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Chapter 234 Intense land dispute

"Shut up! This is not a charity, let alone a gift. It is for the rescue of the victims. Did you bear the rations and treat the wounded?" Nagao Kagetora laughed angrily, shaking his head and scolding: "Don't do it to me.

When the Nagao family talks about nobles in Kyoto, Takeeden is my sister-in-law of the Nagao family, not an outsider!"

As soon as he heard about the sister-in-law of the Nagao family, Honjo Shigenaga got even more excited. He twisted his neck and shouted loudly: "My lord! Then I am even more dissatisfied! Why should my princess of the Nagao family marry the samurai family of Kyoto? Do I

Isn’t it true that none of the noble men in the seven prefectures of Echigo is worthy of Princess Torahime? I, Mancho, am the first to disapprove!"

"Yes! I have thousands of sons in the seven counties of Echigo, and I can't find an outstanding warrior suitable for Princess Torahime."

"We all love Princess Tiger Princess!"

"Yes! Princess Tiger Princess is the most beautiful woman in the eyes of our warriors. Her long hair is majestic and strong. She is simply a role model for us warriors!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't talk nonsense! Princess Hu Ji is obviously beautiful and cute, with long black straight hair that makes people excited. If I can marry Princess Hu Ji, hehehe..."

"Looking at your crooked appearance, do you still want to marry Princess Torahime? If you want to marry Princess Torahime, you should be a handsome man like me, Nanosuke!"

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom? You shorty!" Echigo's scolding in dialect aroused the laughter of a bunch of samurai. Their unscrupulous behavior certainly aroused dissatisfaction among the Kira family. Many samurai of the Kira family who looked down on Echigo's country folk

I can't bear it anymore.

"Shut up, everyone! If you contradict a prominent member of the shogunate, you will roar at the evaluation meeting! Arrest all those who were laughing, scolding and playing around! Tie them to a tree and let them reflect!" With an order, hundreds of Nagao family's Hatamoto samurai were like wolves.

The tiger rushed over and knocked down all those who dared to resist, including Hojo Takahiro and Honjo Shigenaga, who did not escape.

"Lord, I don't accept it! I don't accept it!" They were still shouting one after another, making the remaining Echigo samurai sigh.

Kira Yoshishi then put away the bat fan, stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, let's continue with the evaluation meeting! What's the next topic?"

Unlike the noisy Kasugayama Castle Tower, which is only two and a half towns apart, about 270 meters away, the building remains quiet and peaceful. Three girls are sitting side by side under the verandah. The girl in white on the left is Nagao Torahime.

He turned his face sideways and asked: "It's so boring, sister Aju, let's go for a walk outside?"

"But His Highness won't let us out!" Aju shook her head gently, picked up the teapot, filled a cup of tea for her and handed it over.

The idiot Loli on the right raised her little hand and shouted: "Chiyoda wants a drink too!"

"Okay, okay! Here's it for you!" Aju smiled and poured another cup and handed it over. The two little lolita were busy sipping tea, which made Aju very satisfied.

"Oh! It tastes so good! This kind of sencha is much better than that weird-tasting matcha! It's refreshing and elegant, and it's great!" Nagao Torahime still said stubbornly: "I don't want to listen to that bastard...

How about just walking around Naoetsu? Toraji heard that there is a new resettlement there, and there are many poor injured homeless people. Can we go and see them with food and old clothes? "

"Chiyome wants to go too!"

The two lolita waited and stared at her with their big eyes, which made Aju hesitate. After thinking for a while, she said, "It should be okay! But we have to get on the horse and return to the samurai before we can go out!"

"No need! Torahime has her own bodyguards! All of them are warriors!" Long-tailed Torahime proudly showed off: "Although there are only twenty of us at the moment, each of us is a master of bow and horse. Even if we fight tooth and nail, we won’t be afraid of those men!”

Nagao Kagetora raised his head with a cup of sake and drank it. The needle-like headache that had just hit him suddenly was relieved. He rubbed his temples and frowned and said: "Nakajo Echizen Shuden and Kurokawa Shimono Shuden of the same clan are the same. The territorial dispute is over! The two families must divide their respective disputed territories according to the ruling!"

"Yes!" Nakajo Fujisaki looked very satisfied. Of course, Kurokawa Morimino was not too happy, but he could not contradict Nagao Kagetora in any case, so he leaned down and said, "We will definitely obey the Lord's decision!"

The two are from the same clan, the Nakajo clan is a direct descendant and the Kurokawa clan is a concubine. Kurokawa Moromi's great-grandfather's mother was the daughter of the Nakajo clan. Logically speaking, they should be very close to the same clan, but that's it. However, since the 20th year of Astronomy, the two families have been at loggerheads due to territorial disputes, almost to the point of fighting each other as if they were enemies. In the end, Nagao Kagetora's mentor Amuro Mitsuyu went back and forth to mediate between the two families.

The reason for reluctantly reaching peace this time was because of the master's face. Otherwise, Kurokawa Moromi would not have given up, because this ruling was obviously in favor of Nakajo and Fujitsu, and the land of three farms was transferred to Nakajo. Fujitsu took up the two biggest ones, and he only ended up with the smallest one. Thinking of this, Kurokawa Mori-mi couldn't help but glare at Fujitsu with resentment.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report!" Daxiong Chaoxiu stood up and walked out of the crowd and said loudly: "The dispute over the territory of Tsumaori Township in Uonuma County arose due to the ownership of the Five Rebels' land in the farm. After my investigation, it was found that as early as This property has been owned by the Shimohira family forty years ago. According to the lord's strict order, no family can encroach on other people's territory from the day the lord enters Kasugayama Castle. The previous disputes have been terminated, so I think it is reasonable for Shimohira to repair it."

"My lord has something to say!" I stood up proudly, strode out of the queue, knelt down and said, "My lord believes that my lord treats the people of the country with kindness and should handle land disputes with fairness, so why not Wouldn't it be more beautiful to divide this land into two halves and let each family take one?"

"I, Asahide, handle the land lawsuit impartially and follow the will of the lord. What does Misaku Matsumoto mean by this?" As the leader of the Echigo-Uesugi family faction, Ohkuma Asahide believed that he should serve as the chief minister of the Nagao family, so Be very wary of Honjo Shino's actions.

Honjo Minoru caught a glimpse of Ueno Ienari's anxious expression and Nagao Masaki's concerned eyes, and immediately said: "Since it is a just decision, the will of the disputers on both sides should be fully taken into account. The Lord has just made the decision between Echizen Shuden and Shimono Shuden." The disputes between the two parties are also decided by the method of each taking one's own approach. What's more, this land was indeed the territory of the Ueno family forty years ago. Does it mean that once the Shimotaira family takes possession of it, it becomes their own?"

In fact, this piece of land has nothing to do with Honjo Minoru. It only concerns Nagao Kagetora and Nagao Masakage of the Nagao family, the leader of the Ueda clan. He has to stand up and fight against it. Among the seven counties of Echigo , the territory of the Ueda Nagao family is mainly in Uonuma County, and there is a samurai group in Uonuma County that is not inferior to the Yangbei clan, united around the Ueda Nagao family, and their name is the Ueda clan.

Since the farce-like rebellion ended three years ago, Nagao Masakage has officially submitted to the master of Kasugayama Castle and has been a close minister at the feet of Nagao Kagetora. However, no one will underestimate this powerful samurai family and the foundation of the Ueda clan.

Without damage, and with the kinship bond of Princess Aya, Nagao Kagetora cannot do anything to harm the Ueda Nagao family.

Honjo Minoru's move is to help Nagao Kagetora win over the Nagao family of Ueda. If this matter is handled properly, the Ueda family can be perfectly integrated into the larger framework of the Nagao family, which will help Nagao Kagetora rule the seven counties of Echigo.

land, this is also one of the secret agreements he reached with Nagao Masaki.

And Ueno Ienari happened to be a member of the Ueda family, and he was also a member of the Hatamoto family who took the initiative to join Nagao Kagetora. He was one of those big light bulbs illuminated by two factions, while Shimohira Yoshinaga belonged to one of the Echigo-Uesugi faction. In the past,

He is a retainer of Uesugi Sadami, there is no comparison between the two.

Originally, the Ueda clan and the Echigo-Uesugi faction were allies. It was only when Nagao Masaki set off a rebellion three years ago that the Echigo-Uesugi faction decisively abandoned this powerful ally and defected to Nagao Kagetora. Only then did they overpower Nagao in the ensuing war.

The political situation suffered a huge defeat, even a very cowardly defeat.

Since then, Nagao Masaki and the Ueda people have hated this gang of treacherous villains. Therefore, in this land dispute, Nagao Masaki wanted to make the Echigo Uesugi faction lose face. Therefore, after this incident, many people

He quickly joined forces with Honjo Minoru, who won the support of public opinion, and he was responsible for military deterrence.

The leader of the Echigo Uesugi faction, Ohkuma Tohide, will naturally not support Ueno Ienari's land appeal. He must protect the interests of Shimohira Ryo Yoshinaga. This is related to his prestige and status within the Echigo Uesugi faction, so this time

Collisions are bound to happen.

"No! It's not right for me to say this, Meisakushou. If the Shimohira family occupied these fields after the lord's strict order, I, Chaoxiu, would definitely judge it as unreasonable. This is the way we should deal with it justly. As for Meisakushou,

Let’s talk about the old things decades ago... Tell me, where did our land come from? It didn’t come from the imperial court and the temple estates in Kyoto. Do we need to return our land to the nobles in Kyoto?

When he said this, Okuma Asahiu glanced at Kiragi intentionally or unintentionally, which caused a burst of laughter from the people of Echigo country.

"Hmph! I think Bizen Mamoru is not sincere!" Honjo Minano was keenly aware that Nagao Kagetora on the main seat was unhappy, but he could not see Kiragi's attitude clearly. When the group of Mikawa samurai saw it,

They seemed very upright and looked aggrieved when faced with Daxiong Chaoxiu's unwarranted suggestion. Fortunately, they were more restrained this time and did not jump up again.

"Whether the ruling is fair or not depends entirely on the arbitrariness of the lord Gan Gang. As ministers, we only have the right to make suggestions and cannot make decisions on our behalf. The dispute over the territory of the samurai family is different from that of hundreds of years ago and cannot be compared with it. The wife of Uonuma County has a village, but only

There are two lords, Ueno and Xiaping. The two lords are involved in land disputes. First of all, they should be arbitrated with a fair attitude. You must not act arbitrarily and make perverse actions in the name of the lord!"

"What? I acted arbitrarily and rebelliously?" Daxiong Chaohide was furious and said loudly: "The land of the Shimoheira family is legal. In the past forty years, I have never heard of the Ueno family asking for territorial rights. Why do I think about it now?

Rise up to complain about land disputes? Isn’t there a problem in this?”

"That's enough for Bizen Mamoru." Naoe Mitsuna interjected: "There is justice in claiming territory. I believe everyone knows the reason. I think Mimasakuden is right, it is better for each to take half!"

Daxiong Chaohide immediately refused: "No! This request is unreasonable. The land of the Shimohira family has been cultivated for two generations. It is a good piece of land, but it was taken away by a few people with just one sentence. If the Ueno family starts a lawsuit in the future, will it be a good land?

Should all the land of the Taira family be taken away? This is absolutely unacceptable!" (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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