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Chapter 217: Long-tailed Jinghu's Decision

At the Kasugayama Castle appraisal meeting, Nagao Kagetora said sonorously and forcefully: "If the name is not correct, the words will not be right. Only by going to Rakuten to seek the imperial court can the shogunate's edict interfere with Shinano's affairs, so I decided to go to Rakuten!"

"My lord, that's right! In order to deal with the Takeda family's invasion of Okoshino, our Nagao family must have the right to fight back!" Naoe Mitsuna immediately agreed.

"I agree!" The retainers of the Nagao family have no objections. It has nothing to do with us if you go to Luo Luo.

"Everyone's understanding, I, Kagetora, bear in mind that I went to Luo to deal with the Takeda family who invaded Shinano! Okushinano and I, Echigo, are closely related to each other. If Okushino is unstable, I, Echigo, will not be able to feel at ease!" Nagao Kagetora

After a moment of silence, he added: "As long as the Takeda family is defeated and the rebellious Shinano people are eliminated, I, Kagetora, will share all the newly acquired unclaimed land with all the meritorious ministers."

"Okay!" Hojo Takahiro slapped his thigh and jumped up first to shout, "That's great! I, Takahiro, was the first to agree to attack Shinano...to attack the Takeda family!"

This decision made everyone in the Nagao family cheer. These Chinese people have been fighting to the death over trivial matters in their own territory all day long. The reason is still for the territorial matter. If they can really increase their territory, they will follow Nagao.

Kagetora can go and do anything, not to mention Nagao Kagetora repeatedly told the turbulent retainers that this was a righteous war, a righteous war to restore the stability of Shinano. For this reason, he would go to Luo to meet the emperor and the shogun in order to obtain the emperor's approval.

Lunzhi and the shogunate's expedition order.

This resolution was unanimously approved by all the retainers Kunito because Nagao Kagetora announced this order. Nagao Kagetora then raised the issue of apportioning the costs of Kamikawa, which caused a lot of debate. If the lord of the clan wants you to go Kamikawa, go to Kamikaze.

Why do we need to show off the fees? It’s not easy for us to make some money after working hard for a year. You, the leader of the country, can’t blackmail us.

As a result, the topic was somewhat unable to proceed. The troubled Nagao Kagetora summoned his close friends and ministers to discuss the matter. In the end, they could not find a good solution after many discussions. At this time, a white figure suddenly broke in. Nagao Kagetora could not calm down for a moment.

He hurriedly scolded: "Hu Ji! How can you break into the evaluation room without permission! Go back quickly!"

Torahime glanced at the stunned retainer, and gently shook her long hair. Under Nagao Kagetora's scolding, she sat next to him indifferently, and said with a smile: "Brother's troubles, Master Mitsuru Amashiro"

I already know it! So I asked Hu Ji to tell my brother that if there is a problem with financial resources, we can find a solution on Qinglu."

"Looking for a solution for Aoi?" Nagao Kagetora fell into thinking. Echigo's Aoi was headed by Gorozaemon Zouda, and the Zuida family was a royal master of Ise Jingu Shrine. He has been the royal merchant of the Nagao family for three generations.

From generation to generation, the family kept the name Gorozaemon and managed the business of Aozuza for the Nagao family, and he was not conspicuous at ordinary times.

Speaking of which, Ozada Gorozaemon spends far more time dealing with businessmen than with samurai. He is a kind and smooth guy. Apart from sending some taxes every month, he hardly appears in spring.

In Yamashiro, he usually did not go to see him, but was left in charge of Kakizaki Kageie, Naoe Mitsuna, Saito Chonobu, and other followers.

But since his master mentioned green ramie, he had to find out the specific situation of green ramie. After sending someone to investigate, he found that green ramie was actually the most profitable thing in Echigo. Green ramie was the main raw material for making linen fabrics and also

The only textile raw material that could be used in large quantities in medieval Japan, it has always been the most profitable business.

So Nagao Kagetora called in Azuda Gorozaemon and asked him to formulate a new taxation system with the followers, and demanded that all places in the country, including customs, not arbitrarily tax green ramie, and list the green ramie tax as a tax. As one of the main taxes listed by the Lord of the Kingdom, although Zouda Gorozaemon wanted to refute it, facing the glare of Nagao Kagetora and the Echigo generals, he could only curse barbarians secretly, and then cooperate with them honestly.

Then Nagao Kagetora announced Kamikawa, and asked all regions to strictly implement the new green ramie tax system on the grounds that he would not apportion the costs of Kamikachi. This incident immediately aroused resistance from the Chinese and Vietnamese people, including Hojo Takahiro, who was acting as Minato Kashiwazaki. The reaction was the most intense, because he had always levied a high tax of 20 coins on each packhorse load of green ramie in order to seek huge profits from it.

"My lord, you can't do this! We, the samurai family, enjoy the privilege of not being allowed to enter as guardians! You can't levy taxes at will!" Hearing about Shinano's benefits, Hojo Takahiro was very active. When he heard that he wanted to touch his own cake, This guy immediately changed his face again, really showing off like a chameleon.

But his request cannot be supported by others, because it is only you who benefit and it has nothing to do with all of us. Since Nagao Kagetora doesn't want us to share the cost of climbing, why should we oppose him? Don't forget how much the cost of sharing is. Thousands of dollars, including boarding, lodging, travel, and various expenses paid to the court, shogunate, and heads of the Five Mountains for Shangluo personnel.

The green ramie tax imposed by Hojo Takahiro's section was a private tax. It was not a decree of the imperial court or the shogunate, nor was it approved by the Echigo guardians and guardians. It was entirely because he saw the prosperous green ramie business and wanted to extort some money from it. Therefore, his behavior was rightfully reprimanded by his followers, and even Yasuda Keimoto, whose family was far away in Northern Shinano, wrote a letter to persuade him not to go against the entire Echigo people.

Yasuda Keigen's earnest persuasion was not recognized by him. Hojo Takahiro is a very proud man. He is a direct descendant of the Oe clan. In terms of origin, his ancestors are much higher than the An Yun Mouri family. The Mouri family The fourth son Oe Yoshimitsu, who was born in Oe Hiromoto, took up the post of Sagami Mori-sou. From then on, he changed his name to Mori clan and was called Mori Sakon Shogun. This is how the later Mori clan came into being.

The Sakon general, Yoshimitsu Mori, was executed during the Miura Rebellion. His fourth son, Mori Sumitsu, inherited the position of head of the Mori village and inherited his father's title of Sakon general. Subsequently, Mori Sumitsu He also served as the head of Echigo Sahashi-so, but with the frequent turmoil in Kamakura in the later period, Mori Somitsu and his eldest son, Sakon Shogun Mori Mokichi, hid on the ground of Echigo Sahashi-so, while the second son Tokichichi During the chaos, he went to An Yun's Yoshida Village to work as a farmer, and thus branched off the An Yun Maori family.

Sakon Shogun, the direct descendant, was in charge of Mouri Kishin, and he passed on the house governor to his legitimate son, Dango, to guard Mouri Tokimoto. Mouri Tokimoto had three sons. The eldest son, Sakon Shogun, was in charge of Mouri Ego. There are three young assistants, including Norihiro Mouri and his brothers.

Because his eldest son, Mori Suikao, had no heirs, his younger brother, Tango Mori Mori Jiyō, became his adopted son and inherited the position of leader of the Mori family. Mori Jiyō passed on his eldest son, Tango Mori Mori Nagahiro, to Sahashi. Hojo Castle was built north of the village, hence the name Hojo Mori, and the lineage passed down by his younger brother Norihiro Mori is the Yasuda Mori clan.

As for the An-yun Mori clan, it was the eldest son Mori Sakon who was the eldest son of Tokiyuchika and was passed down to his third son, Mori Mutsu Mori-chan Shige, and then the An-yun Mori family was developed. , compared to the Hojo Mori family, it can only be regarded as a branch family, because the Hojo Takahiro family can use the "Hiro" character of the Mori family as the official name, while his branch family, the Yasuda family, uses "Yuan" as the official name. This is exactly the same as An Yun Maori.

Therefore, Mouri Takahiro has always been very confident in himself. He is definitely no worse than Nagao Kagetora, who is only from the Taira clan. What's more, his military flag is still a big strutting ant, and he has always been famous for his bravery and bravery. The Seven Counties. I have always been unconvinced by Kakizaki Keike, who is known as the best general in the Seven Counties of Echigo. Of course, I am not convinced by Nagao Kagetora either.

Of course, Nagao Kagetora didn't know this. He collected the ramie tax that year and made thousands of dollars in profit. Such a huge sum of money not only moved him, but also moved the devotees, so this made He was more determined to carry out reforms, and he was more eager to see what kind of person Kira Yoshiki was who gave him advice, and what the two counties under his governance were like.

Before departure, the measure announced a new order, which was to protect the imperial palace. It issued an "imperial order" to the townspeople near Naoetsu. The regulations stipulated that the towns in Fuuchi were directly under the guardianship, and Naoetsu and Kashiwazaki were included in the order. Returned to the guardianship, the Urahara County lord, the lord of Sanjo Castle, Yamayoshi Iyo Morimahisa, was transferred to Kashiwazaki Minato to serve as the official. His son, Yamayoshi Sonjiro, served as Nagao Kagetora's side chief, named Yamayoshi Sonjiro Toyomori.

Yamayoshi Masahisa was very active in this appointment. The Yamayoshi family was originally a vassal of the Fuchu Nagao family. Since the previous governors of the Nagao family, he has served as deputy responsible for handling Urahara County affairs. Before the Fuchu Nagao family became prosperous, it was the residence of It was also Sanjo Castle, but when the Nagao family became the guardian, Sanjo Castle was handed over to the Sanji family. This time, it was just that the property was returned to the original owner and Sanjo Castle was taken back.

Moreover, this choice is not a loss for Masahisa Yamayoshi. His clan’s influence in Urahara County is limited. Even though he has the name of a prefecture, he cannot suppress the wealthy families in Central and Lower Etsu. If he exchanges an empty name for Kashiwazaki How could he not be happy with Minato taking up this lucrative position, and the Urahara County deputy was handed over to the lord of Akata Castle, Echigo Zhongkui Saito Shimono Mori Nobu.

At the same time, Nagao Kagetora ordered one of his own clan, Nagao Shiro Keaki of the Sanjo Nagao family, to serve as the lord of Sanjo Castle to guard the most important Shinano River Basin in the Central and Vietnamese regions. This is equivalent to forming a stable equilateral in the Central and Vietnamese regions. The three corners of the triangle are Naoe Mitsuna's Yoita Castle, Honjo Minoru's Tochio Castle, and Nagao Kageaki's Sanjo Castle.

This can further strengthen the control over the Mishima and Koshi counties in China and Vietnam, and make new adjustments to Urahara County. The lord of Tenjinzan Castle in the county, Okuninomizu Yorihisa, will serve as Nishiura Haratori's deputy commander, and the former Kasugayama Castle police will serve as Kanjin's new soldier. Wei Yijiu returned to his hometown to serve as the deputy commander of Higashi Urahara County. As powerful nationals in Urahara County, the two of them had a greater advantage in wooing the local servants of the wealthy families in the same county, and could further internally divide the influence of Yangbei Zhong.

The small country Norihisa's Tenjinyama Castle is semi-surrounded by Sanjo Castle and Saka Castle, and its back is right on the seaside. In this case, it is necessary to bow to Nagao Kagetora, and appointing him as the deputy commander of Nishiurahara County is also a matter of course. This method of co-optation can increase the influence of the small country Yorihisa in Nishiurahara County.

The wife of Kanjin recruit Wei Yijiu was once the wet nurse of Nagao Kagetora, and he himself also served as the leader of the police in Kasugayama Castle for a long time. Because of this connection, he has always been trusted by Nagao Kagetora, and he was asked to serve as the head of Higashi Urahara County. Taking the next step and going deeper into Xiayue is also the most reassuring option.

After a round of adjustments, Nagao Kagetora embarked on a journey to Sanluo with dozens of followers. Before leaving, there was an episode. Nagao Kagetora also made a fuss about going to Kyoto. The reason turned out to be Kyoto. Hayao Sakura could watch, which made Nagao Kagetora feel very speechless, but he couldn't pester this little girl so he had to agree, and then there were Nagao Kagetora and several of his little maids in the team. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

ps: Have you guessed anything? Regardless of whether you guessed it or not, please support Wu Mei!=.=

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