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Chapter 281 Fighting Hachimanhara

ps: I have fully learned my lesson and will not write such thankless information in the future. Book friends who think the pace is slow can also rest assured that they will speed up the pace in the future and save as much as possible. As for some people scolding Wu Mei for writing a novice, it’s a facial expression.

There is nothing I can do, so I would like to apologize to the book friends who want to understand the history of Japan's Warring States Period.

Gradually the sun turned westward, both sides suffered huge physical losses and the situation became more and more stalemate. The Takeda Army became more and more cunning. Knowing that the Kira Army had an excellent penetration effect against the Sanma Gun, they changed their tactics and used harassment tactics.

There are always two or three reserve troops around him to cooperate with each other. The overwhelming advantage of numbers prevents Kira's army from exerting its maximum power. It can only cause a small amount of damage to Takeda's army each time. At the same time, frequent movement and retreat also adds a lot of burden to the army.

Both sides began to run out of breath and were no longer able to carry out fast-paced and fierce attacks.

Every time he saw the Takeda Army cunningly advancing and retreating, Honjo Shigenaga could only curse angrily. He envied the dashing Akabi Cavalry, but it was a pity that the recent retainers could not transfer the Akabi Cavalry as commanders, so Kiragi

Speaking of time, only loyalty and merit are the best tests. Use time to test whether your words and deeds are consistent.

There are three tiger generals, including Honjo Shigenaga, Kurokawa Kiyomi, and Hojo Takahiro, who are stationed in the main formation. Even if the red cavalry is wandering around, there is no need to worry about the threat of the main formation. At the same time, the long-tailed troops from the north and south are also at Honjo Minoru, Saito Chao

Under Nobu's command, he gradually withstood the attack of Takeda Army.

Seeing that the situation was stalemate, Kira Yoshishi smiled confidently: "The battle is coming to an end. How much strength does the Takeda family have to adjust? But I still have two preset chess pieces that can be moved. What about you? Takeda Harunobu."

Just when the war reached a new stalemate, a fleet came up from the lower reaches of the Chikuma River. This fleet only had a small number of ships. Most of them were composed of flexible sailors. There were several sailors holding irons standing on each ship.

Samurai armed with cannons, bows and arrows, and Ashikaga two flags on each ship.

"Oops!" At the same moment, Takeda Harunobu's expression changed: "Let the horsemen come out! The flag team also goes out! We must stop this fleet!"

The right wing of the Takeda Army that was docked was immediately covered by the firepower of this fleet. Scattered iron cannons fell into the formation with silent arrows. The already exhausted Five Heavenly Army was beaten back steadily. Kira

The morale of the army on one side was greatly boosted, and the pace of the attack was accelerated again. The entire left wing of the Kira Army quickly opened up the situation. The battle began to tilt in the favor of the Kira Army.

At the same time, the Akabi Cavalry, which had only appeared once, also circled to the right wing and launched an assault on the Takeda Army on the opposite side. The Takeda Army under attack reluctantly launched a counterattack and was defeated. Takigawa Tokiyoshi and Shima Tokiyoshi

, Nagasaka Nobumasa used force to open a new opening and disperse the Takeda army's formation.

"Don't retreat! Hold on!" As the Takeda army's formation continued to collapse, Zhukaku Tosada hurriedly urged him. His original name was Muroju Toramitsu, and he also used the name Takeda, with the two characters for Miao in his name. He also had Takeda Toyoshou,

Changqing and many other names.

In the Takeda family, he is generally called Murozumi Tomitsu by his original name. Some people also call him Murozumi Toyogomori, Shizumi Tomitaka, Takeda Tomitashi... Anyway, the old man agrees to call him whatever name he wants, and his flag seal is also very interesting.

His original name is actually "Murozumi Toyogomori" with five characters, which is simply cooler than the ever-changing magical girl.

This cool old man who loves to change his name is the great-uncle of Takeda Nobutora, the sixth son of Takeda Nobimasa, and the great-uncle of Takeda Harunobu. He is a veteran who is seventy-five years old this year, and he is a real longevity star.

Logically speaking, one should take care of oneself at such an old age. It is a cruel thing for such an old warrior to still wear armor and go into battle. However, Zhujiao Huding does not see it that way. His stubborn temper has always made him refuse to accept his old age and firmly believe that he can still fight. He could continue to fight for the Takeda family and firmly believed that he would not die. It was this belief that supported him in the battlefield for decades, but today he suddenly felt that everything was different.

"Murozumi Toyohou! Another big fish!" A red-armored cavalryman ran over with a red gun. This man was the newborn tiger Takigawa Tokiyoshi. With his abnormal physical strength and spear and fast horse, he only He alone broke into the core of the heavily protected Muroju team. Every time he swung the blood-colored gun, it would bring out a scarlet blood light. The loyal and brave samurai fell to death on the Hachimangahara, leaving the veteran general with splitting eyes.

"Ah ah ah! Follow me and kill this man!" All the horned tigers roared and the crowd was indignant. The veteran had lived in Kaifi for more than seventy years and liked to go to the countryside when he had nothing to do. Everyone from traders and lackeys to monks and priests did not Those who know him, apart from being a fighting maniac, are quite popular, and the warriors of Kai are also willing to obey his orders.

The Ashigaru team raised three spears and lined up like a forest of spears to block the incoming enemy outside the wall. The samurai on both wings drew their sharp swords to protect the weak flanks. In terms of the way of military formation, the front is like a sharp beast. It has long horns and a mouth full of fangs, and its flanks are like a soft and defenseless abdomen. Failure to line up and protect the flanks is suicide.

"Whoosh!" Arrows that were as fast as meteors tore through the scorched air and took away the lives of several spear ashigaru. Unexpected chaos appeared in the tight formation. The next moment, more and more black spots flashed, densely packed. The flying arrows were like pouring rain, tearing apart the tight military formation at that moment.

"Samurai counterattack! Stop them..." Before the Zhujiakusei had time to make detailed adjustments, Takigawa Tokiyoshi had already urged his horse to slam into the collapsed spear formation. The Zhuzhu spear in his hand was like a death scythe, ruthlessly harvesting a A living life, a group of warriors in red armor behind him simultaneously waved their spears and made neat slashing movements. The familiar faces were filled with fear and despair, and the blood-red light flew high.

"Am I going to die here today?" Zhukaku Kosei closed his eyes in pain and suddenly opened them again. Facing Takigawa Tokiyoshi who was rushing straight towards the formation, he didn't have any panic. He raised the big gun in his hand and shouted. : "Who is coming? I live in the house of Toyo and guard against the nameless general under the tiger's light and spear!"

"Interesting! He's still an old man!" Takigawa Tokiyuki cut a mounted samurai into two pieces by blocking his waist. Thick blood spattered onto the white Ashikaga two-biki-ryō flag. He held the gun level with one hand. Ninety degrees slowly accelerated, and a bloodthirsty light erupted from his eyes: "Takigawa Keijiro Tokiichi is here to take the head from your neck!"

From a distance, you could feel that the red-armored cavalryman was full of evil aura, but you never imagined that his voice was just that of a little baby whose voice was changing. Zhu Jiaohu must have groaned and shouted: "Good boy. !Let me end your short and sin-filled life!"

"Hmph!" Takigawa Tokimasu didn't talk nonsense to him. He accelerated and beheaded the mounted warrior who came to block him again. He clamped the horse's belly and charged with all his strength. The Vermilion Spear in his hand turned into streaks of red light.

In the blink of an eye, it went straight to Zhujiaohuding's neck, and the blow exploded rapidly, sending the tearing wind howling past.

At that moment, little bits of sand and dust blew into Zhujiao Huding's eyes. The veteran's eyes squinted slightly and he felt the red light flashing suddenly. He felt a chill on his neck and his whole body was spinning and shaking, and he was in the wrong body.

In an instant, a blood mist rose into the sky, completely dyeing the white silk flag red.

"The enemy general, Zhujiaohu, will definitely be captured by me, Takigawa Tokiyoshi!"

The samurai of the Takeda Army watched helplessly as this veteran general was taken away from him. In anger and grief, they fought desperately towards Takigawa Tokiyoshi. Shima Tokikatsu took the opportunity to harvest lives with one arrow after another. The red cavalry attacked in all directions and took the opportunity to kill him.

This is a tenacious military force, but the crazy Takeda military can't control this, and they try their best to get back the head of the flanking general. This gives the Akabi cavalry time to perform.

A knight on horseback blocked the joint stranglehold of several waves of red cavalry, rushed all the way to the dead body of Zhujiaohu, and stopped in front of him. He was muttering something in his mouth and pulled off the silk cloth on the flag and wrapped it tightly.

Taking his head, he got on his horse and fled backwards as fast as he could.

"Damn it! The samurai who stole the head wants to run away!" At this time, Takigawa Tokimasu was also trapped in the ashigaru formation and was unable to pursue him. He could only shout to Shima Tokikatsu: "Sakon!"

"Understood!" Shima Tokisheng firmly held the huge square bamboo bow, and a sharp arrow shot out of the string and went straight into the back of the warrior. The warrior's body went limp and fell off the horse, hugging him.

The blood-stained silk ball in his arms also rolled aside, and the blue Takeda Siro flag was stained with blood and turned into a dark red ball.

He took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "The enemy general, Ganlihuzhong, has been captured by our island Shisheng!"

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, Nagasaka Nobumasa, who was fighting bloody battles, also shouted: "The enemy general, Ogiwara Masaaki, has been taken by me, Nagasaka Nobumasa!"

"Did great uncle fail to escape in the end?" Takeda Harunobu closed his eyes in pain and tried to extinguish the anger in his heart. At this time, he had sent out all the reserve teams. He was completely unable to rescue the collapse of the left wing and could only lower his voice.

Silently chant the name of Suwa Daimyojin.

"Lord!" The Takeda family retainers looked at him helplessly. At this time, the family governor was the backbone. If the family governor lost the will to fight, he would only perish.

"My family must not retreat! We, the Takeda family, have no way to retreat! There is no way to retreat!" Takeda Harunobu's emotions suddenly became excited. He raised his cowhide and iron-bone military fan and shouted loudly: "My sons of the Takeda family! Fight hard.

!Suwa Daimyojin bless us! Defeat the Kira army in front of us and return home with our companions!"

"Bless me, Suwa Daimyojin! Return home!" The warriors of the Takeda family were like wild bulls in a rage, roaring one by one. The warriors rushed towards the enemy in front of them, and when their weapons were knocked away, they picked up their swords and fought with all their strength. They roared one after another.

It seemed to be contagious, spreading throughout the entire battlefield in less than a moment.

A courageous and decisive spirit suddenly arose, and the left-wing front that had completely collapsed miraculously maintained the situation under the impetus of this force. Seeing that the situation was not right, Shitara Sadachi hurriedly ordered to avoid the edge.

The priest of the Suwa family beat the big drum and danced a dance to wish for victory. Perhaps hearing the encouragement of Takeda Harunobu, the complete Takeda army stopped their retreat and once again formed a formation to withstand the fierce attack of Kira army. At this time, both sides The warriors were exhausted and the blood-soaked ground was soaked over and over again. No one took a second look at the dead bodies. They only saw the enemy in their eyes.

The Takeda family's reserve team quickly launched a counterattack against the fleet. Their attack was so weak. They fired with bows and arrows and iron cannons. They jumped into the river with bravery and tried to wade onto the boat to fight hand-to-hand. These were wearing heavy armor. The samurai are often the first to die. Their deaths are meaningless and can only bring military exploits to the Kira army in the fleet.

At this moment, the commanders of both sides received different news at the same time. Takeda Harunobu's eyes went dark when he saw the news and he almost fainted again. Several veterans of the ichi clan hurriedly helped him to the side to rest. Looking at the message again, it said: " Shiozaki Castle was captured and Kurihara Senfuyu died in battle!" A few big words.

"The way out is dead, what can we do?" The Takeda family retainers gathered around in panic, and approached Nobumori Iwate, who was born in a family and served as the flag envoy. He smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't expect that I would be killed. My lord is right. We really have no way out!"

Komai Masatake frowned deeply. As the military advisor of the Takeda family, he had a heavy burden. He paced back and forth and thought: "What should we do? Should we rely on Yukitaka Sanada and lead the injured Shinano to launch another raid?" No! The Kakizaki Kei family, who have been fooled once, obviously won’t be so stupid... Do we want to retreat now?"

At the same time, Kira Yoshito angrily tore a piece of paper into pieces, smashed the tea set next to his hand, and shouted angrily: "How is it possible! Plague! Locust plague! Why did it happen in Echigo! Why! Tora Ji actually got the plague! What are you doing for food! Ah! Tell me what you are doing!"

The samurai of this formation looked at each other, no one dared to provoke the angry general. A young and pure Echigo samurai like Toyomori Yamayoshi, who had gold-plated experience in this formation, had never seen him angry before. Now when I saw him, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to raise my head.

"Master..." Yamamoto Tokiyuki tried to comfort him, but the furious Kira Yoshiki couldn't listen to any persuasion at all, and shouted: "The Bakura team comes out! Blow up the Takeda army! Even if you can't destroy them, you can't." We must cripple them!"

"Yes!" Shiban hurriedly issued the order. As the strategic force of the Kira Army, the Rory Team played very few times, and each appearance was a critical moment. Therefore, this slightly smaller special reserve team also received the unanimous approval of the Kira family. Good reviews.

"Master, prepare to retreat!" At this moment, Honda Tokimasa and Namioka Tōfō thought of this word at the same time: "Why? The best situation is to retreat? This time, we are very sure to annihilate the Takeda Army, although the price will be very high. It’s big… but it’s also a serious blow to the Takeda family…”

"Isn't this a serious injury?" Yamamoto Tokiyuki smiled bitterly. As a deputy general, he could only do so much, and the two young men serving as military advisors were obviously too young. He took advantage of this short opportunity to say: "This battle will definitely be a disaster if it continues. A costly battle of annihilation. The question is, are we all prepared for this? Don’t forget what the museum owner’s original strategy was.”

"Severely damage the Takeda Army so that it will not be able to pose a threat to Northern Shinano within three to five years! I understand..." The two of them smiled awkwardly. They forgot about this in their excitement just now. Now the Takeda Army's combat losses must have exceeded 3,000, and Kira

The attrition of the army was probably around 2,000.

The biggest advantage is that the two wings of the Takeda Army cannot support it at all. The center is increasingly spreading its forces to take care of the two wings. Such a heavy burden is just a reversal from the early stage of development. Moreover, the longer the delay, the greater the advantage of the Kira Army. The fleet along the coast can

An An steadily took advantage of maximizing their firepower, and the good situation gave them the idea of ​​​​annihilating the Takeda Army.

"Boom, boom, boom..." A series of explosions frightened Nangang Toutou and turned his face pale. It also frightened the horses on both sides and knocked them down. Many horse-riding warriors were overturned by their frightened horses. Most of them were rescued in time and there was no problem.

There were still many samurai who were killed by the enemy's ashigaru.

Honjo Shigenaga was almost knocked off his horse. He looked in horror at the clouds of black smoke rising in front of him, and the terrifying flames were so scary. Some people turned into burning men and ran around, and finally fell to the ground motionless.

He was more frightened than the bloody war, "What is that thing? Is it a demon causing trouble?"

"Chiyo Inomaru, are you stupid? That's the secret weapon of my Kira family. Didn't you see them throwing strange jars? Look, they're about to throw them again! Let's dismount quickly." Kurokawa Kiyomizu quickly called for Honjo Shigenaga to dismount.


After a period of terrifying rumblings, he saw Hojo Takahiro sitting on the horse and drinking water, and several young men were trying to calm the frightened horses. Kurokawa Kiyomi smiled and cursed: "Well, you Tango, you have known for a long time.

This time, why don’t you dismount and wait?”

"Are you not asking yourself, or am I, Gao Guang, smart enough to see that a group of warriors in our formation are under special protection, so I asked the question and found out that they were the Roasting Team? Did you see those exploding things? That can be done with a

The clay pot contains secret items and terrible weapons!" Hojo Takahiro looked around furtively and whispered: "Want to know what's inside?"

"What are you pretending to be?"

"I don't know either! Hahaha..." Hojo Takahiro laughed so hard that Kurokawa Kiyomi and Honjo Shigenaga looked at each other, then groaned angrily and blocked their ears to endure the rumbling explosion.

After five consecutive rounds of roasted jade throwing, a large white field full of gunpowder smoke and flames was cleared in front of the formation. The warriors of the Takeda Army no longer dared to approach this restricted area of ​​life, even if their former companions were lying there, and they were wailing towards them.

Calling for help from all sides could not make the Takeda army move even half a step.

"Asshole! What kind of witchcraft is this! The Kira family must be holding evil things from hell!" The old warrior who has experienced many battles tried to comfort the panicked young warriors around him. This was the first time for many of them to go into battle.

It is difficult to say how much impact it will have on their psychology after encountering such a tragic war. These veterans can only try to comfort the panicked young people, hoping that their words can bring them more strength.

Takeda Harunobu was so frightened and angry that he almost fainted again. Several Shodai quickly supported him and pinched him and slapped his back before he recovered. As a house governor, he had extremely strong endurance, so he just glared at the Tohoku ninja with hatred.

The leader glanced at him, expressing his disappointment with his intelligence work, and then shouted angrily: "All troops, be careful, avoid the opponent's missiles. Never face the enemy head-on!"

At this time, the roasting team that had finished throwing began to retreat. The Takeda Army, who was stunned by the explosion and flames, did not dare to pursue it at all. The panicked samurai did not know what to do. The overall attack rhythm of Takeda County was completely disrupted and stagnant. , the battlefield also became eerily silent because of this great change.

"Takazuna Takazuna is begged by me, Takazuna Watanabe!"

"Kanamaru Masanao was begged by my main village Shigecho!"

"Nobumori Iwate was begged by me, Takahiro Hojo!"

"Nanbu Manhide was begged by me, Kurokawa Kiyomizu!"

"Bano Sadakei was begged by me, Miyabe Tsugujun!"

The Takeda Army panicked, but the Kira Army didn't panic at all. Taking advantage of the gap between the throwing of the roasted jade, the Kira family's samurai attacked in all directions and bit the Takeda Army. They used the strength of the army to save their physical strength. The retreating Takeda reserve force pursued them fiercely. Several severely damaged reserve forces could not retreat and began to collapse one after another.

A series of demands inspired the samurai of the Kira Army, and the Kira Army became more and more anxious to attack everywhere. The generals also unequivocally led their own flags to fight in person, overwhelming the Takeda Army in one fell swoop, and with the demands With more and more generals being taken, it seems that the Takeda Army is on the verge of total collapse. However, when the tenacious Takeda Army is about to collapse, several desperate samurai will appear and lead the army towards the Kira Army's tight formation. .

"Children of Kai! Follow me and rush over to fight them!" I don't know who shouted this voice, and the Takeda family warriors also jumped out and launched a desperate counterattack. Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, and they are not afraid of it now. No matter how fearful the Kira Army's powerful force and weird weapons are, they are all going to die anyway, so why not go all out and kill one to save money, kill two to earn one.

Everywhere on the battlefield, you can see Takeda samurai and their men suddenly rushing out from the corner of the defeated army, roaring and waving their swords, and rushing towards the well-prepared formations of the Kira army with their big guns, and then gradually submerged and disappeared in the fighting. This started Got a very bad head start. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Kira's army's main reserves immediately retracted their formations and moved closer to each other to preserve their strength. No matter how hard they continued to fight, there was no point in killing more. If they were to beat this formation to half a cripple, they would be asking for death. Ten thousand enemy troops are also at a loss.

The number of casualties on both sides increased crazily during this period. Generally speaking, each Kira Army samurai can replace two to three Takeda Army. This exchange generally seems to be very profitable for the Kira Army, but several reserve units were defeated in some places. It still feels heartbreaking to be half-disabled. It is worth mentioning that the reserve troops who were disabled were all from the Shinon Army.

The winner cannot get the fruits of victory, and the loser grits his teeth and refuses to give up. An endless attrition turns the war into a life-devouring flesh and blood millstone, just when the generals on both sides are exhausted. At that moment, the rumbling beats of the drums from the Kira Army's main formation suddenly disappeared, and signal flags representing retreat were waved continuously. Soldiers holding signal flags appeared in every corner of the battlefield to deliver orders, and a fierce attack followed. Be contained.

The Takeda army retreated without hesitation. They would not care about what happened to the Kira army, let alone try to take advantage of the opportunity to fight back and win the victory. They would rely on the Takeda family's elite samurai to use their lives to fill the gap and force the morale that was almost collapsed. If they are pulled back, the high morale of this kind of trapped beast fight will not last long. It is a good opportunity to retreat at this time. Behind them is their camp. Only when they return there can they be truly safe.

"Retreat? Why retreat? Why?" Tokiyoshi Takigawa's tone was full of resentment and confusion. How could he understand that the enemy was leaving in such a good situation? Looking at the silent retreat of Takeda's army, Tokiyoshi Takigawa He waved his riding crop angrily: "Give me another quarter of an hour! I can defeat all these people in another quarter of an hour!"

"I have heard this sentence several times today, but we still haven't defeated them, right?" Shima Tokikatsu helplessly comforted his companions, looked at the slowly retreating Takeda army, and said with a smile: "Then They are a group of amazing warriors, they are brave and fearless of death, just like us! They have the faith in their hearts to fight to the end, just like us!"

"Huh..." Facing the last ray of light of the setting sun, as if he had figured this out, Takigawa Shimasu also showed a happy smile: "Maybe you are right! But we will always be the strongest! Unique!" (To be completed.) Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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