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Chapter 298

"Your Highness, your Highness, you can't go in! Your Highness, Your Highness!" A loud noise came from outside the hall, and Kenmasa Uesugi barged in regardless of the guards' obstruction.

Uesugi Kenmasa stared at his eyes that were swollen like goldfish, and asked loudly: "Buidedon! Please give me an explanation! How can I be willing to rescue my Uesugi family and Ueno's crisis?"

"Are the Uesugi Military Headquarters Chiefs questioning our family?" Kira Yoshitoki looked quite happy. When he saw Uesugi Kenmasa, he immediately made a long face: "I have to consider the matter of Ueno Country again. If you don't have any other questions, please come back.


There was impatience and indifference in his tone, and there was only coldness and indifference in his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't like this useless Kanto leader, especially with Uesugi Kenmasa's performance in the past few months.

It made him very angry.

Relying on the fact that he was the commander of Kanto, he ran amok in Kasugayama Castle. He went to the castle tower every three days to make a fuss when he met Kira Yoshi and Nagao Kagetora. When he saw them, they kept saying the same words over and over again. If it weren't for Kira Yoshi who was in charge.

Kasugayama Castle was about to become his home court. Seeing that Kiragi was deliberately procrastinating and proposing unacceptable conditions, he thought that he would use the strategy of surrounding the curve, contact the Nagao retainers privately, and run around looking for people to build relationships with.

What a joy.

He tried to use Yamauchi's meager bargaining chip to exchange for Echigo's support. Fortunately, Kensei Uesugi himself was also poor, and all his supplies came from the Kira family. If he had money to bribe the important ministers of the Nagao family, I'm afraid

He was expelled from Echigo by Kira Yoshitoki long ago and wandered outside.

Kenmasa Uesugi's face turned pale and he sat down on the ground, his expression as dejected as if his parents had died. At this moment, Nagao Kagetora strode in amid a commotion. Seeing the Kanto leader slumped on the ground in such a miserable state, he said dissatisfied: "

Yoshitoki! The Yamauchi-Uesugi family is my famous samurai family in Kanto. You should respect the master of the palace no matter what!"

Yoshitoki Kira also knew that going against Giurio would not bring good results, so he simply gave up his insistence and let him decide. Continuous communication over the past few years allowed him to gradually influence some of Nagao Kagetora's decisions, and he could get support even if he didn't understand.

There are always some things that he has no control over, such as the current situation.

"Okay, just listen to my brother." Kira Yoshihi shrugged and chose to keep his mouth shut. In his eyes, Uesugi Kenmasa was like a canary in a cage. If he didn't obey, he would beat him at will. If he didn't obey, he would open the cage and let him go.

Freedom, it is not worth falling out with Nagata Kagetora over a canary.

What's more, Nagao Kagetora's retirement due to illness was only a temporary expedient, and his influence in Echigo did not decline as a result. Although the Kira family took this opportunity to significantly increase their prestige, the discord between the two retainers required Nagao Kagetora to

To get used to it, Nagao Kagetora's indifference to worldly matters was not in line with his intentions.

"Thank you Danzhoden for your help! Kensei is really grateful!" Kensei Uesugi didn't dare to look at Kira Yoshi's face. He hunched his body and bowed humbly: "Please Tanshoden to uphold justice for my Uesugi family! As long as

If you can regain the Ueno Kingdom for my Uesugi family, the position of Kanto Governor will be handed over to you!"

"This...I have now retired from worldly affairs. I'm afraid I'll have to ask questions about this matter." Nagao Kagetora hesitated for a moment but refused. He was originally a very smart man, but he was bound by a vague moral concept.

In the past few years, Kiragi has been repeatedly nurturing him and he has become shrewd and calm.

An illness tortured his body and exercised his willpower. He took this opportunity to successfully get rid of the stubborn obsession that had troubled him for many years, also known as the so-called intellectual barrier. Looking back at Uesugi Kenmasa's proposal, Nagao Kagetora was able to calm down.

Dealing with the issue of stewardship inheritance.

Today's Ueno country is a hot potato. If Echigo gets even the slightest bit of it, he won't be able to get rid of it no matter how hard he tries. If the problems in Ueno country are not handled well, it will hold back a lot of Echigo's energy and war potential for at least two or three years.

It would be difficult to get out of this quagmire for at least ten or eight years.

If it were just Ueno's problem, it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that Northern Shinano has initially stabilized. To restore the order of agricultural production, we need to calm people's hearts and rebuild the confidence of the people. We also need to appease the frightened lords and the Shinano Chikuma River.

Agricultural transformation plans for river basins, etc., a myriad of things need to be done bit by bit.

Not to mention the primary purpose of homeland defense. The Battle of Kawanakajima caused heavy losses to the main force of the Takeda family, but it does not mean that the Takeda family has lost the ability to fight back. Anyone who underestimates the Takeda family and Takeda Harunobu will fall into his hands.

Here, everyone from Minami-Shinano, Suwa Yorishige, Takato Yoritsugi, and Ogasawara Nagatoki to Hoku-Shinano, Murakami Yoshikiyo and Takanashi Masayori, all have a deep understanding of this.

Shinano was originally a troublesome quagmire. The Takeda family was no less difficult than the Hojo family, and the Shinano people were no less capricious than the unscrupulous Ueno people. Now, Kira Yoshitomo's layout in Northern Shinano is only

It can be considered that it has achieved initial results, consolidating the absolute dominance of the Kira family in the Kawanakajima area. However, Xiaozhen County in the southern part of the Chikuma River has to face greater pressure and is faced with the Takeda army attacking from all directions at any time. If one does not draw fire, it is easy to

Kawanaka Island will be exposed to war again.

With such a big mess to deal with, how can there be time to help Uesugi Kenmasa clean up the mess in Ueno? If Shinano gets stuck in the quagmire of Ueno and can't pull out, wouldn't both sides suffer if Shinano makes up for it at the right time?

On the big issues of right and wrong, the two people still have the same will. It is not advisable for Echigo to send troops blindly. It is best to do nothing if possible.

Looking at Uesugi Kenmasa leaving in embarrassment, Nagao Kagetora shook his head and stood up, walked slowly outside the hall and then turned around and said: "We shouldn't treat the governor like this..."

"There are many things that should not be done in the world. Without these, the shogunate should be safe, the Kanto governor should be in charge of Hirai Castle, and the Kira family should still stay in Kyoto and serve the public with peace of mind. It is these things that should not allow us samurai families to stand out. As long as we can

Maintain the stability of the shogunate, and you will be forgiven if you do something you shouldn't do." Kira Yoshi smiled nonchalantly.

"Maybe you are right... I hope the shogunate can be in peace." Nagao Kagetora's leaving figure was particularly lonely and desolate. Kira Yoshi almost opened his mouth, but in the end he endured it.

If everything went according to the original track, where would there be the chaos of the Warring States Period? But how could there be so many assumptions in the world for him to do? He could only passively accept it all, and strive to struggle bravely in the long river of destiny. Trying to make the leap to the top

Carp in Longmen.

Just as Nagao Kagetora noticed, Kira Yoshitoki has unspeakable ambitions. Smart people will always find differences in his words and deeds, but these are all things that cannot be said. He is the Goichi of the Ashikaga family.

A famous samurai family who vowed to be a loyal minister of Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

As a famous shogunate and a member of the Minamoto family, he has colorful auras all over his body. He needs to keep his face to maintain the dignity of his name from being tarnished. The flag of the Ashikaga family must be carefully protected and not allowed to be stained. In this way,

He was forced to suppress his ambition.

But ambition is like a flame that will never go out, and it keeps rising as time goes by. For example, Echigo and Kitano Shinano's several obviously unusual performances were that his emotions were involuntarily ignited by radical wildfires, and he was unconsciously ignited.

When I woke up, I used different domineering methods than before.

An hour later, in a teaching field in Kasugayama Castle, Kira Yoshi was out of breath and dripping with sweat. Standing opposite him was Echigo Zhongkui, Saito Asanobu, and he was seen waving the sword in his hand as if he were strolling in the garden.

The big body gun pressed in again and again. The difference in physical strength between the two of them became apparent after fighting for twenty or thirty times.

With each collision of the two spears, Kira Yoshitoki gradually lost control of his steps. After fighting for more than twenty times, Saito Asanobu knocked the spear away, and the long fight finally came to an end.

Iwakurumaru came around with a few people and cheered excitedly: "The master of the hall is so powerful! He has been able to hold a stalemate with His Highness Shimono Mamoru for more than fifty years!"

Kira Yoshishi shook his head indifferently, looked at Saito Asanobu's rosy face with just a hint of sweat, and said with a wry smile: "My family is far behind Shimono Mamoru, and the full force confrontation is still a bit behind, Shimono Mamoru

He is indeed a fierce general in Echigo today."

Saito Asanobu was not modest either. He laughed and said: "The master's talent is very good and his basic skills are very solid. If he spends more time practicing, he can also become a fierce general."

"Time is too tight. I wish I could divide myself into several parts and work hard. How can I have so much time to practice!" He naturally knows his level. If he continues to practice at this level, he will be at a first-rate level at most, and he will go further.

Being at the top is difficult.

Today's Saito Asanobu is just like Kakizaki Keie and Hojo Tsunari ten years ago. They are at the peak of their lives. Even his number one general, Watanabe Takatsuna, can hardly be said to be sure of beating him. Takikawa Tokimasu

It's a bit more tender.

It's not yet the first lunar month, and it's freezing cold for a long time. There's a lot of heat and there's no fear of catching a cold. Several young people gathered around Kiragi and came to the porch to rest. There was a bowl of boiling chicken soup sitting on a small stove.

Rolling around, Iwakuru opened a black lacquer food box, which contained several hot pastries, which were made by Mochizuki Chiyome.

The fragrant and delicious chicken soup has replaced the traditional miso miso soup and has become the first choice for Kira Yoshiki for many years. The luxurious diet and the habit of three meals a day have severely impacted the values ​​​​of the poor Echigo samurai.

For a country samurai who has never been to Kyoto in his life, this is the legendary Kyoto style, which is deliberately imitated.

"Wuweidian is really not afraid of meat and fish as the legend says!" Saito Asanobu swallowed hard and pretended not to care and said, "Eating meat and fish will be punished by the gods and Buddhas!"

Kira Yoshishi raised his soup bowl and asked him, "Would you like some?"


A bowl of chicken soup was consumed by the two of them. After a while, he saw Saito Asanobu looking distracted, and he joked: "Shimono has been sparring here for a long time, but he still wants to meet Sister Aju, right?"


"Uh, hahaha..." Saito Asanobu, no matter how thick-skinned he was, couldn't stand the embarrassment. He stood up and walked out, muttering to himself: "I can't hide my little thoughts from Wu Weiden! But I

I also know the rules, so I’m leaving now!”

Seeing him running away, Kira Yoshih thought deeply: "Isn't this guy very shameless? Why did he run away?"

At Kai Erinji Temple, Takeda Harunobu is sitting in the Buddhist hall listening to the sermons of Kihide Yuanbo. The Buddha in the temple is solemn, the smoke in the temple is like a fairyland, and the low and powerful chanting sounds slowly follow a fixed rhythm.

This is Takeda Harunobu's habit. As long as he is in the Tsubasaki Hall, he will definitely come here every month to listen to Buddhist scriptures.

Gradually the chanting stopped, and Takeda Harunobu woke up from his meditation. He looked at Qi Xiu Yuanbo with clear eyes, clasped his hands and said: "Zen Master! I have a problem that I don't know how to solve. I wonder if Zen Master can solve it for me.


Qixiu Yuanbo was an old monk with a pale face. He put his hands together and saluted and said, "Please Tan Yue ask."

"There is a powerful enemy in the north that threatens the greater the world. I have been thinking about it for a long time but I can't find it. I don't know how to defeat it?"

Qixiu Yuanbo put his hands together and said with an unmoving expression: "The poor monk is not familiar with military affairs and cannot answer Tan Yue, which disappoints Tan Yue."

Takeda Harunobu put his hands together and returned the gift, and replied disappointedly: "It was me, Harunobu, who was rude..."

"However, the poor monk knows that there is nothing eternal in the world. The changes in prosperous times and troubled times are like the blooming and withering of flowers, the changes and circulation of the four seasons. The weak will of the world's people is often deceived, just like the rise and fall of the bright moon. Only gods and Buddhas can

For those who are eternal and immortal... A moment of great strength will eventually be overshadowed by decline. If Tan Yue can find his weakness, he will definitely be able to break it."

Takeda Harunobu was suddenly stunned. After a long while, he clasped his hands and saluted and said, "After listening to Zen Master's words, I was enlightened and enlightened! I, Harunobu, have been taught!"

On the mountain road leaving Erinji Temple, Takeda Harunobu patted Kasuga Torasuna on the shoulder and whispered a few words in his ear. The latter nodded seriously and got up and left. Before leaving, Takeda Harunobu said again: "

You must be extra careful. No third person other than you and me should know that we suspect there is a secret room in our home. The only people we can trust are you, and you are the only one who is the most suitable to do this!"

Kasuga Torasuna leaned down excitedly and said respectfully: "Please rest assured, my lord, I, Torasuna, will go through fire and water for your lord without hesitation! I will definitely complete this task successfully! I have resigned!"

In the blink of an eye, the first month has passed, and the towering snow-capped mountains gradually melted away and turned into clear streams that merged into several rivers in Echigo. In the past three years since arriving in Echigo, Fujitaka Hosokawa has been thinking about his plans all the time.

progress, and worked hard day and night to plan how to revitalize this land.

According to the initial idea, relying on Echigo's relatively developed river network, it has always been an important goal to establish a complex irrigation network covering the Echigo plains. This is also the goal that the practitioners strive to achieve.

In the assessment room of Kasugayama Castle, there is a small assessment meeting every ten days. The devotees of the Kira family and the Nagao family gather together. Everyone holds a stack of "Annual Plan Minutes" that have just been issued. This is produced and used by the devotees.

A screw-type hand-operated wooden printing press made by Kronberg.

This technology comes from an original printing press invented by his compatriots. The method is to put paper on the plate, apply ink on the graphic part of the plate, and then pass the paper and pressurize the ink to transfer to the paper.

Although it has many shortcomings, it can greatly improve printing efficiency.

The assessment room was quiet except for the swish of bound papers. After a while, Hosokawa Fujitaka cleared his throat and said: "Now that the Nitta irrigation network has been initially implemented, judging from the current construction situation, Sekikawa The irrigation network in the basin is basically completed. The Shinano River and Agano River will take another two to three years to be completed, which is one to two years behind schedule. The main reason is the impact of land improvement in Niigata."

The Sekikawa area is located in Nagao, the core area of ​​the Kira control area. It has sufficient manpower and material support. While developing and planting new fields, it is also working on the construction of irrigation facilities. The network of rivers and ditches extends in all directions, which can provide sufficient water. Water supplies new fields everywhere.

The Shinano River and the Agano River are located in an area where people from Central Etsu and Lower Etsutsu are densely gathered. In the hundreds of years before that, the Echigo guardian Uesugi clan and the guardian Nagao clan were unable to strengthen their control until Kiragi entered Echigo. Get rid of this deep-rooted influence.

In the originally powerful Sino-Vietnamese Chinese group, the Ueda clan all surrendered after Nagao Masaki was re-appointed. After several attacks, the Echigo-Uesugi faction declined in power. Kakizaki Keie, Yasuda Keigen, Yoshie Keizi and other Chinese-Vietnamese groups were Vigorous promotion and transfer to Nobuno, Hojo Takahiro surrendered to the Kira family, and coupled with the Hatamoto wealthy family subordinate to the Nagao family, the entire Chinese people in China and Vietnam were beaten to pieces and completely lost the backbone of the past. (To be continued, please search Gone with the Wind. Astronomy and novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Kawenka has been having a headache recently, and I forgot to thank book friends for their tips. Here I would like to apologize to several book friends who are enthusiastic about giving tips! Then I would like to express my special thanks to book friends for their generous tips. This book is the second Sir, thank you very much!

This chapter has been completed!
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