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Chapter 232 How to Clear Up Misunderstandings

The boys and girls ran out of the courtyard one after another, knocking down several maids and frightening many servants along the way. They rushed to Kasugayama Castle Honmaru with no way to escape. Looking around, they were all dumbfounded servants. Kira Yoshitoki only

Neng took a deep breath and said: "I think there is some misunderstanding between us!"

The long-tailed tiger girl stared with her big round eyes and said with murderous intent: "Asshole! I'm going to kill you!"

The dancing shadow of the gun caused a roaring sound. Fearing that fighting back with the gun would hurt her, Kira Yoshiki could only be forced to dodge left and right. There were several close calls when she was stabbed.

Fortunately, all this was quickly stopped by Nagao Kagetora, who arrived in time: "Torahime! What are you doing? You haven't put away the gun yet!"

"Brother!" Long-tailed Tiger Princess was ashamed and angry. She pointed at Kiragi and scolded: "This bastard just broke into my building and..."

"You dare to talk back!" Nagao Kagetora scolded: "Yoshitoki is your husband, and it is natural for him to go to your residence! For this reason, it is simply unreasonable for you to fight with swords and guns. Why don't you go back quickly?


"Brother..." Nagao Torahime looked aggrievedly at her brother who had always loved her, but he treated her so ruthlessly. When she turned to look at Kiragi who looked like an innocent person with a grimace, she scolded in shame and anger:

"I hate you!"

Seeing his sister running away in a very rude manner, Nagao Kagetora was so angry that he knocked on the floor several times with his bamboo stick, and then said to Kira Yoshitoki with some apology: "Yoshitoki, let you

I'm really sorry for being implicated, it was my lax discipline on Hu Ji that frightened you."

"It's my fault this time. I didn't offend Torahime. I'll go back and apologize to her later!" Everyone was embarrassed when things happened like this. Kira Yoshishi exchanged a few polite words with Nagao Kagetora and hurried back.

Library building.

On the way back, Kira Yoshi's head was spinning rapidly: "We have to think of ways to avoid conflicts. The two of us are already at odds, and if this accident has a bad impact, how will I face this situation in the future?"

How can I have the nerve to stay in Echigo? Now there are rumors that I, Kira Yoshito, want to occupy the magpie's nest and take away the Nagao family's foundation. If there is another rumor that conflict breaks out between me and Torahime, then it will be terrible.

The yellow mud really fell into my crotch, and it’s hard to tell the difference!”

As for the original idea of ​​Shimomikachi Echigo, there was a heated debate among the Kira retainers as early as the Sakamoto period. The Omi faction, the Shogunate faction, and the Mikawa faction all had different opinions. There were also incidents of holding candles all night long, and even a fight.

, almost caused a big fight.

Among them, the Omi faction is the most resolute and thorough in their opposition. Their loyalty is to the Kira family who can bring them benefits. There is no need to follow Kira who cannot bring them benefits. It is better to guard the foundation of Takashima County and enjoy the gains. So among them

You can tell what your attitude is when the vast majority of people give up and move backward.

The shogunate faction went from firm opposition at the beginning to internal conflicts. Hosokawa Fujitaka, Matsui Tomokashi changed their tune and became supportive, while Odate Harutada, Ninagawa Okinaga and others still expressed opposition. In the end, they were left in Sakamoto to guard the family business.

In the words of Yoshitoki Kira, the most important thing in appointing a retainer is loyalty. If you have your own ideas and don't want to follow his footsteps, then just stay.

The internal reaction of the Mikawa faction is also very contradictory. Most of them benefited from the Kira family's strategy and took root in Omi and had their own small families. From the bottom of their hearts, they were unwilling to leave this fertile land, but on the other hand, they were given everything.

The family governor must leave again, and whether to support or oppose becomes a new choice.

Almost the same as the shogunate faction, some people were firmly opposed to leaving, and most people were unable to make a decision. At this time, Yamamoto Tokiyuki stood up in time and actively lobbied. In the end, 99% of the people decided to support Echigo's actions.

The price Kira Yoshitoki asked for was that all the relatives of the Mikawa samurai must follow him to Echigo. At the same time, Kira Yoshitoki was asked to make a promise to ensure that his own rights and interests would not be harmed. That is to say, the previously promised permission for the generation of travel must be issued in writing.

Issuing it to them is equivalent to giving a security approval in a different direction to ensure that the benefits they have received for generations are protected.

After the debate over Shimogaikachigo ended, how to develop Shimogaikachigo became the number one topic. The first plan that was put forward was the proposal of occupying the magpie's nest. The first reaction of the more utilitarian warriors was to occupy the magpie's nest.

, this plan was immediately rejected by Kira Yoshitoki and many important ministers when it was proposed.

The people of Echigo are not fools. Everything the Kira family can think of can also be thought of by others. Overestimating oneself and underestimating others is the stupidest behavior. However, some people still insist on this idea. Occupying the magpie's nest is the most time-saving and labor-saving. Using the Kira family's

Reputation overwhelms the Nagao family, and they will not hesitate to cause a war. Compared with the loss of a little reputation, the speculative dividends of a country are enough to make people crazy.

Kira Yoshitoki sneered at this idea. First of all, they did not understand Echigo, let alone who Nagao Kagetora was. Nagao Kagetora was an idealist and a guardian of Echigo. His political wisdom had been betrayed by many years of war and conspiracy.

As I gradually mature, I can of course think of such a simple principle as a dove occupying a magpie's nest, and even think about it more clearly.

It is most likely that when the idea of ​​measurement was proposed to Echigo, the dragon of Echigo was aware of this danger and great possibility. The original rejection of Kiragi's request may have this meaning in it.

, of course, he finally agreed to Kira Yoshitoki's request.

The main reason for this is that he has no heir and only has one sister as the political heir. More importantly, he is optimistic about Kiragi Toki's personal development potential. At the same time, he is also attracted by his ideas for solving the problem of the people. He is betting on Kiragi.

Is Toki a hypocritical viper? If he wins the bet, he will definitely make a lot of money. If he loses the bet, there is no telling whether Nagao Kagetora has any backup plans.

It would be a huge loss if the Kira family lost both their wives and soldiers, and even lost their lives and property, or even suffered injuries. This risk alone was enough to make Yamamoto Tokiyuki, Hosokawa Fujitaka and others shake their heads in opposition.

What's more, Kira Yoshitoki's ambition is not to occupy the magpie's nest. If he wants to do that, just kill the shogun in Kyoto. That method saves time and effort, and the cost is nothing more than "a little reputation."

If it were Saito Douzan and his ilk, they might be happy to do this kind of subjugation, or a certain big devil would rely on holding the emperor to make the princes slowly complete the steps to defeat the shogunate.

Big bad guys. They are both big bad guys. The only difference is that one is worse and the other is very bad.

Kira Yoshitoki cherishes feathers and is unwilling to do such a thing. At the same time, he is a young man with aspirations, ambitions, conditions, and resources. He hopes to build a world with his own hands. Nagao Kagetora feels this.

It was clear that that was why he allowed the Kira family to move down to Echigo.

In fact, what worries him more is how to face Hu Ji. This misunderstanding is likely to cause great harm to her. If it cannot be restored in time, it will definitely cause a very bad chemical reaction. For example, if the future marriage life is not happy, the two will not be happy.

The sharp conflict between people caused the confrontation between Kira and the Echigo retainers group, etc.

"For the current plan, we still have to find a way to persuade her to come back!" Kiragi walked towards the library with a heavy heart. Suddenly he felt that his feet were a little unsteady. For a moment, he couldn't react, and then there was a burst of sound from the ground.

The roar and the violent vibration that followed shook him up and down, and it was a heart-stopping feeling as if the whole world was spinning.

"There's an earthquake!" The first thing that came to his mind were these three words. The next thing he thought about was Long-tailed Tiger Princess. When he saw the girl in white who fell in the distance, Kira Yoshi could only scream inwardly: "

Oops." He couldn't care about the huge noise of the earthquake. He ran over with his hands and feet rolling and crawling.

"Toragi! Are you okay?" The white clothes were stained by dust, and even the clean black hair was stained with dust. Kira Yoshiki rushed forward and hugged the long-tailed Torahime.

Only then did I realize that the little Loli was very light.

"Don't touch me!" The girl in white pushed his arm away. Just as she was about to stand up unsteadily, she was knocked down by the ensuing aftershocks. Kira Yoshi immediately supported her delicate body and said,

Concerned: "No matter what happened just now, please believe that I have no ill intentions towards you. Hold me tight and let's go back together!"

The long-tailed tiger girl struggled for a while and then gave up the unnecessary breath. The little girl looked very angry and could only walk back unhappyly leaning on his shoulder amidst the shaking of the earthquake.

This earthquake did not last long and stopped after a while, but it was far from over. People with rich earthquake experience knew very well that continuous aftershocks would be waiting for them, and they would be heard from time to time along the way.

There were screams and painful groans, and the roof collapsed somewhere.

As soon as I supported Long-tailed Tiger back to the hotel, I saw several maids rushing over and asking questions around Tiger Princess. Here Aju also rushed over with a group of maids. The two of them were naturally separated by their respective maids. From beginning to end

Hu Ji didn't even turn to look at him, which made him a little disappointed.

"How can we eliminate this misunderstanding?" Kira Yoshi thought with a headache.

This sudden earthquake still brought some adverse effects to Kasugayama Castle. There are about 4,000 households in the castle town at the foot of Kasugayama. Due to this earthquake, houses collapsed to varying degrees. The most serious ones were only minor injuries. Yamashita

The nearby towns of Naoetsu and other banks also suffered varying degrees of damage.

Kira Yoshitoki was also brought over by Nagao Kagetora to discuss post-earthquake relief matters. The meeting was attended by Honjo Mino, Nagao Kagenobu, Nakajo Fujisaki, Nagao Fujikage, Ohkuma Asahide, Saito Asanobu, and Naoe Mitsuna.

, Nagao Masakai, Tairako Fumasa, Hojo Takahiro, Yamayoshi Masahisa, Usami Sadamitsu and other important ministers all attended the meeting.

On the other side, Kira Yoshitoki's retainers, Yamamoto Tokiyuki, Hosokawa Fujitaka, Matsui Yukan, Ina Tadaka, Mitsui Todaka, and Honda Tokimasa also participated in this temporary evaluation meeting. Different from the Nagao retainers,

In a panic, the members of the Kira family drafted a disaster relief decree in only about a quarter of an hour.

These include evacuating people in towns that were severely damaged by the earthquake, forming a local team to rescue the injured and moving them to relatively safe areas for unified treatment, and providing tents and food to homeless victims. We provide drinking water and other assistance, and also require local lords to organize rescue operations on the spot. If the homeless cannot be solved for the time being, they can be sent to Naoetsu for unified arrangements.

The Kira family pursued many outstanding governance techniques and suppressed all the arrogant Echigo samurai in one fell swoop, such as Ohkuma Chaohide, Naoe Mitsuna, Tairako Fumasa, Yamayoshi Masahisa and others, who have always regarded themselves as masters of internal affairs, but they Compared to the followers of the Kira family, Yi was far behind, so he could only admit with a grimace that his skills were inferior to others.

Nagao Kagetora asked Kira Yoshi for his opinion, and when he saw that he had no other additions, he immediately pressed the monogram, turned the document into a government order and issued it to the seven counties of Echigo. This was the first time that the Kira retainers group showed up after three months of silence. The sharp fangs certainly aroused some vigilance among the Longtail retainers. However, everything did not seem as serious as imagined.

In a house in Kasugayama Castle, a group of Nagao retainers gathered together and discussed something worriedly. They heard Hojo Takahiro's loud voice shouting: "Aren't they just a group of outsiders? What's there to be afraid of?" ?What we should be concerned about now is the lord’s inflated personal wealth. In the past few months, the lord has reached out to the country’s tax department several times, which has seriously threatened our rights and interests. We can’t do nothing!”

"Haha, what Tango Moriden said is right. We should pay attention to it... It's just that the lord's request is very reasonable. What reason do we have to oppose it?" Hirako Fumasa said with a smile: "What do you think of His Highness Bizen Mori? "

Okuma Asahide and Hirako Fumasa looked at each other and said understandingly: "I, Asahide, agree with Wakasa Mamoru's opinion!"

Seeing the two allies of the Uesugi faction starting to move, Usami Sadamichi also echoed: "My lord's decree is impeccable, Tango should stay calm while guarding the palace!"


"Everyone, please be patient! We are all Echigo people. We can't make jokes in front of outsiders. If you have something to say, talk it over." Nagao Fujikage tugged on his goatee and acted as a peacemaker. It took a lot of words to bring the two gangs together. People's anger is suppressed.

"Oh, I'm a little sleepy. I'll just say goodbye now!" Saito Asanobu laughed and got up and left, regardless of the fact that it was still broad daylight outside. As soon as Saito Asanobu left, many other retainers left one after another, and the owner Minoru, Nagao Kagenobu, and Nakajo Fujisa did not attend due to their busy official duties, which made it impossible for the secret meeting to continue.

Nagao Masaki, who remained silent from beginning to end, watched the performances of many former allies in the hall, and always maintained a coldly onlooker attitude, but sneered in his heart: "The Echigo-Uesugi faction is like yesterday's flower. If you can abandon me yesterday, you will be gone tomorrow." It’s such a pitiful and sad person to be abandoned by others.”

Thinking of this, Nagao Masaki said apologetically: "It's getting late, I, Masaki, have to say goodbye too!"

Everyone also left one after another. Only Hojo Takahiro sat there gritting his teeth and shouted angrily: "What a bunch of ungrateful bastards! They were frightened by that tiger cub! It's simply unreasonable!"

Kira Yoshitoki has been having a very bad time recently, not because of the complicated post-disaster relief work, but because his fiancée Nagao Torahime has been unwilling to pay attention to him. He has exhausted all possible methods in the past few days. Still unable to make the beautiful lady happy, all the gifts and snacks she had tried so hard to send were thrown out by the girl in the opposite building.

If that's all, it's fine. What's even worse is that the long-tailed tiger has been avoiding him all day long. She either rides her horse to other training grounds to practice spear skills, or rides her horse out of Kasuga Mountain, scaring a group of people. The attendants were frightened and stayed away every time they saw Kiragi.

"What should I do? I didn't mean to do that...Okay! I was indeed wrong, but I think there should still be a chance to recover." Lying in the large bedroom, Kira Yoshi stared out the window again. He was in a daze in the garden. Ever since the German Hans from Nassau came to him a few days ago and strongly demanded that Ma Hui and Chi Bei should not idle around on horseback and hunt during training, his only recreational activity in Echigo was also deprived.

"Your Highness!" A'Ju pushed open the paper door, walked in with a plate of tea, and said with a pure and soft smile: "Eat some pastries! The walnut cake that A'Ju made recently is delicious!"

"Well, Ah Ju always makes delicious food, I will get fat if this goes on!" Kira Yoshi complained symbolically, and couldn't help but throw himself into the fight for the new meal, stuffing it into his mouth. Holding the delicious pastries, he shook his head and said: "I have to go to training in the afternoon. That damn German guy is so abominable. Are you willing to give me any special treatment today and let me practice basic swordsmanship and gun skills with a group of young people?" I am a master of spear skills!"

"Chiyoda, come and try it too!" Aju picked up a piece of walnut cake and said seductively: "It's delicious!"

"Gudong!" There was a sound of swallowing, and the little head came over and said with grievance: "Chiyoda can't eat. Last time, His Highness was almost injured because of his gluttony. My uncle scolded Chiyoda angrily, so Chiyoda can't eat anymore. ."

"Eh? Why?" Aju stood up, took the walnut cake and handed it to him, and said as if to vindicate him: "Chiyoda is not wrong! Your Highness and Princess Torahime were just joking. Princess Torahime told Kikuhime that she will never do anything again in the future. I won’t do this again!” (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: I have basically explained the twists and turns of Echigo downwards. The two counties of Omi are a dead place that is difficult to advance, and the loyal retainers left behind will be enough. Should I fight Miyoshi in the Kinai, and then defeat the general? Or should I just go to heaven? Bird Fei, where are you going to see Uesugi, Takeda, and Hojo?

This chapter has been completed!
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