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Chapter 284 The messenger of the Imagawa family

In 1555 AD, which was the beginning of the 24th year of Astronomy, in the castle tower of Kasugayama Castle, Nagao Kagetora, wearing a woolen robe, sat cross-legged. Opposite him sat Kira Yoshitomo and Nagao Kagetora, talking about this with smiles on their faces.

Interesting things from the past year.

The wind disease that troubled Nagao Kagetora has been cured. No matter he walks, sits or lies, eats or talks, or rides a horse or shoots an arrow, he is not affected in any way. Such a complete recovery is beyond the expectations of Mamoru Naose, and Nagata Tokumoto also believes that this is a god.

Although he was blessed, the two doctors still asked him to maintain good eating and rest habits.

"During the year of training at Yuzawa Imperial Palace, my body and mind felt more relaxed than ever before... I have never felt so relaxed since I was a child. The burden of family business and the expectations of retainers are all removed from my mind. Every day

I do acupuncture and massage, do rehabilitation exercises, read "The Rise and Fall of Genpei" and "The Chronicles of Taipei" while soaking in the sun in my spare time, and Mr. Nagata debates the true meaning of Buddhism while soaking in hot springs. This kind of life makes me feel comfortable and relaxed."

The boy and girl added in unison: "The only thing you can't touch is sake."

"Yes! The only thing you can't touch is sake." Nagao Kagetora shook his head and laughed. He can never touch sake again in this life. No retainer, Ichimen, or the young people in front of him will allow him to touch even a drop.


After laughing, he changed to sighing: "I can never drink again! What a great regret in life!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't drink, brother, it was really scary that time! We all won't be able to stand it if we do it again!" Hu Ji pouted and expressed her dissatisfaction with her brother's nostalgia.

"Okay, let's not talk about this... How is Kunimatsu's condition? I heard that he is sick again?" Speaking of his little nephew, Nagao Yoshikage, who just entered the Yuan server this year. Nagao Kagetora showed a look of worry.

Ever since the plague broke out in the summer, Kunimatsu also got sick for some reason. The condition was up and down, which made people worried. She was sick for several months, which made Nagao Aya worried. So she took this single seedling to Naoejin without any scruples to seek for Nagata Tokumoto.

Treatment, there is only one seedling in Ueda Nagao's family. If he has three long and two short diseases, Nagao Aya will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Mr. Nagata is treating Kunimatsu. Judging from the current situation, there shouldn't be much of a problem!" Kira Yoshi was a little unsure. He didn't remember that Nagao Masaki had this eldest son. He only knew that his family would have a son.

The adopted son of Nagao Kagetora, who later became Uesugi Kagekatsu.

"Masakae happens to be in Kasugayama Castle, so let my sister reunite with him! It is very important to give birth to a son as soon as possible." Nagao Kagetora is still worried about Nagao Masakei's betrayal, so he has been keeping him in Kasugayama Castle for the past few years.

, the other party has been working hard without complaint and has no other ideas.

Torahime glanced at Kiragi and saw his affirmative expression, so she said: "Brother, the king should be returned to you! Torahime really doesn't know how to do anything. Every time she holds an evaluation meeting with an empty head,

It’s all up to His Highness!”

"I have gone into seclusion. I have no plans to come back in the future." Nagao Kagetora just shook his head in denial.

"Brother, please listen to me. I have found many problems in controlling Echigo this year. The system of the Kira family is different from that of the Nagao family. The two sides are still clearly incompatible. The samurai family of Echigo also has great hope for brother.

It’s clear! So I, Gitoki, think it’s best for my brother to come back and lead Echigo!”

"Let's talk about it later!" Nagao Kagetora still didn't want to talk about this topic, and said with a smile: "My illness has delayed your marriage ceremony. I am really incompetent as an elder brother! Have you set a date?


"It's decided, March 16th is a good day for spring flowers to bloom!" The two of them looked at each other, and Tobi huddled shyly behind him. Kira Yoshiki could only smile helplessly, grabbing Tobi's little hand and joking.

Said: "I just think of shyness now, what were you thinking about just now?"

"Your Highness!" The girl shyly buried her head and didn't look at him. The two grown men laughed in unison, which made the girl blush and show her little fangs and threaten: "Don't laugh at me! If you laugh again, I'll get angry!"


"Don't laugh, don't laugh! Hehehehe..."

The Takeda family spent this new year in a really gloomy way. A large number of families died, and a large area of ​​land was lost. This was a great loss of vitality. The Takeda family could only secretly sigh at their bad luck, looking at the bad luck of the Hojo family in the past few years.

He suddenly rose up and drove Uesugi Kenmasa out of Hirai Castle like a bereaved dog hiding in Tibet, and he couldn't help but feel envious in his heart.

Imai Nobuo was particularly active today and spoke for the third time: "My lord! We can no longer fight Kitashinano! At least we can't do it in the past few years!"

Komai Masatake asked: "But what should we do about the crisis in Xiaozhen County?"

"Sanada Yukitaka of the Shinano Senkazu is serving as the leader. From my point of view, Toromasa, he will definitely fight for his own land, right?" Iitomi Toromasa followed up.

"It's all about the people of Shinano? I don't think that's enough!" Nagasaka Mitsuken shook his head in denial.

"Then what do you think we should do?" A group of retainers started arguing. The quarrel gave Takeda Harunobu a headache. Every time he encountered a disagreement, the retainers would quarrel. He suddenly understood why his father always wanted to kill Gedai. In fact,

They are a group of troublesome guys.

In the past few months, he has been recuperating in Yuya Hot Spring. This hot spring is a health resort discovered during the time of his father Nobutora Takeda. There are Yamashiozawaji Temple, Senzuka Hachiman Shrine nearby, and a beacon tower on the mountain. It is quiet and peaceful in the mountains and forests.

Only there can you find complete relaxation.

Growing up, this was the health resort he visited most frequently. The asthma that had always bothered him required frequent treatment, and he gradually fell in love with the habit of soaking in hot springs.

After enduring it for a long time, they still didn't know how to restrain themselves. Takeda Harunobu could only shout: "Stop! Gentlemen, please stop arguing! Listen to me! Kitashinano cannot give up!"

"Ah?" Some retainers made an uproar, causing Takeda Harunobu to frown in dissatisfaction, and then smiled: "Sanada Danzheng serves as the leader of the Shinano Front Army and is responsible for the mission of recapturing Northern Shinano. Nobushige leads the Wukawa Army to Saku County to provide support.


Komai Masatake thought for a moment and asked: "So what is our future strategy? Is it Nishi Ueno?"

"Yes! It's Nishi Ueno! Not only Nishi Ueno, but also Hida! We thought hard for a hundred days and decided to continue to expand! Kai is too poor! Shinano and Ueno were severely affected, so it's a good time for us to attack Ueno!

"When mentioning last year's drought, Takeda Harunobu's mouth twitched.

Shinano's grain output has been severely reduced, and many villages are facing the crisis of no harvest. With the arrival of a difficult winter, farmers without winter reserves are increasingly inclined to flee famine, but the Takeda family does not have the ability to retain people like the Hojo family. Although Kai suffered from drought

It is relatively mild, but generally there is a 20% reduction in grain production. The local grain is not enough to eat. How can we help the farmers in Shinano?

The entire Kaibi is 240,000 koku high, and the food received is less than 200,000 koku, but it has to feed nearly 200,000 people and 78,000 to 8,000 troops for many samurai families. This pressure is like a big mountain pressing on his head.

He couldn't breathe. If he didn't expand, he would have to starve and freeze in a mountain den for the rest of his life. He was not willing to accept it! The Takeda retainers were not willing to accept it either!

"There's something wrong with those new grains! Potatoes yield three kilo, corn yields one and a half kilo, and pumpkin yields one and a half kilo. Except for potatoes, which are pretty good, everything else has serious problems! Is it..." Nobuaki Atobe's eyes

Glancing at the big bear Chao Xiu in the corner.

"No! There is nothing wrong with these grains after inspection. We also believe that Big Bear Bizenmori will not deceive our family." Takeda Harunobu said to Big Bear Asahide in the corner: "Bizen Mamoru will definitely live up to our expectations, right?"

Big Bear quickly bowed to Chaoxiu: "No, no! There is absolutely no problem with the grains that I brought with you!"

The news of the Takeda family's defeat in the first battle quickly spread to Kanto. The samurai who had doubts about the Kira family's choice of Echigo country, which was far away from the mountains, all changed their stance and unanimously praised the Kira family as worthy of being the famous generals of the shogunate and the Imagawa family.

The messenger also stepped into Kasugayama Castle for the first time after several years and presented a luxurious New Year gift.

Three famous swords, ten good horses, two thousand rabbit skins, fox skins, bear skins, etc., two hundred pieces of lacquerware, two loads of tea, matsutake, tangerines and other specialties. The Imagawa family's envoy is an old acquaintance, Sekiguchi Okinaga.

After not seeing each other for several years, he has become fatter and taller. He said with a smile: "My lord learned that Changwei Danzhengdian has recovered from a serious illness, so he specially prepared twenty sticks of mountain ginseng and two loads of various medicinal materials. I wish Changwei Danzhengdian good health."


"Thank you for your trouble, Imagawajibu-dono." Nagao Kagetora's tone was calm and natural, without any feeling of joy.

Experiencing a serious illness made him understand many Zen principles. Now he never leaves his hand with rosary beads, and he sits quietly and meditates in his spare time. He has been leading the army and governing the country all year round, which naturally exudes a unique sense of majesty. Now he is as calm as water, and his attitude is as calm as water.

The solemn appearance makes people feel more fearful.

Sekiguchi is worthy of being an experienced diplomat. His face remained unchanged and he continued to say: "Today the Wuwei Palace defeated the powerful family of Shinano in one battle and subdued it, and its power is enviable by everyone! My lord has specially ordered me to escort the princess here.

Fulfill the engagement made that day!"

A certain loli who was just a puppet in her head suddenly came to life, her ears twitched and asked: "What princess? What engagement?"

"The princess is my lord's adopted daughter, Princess Naoto, and the marriage contract is the one my lord made with Wu Weidian on that day..."

"Nani? Why don't I know?" A certain big cat suddenly showed off its feminine power. Its big, round almond-shaped eyes were full of murderous intent. When it locked onto Kiragi's head, it burst out with a powerful force of deterrence: "Your Highness! There must be someone.

What do you want to say? There must be something, right? Hmm?"

"Um..." Kira Yoshitsune was so surprised by this question that he almost jumped up. He winked at Sekiguchi Shinaga at a loss. The other party smiled and greeted him as if he didn't understand it at all. He cursed secretly, but he could only force it.

He said calmly: "This... is actually... it's actually a marriage contract... it's true! But..."

"But His Highness agreed, right?" A tic-tac-toe appeared above a certain lolita's head, raising a small fist and threatening him: "Why has His Highness never said..."

"Ahem! Torahime, it's better to stop it!" Nagao Kagetora couldn't stand it any longer, and stood up and made the final decision: "That's it! Please go to Sekiguchi-den to rest first, and leave the rest to the retainers!" (To be completed! Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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