyama family can restore the glory of our ancestors! Hahaha...

..." Hatakeyama Takamasa was attracted by the beautiful picture he painted, and he couldn't help but start to have lustful thoughts.

"...Ahem!" Rokkaku Yoshiken almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. It was unreasonable to attack Miyoshi's family. He, Hatakeyama Takamasa, dared to plan the territory of Shikoku, so he quickly interrupted: "Anyway, we just attacked Takayaden last year.

After a battle, we need to recuperate, and Sanzhu is hiding in Settsu and can't leave. This year is not a good opportunity to send troops. We will wait until next year. What I have to do before that is recuperate, build cities, and train the military.

Get ready for next year’s battle!”

"Yes! I, Takamasa, understand! Please rest assured, Jing Zhaodian, our Hatakeyama family will definitely be able to do it!" Hatakeyama Takamasa felt that it made sense, so he hurriedly left with these strategies.

Rokkaku Yoshiken stood up and left Takaya Castle with a smile on his face, but he sneered in his heart: "Fortunately, Hatakeyama Gaozheng is a fool, so he gave me the opportunity to use his strategy! People in the world say that I am a fool, and I, Yoshihide, are a hero of the generation. Where is Asai?"

What can Kumasa, Hatano Harumichi and others be compared to? Humph! Just wait for Miyoshi Nagakei!"

Not to mention that although his brain is not easy to use, his execution ability is really strong, and he solved the problem of the Hanoi people in less than half a month. For this reason, Tange Bichu Mori Tomochi even went to Kitaki to do the work of the local people.

The Tsutsui family of Yamato that cooperated last year has also been brought in. The Hatakeyama family and the Tsutsui family have become allies to watch each other. In the future, they can mobilize the people of Yamato. It is not clear what price the Hatakeyama family will pay for this.

Kira Yoshitoki returned to Sakamoto Castle. When he was fighting the war, Shiga and Takashima counties had already had a good harvest. Due to the timely fertilization and weeding, this year's grain output increased by more than 30% on average compared to previous years. Kira Yoshitoki's direct leader

They are basically high-yield areas in the plains, so the income from the autumn harvest is also particularly large. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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