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Chapter 269 Pig teammates and God blow

As autumn turns to winter, the howling cold wind from the north carries violent snowstorms and pours them into the mountains in southern Echigo. Mountains in the areas such as Joetsuchijo County, Chugotsu Uonuma County, Urahara County, and Shimogotsu Iwafune County become the focus of the wind and snow.

In the disaster area, Sankuni-gao was blocked by heavy snow, including Mutsu and the streets in the direction of Dewa were also closed. The entire Echigo became a world isolated from the outside world. This is why Echigo has always had the advantage of homeland defense.

In the Kasugayama Castle Castle Tower, a red brazier is burning brightly. Nagao Kagetora, who is sitting on a four-wheeled cart, is holding a bamboo pole to stir the charcoal in the brazier. He is covered with a cashmere blanket, and the exquisite prints show

It is of a very high level, and this is cashmere fabric from England, thousands of miles away.

Nagao Kagetora's complexion is very good, and after two months of recuperation, he is still much more energetic. Nagata Tokumoto prescribed a rehabilitation program that combines diet, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and massage therapy, which greatly promoted his physical recovery.

Function, the movement of his hands is no longer hindered, and he can also sit up and move his upper limbs on his own.

In the past month, he has been doing leg exercises and is trying to walk with help. Kiragi brought a pair of crutches from time to time, which is very useful. The crutches with leather bushings can help him stand up by himself. This is all Nagata Tokugawa.

After the impact of this drastic change and the long period of treatment, Nagao Kagetora had enough time to think and reflect on his life.

Speaking of which, he has been walking so fast in the past ten years that he has no time to stop and think about the gains and losses. Each victory boosts his pride and at the same time covers up the hidden dangers within Echigo. Once he encounters the internal dangers,

I became extremely angry when faced with the problem. I always felt that why my retainers didn’t understand me because I had done so much. But I never thought about how to resolve the deep-rooted conflicts among the retainers.

His overly paranoid character affects his calm judgment. Anger clouds his reason. Pride makes him forgetful. Drinking makes him impulsive. These are all his shortcomings. Of course, he will not admit that asceticism is wrong.

Both Jizong and Iizang emphasized asceticism, which was also in line with contemporary Buddhist thought.

The calm Echigo no Ryū is charming. He is well versed in military art and has profound knowledge of Japanese calligraphy and tea ceremony. When he was in Kyoto, he often participated in Japanese singing and was praised by the minister of Kyoto as a first-class cultural person in Hokuriku.

Every time we talk about culture and history, there are always endless topics to talk about. Kira Yoshitoki also marvels at Nagao Kagetora's intelligence and acumen.

His profound cultural accomplishment comes from his enlightenment from his mentor, Mitsuyu Amamuro, and also from the large number of books his father Nagao Mikae bought from Kyoto. He had hastily read several rough theoretical books before, and he turned them over one by one.

When he came out, he would either have Biwajima Yashichiro reciting to him, or he would take the scroll and read it carefully. Over time, he has accumulated many reading notes. In his words: "This is a rare opportunity to rest, and I want to make a good summary."

The first half of my life."

Kira Yoshitomo was sitting on the other side of the brazier. Nestling in his arms was Nagao Kagetora. The two young lovers had been separated for less than a month. When Kira Yoshitobu came back, they were entangled in each other and were so inseparable that it was enviable. Nagao Kagetora

Zhanyan smiled and said: "August 8th next year is an auspicious day. It's getting late. It's time to make preparations early. The sooner you get married, the sooner I can feel at ease."

"Brother! It's still early! There are still ten months left!" Torahime's little face was red, and she buried her little head in Kira Yoshiki's arms. If it were an ordinary samurai family, this kind of pre-marital transgression would have been frowned upon.

However, the situation of the Nagao family is different. Kira Yoshitoki has always regarded him as a member of the Nagao family.

This can be seen from the fact that Nagao Kagetora arranged for the two of them to stay in the same building, and then a series of things happened for the two of them to finally get together. How could Nagao Kagetora scold the two of them for any intimate gestures before they were happy?

When people are still young, nothing strange will happen. Being intimate is just a matter of cultivating feelings. Besides, one of them has become the leader of the country, and the other has acted as the leader of the country. They have already been politically united, so they don't care about this small gesture.

"Haha, maybe it's a little early!" Nagao Kagetora smiled. These days, he doesn't have to think about the burden of family business, and he doesn't have to think about anything except cooperating with recuperation. Unknowingly, his temperament is also much more cheerful, and he smiles more than usual.

More, after a while he said: "Master Nagata suggested that I return to secular life, but I thought about it and agreed."

"Brother, are you saying that we have to return to the secular world now?" The two of them were surprised. They had the impression that Nagao Kagetora was a paranoid Buddhist, so how could he return to the secular world? It is said that Naoe Mitsuna has a daughter named Alang, who has been serving him since a few years ago.

He, that woman, was pretty and gentle, but she had not returned to Naoe's house at the end of last year because Naoe Mitsuna's eldest daughter Afune died of illness.

"It's not what you think." Seeing the suspicious looks on their faces, Nagao Kagetora immediately understood what these two little people were thinking, shook his head and said with a smile: "Master Nagata told me that eating more meat will help the body recover.

As a monk, you cannot indulge in meat and fish, you can only return to secular life."

"Oh! That's it!" Hu Ji nodded. She knew that the so-called meat and fish refers to fish and shrimps in the river and other aquatic products. It is a matter of opinion whether two-legged birds can be eaten, and four-legged animals are definitely not.

Of course, there's nothing you can do if you insist that mountain boars are mountain whales.

Kira Yoshishi complained: "It's okay to return to secular life! It's weird to always call Master Soshin."

Nagao Kagetora shook his head helplessly. As his younger sister, Torahime also covered her mouth and snickered. After a while, she remembered to speak for her brother: "What's weird? It's even weirder when His Highness said this!"

"No way! It's not weird for me to say that!" The two of them started to quarrel with each other.

Kinei was still not at peace this year, because the major failure in the Katsuragi River War last year caused great trauma to the Miyoshi family both inside and outside, and the Tanba people rebelled again, which also had a negative impact on the Miyoshi family's control over Kinei.

In order to reverse the unfavorable situation as soon as possible, in early April this year, Miyoshi Yoshihide led an army of 18,000 to invade Tanba Kingdom again. Naito Munekatsu, who had returned from injury, once again served as the vanguard. This military commander's level of military strategy was indeed good.

The Hatano coalition forces fought a fierce battle.

The enemy that Naito Munekatsu faced was the future Tanba Akaki Ogino Naomasa. The two sides fought fiercely for a whole day, each suffering injuries but still indifferent. In the end, Miyoshi Yoshihide led an army to raid the Monei Educational Institute headquarters that came to support and took over.

He repulsed. The Akai family also retreated as reinforcements. Hatano Harumichi was forced to surrender again.

This time, Konishi Motoge, Miyoshi Masakatsu and Hatano Harumichi unfortunately stayed in the city, and finally had to surrender together. Miyoshi Yoshiken had a terrible headache for these two guys who were like plasters, so he decided to take them away from Tamba.

country, the two were placed under on-the-spot surveillance in Settsu, and were no longer able to perform their best mobilization work behind enemy lines.

With the departure of the two dedicated samurai, Tanba seemed to have lost its backbone and became a piece of scattered sand. There was no other voice. Naito Sokatsu returned to Yagi Castle to control the political power of Danba. Destiny showed its powerful power.

With strong tension, history is once again pulled back to its original track.

Of course, some returned to the starting point, and of course some were out of control. The shogunate was still sitting safely in Kyoto and controlling his mountain city. There was no other reaction at all to the war approaching Tamba. The shogunate's chief minister, Ashikaga Yoshiteru, made the biggest move, which was

At the Waka Festival, he severely criticized Miyoshi's barbaric behavior of invading other countries, and called on peace-loving people throughout the prefecture to unite under the banner of the shogunate to resist the violent invasion of the Miyoshi family.

At the beginning of June, the Miyoshi family's fighting in Tamba ended. After a month's rest, the Miyoshi family began to make plans to go to Luo again. Then there was no more.

Takamasa Hatakeyama and his good ally Yoshihide Rokkaku suddenly jumped out and called on the people of Kinai to respond to His Highness the Shogunate's call to defeat Miyoshi and regain Kinai. This jump almost caused a big stir in Kinai, who had long been dissatisfied with Miyoshi's family.

The people of the country are flocking together. Ever since the Kira family lost several battles, the myth of the Miyoshi family being undefeated has been exposed. Nowadays, the Kinai people feel that they can also copy the Kira family's record. If they are lucky enough to be among the famous Kinai generals and Omi generals,

A famous general from Asai County or a famous general from a small mountain village would also be good.

His jump triggered a fierce resistance from the Kinai heroes, and everyone in the Miyoshi family was stunned. Didn't it mean that the Hatakeyama family no longer planned to confront the Miyoshi family? Didn't it mean that Hatakeyama Takamasa and Ashikaga Yoshiteru broke up? When did it happen?

Are they getting back together again? And they are also getting together with Hosokawa Harumoto's brother-in-law. This trend is obviously not right.

All these questions could not be answered. Matsunagahide sent an envoy to contact the Hatakeyama family and asked him why he betrayed the agreement and rebelled against the Miyoshi family. As a result, the unlucky envoy's head was hung on the Otemon gate outside Takaya Castle the next day.

It means that I don’t even bother to talk to you, and I will kill your people if you come here again.

Miyoshi Changqing was so angry that he couldn't leave the castle tower for three days. Ever since he started going to Luo in the 19th year of Tianwen's reign, he had never been able to go smoothly. How could Miyoshi Changqing not be angry? He had also figured it out, and now he would talk about Luo Mingming

It's not appropriate either. The young general must live a comfortable life for at least two or three years. Anyway, he's not in a hurry to beat up two bastards who don't know how to appreciate others.

Ashikaga Yoshiki did not expect that his casual words would attract such a warm response, so he felt good about himself and ordered Yamashiro and Omi's military to cooperate. However, his self-feeling did not infect other people, and the people of Yamashiro were not willing to go at all.

When facing the Miyoshi family head-on, the people from Yamashiro are the softest in the entire Kinnei region. Of course, the reaction to contamination of their land will be violent, such as the case of Tuyikui.

So the boneless Yamashiro people came up with random excuses. Some said that there was no autumn harvest and everyone was hungry and could not fight. Others said that they were seriously ill and could not go out. In short, there were all kinds of explanations, and Ashikaga Yoshiteru was almost killed.

Headache with anger.

Nakajo Tokihide, who was left behind by the Kira family in Omi, also expressed his position at the same time. He said that it was not easy to win the expedition, and it was better to sit still and watch what happened. He also made Ashikaga Yoshiteru very angry. At this time, he regretted being so cheerful.

I went to Echigo when Kiragi was released. If he were there, he would definitely have a way to deal with the Miyoshi family.

At the beginning of July in Hatakeyama, the Rokkaku Allied Forces began to mobilize. The Miyoshi family was not in a hurry. Anyway, these two families took the initiative to attack him. He could just wait and wait for the other party to come. Just after the autumn harvest, the two families decisively launched an attack. There were three families in total.

With an army of 5,000, the coalition troops then stopped when they reached the south bank of the Yodogawa River.

The reason is that they found that fighting across the river was too difficult, and they couldn't get through it without the support of the navy. But if they didn't fight, they were embarrassed and could only bask in the sun on the other side. The Miyoshi family didn't even mobilize much, and it was still Miyoshi Yoshiken's 18,000 troops, Izumi,

None of the people in Settsu were moved, all 18,000 of them were legions from the four countries.

The advantage of this is that the people of Izumi and Settsu must provide military food support if they do not provide military service. The Miyoshi family does not need to provide a grain of food. In the end, the Miyoshi family will not suffer any loss no matter what, let alone Akutagawa Mountain Castle in Settsu country.

There are still Miyoshi Chokei's 8,000 troops who haven't moved. If the Hatakeyama and Rokkaku coalition forces don't understand Miyoshi Chokei, Miyoshi Chokei won't mind teaching them a profound lesson.

This confrontation lasted from August to the end of October. Seeing that the river was drying up in winter, Rokkaku Yoshihide thought of retreating, while Hatakeyama Takamasa thought of a surprise attack. As a result, the two sides had a dispute over whether to retreat or to advance.

No one can convince anyone with a blushing face.

Takamasa Hatakeyama is twenty-six or seven years old, and Yoshihide Rokkaku is thirty-three. Although the appearance and behavior of the two people show a polarization trend between young and adults, their birth status is reversed. Takamasa Hatakeyama thinks it is not easy.

It is really shameful to retreat without even firing a shot after putting out a formation. You have to hit them no matter what. Otherwise, you will have the shame to call on everyone to attack Sanhao's family in the future.

Rokkaku Yoshihide is more realistic. He considered that this opportunity was not good. The moment he sent out troops, he began to regret his recklessness. The Rokkaku family is best at defensive counterattacks and grabbing kills, or everyone working together to assist, which really makes him fight head-on.

I just didn't know when to deliver it.

It's a pity that Hatakeyama Takamasa doesn't understand who Rokkaku Yoshihide or the Rokkaku family are, and he thinks that his allies are very tough. As long as he cooperates well and takes away the Miyoshi family, it won't be a dream. However, his teammates told him that he can go back to his hometown now.

It is the right way, which Hatakeyama Takamasa, whose brain is not very developed, cannot understand.

In the final dispute, the coalition forces wasted their last chance. When the first snow fell in November, morale had dropped to freezing point, and the Hatakeyama and Hexagon coalition forces broke up.

Rokkaku Yoshiken hates this guy who is not clear-headed. He regrets that he believed he could control this pig teammate. He overestimates his own level. Takamasa Hatakeyama also hates this guy who can only preach and speaks smoothly.

Whatever he really does, he encounters all kinds of problems and difficulties. He deeply understands that God's fault is a trap.

Thirty-five thousand versus eighteen thousand, and they retreated without even letting out a single fart. This was not a high-end performance by any means. It was a poor performance that also disappointed many Kinai samurai including the shogunate.

I was too embarrassed to mention any more calls to fight Kinai, and since then I have never mentioned advising everyone to work together to defeat Miyoshi and regain Kinai. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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