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Chapter 238 Jinghu's resentment

Kasugayama Castle, which had been silent for several days due to a turmoil at the assessment meeting, another major event happened. It was also because of the land lawsuit between Ueno Iashari and Shimohira Yoshinaga. The conflict between Honjo Minoru and Ohkuma Asahide completely broke out. The two of them met on the same day.

There was a big quarrel at a routine executive meeting, and they almost started fighting on the spot, but in the end they were pulled away by Nagao Kagetora.

The reason is that Honjo Sano, as the elder of the Nagao family's assistant, overturned Ohkuma Chaohide's judgment, assigned all the disputed land to the Ueno family, and asked the leader of the Ueda clan, Nagao Masakage, to write a written order to Uonuma County.

The Ueda people inside "assisted" Ueno Ienari to regain the land that had been lost for more than 40 years.

No matter how you say it, it is always obvious to benefit the Ueda people, and Nagao Masakei and below do not mind letting the Echigo Uesugi faction led by Ohuma Asahide suffer a big loss. This is how they deceived Nagao Masakei in the first place, and now

Just retrieving the Five Antis land will not be enough for the Echigo Uesugi faction to repay what they owe the Ueda clan.

Shimohira Yoshinaga is only a native of Uonuma County, and he is also a native of the Echigo-Uesugi faction. The original core of this group was the former guardian of Echigo, Uesugi Sadami, and his branch families, the Kamijo clan, the Yamamotoji clan, and the Yamaura clan.

The clan and many retainers of the guardian faction were imprisoned. In the past, the Ueda clan and the guardian faction didn't think it was inappropriate to wear the same pair of trousers. Now, once the two families are separated, Heyoshi Cho is in trouble.

He didn't dare to appeal again, because Honjo Minoru was the core figure of the former guardian generation. Echigo's current guardian Nagao Kagetora's mentor, in the mind of the king, his status was equal to that of his first teacher Amuro.

Mitsuoku, Honjo Minoru represents all the forces of the Echigo Nagao family, and his will is equivalent to the will of the king at some point. How dare he appeal.

Similarly, he did not dare to fight against Ueno Ienari with arms, because it was surrounded by the territory of the Ueda people. The Five Antis land that flew away at his lips was transferred to Ueno Ienari with the "assistance" of the Ueda people's armed forces, and was surrounded by enemies on all sides.

Under such circumstances, how could he have the courage to fight against the entire Uedian people, so he could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

After Shimohiraru Ryoyoshichon surrendered, Ohkuma Tohide became a different person inside and out. The Echigo-Uesugi faction has been in a state of uncertainty for the past three years since it lost the aura of guardianship. As the current leader, he is also the first person in charge of tax collection in Echigo.

As a matter of fact, he cannot bow to the truth of this village no matter what.

As a result, in the aforementioned executive meeting, Ohuma Asahide and Honjo Minoru completely fell out, and even had a fight at one point, causing even greater chaos. Regarding Nagao Kagetora's attitude towards handling this matter, he tended to make thunder and rain.

Xiao, first scolded the village for not respecting the opinion of Daxiong Chaoxiu, the person handling the land dispute, and then comforted him, saying that the matter was settled and shelved for now. As long as both parties no longer complained, they would not interfere.

Of course Okuma Asahide was not willing to suffer this loss, so he sent someone to contact Shimoheira Yoshichon. He asked him to continue to fight to the end. Their Echigo Uesugi faction would support him. However, Shimoheira Yoshichou didn't have the guts at all, so he just dealt with it hastily.

After receiving the reply, Daxiong Chaoxiu thought that he was writing a petition to continue the lawsuit, and at the ensuing executive meeting, he kept saying harsh words that he would get it back.

As a result, after waiting and waiting, Yoshinaga Heira came to Kasugayama Castle in person. Unable to wait, Okuma Asahiu sent someone to look for him again. This time, the envoy was rejected as expected. At this time, Okuma Asahiu realized that he had been fooled.

Angrily, he went to the executive meeting to make a fuss again. This time, as expected, he was scolded by a group of retainers. Even Hirako Fumasa, Chisaka Keichika, and Usami Sadami didn't speak up for him.

Seeing that his allies were all indifferent, Daxiong Chaohide felt that his dignity had been trampled on, so he declared that he was going to retire without saying a word, and returned directly to his hometown in Joetsu, Minikan Castle, and stayed behind closed doors. Nagao Kagetora certainly didn't want to see it.

Upon seeing this incident, they sent envoys one after another to invite him back. The reason is that the Okuma family has been the tax collector of the Echigo-Uesugi family for generations, and he collects both the money and the money for each house.

When Nagao Shikage and Uesugi Funo were in conflict, the former governor of the Ohkuma family, Masahide Ohkuma, took the opportunity to side with the Nagao family and transferred the taxes that were originally supposed to be paid to the Echigo-Uesugi family to the Nagao family.

This directly contributed to Nagao Mikake's defeat of Uesugi Fusano in one fell swoop, and continued to play an important role when the Kanto commander Uesugi Yosada led the army to invade Echigo.

Although during the One-third War, Ōkuma Masahide was on the side of Kamijou's establishment of the constitution, due to the important position and outstanding contribution of this family in Echigo, Nagao Kagetora still had to give this important minister some face, and met Ōkuma

When Asahide failed to return, Nagao Kagetora decided to apologize in person and ask him to come out again. His decision was immediately blocked by Honjo Sano.

"My lord has no fault at all, so why did you go to Jikan Castle to apologize in person? If this happens, everyone in Echigo's retainers will blame the country's leader for retiring. How can a country be governed in Echigo? How should you, the country's leader, handle yourself?


Nagao Kagetora thought for a while and decided that he still had to go see Okuma Asahide. Even if he didn't apologize, he still had to find ways to invite him back. Kasugayama Castle was not far from Minokwan Castle, and he could ride back and forth in one day. When he rushed with his guards

When they arrived at Jiguan City, they learned that Daxiong Chaoxiu had been closed for many days, and there was a wooden sign hanging outside the gate that read, "Even if the king comes in person, he will never go back!"

Maybe his original intention of hanging up this wooden sign was to stop the envoys who came to persuade him. Maybe he didn't expect Nagao Kagetora to come to Jiguan Castle in person. In short, Nagao Kagetora's face was ugly at that time, and he took his troops back to Kasuga on the spot.

Shancheng will never ask Daxiong Chaoxiu to come out of the mountain again.

In a sense, this is a war between two factions fighting for dominance, and the trigger of this war is an inconspicuous land dispute. In the end, this battle triggered a

It was quite a political crisis. Afterwards, Daxiong Chaoxiu also learned the cause and consequences from his allies, and of course he regretted it endlessly.

But at this point, his explanations were in vain. The consequences of completely offending Nagao Kagetora were serious. Not only did he lose his position as the leader of the Echigo-Uesugi faction, but it also caused widespread rejection by the Echigo retainers. It can be said that he lost all his face.

, I can only hide in Jiguan City and sigh and drink to drown my sorrows all day long.

At this time, a secret envoy from the Kai Kingdom secretly came to Minokan Castle, and the emissary secretly told him: "At this time, there is no place for His Majesty Daokuma to stand in Echigo. It is said that Mimasaku Honjo is contacting allies everywhere and plans to attack you.

In Jiguan City, Longtail Danzhengdian will definitely not interfere by then, and the future and lives of the Big Bear clan will be at risk!"

Seeing this messenger from the Takeda family, Daxiong Chaohide looked very wary: "Where did you get the news? Why have I never heard of it? You don't want to encourage me to rebel, do you? I tell you, you were dreaming.


The envoy said calmly: "Bizen is too worried about guarding the palace! I have absolutely no such thoughts. I just want to remind His Highness that if you don't believe it, you can check the trend of Shoda's fixed capital and you will know! I have been ordered to report to you

Bizen Shouden is giving fifty taels of gold as a gift. If one day, Bizen Shouden cannot stay in Echigo, please be sure to go to Kai Ichi. We, the Takeda family, can guarantee the future of Bizen Shouden. I take my leave!"

"Humph! I won't give it away!" Daxiong Chaoxiu stared at the envoy's back as he gradually disappeared. Looking at the gold package, he snorted coldly: "You want fifty taels of gold in exchange for the allegiance of my Daxiong clan? What a good deal.

!But my Daxiong family is not short of this little money! It’s just the fixed capital of this village land, but we must check it out.”

"You all go away! Leave me alone!"

In the castle tower of Kasugayama Castle, Nagao Kagetora is still angry, and all the attendants are helpless. They invited me to come to the castle and tried to persuade them for a long time, but it was of no use. Naoe Mitsuna and Saito Nobunobu were also of no use, just in front of everyone.

When I was at a loss what to do, Kira Yoshitoki slowly walked over.

"Martial Guard!" Honzo Minoru hurriedly greeted him, and a group of long-tailed retainers also saluted. He then heard him say worriedly: "I'm sorry to ask you to come over. It's true that my lord is in a very bad mood right now. Please give me some more persuasion."


"I understand." Kira Yoshitsune closed the folding fan and said with a smile: "Leave the place of Jingtora Palace to me."

Looking at Kira Yoshitoshi's leaving figure, Honjo Minoru and Naoe Mitsuna looked at each other and smiled bitterly. If there were other ways, they would not invite the Lord Takeru. In the final analysis, the son-in-law of the Echigo Nagao family was the Echigo.

For people other than Echigo, the people of Echigo are not used to others interfering in their own affairs, but this time the situation is different. As the cause of the incident, Honjo Minoru cannot solve it.

As soon as I walked into the castle tower, I smelled a pungent smell of alcohol. A bunch of empty bottles and cans were scattered around, and some dried wine stains flowed out with the empty bottles. Nagao Kagetora was stumbling around after drinking.

Lying drunkenly among a pile of wine bottles, when he heard some movement in the room, the famous Echigo general opened his eyes immediately, stood up from the ground and stared at the approaching figure.

"Who is it? Hmm...it's Yoshitoki!" When he saw clearly that the person who came was Kira Yoshi, Nagao Kagetora fell limply into the bottle again. The huge movement made several bottles clank, and he was drunk.

He said: "Why are you here? Aren't you... practicing spear skills? Hiccup!"

The smell of wine spurted out with the hiccups, and Kira Yoshi couldn't help but take two steps back. He covered his mouth and nose with a fan and shook his head: "What are you doing in Jinghu Palace? What happened? Drive the attendants out and take dozens of them."

You drank a bottle of sake for most of the day, and you will make many of Echigo's officials worried."

"Worried?" Nagao Kagetora stood up, opened his hazy eyes and grabbed wine bottles everywhere. He touched a bottle behind him and opened the cork. He raised his neck and drank a gulp. The clear wine flowed from the corner of his mouth to the monk's robe.

, drank a bottle of sake in a few gulps, threw the bottle aside, stood up unsteadily, swayed left and right, walked to the window, opened the paper door, and a ray of bright sunlight shone down, washing away the darkness accumulated in the castle tower.

Drive away all the energy.

"Are they worried about me, Kagetora?" Nagao Kagetora pointed at the busy figure of Lord Tenshu, and sneered: "When have they ever worried about me? They only worry about their property and land, the harvest in the fields, and territorial disputes. Never have they ever worried about land.

Not as good as my Nagao family? Worry! Humph!"

"Jinghu Palace..."

"It's not good! It's not good!" A valet ran over in a panic and shouted: "Princess Hu Ji is missing!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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