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Chapter 293 Upstate War

"Brother is right. Takanobu Honma of the Hamo Honma clan is a loyal minister, but it is an indisputable fact that the Honma clan is involved in piracy. As long as Takanobu Honma and the Honma clan remain neutral, we will not intend to

It will embarrass them, but the Kawarada Honma clan in charge of the Sado Navy must not let it go, and pirates must not be allowed to appear in the waters near Hokuriku."

Kira Yoshitoki had already made up his mind to deal with the Honma family's naval forces, and even thought of a strategy to imitate Nagao Kagetora to stop him, and repeatedly promised that he would never touch the Honma family clan Zatai Honma clan, and Hamoge who was close to Nagao.

Honma clan.

The Kawarada Honma clan, relying on the advantage of having a naval force, has always been less respectful to the Zatai Honma clan of the clan. With the decline of the Zatai Honma clan, they abandoned most of their territory, resulting in the two branches of Kawarada and Hamoge on Sado Island.

The situation of confrontation between the north and the south.

Honma Sannobu, the lord of Kawarada Castle, had many battles with Honma Takanobu, the lord of Hamo Castle. Before that, Honma Sannobu relied on the good relations of the Yangbei people and the plunder of the navy to steadily suppress Honma.

Honma Takanobu, but Honma Takanobu had the support of Nagao Kagetora, which made Honma Minobu no daring to act rashly.

On May 15th, the Kira navy came out in full force and lurked in the reeds near the mouth of the Shinano River in the evening. At midnight, taking advantage of the bright moonlight, Kuuki Shigetaka sneaked into Sado Port in the dark, while the Sado navy was resting in the port.

Still unaware that a disaster is about to strike.

In cooperation with the Kira family, the lord of Zatai Castle, Honma Yamashiro Yasutaka, the lord of Ota Castle, Honma Hideji, the lord of Kuchi Castle, Honma Yojuro, the lord of Yoshida Castle, Mikawa Urio, the lord of Sawane Castle, Sawane Takahide, and Shiage Castle.

The lord of the castle, Hidemitsu Utagami and other Sado natives, gathered a thousand troops and launched a surprise attack on Kawarada Castle by Honma Minobubu that night.

This time, most of the people on Sado Island united to attack, attracting most of the troops in the northern part of Sado Island. Honma Minobu, who was sleeping soundly in Sado Port, still had no idea. At this time, Honma Takanobu had already led 300 troops.

Shi touched the outside of the port and saw bunches of firelight suddenly lighting up the dim port. The dark and turbid sea water illuminated a fiery red and strange reflection under the moonlight, like clusters of evil flames floating in hell.

"Ah!" A dozing sentry had his throat sealed with a sword, and the horn of the night attack was sounded. The sleeping Honma army was awakened by the chaotic shouts, and red flames engulfed many houses in the port.

It stores goods looted in recent months.

"It's a rocket! Enemy attack!"

Honma Minobu hurriedly put on his clothes, not caring about the naked woman in the house screaming loudly, and urgently called the Hatamoto samurai and asked urgently: "What's going on? Who is going to beat us?"

"Lord! We don't know yet! But there are many ships! They have rockets and iron cannons and are attacking our port!"

Honma Honma gritted his teeth and cursed: "Asshole! It must be them! Only they have iron cannons!"

At this time, a tall and strong warrior ran over in a hurry and said: "Brother! What should we do?"

"Mikane! It's good that you came! We want to fight back against them! We must fight them back! Even if we mobilize troops from Kawarada Castle, we must fight them back!"

"Yes! I'm going to mobilize the troops!" Honma Mikan turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Honma Minobu. He smiled and said: "Didn't Mikan always want to be a general? This time I will

I have ordered you to serve as a general to resist this invading army, and I will just go to Kawarada Castle to mobilize troops."

"This bastard wants me to die!" Honma Mikane cursed secretly, but he still had to pretend to be grateful and thanked her with tears: "Brother, please rest assured, I Mikane will never let them attack Sado Port. Please hurry up, brother."

Send reinforcements!”

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Honma Minobu turned around and winked at Hatamoto who was behind him. The latter secretly ran back to the room and took the woman back on the horse. This woman came from a ship a few days ago.

It was very rare for Honma Mito to be carried away by the aristocratic woman robbed on the passenger ship heading to Dewa, and to take hostages regardless of the rules.

Honma Mikanane never expected that the firepower of the Kira Navy was so fierce. They captured Sado Port within two quarters of an hour. Honma Mikanane was shot to death by a burst of concentrated fire before he could even surrender. He couldn't even escape.

Honma Minobu, who was hoping to bring a woman with him, also fell into the ambush of Honma Takanobu and was killed by an arrow. From the beginning to the end, he did not realize that he would die on the path outside the port.

Early the next morning, the Kira navy and Honma Takanobu, who had landed in battle, combined their force of 1,800 troops and launched an attack on Kawarada Castle. Under the heavy fire suppression and the death of the family governor in battle, Kawarada Castle opened.

The city surrendered, and the Kawarada Honma clan, the most powerful family in Sado, perished, and a great change in Sado Island came to a successful end.

The head of the Honma family was jointly annexed by several families. Honma Takanobu obtained half of the territory due to his outstanding performance, and the other half was shared by other families participating in the war. The Kira family obtained Sado Port and nearby 1,500

The ownership of the Machibu land, and as a country owner, you will also naturally obtain the ownership and mining rights of all the mines in Sado.

I have no objection to the Kira family's judgment that the Honma clan has long been rumored in Sado Island that there is gold on the mountain, but the kunai mining and smelting technology does not allow it to be mined or smelted. A few years ago, Honma Minobu heard this rumor and occupied Tsuruko.

In Jinshan, people captured from the sea were used as slaves to mine and dig randomly. Finally, they dug out something that looked like silver ore but they couldn't smelt it, so they had to throw it back and block the news.

In the end, the Kira family had no choice but to take advantage of it. At any rate, it was not too bad that they could still get the comfort of increasing their territory. Kira Yoshitoki promised them that they would receive better treatment as soon as possible. Sado Island could also be planted under the guidance of the Kira family.

New grain.

Soga Taihei, who was over sixty years old, came out of the mountain again, and with several new disciples he was ordered to go to Sado Jinshan to do prospecting work. Soga Taibei has not been idle in the past few years, and the copper house and blacksmith house are used

Not wanting to be obsessed with it, he took a few apprentices to explore all the mountains of Echigo to roughly figure out where there were mineral veins.

In his words, Echigo is a treasured Feng Shui land. He didn't dare to brag about the specifics of the land. He just said that the results would come after a few years.

From early spring to mid-summer, the entire Echigo was busy with land improvement. A small water battle on Sado Island did not change people's attention. Soon Li Ding's new plan came out to dig two holes in the Shinano River.

A tributary was excavated from the Agano River to divert water for irrigation, and a canal was excavated between the two rivers to connect them together to shoulder the important task of water transportation.

This plan is very large, including the construction of canals, excavation of tributaries, construction of polders, cleanup of dry drainage, improvement of soil desertification and many other complex projects that will be carried out at the same time. It is expected that more than 50,000 people will be used, and the possibility of expanding employment in the future cannot be ruled out.


The construction period is divided into three phases. The first phase is to dig a canal called "Shinhorikawa" and build a polder at the same time. The second phase is to excavate tributaries to divert floods and continue to build the polder. The third phase is to clean up the dry drainage and improve the land. The first and second phases It will be completed gradually within five years, with the third phase expected to take ten to twenty years.

The scale of this plan far exceeds Kira Yoshitoki's imagination. Not counting labor costs and other expenses, the initial investment is as high as 100,000 guan of Yongle money. It is expected that the total investment will exceed 500,000 guan of Yongle money. It is not ruled out that Possibility of adding additional budget.

The investment in this project and the number of people mobilized are huge, far exceeding all projects in the Warring States Period. Only Kyoto built in the Heian Period can exceed this scale. Once completed, the entire Niigata area will form a huge cultivated land of more than 200,000 towns. The land is rich in fertile resources and can be used to grow rice, wheat, soybeans and various new grain crops.

Once this project is completed, nearly 70% of the land improvement in Echigo will be completed, which will stabilize the stone height of Echigo to more than 2 million stone. Echigo will be able to leave more land to plant cash crops and realize the development of agricultural diversity. imaginary route.

In the evaluation room of the Lord of Minawa Castle in Ueno Province, dozens of powerful people from Nishi Ueno gathered together. Sitting in the main seat was an old man with white hair and beard. This man was the famous Ueno Nagano Yap of Ueno Province. Yes, this old man is now sixty-five years old, but he is still vigorous and vigorous.

River fish and birds became his daily meal, and he never stopped eating it. He said that he could not live without eating meat for a day. Occasionally, he would show off his arrogant spirit of eating meat and fighting wine. Although his strength was much weaker than when he was young, he could still defeat three people. A strong man, you can see some of the ancient incorruptible spirit just from his bearing.

There were two letters in front of Nagano Yasumasa. The styles of the two letters were different but the content was similar. There were hundreds of words in them, which were nothing more than Ueno surrendering to our army. The monograms stamped on the two letters were different. One letter was stamped with the same monogram. It is stamped with the red dragon seal, and the other is stamped with the tiger seal. From the monogram, it can be seen that these are autographed letters from Takeda Harunobu and Hojo Ujiyasu respectively.

Nagano Yezheng's half-closed eyes were shining brightly, he glanced at the crowd of people in the hall, and suddenly said: "What do you think of the capitulation letter from Hojo and Takeda?"

"Is it powerless to bully the people of Ueno country?" A strong man named Ohu Hidetsuna, who was the future Great Sword Master Ueizumi Nobutsuna, the first shot in Shangzhou, said angrily: "As long as Hidetsuna is here, I will never let Takeda. Hojo takes half a step!"

"I think..." Kobata Norishige murmured for a long time and wanted to say something. Suddenly, he looked back at his son, Kobata Nobuzada, and kept his mouth shut. His son and Nagano Yemasa's legitimate daughter just got married at the beginning of the year, and now he is also Nagano Yemasa. The in-laws were at a time when the young couple were inseparable, which made Kobata Norishige very embarrassed.

"Takeda Harunobu was defeated by the Kira family last year, and today he personally led an eight-thousand-strong army to attack Ueno. What is his motive?" Wada Yasushige is also the son-in-law of Nagano Yasumasa. He is older than the 16-year-old Kobata Nobusada. Much older, at twenty-five years old this year, he is already the lord of a city. He has fifty mounted samurai and 350 ashigaru troops under his command, which is quite powerful.

A member of the Nagano family and the Lord of Ueno Bridge Castle, Nagano Kentada, sneered: "The only intention is to see the Hojo clan invade Ueno and easily surrender to the Naha clan. They naively think that the people of Nishi Ueno country are also fools. How would they know? We hate the incompetence of Uesugi's constitutional government..."

"Shut up! The master's fault is not something that we and other ministers can discuss?" Nagano Yamasa responded to his disciple's rudeness with a glare, and Shangzhou Huangban did not forget to glare at the samurai present.

Nagano Yasumasa was not satisfied with Hirai Castle's failure to save the city last year. No matter how bad the constitutional government of Uesugi was, he was still the lord. How different was the lord's refusal to save him in times of trouble from the exile of Takeda Nobutora, a descendant of the Takeda family?

Nagano Yamasa, who became more and more angry as he thought about it, couldn't help scolding: "You guys are eager for quick success and allow the Hojo Army to attack wantonly. How much benefit does it have to us to squeeze out the lord now? What we Ueno people want is the right to autonomy, not

Exiling the lord and then surrendering to Hojo, Takeda and others, what good will it do to our autonomy by driving the lord away? Tell me! Why don't you say it?"

These words made the faces of the people of Nishi-Ueno Province burn with anger. Another son-in-law, the lord of Kunamine Castle, Kagesada Kobata, had to defend everyone's behavior: "But we have been fighting for the palace leader for many years, and not only have we not received any rewards, but we have also received continuous rewards.

The Battle of Kawagoe and the Battle of Odaihara brought huge losses to us. Such a lord is really incompetent and useless!"

Nagano Yasumasa was furious. He made a loud bang on the camera and said angrily: "No matter how incompetent you are, you are still the master. Without the protection of the master, how can we unite?"

Kobata Shinzada suddenly had an idea and blurted out: "Hinoki fan with one heart! Jilunzhong!"

"Hinoki Isshin?" All the Ueno people were shocked and said to themselves: "Isn't this tantamount to acknowledging the leadership position of the Nagano family in Nishi Ueno?"

The mayor of Yamana Castle, Kibe Sadaomata, was the first to react and responded loudly: "Okay! I support it!"

"Hinoki Isshin! Minawazu! This is it! Let's fight Takeda and Hojo!" Kanai Hidekage, the Lord of Kuragano Castle, glanced at everyone and his expression became more firm. Almost all the powerful lords of Nishi Ueno were Nagano Yamasa's son-in-law, Kibe Sada.

The same was true for both the DPRK and him. He didn't believe that anyone would oppose it.

Nagano Kentada was overjoyed when he saw this. He stood up and persuaded: "Brother! Just make your decision! We all support you!"

"Okay!" The half-squinted Nagano Yemasa suddenly opened his eyes, stood up suddenly and yelled: "Then pick up the cypress fan and focus on it! I, Yemasa, swore to the gods and Buddhas to defend the dignity of my Minun people from infringement.

Don’t surrender, don’t betray, and work together to defeat Hojo and Takeda’s invading army!”

"Yes! We are all dispatched from the Shinano Palace!" The Ueno natives agreed enthusiastically.

Nagano Imasa laughed and said: "From today onwards, we will build castles and connect them with each other's horns. We must turn Nishi Ueno into a nightmare for our enemies! I don't believe that Hojo and Takeda can still have three heads and six arms! Even if he enters Nishi Ueno, he is a nightmare for the enemy!"

Even if the gods and Buddhas descended, he would be in a dilemma of life and death!"

Since the beginning of April, when more than 13,000 Hojo troops, led by Hojo Ujiyasu, marched north to join the three counties of Naha, Sasaki, and Midorino, and many people from the country rebelled, the entire situation in Ueno has been in violent turmoil.

At the end of the month, Takeda Harunobu personally led eight thousand troops out of Saku and entered Usui County via Usui Pass.

The confident Takeda Army did not expect to encounter such great difficulties. The united Minawa people gathered an army of 15,000 under the leadership of Nagano Yimasa. The two sides started a fierce battle in Matsui Tawara in early July. Nagano Yimasa

Itomi Toromasa's troops, who were taking the lead and leading their troops to break into the Takeda Army's advance line, were defeated steadily. Finally, his younger brother Itomi Genshiro Masakage led his own party to resist desperately and stopped the Nagano Army's invasion.

The Shangzhou Sixteen Guns who followed up later divided their troops into four groups and attacked simultaneously under the leadership of Dai Hu Xietsuna. This unexpected attack routine caused chaos among the four formations of the Takeda Army. Nagano Yasumasa shouted: "Assault! Capture the enemy general Takeda Harunobu."

, Hinoki Fan will win with one heart!"

The main formation of the Takeda Army saw a veteran with shaggy hair and beard rushing towards him. Muroden Toroto who was guarding the main formation was furious when he saw this. He rode his horse to meet the veteran and fought with him. At the same time, Hinoki fanned Isshin's coalition forces.

Several cracks appeared in the middle, and the distance between them made it impossible to maintain the formation.

Takeda Harunobu, who was proficient in military strategy, made decisive adjustments: "Order Baba Nobuharu, Naito Masayo, Hara Hōin, and Oda Toramori to go out into battle, cut into the gap between the two wings of the Nagano army, and isolate their forces!"

These four simultaneous attacks happened to insert into the gap between the Nagano Army's march. The allied forces were entangled together and immediately showed the disadvantage of inconsistent orders. Facing the sudden advance of the Takeda Army, some of the Minawa warriors chose to continue charging, and some chose to

They stayed in a stalemate, and some decided to retreat temporarily to avoid the edge.

This chaos wiped out all the advantages that the Nagano Army had finally gained. Seeing that the situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable, the Nagano Army, which was advancing alone, was also in danger of being surrounded. Nagano Yasumasa's troops stopped three hundred meters away from the Takeda Army's main formation.

Not caring about the missed opportunity, he stabbed the rushing Takeda samurai to death with one shot, turned his horse and shouted three times: "Our army is in chaos, nothing can be done, retreat quickly!"

Hu Xiugang, who was covered in blood after being killed, hurriedly shouted: "Let me wait to cut off the alliance's rear!"

"Okay! You lead the sixteen gunmen to cut off the rear! You must stop the pursuit of the Takeda Army! Pay attention to your personal safety!" Nagano Yasumasa did not bother to explain a few more words, gave a "careful" look, and led the team to turn around.

After returning, the Jilunzhong who were entangled with each other asked him to rescue them. He could not hesitate at all on the battlefield where life and death were at stake.

Watching the brave and tough veteran gradually go away, Komai Masatake sighed: "It's still a little bit short! We were almost able to retain Nagano Yamasa! If we had deployed the counterattack later, we would have been more confident!


"It's too dangerous. I would rather give up the chance to keep him. Our Takeda family can no longer afford the loss." Takeda Harunobu shook his head. When giving orders, he also hesitated briefly, but he knew that the Takeda Army now has many problems.

Unable to afford failure or high losses, we could only hastily devise a counterattack strategy and strive to inflict greater damage to the Ueno coalition forces.

The Nagano Sixteen Spears are all top-notch warriors in Ueno. Dahu Xiutsuna not only has superb swordsmanship, but also has a pistol skill that is also famous in Kanto. He is known as the best spearman in Shangzhou, which shows how strong his martial arts skills are. He belongs to that kind of both

A gifted and persevering samurai, he and the other members of the Sixteenth Gun each led the Lang Party to form an army of more than 3,000 people, and they stubbornly blocked the main force of the Takeda Army from advancing.

After Nagano Ye was escorting the last friendly force to retreat, he personally led his own team to rush back to meet the rear-end army. A counterattack disrupted the Takeda Army's position, and they suddenly retreated before the Takeda Army could organize an offensive.

The exhausted Takeda army could only watch as the Nagano army retreated calmly.

Seeing the fat flying away from his mouth, the Takeda family's samurai yelled angrily: "Asshole! Why can you let go of the Danhou Army! What's wrong with us? This kind of Danhou Army must have been able to eat it in the past!"

Regarding the complaints from the retainers, Takeda Harunobu could only remain silent. The Battle of Kawanakajima was too painful. All the main forces of the Takeda Army suffered heavy losses to varying degrees. It would be difficult to form new samurai ashigaru for a while.

Elite combat power and serious injuries cannot be recovered in a year or two.

Nowadays, it is so difficult to defeat the Nagano Army. It must be said that the combat strength has dropped too much. Last year, when the army was in full strength, the cavalry hedging could also suppress the Nagano Army's offensive rhythm.

"Maybe it was a wrong decision to attack Kita Shinano..." At this moment, Takeda Harunobu regretted his reckless decision. If he had attacked Nishi Ueno a year earlier, he might have had a chance to increase his strength. Unfortunately, this

There are no what-ifs in the world, and it would be impossible for him not to beat Kitano Shinano.

This battle was fought quickly and ended quickly. The death of hundreds of people on both sides could only be regarded as minor losses. The Nagano army retreated to the cage castles in their respective mountain castles to defend themselves. Relying on Takaru Castle and Minawa Castle, they acted as horns of defense for each other.

They resisted to the death and continued to struggle from midsummer to late autumn.

The Takeda Army was like locusts hunting indiscriminately, not only money, food and drink, but also pots, pans, pans and clothing. They just hoped to provoke the Nagano Army to go out to fight in the city, but no matter how they called for a fight, they would end up on the cliff of Takaru Castle.

Standing back in front of the cliff, the cost of attacking from behind was heavy. The bows and arrows on the city were firing slowly and suffered heavy casualties.

With only less than 4,000 troops in two cities, Nagano Yasumasa resisted the Takeda Army's attack. The Takeda Army wasted a whole summer in Nishi Ueno but gained nothing, and finally had to retreat in dismay.

The offensive of the Hojo Army on the other side was also gradually lost in the densely packed castles in Nishi-Ueno. It seemed that endless castles and fortresses were located on every hilltop in Nishi-Ueno. Some of the hilltops were like Minawa Castle, with a fortress at each end of the mountain.

Becoming the leader of the snake and the tail of the snake, the Takeda Army suffered greatly from this fortification tactic. The Hojo Army was not much better than its allies and could only hastily harvest their food and retreat at the end of autumn.

"We won! We won!" The people of Ueno who drove away the invading army cheered for their hard-won victory. Soon they couldn't laugh anymore. After last year's famine, Ueno had a serious population loss and had been busy for a whole year.

The saved seeds are sown on the ground in anticipation of a harvest in the autumn.

In the end, the farmland they had worked so hard for all year became an invader and was burned, killed, and looted by Takeda and Hojo. How could they survive this cold winter? Thinking of this, the people of Nishijono couldn't help but feel itchy with hatred: "Takeda, Hojo

Those who insulted us and other Ueno people deserve to die!"

"Be patient and wait until next year..."

Nagano Yaguru, the lord of Takadome Castle, became the lord of the city at a young age. He has always been famous for his cleverness and decisiveness in the Nagano family. He seemed to be very disdainful of the old-school conservative samurai. He sneered and said: "Huh! They won't attack next year.

Is it? Two families coming to each other is enough for us. Don’t forget that the two families are allies. If they agree to stay for a year each, how can we bear it? Sooner or later, people’s hearts will disperse!"

As the cousin of Nagano Yamasa, he married another legitimate daughter of Nagano Yamasa. It can be said that Nagano Yamasa, who is only 18 years old this year, is very proud of himself. He was originally the second son of the Takadome Nagano family, and his brother Nagano Yamichi

He was not in good health and lived in seclusion in the city all year round, so the young Nagano Yagaku inherited the family business of his father Nagano Yakari and became the family governor of the Takadome Nagano clan.

The young and energetic man spoke mercilessly, and the expressions of the Minawa people changed after what he said. Nagano Kentada hurriedly scolded: "Shengjiro, what are you talking about! You said unlucky words at the celebration banquet... "

Nagano Yegu argued: "Am I wrong? Takeda and Hojo are like tigers and wolves! How long can we, the people of Ueno, survive without the protection of our lord? You are all my elders, can't you see Shinano? What will be the fate of our countrymen? The hero Yoshikiyo Murakami was also defeated by the iron heel of the Takeda Army..."

"Shut up!" Nagano Yemasa interrupted his long speech with an angry shout: "I know it's your elders who are still acting arrogant here!"

Another son-in-law of Nagano Yasumasa, the Lord of Banno Takaji Castle Yida Yasada said with a smile: "Although Iyo Shouden is a little impulsive, this is not wrong! The Takeda Army is indeed difficult to deal with, especially Yukitaka Sanada. Deal with it, everyone must have heard of this rumor, right? The disintegration of the Northern Shinano wealthy alliance was the work of this person. He did everything possible to recruit and destroy the alliance of the people of the country. There is always a hidden danger in our Nishi Ueno with this person!" (Unfinished) to be continued.)

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