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Chapter 276 No rush, no rush!

Under the secret orders of Yoshitoki Kira, Yoshie Keizi and Yasuda Keigen, who were stationed in Yashiro Castle and Shiozaki Castle respectively, insisted on holding on to the castle. Those Shinano people who seemed unstable were arranged to monitor the Kaizu Castle controlled by Murakami Yoshikiyo.

Their mission was to delay the Takeda Army's attack as much as possible before Echigo's attack on Kawanakajima, and to allow the castle to be burned and retreated when they could no longer hold on.

On July 27, 13,500 troops under the leadership of Kira Yoshitoki set out for Kawanaka Island. As the remaining guards of Kasugayama Castle, Nagao Masakage, Nagao Fujikage, Yasuda Nagahide, Chisaka Keichika, and Ishikawa were once again captured.

He stayed in Kasugayama Castle to assist Nagao Torahime in guarding Kasugayama Castle. At the same time, the police in Kasugayama Castle and Naoetsu raised the alert level, and farmers also volunteered to organize to guard Echigo for the Kira family.

The so-called Kawanakajima Island is the curved river zone formed by the confluence of the Saikawa River, a tributary of the Chikuma River. It is one of the few plain areas in Northern Shinano and is also an important grain producing area. It is only about 70 kilometers away from Echigo Kasugayama Castle and about 70 kilometers away from Kai Tsuruga.

However, Sakidate is far more than 150 kilometers away. The distance between Kasugayama Castle and Kasugayama Castle is roughly the same as the distance from Fukashi Castle to Kawanakajima Island.

From Iiyama Castle, go all the way north along the Echigo Street, passing through Murei, Furuma, Togakushi, Kashiwara, and Nojiri, and entering the Echigo Sekikawa area, you can go all the way to the Echigo Fuchu Naoetsu area. The terrain of this road is relatively flat, and it is better than other roads.

It is easier to enter Echigo from several directions, and this road is also the direction in which the Kira family is marching today.

The 13,500 troops gathered in the direction of Echigo in the blink of an eye was beyond Takeda Harunobu's expectations, especially this time the commander was not Nagao Kagetora, whom he had known for several years, but Kira Yoshitoki, a famous samurai from Kyoto.

.Listening to the bizarre rumors about him in Kyoto, Takeda Harunobu suddenly smiled.

Takeda Harunobu's first reaction was that it was funny. Then he said sternly: "Guardian Sahei Kira is only thirteen years old this year! Who is commanding behind him?"

"My lord, do you mean that there is a master behind the scenes to direct the battle?" The Takeda retainers hesitated for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed possible.

"It's not that it's possible, but it's very possible!" Masaru Komai's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "You must know that my lord has been in the army since he was young and has been in the army for more than ten years. He has experienced so many battles that it is rare for the samurai family to have ever done so.

I’ve heard of people who are invincible in battle, and even if there is such a martial artist, it’s definitely not something a thirteen-year-old boy can do!”

Iito Homasa laughed loudly and said: "This Wuwei was only ten years old when he first served, right? Have you ever heard of the story of a famous general who was seeking death at the age of ten? This is simply the most ridiculous story in the world. This is Kyoto.

What happened in the past few years? The stories coming out are getting more and more bizarre. It’s not as interesting as watching Sarugaku!"

"Hahaha..." Takeda's retainer laughed. What does a ten-year-old child know? Let alone fighting in a joint battle, if he can ride a horse steadily without falling off, he is a talented young man. He has never heard of it since ancient times.

The story of a famous general who sought death at the age of ten.

"Although I don't know how powerful Gui Shihe from the Sanhao family is, but in my opinion, Huyin is probably at my level, right? Hahaha!" Yuan Huyin also joined in the fun.

"It is said that he was a very powerful samurai, but he was killed by a bow and arrow." Atobe Nobuaki thought about it carefully and answered uncertainly: "Maybe it was because of a drifting arrow or something like that!"

"Liu Ya? Hahaha..."

Seeing how happy they were laughing, Komai Masaru was worried that he would underestimate the enemy too much and that something bad would happen, so he quickly poured cold water on him and said: "You guys should not underestimate the Lord Takeru. It's still unclear who the master behind the Kira family is."

, we should deal with it carefully."

"Is Gao Baizhai too cautious? So what if there are experts behind him? Are we, the Takeda samurai, still afraid of them? We are not those soft-footed shrimps from Kinki, hahaha..." Iitomi Toramasa seemed to be laughing at the Kinai samurai family.

He was weak and incompetent, and seemed to be laughing at Masaru Komai for being timid. In short, a group of samurai followed him and laughed, making his face look ugly.

"That person should be Yamamoto Sado Moriyuki! His original name was Yamamoto Kansuke, a ronin from Mikawa. Our family had heard of his deeds back then. He was a lame, one-eyed samurai who wandered around the countries for more than ten years. At that time, our family wanted to recruit him.

It's just a pity that it's a retainer!" Takeda Harunobu recalled the story of the first few years of the original server. At that time, he heard that there was a strange samurai from Suruga wandering near Kai. Out of curiosity, he wanted to visit him, but it was an unfortunate coincidence.

Unfortunately, Kansuke Yamamoto returned to Suruga very quickly, thus missing a great opportunity.

"My lord, don't worry. Even if Yamamoto Sado Mamoru is as powerful as the legend says, we are confident of defeating him. It's up to me, Tomasa, to capture him and become my lord's retainer!" Iito Tomasa was full of confidence.


"I hope so..."

On August 12, Yashiro Castle and Shiozaki Castle fell successively under the fierce attack of the Takeda Army. Yoshie Keizi and Yasuda Keimoto led their troops to retreat to Kaizu Castle. At this time, 13,500 Kira troops had entered Asahiyama.

Seeing that the pursuit was hopeless, Takeda's army stopped at the foot of Chasu Mountain and closely watched the movements of Asahiyama Castle across the Saikawa River.

In the evening, unknown leaves were thrown into the bonfire, and the smoke drove away the annoying mosquitoes. The warriors of the Takeda family gathered in the military tent and meditated silently. They picked up the candlestick and stared at the land for a long time on a sunny day before raising their heads and asking:

"What do you think of this battle situation?"

"Fifteen thousand versus thirteen thousand five hundred, I'm afraid this battle won't be easy to fight!"

The shortest one, Fanfu Changjing, had a loud voice. Seeing everyone's gloomy looks, he couldn't help shouting: "No matter how difficult it is, we must defeat them!"

"What Genshiro said is good! My son of the Takeda family must have this kind of courage. No matter how famous he is in the shogunate, I am not afraid of them!" Iito Toramasa was the first to stand up to support his younger brother, and then the samurai Yue agreed.

More and more came, gradually suppressing the voice of worry.

"It would be great if all of you can agree on the same opinion!" Takeda Harunobu's face brightened slightly. He was under a lot of pressure when he said it. Kira Yoshitomo's resume was so dazzling. He started fighting for the shogunate at the age of ten. In the past few years, he had fought several major and minor wars.

It's unbelievable that he has never lost before. Whose child becomes a famous general just after starting the server? Anyway, he can't think of anyone who can do it.

Komai Masatake suggested: "Kaizu Castle is a disaster. There are 2,800 troops gathered here. It will be unthinkable if they are allowed to interact with the Kira Army on the other side. I think it is the first priority to pull out this city first."

Takeda Harunobu nodded. He glanced at the middle-aged man who bowed his head and said nothing: "How is the mobilization of the public in Kitashinano?"

"Reporting to my lord, the descendants of Kiyono have been contacted by me. They are willing to be loyal to my Takeda family. I implore my lord to regain the lost territory for them and kill Murakami Yoshikiyo to avenge the beautiful lady! The Yashiro, Shiozaki, Amamiya, Suda, Takasaka and other clans

Expressing their support for the lord openly or covertly, most of the wealthy families in Northern Shinano have turned to my Takeda family, and their military strength exceeds 2,000."

Looking at this silent man, Takeda Harunobu took a deep breath, knowing that this man was no less capable than himself. However, due to the identity gap between the two parties, there was no chance for greater achievements. He had made numerous achievements in just a few years in the army.

, accumulated meritorious deeds and obtained three thousand territories in the Xiaozhen County area. He was a warrior who made him both happy and fearful.

"In my opinion, what would happen if I, the Takeda family, led a force to join this coalition to besiege Kaijin Castle?"

"I'm afraid it won't be easy if we attack the city, but it should be easier with the strategy."

"Then if Danzheng is the general and leads a thousand troops to join this coalition, how should we plan it?"

Sanada Yukitaka was horrified, his eyes moved to see clearly Takeda Harunobu's expression of expectation and encouragement, he hesitated for a moment and sighed: "If I regard you as a general, I will put up more flags and bluff, and falsely claim that six thousand troops are attacking Kaijin Castle.

Beating drums during the day and setting fires at night will cause unrest day and night and the enemy will be frightened."

"What a plan!" Komai Masabu praised: "My lord! This general cannot be taken on unless he moves to the main hall!"

"I think so too..." Takeda Harunobu listened to the admiration of his retainers with a smile on his face. Facing the praises of his colleagues, Sanada Yukitaka just kept being modest and said that he was inspired by his lord. A military discussion was going on in the heat of the moment.

Ended in an atmosphere.

In Asahiyama Castle, the former lord of Asahiyama Castle, Zenkoji Betsu, when Kurita Kanyasu explained the form of Northern Shinano to Kiragi, the master of Zenkoji Daimidō was in a very good mood. Since Zenkoji moved to Naoetsu, it immediately gathered with the popularity of Echigo Oiko.

Thousands of believers.

Businessmen traveling to and from the Hokuriku Sea Route will also come here to pray for the success of their business. Every year, just the donations from believers are taken lightly, which is many times better than the traffic jam in the Shinano mountains.

This time when he returned to his hometown, it felt like he was revisiting his old place after becoming prosperous. He could see his old friends living a miserable life and comfort him a few words. Not to mention how refreshing this life was.

"Kawanakajima, Kawanakajima, I really let my family meet you." Kira Yoshitomo erected a huge map behind him. The map accurately depicts the locations of all the mountain castles near Kawanakajima. On the map, there is a

A small red and blue flag is placed on the map, which shows the dynamics of various wealthy families.

"How do you think our Kira Army should respond?"

"The Takeda Army is located at the foot of Chasu Mountain. It seems that this posture is to confront our army. It's hard to say what the situation is."

"The only solution for now is to continue the confrontation, right?"

The samurai of Echigo rattled off all kinds of reliable and unreliable plans. Honjo Mino felt that none of them were right. He stared at the map carefully for a long time before pointing to Kaizu Castle on the south bank of the Chikuma River: "Only

This is the key to the battle."

The people of Northern Shinano shook their heads in disbelief. Kurita Kanan smiled and said: "Kaizu Castle? There are 2,800 troops stationed in that city, and it has become very strong after several years of reinforcements! Even if the Takeda family attacks with all their strength,

The city can't get any benefits, so is Meizuo guarding the palace too careless?"

"No! Meisaku is not careless at all." Yamamoto Tokiyuki explained for him: "With Takeda Daisen's wisdom, we can't fail to see the importance of this city. Once Kaijin Castle is pulled out, there will be no danger to defend south of Saikawa.

All the people of our country will definitely be instigated by the Takeda family to rebel one by one, and it will be difficult for us to cross the Sai River again!"

"So that's it!" Kurita Katsuhisa, the branch of the Kurita Kan'an family, and the Komidō annex of Zenkoji Temple, nodded thoughtfully.

They come from the same sect, so the big Mido side is called Ura Kurita, and the small Mido side is called Yamakurida.

The relationship between the Grand Mido and the Ko Mido has always been unharmonious, and there has always been a dispute over the power to control Zenkoji. Because Kanyasu Kurita of the Grand Mido side defected to the Nagao family, the original Zenkoji temple became the territory of the Ko Mido side.

Looking at Kurita Tsuruhisa's glistening eyes, Kira Yoshi felt a little funny. He had been making small moves in Kitakoshino for several years. If it weren't for Nagao Kagetora's strict layout that made it impossible for him to start, he would have betrayed him long ago.

He has gone to the Takeda family camp. Moreover, he has always been obsessed with Asahiyama Castle, which seems to be quite contrary to his wishes.

"What does Xing Bucheng think?"

"No, no! I have nothing to say." Kurita Tsuruhisa evasively concealed his abnormal mood. Fortunately, most people in the military tent were deep in thought, and few people noticed his little movements.

After teasing this Northern Shinano bug, Kira Yoshi stood up, yawned, rubbed his eyes and walked out slowly: "Speaking of which, I'm a little tired too! So let's do this for now! We'll discuss it tomorrow."

"Yes!" As soon as the general left, they had no need to stay, so they all got up and left.

After the retainers left one after another, there were only a few people left who still lowered their heads and were busy with what they were doing. After a while, Kira Yoshi walked in in high spirits again. Seeing that several important ministers of the Kira family were there, he showed a surprised expression and said

: "Huh? Why didn't everyone take a break? It must be very hard to stay up all day!"

"Didn't the master of the hall not have any rest?" Yamamoto Tokiyuki smiled and was helpless about the little tricks played by this apprentice. The evaluation meeting would be held twice, and the military meeting would be held twice.

It is really not easy at all to hold the responsibilities of a staff team and to have multiple and heavy responsibilities.

"Tell me what you think."

Honda Tokimasa was the first to speak: "The Takeda family will attack Kaijin Castle."

"And the attack will be mainly conducted by Shinano people." Hosokawa Fujitaka added.

Not to be outdone, Namioka Sofou made a shocking revelation: "I suspect that this general is most likely Yukitaka Sanada."

"Where does this basis come from?" Yamamoto Tokiyuki stared at him with interest. Behind him, his young apprentice Numata Yumitsu sat obediently. Since his brother died in the war, he has been studying military science day and night in the past two years.

Strategy, he followed his master to learn the practical application of strategy, and over time he achieved small results.

"The system of the Takeda family is based on the local military power of Kai, and consists of a mixture of multiple levels of forces such as the Ichidai, the direct ministers, and the public. In Shinano, Kai's retainers serve as the county representative, and the castle representative

Small samurai groups were formed with the help of Shinano's sworn warriors. Since the attack on Kaizu Castle must focus on the people of Shinano, it is best to choose the samurai of the Shinano shouka clan as the leader. Yukitaka Sanada is one of the Shinano shoukkatsu.

The flag head.”

"That's right!" Honda Tokimasa applauded his new colleague with admiration, and then took over the topic and said: "What's more important is that Yukitaka Sanada's past experience is very miraculous. He has joined the Takeda family from being unknown for several years.

The landless warriors suddenly broke out along the way, assisting the Takeda family to defeat all the powerful enemies in Shinano, including the Northern Shinano National Alliance, which was destroyed in his hands. It can be said that the Takeda family's success in Shinano is inseparable from Yukitaka Sanada.

With his scheming and intelligence, he is a formidable and formidable opponent, and he may be even stronger than imagined!"

"The stronger he is, the more interesting he is, isn't it? Hahaha!" Kira Yoshishi didn't seem to care. He walked to the map and pulled out the flags belonging to the red side one by one, and planted blue flags on those awkward spots. Among them, there were a bunch of red flags.

In the Asahiyama Castle where the flags gathered, there were several eye-catching blue flags mixed in among them.

"How's it going? There's blue in the red, isn't it beautiful?" He always has more praise for the things he made by himself. This time he greatly praised his hands-on talent, carefully placing each little flag.

He straightened up and said with a smile: "What a wonderful strategy. Why don't I have this ability? Could it be that some people are born with rebellious nature?"

"Is this a secret report obtained by the master of the museum?" Yamamoto Tokiyuki's face darkened, he stared at the names on the flags, and snorted: "How audacious, how dare you do this under the noses of our Kira family.

They have never seen the tricks of my Kira family!"

"A group of people who don't know whether to live or die!" Honda Toki was characterizing this group of people, holding the rosary in his hand and asked: "I wonder how the owner of the museum plans to deal with them?"

"No hurry... no rush!" Kiragi was still lowering his head and playing with the small flags. After a while, he sat down after all the flags were straightened. At this time, several young people walked in with big hot bowls. Kiragi

At that time, he greeted the ministers: "It's not easy for everyone to work hard all day. Come and try the fresh crucian carp soup. It is very nourishing! It is especially effective for Master Jiang's sleep problems!"

"Really? Then I will drink more crucian carp soup from now on!" Yamamoto Tokiyuki took a large bowl of crucian carp soup with a smile, which also contained a palm-long crucian carp, which had been fried and then stewed.

The soup is just different from the previous method. Both the fish soup and the fish meat must be of a higher quality.

Life with soybean oil is different. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the fish until golden. After taking it out, add onions, ginger, garlic and peppers and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the fried crucian carp, chicken stock, a little sake, and ground black pepper until it boils.

Just remove the foam.

At Yamamoto Tokiyuki's age, he didn't care about the rules against eating meat, and the fact that the Kira family had been adding some pork, beef, and mutton to the young samurai could not be hidden from his eyes and ears. Kira Yoshitoki once said in private that samurai are not tall.

, the fundamental reason for low strength is too much dietary problems. And the most shocking reason is beriberi.

"Can this treat athlete's foot?" Tokiyuki Yamamoto's weather-beaten face couldn't help but be moved. The so-called athlete's foot is not true athlete's foot, but a complex disease caused by foot disease, which can cause the inability to walk, asthma, edema all over the body, and heartbeat.

Many complications such as overspeeding are caused by the lack of a reasonable diet, and the treatment method is nothing more than eating rice bran or eating more meat and eggs.

Perhaps many people would not have thought that the most terrifying disease for Japan was the little-known beriberi. The word "beriberi" first appeared in Japanese history books in the "Postscript of Japan" in the third year of Datong, AD 808.

In December, Fujiwara's court minister Otsusugu said: "I am not very young. My eyes are a little dark, and I am suffering from athlete's foot again, and it is not expected to develop again."

In addition, there are many records. For example, in the "Nihon Shoki" before Emperor Yonkō's accession to the throne, there is "I am not the best, I have been suffering from chronic illness for a long time, and I can't walk." The record in 644 AD, the third year of the emperor's reign.

Among them, it appeared that "the prince has a foot problem and does not show up."

"Kojiki" Keiyuki Emperor's Chronicles states, "But now I can't even move forward." "The Chronicles of Japan" recorded in the 16th year of Tianhei, AD 744, "Prince Yasumi returned from Sakurai Tongu Palace due to foot illness.

Chou died at the age of seventeen."

Including the late former shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu, he was "unable to walk" and had edema all over his body in the later period. He was thought to have died from athlete's foot. Doctors in Kyoto debated this issue for a long time, and finally it was Nause Michichi who finally made the final decision.

Second time, because Ashikaga Yoshiharu's symptoms included "asthma", "collapse" and "not eating".

This statement is a bit sensational. Anyway, no one knows whether it is true or not. Let's just assume it is true. This is how the Kira family samurai see it. It doesn't matter what other people think. Who can say anything about it being done secretly?

Even if someone accuses you of it, it’s not a big deal. If you’re thick-skinned, it doesn’t matter if you say you eat mountain whale, mountain fish, mountain kelp, etc.

From Kamakura to the Warring States Period, why did so many samurai love hawk hunting? Regardless of their high-sounding words about how to hone the art of bow and horse without forgetting the roots, in fact, they were all doing it to eat some game and beat their teeth.

This kind of thing has not stopped for hundreds of years, it has just been spread tacitly among the noble families. Only the servants of the wealthy families will foolishly abide by the rules.

“Can athlete’s foot be treated?”

Knowing what surprised them, the number one disease killer of this era was a terrible disease that had plagued them for more than a thousand years. Several generations of Tokugawa Shoguns died of mysterious illnesses including a certain turtle, including Tokugawa Iemitsu, Tokugawa Ietsuna, and Tokugawa.

Iesada, Tokugawa Iemo, it can be said that this disease caused the Tokugawa family to fight for unification for hundreds of years, and was ruined by the existence of Mito Clan, a cheating ally.

"It's not wrong. If you don't believe me, go and check Ma Hui, Chi Bei and everyone in our family. Absolutely no one has beriberi."

Yamamoto Tokiyuki tugged at his beard and thought: "In this case, it is indeed necessary to adjust your eating habits!"

"That's inappropriate!" Several voices came out at the same time. Hosokawa Fujitaka, Honda Tokimasa, and Namioka Sobo all shook their heads. The three of them looked at each other and let Hosokawa Fujitaka say first: "This is inappropriate. My Kira family has entered Echigo.

, a lot of work is waiting to be done, and it is better to adjust the dietary structure slowly rather than hastily.”

"Well, the war department is right, I acted too hastily." Yamamoto Tokiyuki did not explain, but just smiled in an easy-going way. How could he not know that it is better to go slowly than to rush? This is the elder of the Dai family who is well versed in admonishment.

He naturally knows how to use other people's words to achieve his own goals.

Hosokawa Fujitaka relied on his adoptive father's death for the shogunate and his merits in serving as the head of the Kira family. At the beginning of the year, he successfully promoted the fifth rank of the military department to the rank of Daisuke. Yamamoto Tokiyuki also promoted his rank to the sixth rank of Sado Mamoru at the beginning of the year.

The difference in official ranks between the two is still due to their origins.

Of course, this influence is very small. There is no habit of comparing family status in the Kira family, because everyone is a retainer of the Kira family. There are no land disputes or military power entanglements. They are all direct ministers of Kira Yoshitoki, and the relationship is far more harmonious than other samurai families.


"Ah, I know, don't look at me like that!" Kira Yoshi was pretending to be stupid again, lowering his head and wiping out a large bowl of fish soup, rubbing his eyes, waving to the retainers and walking away.

(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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