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Chapter 10 The Military Strategy of Kansuke

The revived Minso Ankoku Zen Temple is more gorgeous and magnificent than before. In addition to serving as the Bodhi Temple where the Kira family has enshrined the ancestors for generations, it is also the famous Kannon Dojo in Tokaido. The temple enshrines the wish-fulfilling Kannon. It is located in Owari, Toe, Suruga, etc. on Tokaido.

It is very famous in the country, and at the same time, the Myoshinji sect is the most powerful among the Rinzai sects. Not only the Kira family has been a Buddhist of the Myoshinji sect for generations, but also the Imagawa family, the Takeda family and other famous martial arts families are also members of the Myoshinji sect.

of believers.

If Sonobu Nishiyama, the resident minister of the Anguo Zen Temple, is actually operating in the Kira family under the orders of Taiyuan Xuezai, the consequences will be really unimaginable. The influence of the Miaoshinji sect in Nishi Mikawa is not small, especially in the Kira territory.

The largest sect, most of the Kira family's retainers and people follow the faith of the main family and follow the Myoshinji sect.

In the wealthy family near Honjoji Temple, the earth servant was attracted by the Honjoji Temple of the Ichigo sect and became a believer. Once his residence at Bodhiji Temple turned against him and lobbied for the Imagawa family, the Kira family's will to resist would soon collapse, let alone anything.

Gathering a large army to defend the city, it would be good if the wealthy people did not secretly open the city gates and surrender.

"In this way, Taiyuan Xuezhai has quite a relationship with our family. However, he is a retainer of the Imagawa family, which means that the conflict with our family cannot be adjusted. Taiyuan Xuezhai wants to use the influence of Anguo Zen Temple, the prime minister of the family, on our family.

Come and persuade me to surrender! It is true that I should be polite first and then attack. If I don't obey, I will have a reason to send troops to Hatzu County. When the time comes, no one will blame the Imagawa family. Who can tell me that I don't know the current affairs? This is really a successful fight.


Kira Manshomaru seemed to have some realization, but this realization was really bitter. He knew that these famous generals were not easy to fool, and the Imagawa family often had the ambition to annex Mikawa, but still wishful thinking that others would not attack him. It was really contrary to his unforgivable naivety.


"There is no solution to this! The Imagawa family takes the initiative to attack, and I passively defend. Before the opponent's offensive has even started, I am in chaos. This is waiting for me to make a mistake! It is useless to do anything now. The more you do, the more you do.

The more." Think about Taiyuan Xue Zhai's military strategy. In last year's Battle of Xiaoduzaka, with 10,000 troops against 4,000 Oda troops, he even arranged an ambush and a surprise attack. How capable is such a stable old fox?

Better than?

He really can't think of a way to deal with Taiyuan Xuezhai. He can't block Xishan Zongyan and prevent him from leaving the temple. But once he makes a move, the important officials in the family will be shaken. At that time, will he fight or surrender? Fighting is absolute.

He couldn't defeat the tens of thousands of troops of the Imagawa family, and he couldn't surrender to avenge his brother Kira Yoshigo and the Tojo family Kira Mochihiro. Besides, those important officials who had passed down the generations would not easily succumb to the Imagawa clan who was a branch of the Kira family. This was simply

It's a dead end.

Kira Mansomaru felt unjustly accused. His father, Kira Yoshiyao, had rebelled against Imagawa all his life but had no results in the end. His brother Kira Yoshigo lost his life because of his rebellion against Imagawa. He himself also understood that the Imakawa family was not so powerful because of him.

He can withstand it with his strength, but the will of his retainers is not controlled by him. Every retainer in the Kira family tree screams at the mention of Imagawa like chicken blood. What can he do?

The Kira family has inherited many prefectures in Mikawa Province for generations since the early Kamakura period. After the division of the family, the Kira family later controlled Higashi Mikawa. Regardless of whether the Muromachi shogunate appointed the Hosokawa family or the Isshiki family as the guardian of Mikawa, the Kira family's power could not be circumvented.

Nowadays, the powerful Sichuan clan has only completed the annexation of the Yuanjiang Kingdom, and is still powerless against the Mikawa Kingdom.

But all this changed with the decision of the previous head of the Shimo-Kira family, Kira Mochihiro. Ever since Shimo-Kira was assigned to Tojo Castle, he had always had the ambition to annex the clan. In his generation, he quickly seized the opportunity. He found that his subordinates

Matsudaira Kiyoyasu, who had been a feudal lord with his father Kira, and had been worshiped as a general by one name, was a rare general. Therefore, with the support of Kira Mochihiro, Matsudaira Kiyoyasu triumphantly defeated many retainers who were close to the clan, and the people of the country

, causing the Liangjiliang Rebellion to become more intense.

His short-sighted behavior soon paid the price. Matsudaira Kiyoyasu gradually stopped obeying Kira Mochihiro's orders, and his intention to become independent could no longer be stopped. Although the Mori landslide accident bankrupted his plot, once the idea of ​​independence took root, he could no longer

Unstoppable, just like Owari Oda quietly completed his move to conquer the country by relying on a branch all over the country, the Matsudaira clan also has a large number of branches spread across half of Mikawa. They have the idea and ability to imitate Oda and usurp Mikawa Kingdom, and they have made great efforts to conquer Mikawa.

This effort is put into practice.

Unwilling to fail, Kira Mochihiro took the initiative to establish contact with the Imagawa family. He appointed his younger brother Arakawa Yoshihiro to be responsible for contacting the Imagawa family, and released this hungry wolf that was lingering outside the door and could not enter the Mikawa Kingdom, so that the originally solid defense

There was a breach in the barrier, and from that moment on, the Kira family's rule over Mikawa was destined to end.

Unfortunately, something happened soon. The wily Taiyuan Xuezhai kept mobilizing the people of Mikawa, so that the influence of the Imagawa family gradually penetrated into Dongsanhe. The people of the country who originally belonged to the upper and lower Jiliang began to waver. In the eight counties of Dongsanhe, they set up...

In Le County, there have been cases where Chinese people were instigated to rebel, and some people even directly became the servants of the Imagawa family to invade Mikawa.

The head of the Matsudaira family, who was facing destruction due to the Mori landslide, and Matsudaira Hirotada, who accepted Kira Mochihiro's favor, quickly switched to the Imagawa family, the new master. Imagawa Yoshimoto even took advantage of the opportunity of Matsudaira Hirotada to join the family, forcing his superiors to

The two Kiras recognized the complete independence of the Matsudaira family from the Kira family.

It was only then that the Tojo Kira family came to their senses. In order to save the defeat and atone for his sins, Kira Mochihiro sent his son to Owari Province, and welcomed Kira Yoshian from the Sou family as the heir to the family governor, but he did all this

By the time it was already too late, the influence of the Imagawa family had spread deeply into Mikawa and was unstoppable.

Ten years ago, in the Battle of Hachimiyama, the 10,000-strong army formed by the Imagawa family and pro-Imagawa Yoshihiro Arakawa defeated the 6,000-strong army that Ryō Kira had hastily organized at Hachimiyama.

The governor of the Kira family, Kira Mochihiro, and most of the clan were all killed in the battle. Eight hundred people of the Kira family were killed, and the family business was almost collapsed.

Fortunately, God gave the Kira family another chance. The Oda family's invasion of Nishi Mikawa temporarily relieved the Kira family's crisis of genocide. Even so, Ryo Kira could only survive. The original system of Mikawa was riddled with holes. Most people in Higashi Mikawa

Turning to the Imagawa family, the two Ji Liang are like terminally ill old people who may die at any time.

This question has been lingering in his mind since a few years ago, and he finally understood it today: "This is the bloody jungle law that applies to superiors! The Wu family's abnormal and demanding demands on the land have evolved into tragedies one after another, because this is how

This is where fathers and sons turn against each other, brothers kill each other, and national rebellions all come from this. If you just want to farm the land and become a small lord, forget about it."

"...Mr. Master! I have served my family for several years and have trained eight hundred ashigaru for my family. It should be helpful to our Kira family's great cause!" Yamamoto Kansuke seemed to be comforting him, and added the military training he had done a few years ago.

The old story was brought up again. A few years ago, Yamamoto Kansuke was promoted to the rank of general because of his contribution to the reconstruction of Saijo Castle. Then he asked himself to train a standing ashigaru for the Kira family.

At that time, his father, Kira Yoshihiro, was the governor of the family. In order to save the crumbling family business, he agreed to the proposal and treated his father as a living doctor. Before his father's body collapsed, he visited him several times, and every time he

He said that he had to continue training before he was ready. As for when he would finish training these soldiers, Yamamoto Kansuke kept it secret.

Since Kira Manshomaru came to power for more than a year, I haven't heard Yamamoto Kansuke mention this matter much. Over time, I forgot about it. This time, when he talked about it, I remembered that a large part of the Kira family's annual expenditures came to mind.

It was allocated to Kansuke Yamamoto to train new soldiers. This soldier needs to be trained for more than five years, which is a long enough time. What kind of soldier needs to be trained for more than five years? Is it intended to train eight hundred samurai?

"Are you ready for training? How are the levels of these ashigaru?" When he heard about the military training, he became energetic. In this era, having soldiers and food is fundamental. Without these, even if you are a noble family, it will be of little use. You don't see the people in Kyoto.

The emperor wanted to make a living by selling paintings, and the ministers had to go to the streets and sell vegetables to make a living. The ministers of all the dynasties had no choice but to go to distant countries to make a living.

"Most of these eight hundred standing ashigaru come from the national clan, and the best have been selected through layers of selection. I dare to say that most of the best in Nishi Mikawa are concentrated among these eight hundred people!" This can satisfy the demanding Kansuke Yamamoto, and it does look very good.

Not a bad look.

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