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Chapter 12 Honda Yahachiro

This place is close to the Tokaido. For the safety of the street, the nearby woods are cut down every year. Kira Manshomaru's mount is a Kiso horse that is good at walking in the mountains. He can easily surpass the brigade of horse warriors and disappear into the woods alone, scaring Zenjiro Yamaoka. He shouted loudly and chased after him on his bad horse.

After chasing for several hundred meters, there was no sign of the house governor. The horse warriors hurriedly dispersed and looked around. Fortunately, the forest was not too big. After a while, the horse warriors came to report. They saw the owner of the house in the forest ahead. Your Excellency's horse, Yamaoka Zenjiro whistled to gather the horses back to the samurai, and chased him in the direction indicated.

Not far away, I found the figure of the mount deep in the woods. This carefully selected house governor's mount was tied to a tree and chewing leaves leisurely. In a simple campsite not far away, Kira Mansomaru was sitting there. I had a great conversation with a child of a similar age, while another child, only four or five years old, was dozing off with the majestic black hawk in his arms, seemingly uninterested in this uninvited guest.

"Mr. Master!" Zenjiro Yamaoka quickly dismounted and trotted over. The dozen or so horses behind him immediately spread out and blocked the roads in all directions, making a tense gesture. The older child's expression immediately changed. He pulled his brother up and knelt down with his head down, not daring to speak.

Kira Mansomaru raised his eyes to see the posture of everyone, and said with a smile: "Zenjiro? What are you going to do? Don't frighten them, and put away your weapons quickly!"

"But the origins of these two people are unknown. For the safety of the owner, it is better for Zenjiro to investigate and then lift the alert!" Zenjiro Yamaoka stubbornly refused his request, staring at the two children with a stern expression and asked: " What are your names? What do you do? Where do you come from? Why are you approaching the owner of this house?"

The slightly older child was quite calm, and he cheered up a little and replied: "The villain's name is Honda Yahachiro, and he is my younger brother..."

"Yahachiro! Sanya!" An anxious shout came from a distance. A middle-aged man was blocked by the Kira family's horse and was spinning around anxiously. Kira Manshomaru glanced at the nervous expressions of the two brothers and said: " Let him in! This man should be the father of these two brothers."

"But for your safety, Master..." Zenjiro Yamaoka still wanted to argue.

"I leave my family's safety to you, let this man come over now!" Kira Mansomaru glared at him, making Zenjiro Yamaoka shrink back and quickly stepped aside to let the middle-aged man in.

This middle-aged man was more knowledgeable than his two children. As soon as he saw a dozen warriors with strong bodies, strong waists, swords, and strong bows on their backs, he knew that these people had a lot of background. He bowed his head and bowed twice. He vaguely called "adult" twice, keeping his eyes on the two children. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with the two children, he said cautiously: "The villain's name is Honda Toshimasa. He is from Ogawa, County. His name is Eagle Craftsman, today I took my two children out to fly eagles. These are the villain's two sons, Mihachiro and Sanmi. I wonder if they bumped into this great lord or not?"

"They didn't hit me. Is your family a hawksmith? Or is it a Honda clan? What is the relationship between Honda Tadaka, who died in Anxiang City this year, and you?" At first hearing the Miao character "Honda", Kira Mansomaru frowned. After pondering for a moment: "Eagle craftsmanship is a rare profession. Is there anyone in Mikawa who has become a hawk craftsman? This young name of Yahachiro is quite familiar, but I have never heard of the name Honda Toshimasa!"

"Honda Heihachiro is a member of the same clan as the villain, and he serves as the head of the Honda clan." Mentioning this Honda Toshimasa is also a bit embarrassing. As a member of the Honda clan, look at the clan leader Honda Tadaka.

No matter what, then look at what his own branch family has become. In the Matsudaira family, he is not handsome and upright, and he can only win the favor of the family governor with his skills of raising eagles. It is really a bitter tear.

"Honda Heihachiro, Honda Yahachiro, very familiar names. Isn't Honda Tadakatsu Heihachiro? Then this Yahachiro is Honda Masanobu?" Kira Manshomaru suddenly realized that this guy must be Honda Masanobu.

Father, so this Yahachiro is his son Honda Masanobu?

"Aren't you from the Honda clan? Why did you become a hawksmith?" Kira Manshomaru asked in a gossipy tone.

"This... there are many branches in the next family. In addition to Honda Tadaka of the Heihachiro family, there is also Honda Tadaka of the Sakujuro family. Honda Hirotaka of the Hikosaburo family is the direct descendant of this branch. The small family line is just a concubine of the branch family.

Therefore, he is not qualified to serve as a member of the Zong family." Honda Junzheng felt that his old face was almost lost. He still didn't know which noble family the handsome boy opposite him was, but he had already spent all his belongings on it.

It was all shaken out, and now he really wanted to give himself a mouthful.

"So you are just an underground person, and you also practice the craft of eagle craftsmanship in order to support your family business?" Kira Manshoumaru suddenly realized something. No wonder Honda Masanobu has been not doing well in Oogway's place, and even ran out a few times.

I haven’t been home for ten years. It turns out that my family has been so depressed that I can’t even lift my head.

"It is a skill passed down from Xiaoren's grandfather, Lord Tadomasa. Xiaoren's ancestors once learned the art of falconry in Kyoto, so the skill of falconry passed down by Xiaoren Mikawa is also very famous. For this reason, Zentokuinden Matsudaira Kiyoyasu specially

The ancestor of the family was given forty koku Tomoyo, and the villain was promoted to the head of the ashigaru group due to his falconry skills. Tomoyo was raised to eighty koku, and the villain's eldest son Shigesada also became a samurai of the Matsudaira family." At this point, this

Honda Toshimasa looked particularly excited, as if he was very excited about the favor given by the Matsudaira family, his red face started to dance.

"You have an eldest son? Where are these two children?"

"Yahachiro is my second son. Because his elder brother Honda Yahachiro Shigesada became a samurai of the Matsudaira family and inherited the villain's position as head of the Ashigaru-gumi, the villain also changed his childhood name to Yahachiro, planning to

In the future, I will pass on the skills of Honda's falconry craftsmen to him, so that I can make a living in the future. Sanya is the fourth son here, and it is his first time to go out with Yahachiro to fly eagles." Honda Junzheng nodded and bowed.

"I see, I understand!" Kira Manshomaru nodded and ignored him, turned to the two children and asked, "I give you a chance to live a mediocre life as a falconer or farmer.

You should follow me throughout your life and become an excellent warrior to serve your family in the future. You can make your own decision!"

"What...what's going on?" Honda Toshimasa was so frightened that he couldn't figure out why he suddenly jumped to asking his two sons to become samurai? Who is this nobleman? I feel like my head is

It was not enough, and all kinds of questions came to him. He wanted to ask the people around him for help, but who would care about him? Zenjiro Yamaoka squatted beside him resentfully, staring at the father and son back and forth like a hawk.

In this era, the samurai class was extremely strict. In front of a samurai with a higher status than oneself, speaking too much could result in scolding and humiliation, or in worst case, anything could happen. Therefore, Toshimasa Honda did not dare to say a word even though he was obviously anxious.

Mouth, he wished he could kneel down right now and pray to gods and Buddhas to let these people leave as soon as possible.

A child named Yahachiro pulled his five-year-old brother Miya and bowed down: "I, Honda Yahachiro, would like to follow Kira Oyakata-sama!"

This chapter has been completed!
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