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Chapter 249 Strategies at the Banquet

At the beginning, many people in the Kira family opposed the move to Echigo, and they were united across factions, including Tokihide Nakajo, Naotaka Isshiki, Takatsuna Watanabe, Tsunadaka Okochi, Tadaka Ina, and Tokumae Honda.

There are different opinions, and both the Shogunate faction and the Omi faction are opposed.

Even after coming to Echigo for half a year, many people still don’t understand what’s good about Echigo. It’s cold and desolate, with mountains and swamps everywhere, and the folk customs are fierce. The warriors are also very fierce. Fighting incidents have occurred frequently in the past six months, and both sides have suffered.

Although they suffered a lot of losses, the Echigo samurai were still happy with it. Even the Mikawa samurai, who always boasted of his martial prowess, couldn't bear this.

However, Yamamoto Tokiyuki always firmly supported him, and he also actively worked for the Kira family retainers and formulated several plans to integrate into Echigo. The most feasible plan was to use strong economic effects to drive the Echigo people to gradually accept

The existence of the Kira family made them realize that the future owner of Echigo would be the young couple sitting next to Nagao Kagetora.

Now it seems that everything is connected very well, including the Nagao family retainers, the Ueda clan, the Echigo-Uesugi clan and the Yohoku clan have begun to actively move closer. At first glance, it seems that the issues surrounding food cannot affect their political stance at all.

, but in fact, quiet changes have begun to appear. The samurai obeyed the orders of the king because of the laws of the shogunate, and the other was that the king could protect their interests. Kira Yoshitoki was playing this part.

"I happened to meet the Kanto refugees who were fleeing at Yuzawa Imperial Palace. Now when I think back to those fleeing villagers who rushed to Echigo with their families and food and shelter, I was shocked by the hope in their eyes. It made me realize that in this Warring States Period

In troubled times, what do people want? That is to long for a peaceful and peaceful life. Isn’t what we and the Wu family are fighting for is to protect our elders and protect our hometown from being trampled by war?"

Nagao Kagetora said angrily: "There are too many injustices in the world. Those who have the righteousness of the samurai family should raise their bows, arrows, swords and spears and fight for the shogunate. If we samurai families don't have loyalty in our hearts, what difference will we have from jackals and beasts? The fallen samurai will

If I become a bandit and cause trouble, the corrupted martial arts family will become a silverfish and devour the foundation of my martial arts family.

Just like the Kai Takeda clan, regardless of the great favor of the shogunate, repeatedly invaded Shinano. They killed the famous Suwa clan, expelled Shinano to protect the Ogasawara clan, and once invaded Okushinano in an attempt to get involved in our Echigo. It is really a shame for the samurai family!"

"Speaking of which, the Kai Takeda clan is also a famous Minamoto clan! After Silla Saburo Yoshimitsu, the clan is not much worse than the Buueden clan?" asked an Echigo samurai.

Kira Yoshi just smiled and said nothing, and the Kira family samurai also crossed their arms and sneered. Seeing that the situation was a bit embarrassing, Nagao Masakai came out to smooth things over again: "The Kai Genji family should be worse than the Buueden family. After all, the Kawachi Genji family is the direct descendant of the family.

As the governor of the Ashikaga clan, the Takeda Daisenden is obviously higher than the Takeda Daisenden?"

"That's right! You can see it in the official position too! Wuweidian is the senior military governor of the fourth rank at a young age, and Takeda Ozen is over thirty years old. The official position is still the fifth rank? Hahaha..." Honjo Minoru

After saying this, of course no one will say anything more. Such a comparison can really show the difference.

Takeda Harunobu has been in power for more than ten years and has not moved a step in his official position. But Takeda Harunobu has been rising rapidly step by step since the Yuan Dynasty. At the age of thirteen, he was ranked under the fourth rank. In the future, he will be a minister. Ashikaga Yoshiteru is the current minister.

At the beginning of March this year, he was promoted to the third rank of Chief Nagon, Ukonoe to the rank of General Rugen, and he was a real minister worth more than real money.

"It was precisely because we were touched by the refugees that we decided to do something more meaningful, such as public welfare."

"Public welfare... undertaking? What is it?" Naoe Mitsuna chewed this strange term carefully and was puzzled to understand it.

"It is for public purposes, rather than doing something to benefit the people. We initially plan to invest 10,000 guan of Yongle money to rebuild and strengthen the embankments of the Sekikawa, Shinano River, Agano River, Himekawa, and Kaji Rivers.

As well as the dredging work of some rivers, it is estimated that 35,000 man-times will be needed. The construction period will be completed before November after the onset of winter, and the finishing work will not be delayed until the first month of the year."

"Oh, thirty-five thousand people? Doesn't that mean that one-tenth of the population has to bear the burden of labor service? But this year's labor service has been used for disaster relief. Isn't such a large project a bit..."

"Please don't misunderstand me!" Yamamoto Tokiyuki stepped forward to help the family governor solve the problem, and said with great enthusiasm: "The so-called universal service is for civilians to fulfill the lord's construction demands by shouldering voluntary labor, and the project of my Kira family does not require it.

It is voluntary labor but paid employment, and two meals a day of dry food and soup should be provided during the construction period."

"Hiss!" The people of Echigo gasped, and even Honjo Sano and Nagao Kagenobu also whispered in admiration: "Tsk, tsk! What a great effort!"

What is the concept of 35,000 people taking care of two meals a day, and the construction period lasts for two to three months? In other words, 35,000 people can save two to three months of food rations, and in this winter

The peasants have nothing to do. If a lord is willing to provide two meals a day, a large group of people will definitely fight for it.

Everyone present had a profound experience of how difficult the life of peasants in medieval Japan was. Sitting in a row under the verandah of the large wide room were the small wealthy families of Echigo. Most of them had a family of fifty or sixty koku.

It seems that if you are not qualified to enter the main hall to participate in the banquet, you can only sit outside the hall, drink wine and eat meat. In ancient China, these people were considered rich farmers or small landowners. These small wealthy people usually had to bend down to plow the fields and weed.

As for the poorer class of land servants, the knowledge and practice are only twenty or thirty dan at most, and some are only ten or eight dan, which is about the same as the Five Anti-Japanese Lands that Ueno Iashiro and Shimohira Yoshichō fought for, converted into Chinese land units

It's almost eight acres of land, and the grain produced per acre is less than one stone, so that's about it.

These land servants are farmers. They carry hoes at ordinary times and carry tachi and bamboo spears in battle. They wear tattered old clothes in the countryside and look exactly like peasants. They only wear their usual clothes when they formally meet the lord or participate in the war.

Tōmaru, who was reluctant to wear it, went into battle majestically with a sword on his shoulder and three spears, leading a few farmers who worked for his family.

The rations for 35,000 people can be saved for two or three months. During the lean years next year, the rations for 35,000 people will be enough to support more people. The elderly in the villages will not be driven into the wilderness to fend for themselves due to lack of food.

Suicide. Babies will not be thrown into the river and drown due to lack of food, and there will not be the tragedy of an old man volunteering to pretend to be a wild boar and being captured and killed by farmers to make "wild boar" and eat it.

"Muweidian is such a good man!" Immediately, a powerful warrior from the Nagao family kowtowed to him excitedly and made a benevolent wish: "May Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva bless Wuweidian and the princess to have many children and many blessings!"

"May the Medicine Buddha bless Wuweidian and Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"May Sakyamuni Buddha bless Wuwei Palace and Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

The warriors expressed their good wishes one after another. In the Buddhist society, gods and Buddhas are the most authoritative existences. The belief that gods and Buddhas are protecting them is also highly recognized by everyone from the emperor, generals, Guan Bai, down to the common people. When a person

When a samurai tells you that he wishes the gods and Buddhas to bless you, it also means that this person is truly grateful to you.

Faced with the sincere gratitude of the samurai, Torahime looked very excited. When the salesman held Kiragi tightly, his palms flushed with excitement, and his big watery eyes were filled with pride and pride. For the girl, she felt that

It is the most beautiful thing in the world for a hero to get the gratitude of the Echigo samurai. As for the righteousness of the samurai family and justice, it is too far away from her. At this moment, the girl only has eyes for her highness.

"Hu Ji and I have accepted your wishes! Thank you!" Ji Liangyi raised his cup and said loudly: "I serve tea instead of wine. Please drink this cup together!"

"Drink!" Yamamoto Tokiyuki and Honjo Minoru shouted in unison. Such a high-synchronized rhythm made the two senior ministers from two families smile at each other, and then they raised their glasses and drank together happily.

"In addition, we also plan to invest heavily in land improvement within the seven counties of Echigo. The main content of land improvement is to improve and optimize maps that cannot be cultivated such as rivers, swamps, dry lagoons, and saline-alkali lands. It is estimated that it will take five to five to

It will take ten years to achieve initial results, and the initial investment will be approximately 30,000 Guanwen in Yongle money, and the investment in the next few years will not be less than this amount."

"Oh! Those useless lands! Why does Wuweidian spend huge sums of money to transform those useless lands?"

"That's it! A bunch of useless land, and it costs a lot of money. It's really rich!"

Some people shook their heads inwardly. This nobleman was generous and generous. He just didn't take money seriously. He threw away 30,000 kan Yongle money with a wave of his hand. The tax revenue in the entire Echigo years was not necessarily so much. This noble man didn't take money seriously.

He only said so much in a year, and hearing his tone that he would continue to invest the same amount in the future really made them shake their heads secretly.

"Let me answer the question for you, the owner!" Hosokawa Fujitaka knocked on the table with a folding fan and said with a smile: "Although these lands are not valuable, they are bound to your land after all, so it will take more time to fund the construction.

I will also use the farmers under your lordship. You all also know the rules of my Kira family. The hired labor is to take care of the food. Some excess materials during the transformation process can also be transferred to you for free for the improvement of the territory. Of course, these

The improved land will belong to the Kira family, do you have any objections?"

"What about the water source? How to define the scope?"

"We will discuss this in detail with you after the meeting. As long as it is your farm land and the road has its own water source, this land improvement plan will not encroach on it!" Matsui Yuxian added: "We will meet you later.

I will do my best to protect your rights and interests from being infringed, and of course I ask for your cooperation. If you have any other opinions, you can raise them."

"No! As long as I wait for the farm and the water source is not encroached on, there will be no problem!" All the warriors in the hall answered in unison.

Seeing that the Kira family is fully prepared, without losing the existing farms and water sources, of course they will not object to this good governance. It would be great to build embankments without spending money. As for the land

Who cares about improving things? It’s nothing to give the Kira family free swamps, dry lagoons, and saline-alkali land that are worthless. Besides, they don’t want it for free. Spending real money to improve the land can also benefit the people in the county.

, who would refuse such a good thing.

The people here represent the will of nearly 70% of the Echigo people. Except for some retainers who are dealing with the internal affairs of the autumn harvest and the people can't get away, basically everyone rushed here to participate in the banquet. Even if many people were not able to participate in this agreement, it does not matter.

, 70% of the Chinese people voted unanimously, which means that other Chinese people will also support it with high votes.

Many people began to look forward to how the agreement would be concluded after the banquet. Except for some drunkards, they all began to think about clearing their brains and gaining more rights for the subsequent negotiations.

No one at the venue cared about what the Chinese who did not attend the banquet would think. As long as this agreement is signed, any opponents will be reduced to a minority. This is also a strategy that the Kira family has always used to bring a samurai group together.

No one in their own warships will be able to stop them by then, so the nature of the banquet will have another meaning.

"What does Yoshitoki want to do with those wastelands? Forget it! Since you have the intention to do it, then my family must also support it." Nagao Kagetora thought for a moment and felt that it was not a big problem, so he nodded in approval and said: "Since Yoshitoki has the intention to do it,

If Echigo seeks welfare, my family will express our support here!"

Honjo Minoru looked at Nagao Kagetora worriedly. In a hurry, he couldn't think clearly how many points were worthy of consideration, but he always had a vague feeling that it was not appropriate, as if he had jumped into a big pit, but this

He couldn't express this intuition. Looking at the happy expressions of his colleagues around him, he could only keep the words in his stomach.

"Success!" Kira Yoshito secretly praised, narrowing his eyes and chatting and laughing with Nagao Kagetora. His expressions and movements were impeccable, but the subtle changes could not escape Torahime who was holding his hand. The girl was sensitively aware of his presence.

The girl holding his hand trembled slightly for a moment, feeling the excitement in his heart, and the girl gently held his palm.

"What's wrong?" Kira turned back to look at the girl.

"It's nothing! As long as His Highness is happy!" Hu Ji smiled with an indescribable charm.

"Well!" The two of them expressed their love with their eyes, and their voices were as low as mosquitoes. However, this small gesture could not be hidden from the battle-hardened Echigo Ryuu. Being unkind to emotions did not mean that he did not have this knowledge. In order not to cause this

He could only pretend to appreciate Tian Le without noticing the young couple's attention, and at the same time silently pondered in his mind whether they should prepare for their wedding as early as possible in two years' time.

The two went through hardships at a young age, and finally came together as lovers. In his opinion, it was a matter worth celebrating. He even had the heart to let go of the reckless Chiyo Inomaru. Without him,

Stupid and reckless, these two people will be at odds for who knows how long.

At this time, the sound of the monkey music stopped and was replaced by the shrine's kagura. Each one held a copper bell, a cypress fan, a sasa leaf, a sakaki leaf, and the royal coin used by Reimu Hakurei, and danced a solemn and sacred dance.

This dance usually only appears at shrine celebrations, but because Lord Kiriyo Toki and Konoe Princess Nagao Torahime returned safely after suffering many hardships, the priests of many shrines discussed it and decided to dance the sacred dance for them.

Your Highness prays.

A solemn and sacred dance ended, letting the warriors who had been quiet for a long time breathe a sigh of relief. Some of the drunken guys secretly cursed for bad luck. They were so happy that this sudden dance would appear frivolous if they didn't sit up straight and listen carefully.

, didn’t understand the rules, but fortunately, the witches soon started performing the longevity dance again. This is also considered an income-generating project of the shrine, and they can get paid for dancing for ministers, samurai lords and temples. (qidian.)m.qidian.Read.)

ps: In fact, Hu Ji is not easy, but it has not been shown yet. In two chapters, we will roughly know what kind of girl Hu Ji is.

This chapter has been completed!
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